7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh god Edinburgh.... That's so frustrating!!!! Hope it all ends well though, lets keep everything crossed!!! I have AF cramps and no AF!!! I know I am out, just want her to arrive so I can have my little cry and get on with it!!! Cycle 22!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
I'm in manchester now, just been to sister in laws who announced her pregnancy....:(

Ive No cramps now & No spotting or af. Cd 31 tomorrow. Last cycle was 30 days xx
Awwwww frisky.... Sis you know she was pregnant already???? It will be our turn soon my lovely :) xxx
Frisky, keeping my fingers crossed for you. Betty, you too, not out till the witch shows up. Tina, how you doing peeps? Momwife, what you feeling like now?
I have been nauseated on and off since last night and today I have a fever blister on the corner of my lip.:growlmad: I have not had one of those in years!!!!! My oldest DD was playing in the kitchen with the the little one and she fell and broke broke of her front teeth in half. She broke them straight across. I took her to the dentist but come to find out that they wasn't open. The lady was rude to me and DH and everything. DH was about to go off on her. So then we just took her to the ER and they gave her some antibiotics and something for the pain. The Dr. told me that she would probably have to have a root canal on them and they will put caps on the teeth.:growlmad::cry: I remember whn I was a kid there were plenty of pediatric dentists that was open on the weekends and after hours. Time has changed. When I took her to the ER that's when the fever blister pop up. Had an stressful day!!!!!!!

I am keeping my FX crossed for you ladies!!!!!:hugs::flower:
Morning ladies. 8 days late and bfn again. Have given up on getting one now. Costing me a fortune I'm tests. I'm going to have to talk to my friend and mum about it our I'm going to go bananas!

Momwife, that's awful! Your poor DD. Must have been in so much pain.

Frisky, how you holding up with sisinlaws news?

Still no AF ladies?
Momwife.... I'm so sorry about your DD, bless her I hope she is ok, that's not a nice thing to happen. It's the same over here, all doctors surgerys and dentists are closed for the holidays, just the emergency rooms open :( hope she is not in too much pain!
Edinburgh, so you think your cycle is out of sync from being on the pill for a short time and then coming off it or do you feel pregnant??? I have seen lots of posts from other women that have not got their BFP until almost 10 days after AF was due so it is possible! Just very frustrating!!!
Well no AF for me but she is not due till tmrw and I also tested yesterday and bfn which is no surprise. I'm not have a great day today :( me and OH had a massive argument yesterday, we had a night out planned so we decided to make up and still go out but we ended up having another massive argument once we were out and the whole night ended up being a disaster. I just don't feel like I'm his priority anymore :( he never buys me flowers or does anything spontaneous, just feels like he doesnt need to make an effort anymore. He seems to be more concerned about having a night with his friends rather than me. So this all came out yesterday. All good fun hey??? I admit I'm a little touchy at the moment anyway and it's not helping that TTC is always on my mind.... Ugh, feel so bloody miserable :( glad I have somewhere to rant!!! Sorry for depressing everyone xxxx
Oh betty, sorry to hear about your row, there's nothing worse. Maybe its a good thing it all came out, he may be more aware and make more of an effort now? Relationships can be hard, but as long as you can communicate with each other, im sure it will get sorted out. Plus your probably more sensitive with the whole ttc thing too. Chin up :)

Momwife, so sorry to hear about your little ones teeth. Hope they get sorted tomorrow.

Edingburgh, will a blood test not confirm for sure if your pregnant or not?? How frustrating!

I didnt know my sister in law was pregnant no, but she got rushed into hospital yesterday as she was bleeding :( but they can't scan her till Monday , so she has to wait. Her cervix is still closed, so I guess that's a good sign.

Af not here for me yet, I'm on cycle day 31....did a test but it's negative. I've No cramps, No sore boobs like i normally have. It's weird.

Gonna have a few drinks tonight, but not go mad. Xx
Hey ladies , I was reading through this thread and I seen how supportive and inspiring you are to one another. I was hoping I could share some of my symptoms & get some advice. :)
Hello DCM and you are very welcome to our thread!!! These girls are just fabulous and so supportive!!! How are you and what's your TTC story??

Edinburgh.... I'm with frisky, I think you should request bloods to be done.
Frisky.... I hope your SIL is ok, nothing worse than having to wait for a scan, that happened to me and it was the worst 4 days of my life! Hope that everything is ok with baby..... So you have tested again and it's bfn??? I have no more tests so will just wait for AF, I reckon she will be here on New Year's Eve!! Oh, can't wait!!!! :)
Hi DCM - what are your symptoms? We're all a little nuts but that's a good thing on here. No one will chastise you if you start testing 2 DPO or want to share a truly bonkers dream with us!

