7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Thanks ladies, I'm hoping the results are good but I have some doubt in the back of my mind due to me TV since August 12'.
Welcome :hi: dcm_mw12!

FX for you ladies!! I hope to see another BFP on this thread soon!

My DD went to the dentist today and she had to have 2 root canals done. :cry: She has to go back in 2 weeks so that they can finish the 2nd part of the root canal and they have to build her teeth up (the other half) so that her 2 teeth can look like the rest of her other teeth. The dentist said that he will have to put metal rods in the teeth that is remaning and then attach the the other half of the made up teeth. I hope I made any sense. I am kind of sad since she have to go to school with her teeth looking like that. But the good news is that right now, she is acting like her normal self. She is not in pain, which is a great thing!

FX again for you ladies and lots of :dust::dust::dust:
I got bored and was on you tube and I seen where people did homemade pregnancy test with urine and bleach. This is the one I tried. These are just fun things to pass the time by I suppose. I put the links below if anyone is interested.


Morning all and happy New Year's Eve!!!! AF has arrived for me :(
I'm going to have 10 minutes of being miserable and feeling sorry for myself and then I'm going to shape up and get ready to see in the new year, whoooop!!!!
DCM, will have a look at those links, I love peeing on a stick!!!!
CD37, another negative test.

I've had to abandon our real nappies for some disposables on account of the antibiotics doctor gave munchkin yesterday.

Sorry to hear the witch arrived betty. Sounds like a good plan though re not letting her ruin your new year.

Have a good one when it comes ladies x
Good morning girls,

Betty,So sorry af has arrived for you. :hugs: At least you can have a drink tonight & get cracking on with your next cycle! You have your next appointment on the 7th too don't you betty?

Momwife, that's such a shame for your DD. At least its getting sorted now & she's not in pain.

Edingburgh, how's your little one feeling? When are your bloods again?

Dcm....looks like I'll be digging out the bleach later! Haha any more symptoms for you?

I've been up all night, Joe has been bad with his asthma, so I've had broke sleep. I feel sick with tiredness. No af here, no symptoms of anything! Only a few cramps now and again. I'm wondering if I haven't ovulated for some reason, causing me not to have a period??

May be she's just late, we will see. I just don't feel pregnant, I know it's not my month.

What's everybody got planned for tonight?
Af here now, 3 days late.

Think I'm just going to give up on this dream now girls, it's making me too depressed & ill. I can't go on each month with the same disappointment, it'll be 2 years of trying in March :( Xx
Frisky..... I'm with you chick!!!! But, don't give up.... It's totally heartbreaking but there will be a BFP at some point for us!!! You are going for your tests and hopefully that will give you some answers which will mean you can move forward and get the help you need..... :) don't let it get you down, have a drink tonight and look forward to a new year!!! Sending you lots of big :hug: xxxxx
Aww Betty , sorry that ugly witch had to show her ugly face. Just keep & I'm sure next time will be better. I haven't had any symptoms, just lower abdomen cramps I get before af. They were so strong last night I was convinced af had shown but false alarm. I'm thinking of trying the toothpaste pregnancy test right now & see how that goes.
Frisky..... I'm with you chick!!!! But, don't give up.... It's totally heartbreaking but there will be a BFP at some point for us!!! You are going for your tests and hopefully that will give you some answers which will mean you can move forward and get the help you need..... :) don't let it get you down, have a drink tonight and look forward to a new year!!! Sending you lots of big :hug: xxxxx

Thanks betty....was just having a moment. My cycle seems to be messed up this month! 3 days late...had a spot of blood & nothing else!! I'm usually full flow by now! Urrghhhh she's taking her time.

Hope everyone has a good night tonight. I'll be in bed before 10..I'm so tired !!
Happy new years everyone !! Hope everyone have a safe holiday.
Happy new year girlies! Went out last night with Mark and my mum and dad, feel a little worse for wear this morning! Here's a picture of me and my lovely mum from last night


Sorry girls that your AFs have arrived :-( my AF was late last cycle too, although I expected it because I ovulated later than normal.

Thanks Betty for mentioning preseed, I will do some research into it!

Back to work tomorrow girls, back to reality after a lovely 12 days off. Can't believe it's the start of a brand new year, suppose we should start making plans for a summer holiday! It'll be something to look forward to at least. Xx
Happy New Year ladies!!!

Tina, I love the pic! You and your mom are so pretty!!! :)
Ahh thank you girls! That's a lovely thing to say.

How are you feeling mom wife? Has the sickness kicked in yet? Have you got a date for your scan?

Tina, you're bloody gorgeous missus!!!!!! :)
It's so good to be able to put a face to the name....x
Hi ladies! Happy New Year! I'm so sorry AF has caused more heart ache for you betty and frisky. Please don't give up but do shout loud till you get some answers.

I'm not making resolutions this year. Gonna fly by the seat of my pants as always. Can't believe the hols are nearly over and that I'll be full time again in one short month! Feeling a bit depressed about spending less time with munchkin.

I'm cd38 now and no af. No positive test either. Blood test on monday.

Tina, that's a lovely photo peeps! Momwife, how is your daughter? Are you feeling ok? I don't feel great but don't want to say anything to my husband in case we are not pregnant and he thinks I'm nuts.
Currently 9dpo, been feeling queasiness in my stomach & throat for some strange reason, still feeling fatigue, but I'm still getting those af cramps and that's what's really making me have dealt in the back of my mind that af will show up.

Btw beautiful picture Tina, you both look stunning.
Oh my word Edinburgh.... I can't believe AF is still not here for you!!!! I really hope the blood test shows you are pg, this must be so frustrating for you!!!! I'm sorry you will be going back full time to work, who is looking after munchkin for you while you go to work?

DCM, when are you gonna test?? Your symptoms sound positive chick :)

I'm sure there is something wrong with me :( my periods are just getting worse every month. Very heavy and so painful even the painkillers the doctor has given me do not work. I also pass huge clots, ugh, I'm sure that's why I'm struggling to get pg. I know I have endo but I don't know how bad it is.... Anyone else have the same thing???
Dcm, those are Nice positive symptoms! When will you test?

Arrgghhh Edingburgh! How frustrating, bet your going crazy with it all now! Only a few more days to wait till bloods, stick in there! X

Betty, so sorry to hear about your periods. I ususlly suffer terribly, I loose a huge amount of clots, I go through boxes of tampons, the super plus ones too. And I've even had to come home from work because of the pain, I was given tablets to help eases the bleeding, but they act like a pill & can stop you getting pregnant, so I didn't bother with them. Maybe you should mention it at your appointment, they may investigate further. It could just be one of those things though, your not alone in this, so try not to worry betty :hugs:

I say I usually suffer terribly as this cycle is WEIRD!
So I was 2-3 days late with af, she arrived after I wiped when I went to the loo ( TMI sorry girls) it was a light pink...then nothing! Yesterday the same thing happened when I wiped just once though. So, I used a tampon & hardly anything there, just a light pinky lotiony. I'm normally bleeding heavily by now, soaking through a tampon ( they are that bad) No doubt she will be here in fully clotted flow tomorrow or later today, it's just odd, as I've never had her start like this before, it's normally bright red when I wipe!

I'm going to attempt to get Xmas tree down today..I love Christmas, I'd have the decorations up all year if I could!! Haha Xx

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