7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Tina.... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today.... :hug:
Tina, you have a lot going on at the minute so you probably are too pre-occupied to 'feel' pregnant, it's still early days for you, when are you testing (or are you going to wait for AF to arrive???
Frisky, my ov pains are more like dull aches, very low down and I normally feel it on both sides and also in my lower back, this cycle I've had absolutely no pains, cramps, nothing. I know I have ovulated as I had some pretty fertile CM yesterday and day before (and lots of it, sorry TMI!!) I normally ov between CD15-18 and I'm currently CD18. AF is due for me also on 31st (we are totally in sync!!) I refuse to test this month unless she is late! :)
Thanks girls :) we gave him a fantastic send off, had a few too many drinkies so I have a bit of a sore head this morning. Gonna make a brew with some biccies and tackle the cleaning.

I still feel not pregnant girls, I just have all of my usual PMS signs. Blahhhh wish AF due date would hurry the hell up. Think she's due in approx 4 days xxx
Hi ladys since this thread is still going i thought i would join in.i'm 7dpo ovulated early this month on cd12 which was 3 days early well i'm not stressing to much since i didn't get to dtd that day.dtd 2 days b4 and didn't get to dtd until 2 days after.i think i'm out because we didn't bed on o day as i said i'm 7 dpo and i feel so wet like i peed on myself sorry tmi.we used preseed on the 2 days after yes late i know but i wanted to at least see what it felt like.lol i have been super wet every since.
I hope you get the bfp you have been waiting for. Fingers crossed hun?

Anymore updates?
FX for you Tina!! I hope everybody is doing well so far. :hugs:

I am doing ok but still cannot eat my regular foods. I have not been on here too much lately since I do not feel like doing anything. :growlmad:
The only symptom I'd say I've had for 2 days which could be completely not pregnancy related too and totally TMI is strange bowel movements. I've had really soft, green stools for 2 days haha lovellyyyyy!

Hello ladies!

Tina...how are the bowel movements doing? Haha

Welcome wantinggirl...any more symptoms for you? Glad you said you ovulated early, I think I ovulated early on cycle day 14 of a 31 day cycle.

I'm really annoyed as I forgot to preseed AGAIN this month!! Hubby & I have not been doing it every day ( it's normally twice a day when he's home) we did it on Tuesday, Friday & today.....as I Said before, I think I ovulated Tuesday/wed ...I say think as I'm not 100% just going off watery CM & pains I had on Tuesday.
Hubby said today he's getting a bit fed up with the whole 'baby' thing....don't get me wrong, he's desperate for one...he means the technicality of it all, having to wait every other day, weather or not we have preseeded, etc etc...I understand where he's coming from, I miss the spontaneous, worry free sex!!

Anyway, enough of me moaning on!...My healthy food regime starts tomorrow, my juice plus shakes arrived on Saturday, so I'll be starting those tomorrow :)

Momwife, sorry to hear your feeling blahhhhhh, I hope your feeling better & more energised soon, it's always hard the first trimester xxx

Betty, how are you lady? Any symptoms?
Can't believe it's 2ww time again, time is flying!

Edingburgh, how are you my lovely? Where abouts are you in your cycle now?

Well....Mr Selfridge is on tonight, I love it....Jeremy Piven is my guilty pleasure, I love his beard in it! So that's my night sorted! Haha Xx
Hi frisky hru? I'm 8dpo not really any symptoms as i said i think i'm out before my wait started :( checked my cervix yesterday it's still high it stayed high last month tho have brown cm not on my undies tho just finger when i checked.i know tmi lol started cramping right after i checked it then stopped.today i just feel wet having watery cm so i'm just waiting for af
Awwh....You could still be in even though you bd 2 days before. How long have you been TTC? X
This is our 3rd month ttc my 1st i took a opk dtd bam gt pregnant my 2nd wasn't trying he was a surprise now trying for the 3rd i'm taking supplements but we just missed the mark this month:(
Hello everyone..... How are you all??
Tina, how you doing??? Any more symptoms??? Frisky, are you starting juice plus???? I did it for 2 weeks to kick start my diet :) my friend is a rep for juice plus and she has been doing it for a while, she found out she was preggers a few weeks ago!!
Momwife, sorry you're not feeling too hot!!! It won't last forever, rest when you can and try eating some dry crackers (you're probably already doing what you can)
Well, I have done as much as I can this cycle. We have done as the fertility doctor told us, DTD every other day from CD10. I had a dream last night I was pregnant and it was SO real, woke up and to tell myself it was just a dream :(
Wantinggirl, welcome and GL, keep us posted on your symptoms.
Edinburgh, how are you my lovely???
Hi girls!