I'm going to stop testing and if no AF by Friday I'll call and request the comparative bloods for the week after. I figure I may as well wait as long as poss before they go sticking things in me.

Bloody long ass 2 week wait though!!!!
Hello DCM and you are very welcome to our thread!!! These girls are just fabulous and so supportive!!! How are you and what's your TTC story??

Edinburgh.... I'm with frisky, I think you should request bloods to be done.
Frisky.... I hope your SIL is ok, nothing worse than having to wait for a scan, that happened to me and it was the worst 4 days of my life! Hope that everything is ok with baby..... So you have tested again and it's bfn??? I have no more tests so will just wait for AF, I reckon she will be here on New Year's Eve!! Oh, can't wait!!!! :)

Thanks so much for the warm welcome, well to start off I have been TTC since August 2012. After getting on Depo in Dec 2012 my cycles were out of wack for some time but they finally went back to normal after getting on BC pills and that was in Sept 2013. OH and I have been together for 3 years and this is just the perfect timing. :winkwink:

Hi DCM - what are your symptoms? We're all a little nuts but that's a good thing on here. No one will chastise you if you start testing 2 DPO or want to share a truly bonkers dream with us!

I'm going to stop testing and if no AF by Friday I'll call and request the comparative bloods for the week after. I figure I may as well wait as long as poss before they go sticking things in me.

Bloody long ass 2 week wait though!!!!
Hello sweetie, nice to meet you as well:hugs:. Well yesterday i was 5dpo and my symptoms included being overly tired , literally been in the bed all day. My tongue is sensitive for some strange reason as well. It burns whenever i eat something. A friend asked me today was I pregnant. He claims I'm showing signs. And another weird thing that i noticed was after using the bathroom i noticed my pee was light; almost clear. My pee is always yellow or dark yellow (from drinking soda's I'm guessing) but i haven't changed any of my eating or drinking habits so this all seemed strange to me.
Hello girls, I'm okay apart from I feel like I've been swallowing razor blades! Had a really sore throat for a couple of days just hope it's nothing nasty like tonsillitis :-( AF stopped last night so time to concentrate on cycle 6.

Has anybody ever used any lubricants to help the spermies? I never get a massive amount of EWCM so was thinking of trying something to help but haven't a clue where to start!

Its exciting that there's still no AFs!! Edinburgh, I agree with the girls I would suggest a blood test with your GP. That will definitely confirm it either way, the wait must be terrible for you hun.

Frisky/Betty are either of you having any symptoms? Xx
Hi Tina.... I have used preseed in the past, google it, it's really good. Worth trying anything I think :)
Massive migraine for me today :( means that AF is on her way, no symptoms and I just know its not my month....
Frisky, any update from you chick??? Edinburgh, still no AF?????
DCM, when will you test? Are you like us and start testing at 3dpo??? :)
Momwife, how is your daughter???
Hello ladies!!

Welcome DCM :) Good luck towards your bfp!

Well, No news here. No period for me, No symptoms of pregnancy or period. I'm 1-2 days late now. Bfn this morning!
Sister in law baby is fine, it was a bleed on her placenta, so that's good news xx
I'll be testing on the 8th of January (sometimes I wanna cave in and do it now) ). I'm actually 7dpo. Symptoms so far includes : I had a really weird dream this morning , I had to wake up and look in my dream dictionary. That's weird for me because I never dream, I also had lower abdomen cramps (feels like af cramps), Ewcm that feels like lotion.
Evening! No AF for me. Busy day and still not well. Little one has a chest infection, got to love the vacation of the year for my family immune systems. Feel better soon tina.
Blood test next monday. Might test tomorrow just for shitsngiggles. Sorry to hear about the migraine betty, rest up. Frisky, that's great that you are late. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
I recommend preseed. It's very good. Used it conceiving my daughter and we were pregnant 6 weeks after stopping condoms!
Hi girls.... Frisky, when was the last time you tested?? Edinburgh, i can't believe how late you are!!! My AF was due today CD30, i had cramps all day and thought she had arrived earlier as I was very wet (sorry I know that's tmi!!!) and was greeted with lots of CM so I got my hopes up for about 10 minutes!!! I know she will arrive tmrw but if she hasn't arrived in the morning I will go out and get some tests as I want to have a drink tmrw night.....
DCM, you're symptoms are looking pretty positive!!!! Keep us posted :)
Sorry to hear your little ones not well Edinburgh, hope she feels better soon. At least your bloods are booked in now, can't believe your period still isn't here.

We have just got back from Manchester, was a long drive. My little man isn't too good, his asthma is bad tonight, he's weasing alot.

Betty, I last tested today. Not going to test again now this week. I've been cramping a bit tonight, so Maybe she's just teasing me by being late? My periods are normally spot on every month! Hope yours stays away Xx

I'm so tired, will sleep like a baby tonight xxx

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