7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey ladies!

I did a disappearing act but I'm back! How is everyone?

Tina I'm glad you're doing well.

Betty I too had low progesterone levels.. At the time I had crappy doctors who just sent me away and told me to keep taking the pill. Smh.

I'm 3 days late for my period now. I had a negative test on the 8th but haven't so tested since. I'm not sure what's going on. I've actually had bad sickness ((throw up included)) and really sore nip nips.

Baby Dust to all! xo
Hi luvgirl welcome back..... That sounds positive!!! When are you testing next???? How low was your progesterone??? Mine is pretty low but I still managed to get pregnant back in July I think that's why they are repeating the tests AGAIN.... Yes Tina, low progesterone is easily treated with clomid so I may get started on fertility drugs in march (fingers crossed!!) I'm glad you're feeling a bit better Tina, sometimes it is nice to get back to some sense of normality to help you get through these difficult times.... Big :hug: to you.... Our fertility doctor said that having sex 3 times a week if enough to catch the egg so tats the method we are trying this cycle..... All good fun.
Frisky, edinburgh you're quiet, is everything ok???
Momwife, how are you my lovely???? X
I got my first progesterone testing in 08/2011 and my levels were at 3.2 which is extremely low. At the time I was ttc but my old (crappy) doctor never mentioned clomid and just threw me on the pill. It wasn't until last year in 09/13 (new doctor) that I was placed on clomid and things seem to be going uphill.
DCM, have you tested???? :dust: to you xx
Omg yes I am so disappointed and just feel like giving up. I tested 15 minutes ago and bfn.(then I look on the test and it says expired 11/2013) they should not be selling expired test. Still no sign of af and I'm 4 days late
I'd take the test back to where you got it from hun and demand they exchange it! That's a bit out of order!

Hey pusherluv, your symptoms sound great! Sore nips was my first symptom with my DD so fingers crossed its the same for you!

Betty I tried sex 3 times a week last cycle and didn't catch the egg yet again! So I'm trying the complete opposite approach this time. I giggle at myself every cycle because I'm racking my brains to think of something that we haven't tried yet. Had a conversation with OH and we've agreed that if I'm not pregnant by March which I think will be cycle 9 then we're going to check that everything is okay with our GP.

Frisky and Edinburgh have been quiet for days! Not heard a peep from them xx
To be honest Tina, I've tried everything! DTD every other day, doing it every day, doing it in the morning, keeping my legs up for 3 hours after, pre-seed, vit B12 etc, etc..... The month I actually fell pregnant we only did the deed 3 times in the whole cycle so who knows the magic formula!!! I think stress has a huge factor which is why I'm going to try and de-stress over the next couple of months :) easier said than done x
I agree with you on the stress thing. My older sister and her husband were TTC baby 2 for well over 12 months with no luck, she was really obsessing over it. Then out of the blue her husband lost his job which completely took her mind off TTC and believe it or not, that cycle she fell pregnant and her baby was due yesterday but is yet to make an appearance!

