7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

ahh Betty that puts my mind at rest knowing that another mummy has gone through it! I'm worried sick thinking she's going to be like this for years, I even had visions of having to pick her up from primary school because she needs to go but won't!

When she needs to go she starts screaming and bending over in pain, no matter how much I tell her it won't hurt she still won't push! Like you said though, it's just getting them over the fear, I'm hoping things will get better soon.

Guess what guys I forgot to mention, my sister had her LO on Saturday. A baby girl, they have called her Destiny. So I'm an auntie again and after seeing her gorgeous scrunched up little face and chubby arms I feel more broody than ever. I might just have to steal her! It sucks seeing pregnant people, don't you just feel that even when you're in the asda doing your food shop that every friggin woman that passes you with her trolley has this massive bump on show! grrr it needs to be our turn! xxx
Ha, Tina... That made me chuckle..... I'm convinced pregnant come out to taunt me!!! I see them everywhere :)
I'm sorry Evie is going through this, it was a real frustrating time for me, we got there in the end (with lots of bribing! I had to buy her dolls every time she went for a poo!!!) it will pass, just try and comfort her and throw in some bribes :)
Congrats on being an aunt again, it will be our turn soon (fingers crossed!!!!!!) x
haha I've been trying the bribing. We were in a cafe a few days ago and off she started with "my bums sore, I need a poo" so after about 5 trips to the loo and everyone in the cafe thinking I belong in a mental asylum, (either that or I've got serious water work issues) I said to her "please do a poo for mummy and I will buy you a treat" so off she went and of course she did a bloody poo!!!!

so because she did I ended up £9.99 down in the next shop! xx
Haaaa ha takes a whole new meaning to 'spending a penny!' ;) Xx
May be a silly question, but what does watery CM mean?? I can't ever remember having the 'egg white CM' as is supposed to happen at ovulation??
According to my dates, I should be ovulating this weekend, so looking out for signs now as I've no opk's......I had watery cm last night & was wondering if anybody else had this?

Sorry for TMI for breakfast! Haha Xx
Morning frisky!!!! We all love a bit of TMI over brekkie!!! I've never been quite sure what CM is the 'right' stuff, all I know is that watery CM is good as it means the little swimmers can easily swim through the stuff! I would get to it missus :)
watery CM is the best kind! it means you're VERY fertile!

hows everyone doing today? anybody heard from DCM? xx
All good Tina...... Feeling rather relaxed this cycle :) it's a miracle!!!
DCM, what's going on???
Momwife how are you my lovely???
Hey ladies I guess I'm back at the start line, at just got me this morning. We'll on Monday or went to the doctors and the test of course said bfn and they told me to come in a week from then to test again but I guess it's a fresh start. How have you ladies been?
ahh big hugs DCM :-( that's 2 of us ladies this cycle that have been reeaaaalllly late for our periods. what the hell is going on with our bodies??? xxx
ahh big hugs DCM :-( that's 2 of us ladies this cycle that have been reeaaaalllly late for our periods. what the hell is going on with our bodies??? xxx
Thank you so much , but I'm not going to let this discourage me. It would've been a great birthday gift though. As of now I'm on CD1.
No hunni don't let it discourage you, get back on the horse and join our crazy 2ww chats. You know you'd miss it if you gave up xx
Lol yes I surely would miss it. Thanks a lot. How's everything going with you so far?
Oh noooooo, I'm sorry dcm! We all feel your pain! Let's think positive for your next cycle! X

Well, hubbys results came back...everything seems to be in working order...a few of his swimmers are the wrong shape, making them swim in the wrong direction, but only a small percentage, not enough to be infertile. He's been advised to take a zinc supplement & eat more fish & vegetables.

The doctor told him that we should be having intercourse every 2-3 days...& also when he's away, he must ...well...you know! Haaha to regenerate his sperm! So, we are trying to hold out till Friday!! The doc also said him being away alot is an important factor & to give it a year after he leaves the navy!
I hope the fertility clinic don't say this, as I can't wait another year!! He leaves in September! Xx
Everything is okay DCM, to be honest I don't think we've done it again this month. Just feel very very normal.

Frisky, that's good news about your OH! at least there is still a really good chance of catching the egg, even if some of his swimmers are a bit confused haha. I haven't ever heard of men taking zinc supplements before, what is it supposed to do?

I've mentioned to OH about taking some kind of supplement next cycle if we haven't conceived and if zinc does some good I might mention that to him aswell xx
Hellooo, Zinc apparently helps to increase sperm levels, the volume & count. It also increases testosterone levels. We have bought some zinc today.

Having a bad day with hubby. He's home & just seems to nag at me & notice things I've NOT done around the house. Really annoyed, as I'm on my own down here with Joe, no family to help. Feel a bit like the good work I'm doing is getting unnoticed.....I'm really pissed off to be honest, I'm not talking to him as he's upset me. Going to have a hot soak in the bath later & hope we are ok. I hate falling out with him. :( Xx
On a happier note....I went to see my diabetic nurse today, my sugars have come right down, which is good. Need to stick at it, she's now referring me to a consultant, then after I've met with him I'm going to be able to see the diabetic midwives for some pre conception planning xxx
Hi girls and happy Friday!!!!
DCM I'm really sorry the witch arrived, don't lose hope :)
Tina, how are you my lovely??? What cd are you now???
Frisky, good news about hubby's swimmers, not so good news that he has pissed you off! I get that sometimes from my OH, telling me the house is not always clean and tidy etc.... Er, hello! I work part time, look after a 2 year old, run my own business and do as much housework, washing, cleaning as I can fit in!!! Sometimes they forget themselves, I hope he has come crawling back to you with his tail between his legs and an apology :)
Also I hope the fertility clinic don't say you have to wait a year, I'm sure they won't. We were also told to have sex three times a week so that's what we have done this cycle (every other day more or less) my sister had a dream 2 nights ago that I was pregnant...... Hope her premonition is correct :)
Went to reflexology on wed, was really great!!!! Nice and relaxing if nothing else.
One thing I will say about my cycle this month is I've had absolutely zero ovulation pain, normally I ache a lot and have pretty bad ov pains but nothing??????

Edinburgh, momwife, luvgirl..... How are you all????
Morning ladies,

Frisky, I think men sometimes forget just how tough it is being a working mum, cleaning a house, doing the food shop and trying to fit in time to be a mummy too. I hope he's apologised to you!

I'm 7DPO today. Not feeling pregnant just feel normal!

It's my FILs funeral today, so a very early start and off to my in laws to make sure my MIL is okay xx
Morning ladies,

Tina, bless you....Good luck with it all today, it won't be easy. Thinking of you my lovely xxx

Betty, I know this sounds thick, but where abouts do you have ovulation pain? I don't recall me getting pains, but on Wednesday at work, I had a terrible pain, but it was on my right hand side & not as low as where ovaries are, so God knows?? When is af due for you? I'm due the 31st

I am so unbelievably tired today, I fell asleep early last night, then work up at midnight & couldn't get back to sleep. Hubby & I are ok, we haven't really spoke about it, but think he will think twice before he opens his mouth again. He thinks I'm too sensitive, maybe I am...but he's only back for a short time & it annoys me that he has to go on about trivial things

IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha....Going to get down to it later, luckily he's home around ovulation! Still no idea what exact day that actually is! Xx

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