7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hello frisky, im feeling okay its starting to sink in a little more now. We went to my DH mums house last night to cook her dinner and help her sort through some of his things because he was terrible for keeping absolutely everything and just throwing it in a cupboard or drawer. We found some diaries he had written in the 90s and had a good giggle reminiscing. I feel better knowing that she is coping with it all better than I expected.

My DH is still not great, he's really up and down emotionally. One minute he's fine and the next he's in tears. He was really close to his dad though so I'm not expecting this all to be easy, I know it's going top take time. It's a great healer.

We're both off work for the next week so we're going to help his mum organise the funeral starting on Monday

Thank you girls for your kind words, it means a lot knowing there's somewhere I can pour my heart out and somebody is there to listen

I'm sorry for your loss, tina. My condolences to you and your husband. There's never anything you can say to make it better but we're thinking of you. X
I am sorry for your loss Tina. You and your husband just try to take it one day at a time. The only thing you can do is be strong right now. :hugs:
Oh Tina, that's such sad news I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.... Stay strong. Much love to you :hugs:
AF has turned up, 16 days late. Exactly 40 mins before I was due my blood test. At least it turned up before the blood test or I might have truly been spitting tacks. I guess I'm just glad to finally be sure, one way or the other. I am a little frustrated and worried about my cycles. I've never been irregular before and I'm hoping it's just on account of this monstrous virus thingy I came down with before Christmas (and still have). Otherwise I'm not sure how I'll ever know if I'm late, or when I've O'd again. And when I think of what I've spent on damn HPTs!! Not to mention missing out on mulled wine, sudafed and strepsils when I really needed them!

I was mortified telling my husband.

Anyway. That's enough of all that. How are we all this gloomy Monday morning? Everyone and their houses survive the wacky tides and storms over the weekend?

Tina, how are you doing sweetie?

Momwife, how are you feeling? Have you had a booking in appointment yet?

Me and shortie have swimming this morning and then I'm looking after my friend's little one this afternoon so she can go for her 12 week scan. I'm guaranteed to be wiped out by 5pm! I also have to start arranging a nursery place for my little person today if I'm going to be f/t at work by February. Oh the joys!

Not loving this particular Monday so far, but it can only get better!
Oh I'm sorry Edinburgh..... Hopefully it's just a one off and your cycles will return to normal now.... It must have been so frustrating for you! Our bodies can be very cruel to us sometimes :(

Tina.... How are you my lovely??? Sending you lots of love xxx

It's a typical depressing Monday! I have absolutely zero motivation. I'm still in my pj's need to get some energy from somewhere and sort myself out!!!!
How is everyone today??
Sorry to hear that Edinburgh, I can imagine how you are feeling being in a similar limbo myself.

Hope you are holding up Tina xx
Hi girls, im doing okay. It's been 3 days now since he's passed and I think I'm all cried out, I physically can't do it anymore! So instead I'm trying to remember the good times we had with him.

Edinburgh I can't believe your period turned up! That's so shitty :-( I hope like you said it's because of a virus and your cycle gets back to normal after this one!

Im on cycle day 12, I've only just realised too that I'm all out of OPKs! And there's not enough time now before ovulation happens to order them so I guess I'm just going off cervical position and cramps this cycle! Xxx
Oh Tina..... It's such a hard process to go through.... It will get easier in time but its going to be tough few weeks for you and your family. How is your hubby holding up???

I'm at the fertility clinic today getting all my results back.... My app is at 3pm so will let you all know how it goes :)

Hope everyone is ok today and everyone is safe in this horrendous weather xx
Tina, I am happy that you a bit better. :hugs:

Edinburgh, I just knew that AF was not going to show up for you. I am so sorry!! I have an appt in February since my Dr. is all booked up!! Well at least I have my prenatal vitamins.

Betty, Keeping my FX for you!! I hope everything goes well today!

I have been sick.:growlmad: I just don't want to do anything at all. I hope I feel better in a month or less. I have to go back to work tomorrow, I hope it all goes well. The kiddies was out of school due to the weather on Monday and today.
Betty any news on your results?

My hubby is okay, I'm starting to see him pick up a bit now so I'm happy about that. There's nothing worse than knowing somebody that you love is hurting and there's not much you can do or say to make them feel better.

Our conceive plus lube arrived today. Gonna test it out tonight, probably going to ovulate in the next 2 or 3 days. This cycle is flying by, can't believe I'm gonna be in the TWW again this time next week!

Ahh mom wife sorry that the sickness has kicked in! It is a good sign though that everything is progressing as it should xxx
These cramps see killing me , I'm 3 days late. Lower abdominal pain & I still have the creamy white cm. Haven't had the courage to test yet because I don't wanna be disappointed.
Fingers crossed hun! Are your cycles normally the same length every month?

Think today may be ovulation day but if not then deffo tomorrow. Been crampy all day but I've ran out of OPKs haven't I! Started using the conceive plus lube this cycle too, I mean I do have some EWCM but there's nothing wrong with adding a bit more slippery stuff is there. I guess we will see if it's worked in 2 weeks time xx
Hey girls how is everyone? Tina, how are you my lovely?
DCM, any news??? Have you tested???

I had my app on Tuesday at the fertility clinic and all looks good with my uterus and tubes and nothing nasty so that is great news!!! Only thing is my latest tests for my progesterone levels are very low (3!!!!) so I have to have 2 more months of testing this, so this is the fifth lot of progesterone tests I've had, talk about being thorough!!!
I go back in march for the results.... More waiting!!!
So, in the mean time I'm taking matters into my own hands. I started yoga classes this week (need to try and de-stress) and I'm starting reflexology for fertility next week!!! Whoop! Very excited..... Its £25 per session so it's pricey but its worth a try :)
What's everyone up to this weekend????
Betty glad that all came back okay with your uterus and tubes :):) how can you get progesterone levels to rise? Has the doctor recommended anything?

I'm fine hun, back to work on Monday after my week off on bereavement leave. To be honest I'm looking forward to it it'll be good to get back to normality.

Me and mark have been at it like rabbits for a few days haha m I'm determined to catch the egg this month! ! I'm cramping as I type this actually so ovulation is either happening right now or will do in the next 24 hours xxx

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