I'm a little anxious about how I'm going to feel around a brand new baby when she does arrive. It's so easy to say ahhh ill be fine and then end up seething with jealousy xx
Morning ladies, sorry for the absence, just needed a bit of time to get my head together after what happened Monday. I wasn't too gutted. Without a BFP I wasn't counting my chickens, and any time that passes just allows us to save to be in a better position when another baby arrives. But at the same time, I'm never 16 days late!!
Anyway, the monster is REALLY bad. I had to take Tramadol on Thursday night because I felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed. I won't go into the nastiness of the clots - definitely TMI, but I think being so late has definitely had a negative impact on my body.
Other than all that I've just been busy getting back into work. Lots of project initiations this week for the first quarter and lots of big planning meets. Too many meetings and not enough time to do my action points has meant some pretty late nights!
Shortie got her last anti-biotic last monday, seemed to get better and then was up all last night sick. We're both shattered today and hubbie is out at his open uni tutorials so I won't even get a nap in and we desperately need groceries. This cold she caught from my Mum. I really can't handle another cold this winter - it'll be my 5th and I can feel it coming.
I think the only difference this winter is that I'm unfit compared to my usual self so I've re-joined the gym by work and me and the marketing manager are going to go on our lunch breaks. I just don't have the energy to go back out into the cold when I'm home from work and finished the dinner and bathtime/bed routine with munchkin. Hopefully it'll keep my stress levels in check too. I have a lot to do since we went from 4 project managers to 1! 40 mins three times a week is better than sweet nothing.
OK, that's my news. Betty, great news about your tubes being in order. At least progesterone is something identifiable that they can give you treatment to help with, though I don't know whether Clomid has any side effects?? De-stressing sounds good - I love yoga, it's amazing for some low impact in your own head time.
Momwife, I'm so sorry you're getting sick. I had 20hr a day nausea in my first pregnancy for about 8 weeks and I was about ready to jump off a bridge with it. I couldn't travel on the bus without having to get off multiple times on my way home for fear of throwing up on a commuter! It's miserable but you won't know yourself when it goes away - anything else seemed bearable after that.
Tina, I'm glad your hubbie is starting to look up at things again. It's hard after a loss. I'm sure TTC with such ardour will help lift you both slightly ;)
Frisky, you OK peeps?
DCM, how are you doing? Welcome back pusherluv.

Have a lovely weekend people... babydust x
I'm going to the clinic tomorrow to get tested. This wait is making everything so hard
So sorry Edinburgh that your AF was terrible :-( sounds like you've had a tough time this cycle. Hopefully it's the last AF you'll have to endure for 9 months!

DCM still no AF?? How many DPO are you now? Hoping it's your cycle hunni

Think I might be 1 or 2 DPO today. Pretty sure I ovulated on cycle day 16. Of course it's far too early for any symptoms yet but I'll keep everyone up to date if I experience anything over the next few days xxx
Hi ladies....Sorry I've not been on here for a few days. With Joe bk at school, Me work & getting the dog & I've literally not stopped!
I've not caught up on all the posts yet, I'm just checking in! ....when I've got Joe & dog settled, I will have a read with a brew & see how your all doing! Nearly 2ww time again! Time flys!
Chat later! Xx
It always feels like af is coming but I'll know tomorrow for sure hopefully after I come from the clinic. My stomach has been doing strange things, it's scaring me a bit. You now how you usually get stomach pains and movement when your hungry? Well it's like that minus the pain and I'm always hungry even right after eating

So sorry Edinburgh that your AF was terrible :-( sounds like you've had a tough time this cycle. Hopefully it's the last AF you'll have to endure for 9 months!

DCM still no AF?? How many DPO are you now? Hoping it's your cycle hunni

Think I might be 1 or 2 DPO today. Pretty sure I ovulated on cycle day 16. Of course it's far too early for any symptoms yet but I'll keep everyone up to date if I experience anything over the next few days xxx

Tina when are you testing again? I'm 20dpo and 6 days late, it always feels like af Is coming but when I check it's that same cm I have been experiencing since ovulation day.
I won't be testing for ages yet hun I'm only 2DPO and im normally quite patient and don't bother testing I'd rather just wait and see if AF arrives. Are you certain about the day that you ovulated? I'm trying to come up with solutions as to why you'd be so late but still getting negative tests! Xx
I won't be testing for ages yet hun I'm only 2DPO and im normally quite patient and don't bother testing I'd rather just wait and see if AF arrives. Are you certain about the day that you ovulated? I'm trying to come up with solutions as to why you'd be so late but still getting negative tests! Xx
I had only took 1 test (the one that was expired). I'm just like you too, I hate testing I usually wait till AF shows up. But since I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow I'll know for sure and can ask questions.
Oh DCM..... That all sounds positive especially as you have only tested with an out of date test!!! Good luck for tmrw, I hope you get a BFP!!!! Keep us posted....
Tina, that's gone so quick! You're now back in the 2WW.... :)
Frisky, sounds manic in your house!
Edinburgh, how are you my lovely??? I'm hoping your cycle this month will be straight forward and no messy you about, what CD are you now???
Momwife, morning sickness is a pain in the butt!!! I had it with my DD right up until I was 4 months. Many a time I threw up in the street (I carries sick bags everywhere!) I lived in London at the time and I'm sure people thought I was just some crazy drunk on the street!!!
Nothing to report my end, I'm only CD13, booking my reflexology session tmrw, if any of you get time google reflexology for fertility, it's really interesting :)
Welcome back luvgirl....have you tested again yet? Let's hope the BFN was due to the expired test!