Hows everyone doing today? Frisky & betty cannot believe you guys are in your 2WW again! how quick has that gone?!?!

I'm 10DPO today, AF is due in the next 48 hours! My bowels seem to be back to normal now haha but last night I noticed that my boobs were throbbing and my nipples are sore if I squeeze them. This could be totally NOT pregnancy related and due to my AF being just around the corner but I'm keeping my little fingers crossed that it is because there is a little bubba developing inside.

ahhh I feel fed up! Can't cope with another month of this... you girls deserve a medal going on for so long. After 6 months I already feel like giving up.

Morning betty, yes I'm starting juice plus...I am also a rep for them :) I stopped doing it though in the run up to xmas...I really like it, makes me feel energized & I find it helps stabalize my blood sugars too.
How many dpo are you now betty? No symptoms as such here, just extreamly tired...think its due to the cold, dark weather though xx
Oh Tina.... It sucks every month when AF arrives and the whole process starts all over again but we still keep on at it!!!! I still believe I will get my sticky BFP at some point, it's just taking a bit longer than expected..... You will also get yours soon! Hopefully this month :)
Frisky, I'm 4 DPO and feel totally normal :) I really wanted to stick with juice plus but found skipping a meal for a juice just too hard!!! Do you make much money from being a rep????
It does suck, the whole bloody process sucks!!! I hope we all get our happy ending.

4DPO is still super early to be feeling anything hun, with any luck the symptoms will start in a few days xxx
Awwwwh sorry Tina, we must have posted at the same time this morning....I wasn't ignoring you :)
It does suck month after month....but I tell you what, it makes you more determined....I have days where I feel like giving up on the whole TTC, but I really can't....plus I'd miss you all too much ;)

Your sore boobies sound good! Let's pray af doesn't show!

Betty, I'm not earning much as a juice plus rep....but I've not really been trying to be honest. A couple of friends of mine are making thousands from it, have even given up their normal jobs. The shakes can be hard, but I find after a few days, your body gets used to it & fills up from them....we will see how I go on.

No symptoms for me, I'm getting fluttering sensations in tummy again, but I think this is a regular normal thing for me as it seems to be happening each month. Bloody annoying when I can't pinpoint my ovulation date :( I'm making a promise to myself NOT to test this cycle! It seems to jinx me.

Hmmmmmm I'm sure I say this every single month!!! :wacko:
Thanks betty i failed to mention my of is not the father of my 2 other kids 9dpo today no symptoms 2 report i'm really tired just want to sleep woke up at 3 to use the bathroom and at 6 i don't feel i am preggo tho still discharge pain in my right side lasted almost all day yesterday. it's gone now.so how is everyone else?

That's how I feel today girls!! Feel run down & tired....plus I'm starting with a cold I think!

Lots of watery cm going on....according to ovulation predictor, I ovulated Saturday, making me 3dpo....but I really think I ovulated earlier like weds, is that possible? Which would make me around 6dpo! Arrgghhhhh I hate not knowing!!

Feel so unsexy at the min, I have no libido at all!! What's wrong with me?? I just want to sleep!! X
It is possible to ovulate early especially if you have changed your routine or started vitamins or something of that nature i ovulated at cd 12 which i confirmed with 2 opk my temp drop then rise after.i'm 10 dpo waiting for af i'm not taking any tests this month unless she is late .
Afternoon girls,

Frisky, watery CM is always good!hope that more symptoms start to appear for you over the next few days. I didn't think for a second that you were ignoring me the other day, don't worry about it :)

Betty are you still feeling all normal or are some symptoms appearing out of the woodwork?

I'm 11DPO today girls, AF is due tomorrow if she's coming. My boobs and nipples feel really heavy and sore and have been for 2 days. I mean they have been sore since 1DPO but the last 2 days feel a lot more intense. I hope it's not due to AF being around the corner!! STAY AWAYYYYYYYYY

I feel eager to test this month which isn't like me so if AF hasn't arrived by Thursday then I think I'll have to purchase an FRER xxx

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