Edingburgh...Sorry your period has been so bad, sounds like she was making up for lost time with her being so late. Hope your cycle returns to normal for you hun. My periods are ridiculous each month....I'd have had to take the day off work with my last one, but luckily I was off due to Xmas.
Betty, are you starting on Clomid then? That's a good start for you, March will soon be here.
Tina, how's things with you and your family? Thinking of you.
Dcm!! Any more News?
Momwife, how you doing lady?? Have you any appointments through for a scan or is it too soon yet?

My next appt at fertility clinic is 3rd Feb....hubby will get his results back this week some time. I've Been testing testing testing my sugars & keeping them tightly controlled, need to keep it up.

Had a busy week, Monday I was in A&E with Joe for suspected appendicitis.....thankfully it wasn't that, he has a rumbling appendix which can cause pain, have to keep an eye on him for signs of it getting worse. The whole day was draining, especially as hubby was away. We got dog on Friday.....I'm knackered!! Haha walking everywhere, I'm not used to it.
He's really well trained, does whatever you say. If only he could pick up his own s**t.....he'd be perfect! Haha

Funny you should mention preseeed Tina, I completely forgot I had some...I didn't use it the last 2 cycles....gonna be using this one though!

Both my sister in laws are pregnant....My husband Is really jealous as am I. He rang me the other day as one sister had her 20 week scan & is having a boy. She has decided on the name George!!

This is the name we had chosen if we were to ever have a boy, so hubby was slightly pissed off!! It's not her fault...It's just so frustrating!
He's home tomorrow...May try and do the deed every other day! It's bloody hard though (excuse the pun) when he's been away for some time! Just wanna get to it as much as we can!!
Hello lovelies!

Sorry to hear about Joe frisky! that doesn't sound good, I bet you was worried sick! Evie has really been suffering with constipation for a couple of weeks now. It all started around christmas time she was struggling to go and when she did she was screaming in pain because it was hurting her so much. So the doctor gave her lactolose which he said would soften her stools and it didn't, it just made her want to go all of the time and get stomach cramps. So now her stools have gone back to normal but she's terrified of going! She won't push so everytime she does need to go she just holds it in until it forces its way out.

Feel so terrible on her :-(

This is my first time using pre-seed frisky, I've read great reviews on it so we will just wait and see!

I'm 4DPO now, (o)(o) are sore and have been since ovulation day. Why it took 9 days last cycle I'll never know!

DCM any updates hun on your doctors appointment?? xx
Hi everyone.... How are you all???
Frisky, how is your son? Any better??? Doesn't feel like everyone around us is pregnant??? I have 5 of my friends pregnant at the moment.... You can't make this stuff up!!!
Tina, I've had a terrible time with my little girl. She has been potty trained for ages but started holding in her poo about 7 months ago, it was an awful time as she would be sweating and shaking because she needed to go but wouldn't. Doctor gave me movicol (did absolutely NOTHING) and some pesarries which helped a little, it's a psychological thing, once they overcome the fear in their heads then it will get better.... Thankfully my LO is over that phase:)
Frisky, if my next two tests come back again with low progesterone then yes, I will be able to start taking clomid..... Whoop!!!
I've been to my second yoga class today and I have my reflexology session tmrw, feeling very relaxed so its having an effect. :)

Luvgirl, DCM, any news for us????

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