7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

It's deffo possible to ovulate early or late. I ovulated 2 days later than normal last cycle so I'm guessing it's possible to ovulate early too. xx
Well girls I'm feeling crampy... I know now that this deffo isn't my month again! predicting full flow AF in the next 24 hours xxx
Hellooo ladies, how are we?

Tina, any developments?? Are you testing?

Betty, how are you? Any symptoms?

I'm still getting lots of wet cm...tmi sorry, but had to leg it to the loo at work yesterday because of it!

Today I got stabbing pain in boobs, but was only for about a minute. Don't know why I do this to myself, always see symptoms! You think after almost 2 years I'd learn! Haaha Xx
Hello girlies! Well I'm thinking that AF is coming because I've had some spotting today. Strange though because my boobs are still really sore! I'm just going to see if she arrives full flow tomorrow which I'm fully expecting. I think 12DPO might be a bit late for implantation spotting. We will see hey

Frisky all this CM sounds great! !! Hoping it's a good sign for you sweetie

Betty any symptoms to report from your end?
Hi girls....how is everyone??? Tina, any news???? Frisky how are you feeling? Any symptoms???

Well I know this is just not my month, I've had a really stressful week and I'm so anxious it's not having a good effect on my body at all :(

My mum has had a cancer scare, she has thought she's had ibs for the last 6 months and has been to the doctors a couple of times and they told her it prob was IBS but last week she saw a different doctor and he took blood tests. well my mum got her results on Monday, she has raised levels of the protein CA125 which is a sign of ovarian cancer and was told to go straight to the surgery, she now has been given an emergency app with a specialist at the hospital next Thursday so we will know more next week. My mum is terrified, as are me and my sister. I ended up drinking a bottle and a half of wine last night as I just needed something to help me chill out, today I'm feeling pretty rotten :( this week is going to drag.
Sorry for the depressing post girls xx
Oh no betty :( that's awful for your mum & your family....A whole week to wait too? Can't they see her sooner?
My thoughts are with you & I pray it's not bad news.
I'm Here if you need to chat & let off steam :hugs:

No symptoms here, no sore boobs again. Just tired.....but what's new?

Tina, any sign of af today? Xx
Hey girls, how are we? It's all very quiet on here....Betty, how are you feeling my love? Hope your ok xxx

Tina, any news from your end??
Edingburgh, are you ok?

No symptoms at all for me .....not one!

Off to see my diabetic consultant this afternoon, hopefully he will refer me to the diabetic midwives for pre conception clinic......That's something to hold on to I guess, takes me one step nearer xxx
Hi girls.... All good my end, just generally stressed..... I don't have any symptoms at all either :( CM all dried up and nothing else to report... I will be testing next Saturday if AF hasn't arrived..... How is everyone else???
Frisky, good luck at your app, let us know what they say :)
Hi betty just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you my mom passed away 5 years ago from cancer so i can understand you wait and worrying to see the results. I pray everything is ok :)
Hi betty just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you my mom passed away 5 years ago from cancer so i can understand you wait and worrying to see the results. I pray everything is ok :)

I'm so sorry about your mum, I can't even imagine what you have been through.... Xxx
Yes it's has been hard a lot of storms and i was pregnant with my youngest son when she passed i still remember the day clearly but at least she was home where she wanted to be surrounded by her family.but she's not suffering anymore that's the only comfort i have
Ahhh Betty sending massive hugs to you sweetie. I hope and pray its not bad news for you and your family.

Sadly girls my AF came full flow yesterday :-( so I'm onto cycle 7. As soon as AF came I put in an order of zinc capsules for mark and some wellman/woman supplements for both of us to start taking. I've also made an appointment with my doctor for next Friday to see if we can get the ball rolling on tests to check that everything is okay. It'll just put both of our minds at rest if we know that there's no issues with his spermies.

A few months ago he found a lump in his testicle, he of course went to get it checked by our GP who said it doesn't feel like anything to worry about but it does feel like is a collection of veins. Anyway I've been reading up about infertility in men and one of the big factors of infertility in men can be a collection of veins in the testicle. So of course this is worrying me! I think it's just best to have his swimmers tested xx
Hi Tina..... I'm so sorry that AF arrived for you :( I think it a good idea to have a chat with your doctor, especially with your husband funding a lump....
I have a scan on Monday to check my overies are ok and then I think I'm going to have a break from TTC, just until the end of march as I'm feeling so stressed out at the minute and TTC and it not happening is just adding to my anxiety. :)
Oh dear tina, sorry af arrived....let's hope you have a positive outcome when you both go to the doctors & move forward with this.

Betty, I bet your not even thinking about ttc with all this worry about your mum :( maybe a break will do you good & give you a clear head to start again. Hopefully your tests will provide some answer.

My appt went great today, the doc gave me the go ahead to get pregnant as my sugars are back down..he says there's No reason why i shouldnt. So I've got an appointment in 2 weeks to see him again and have bloods done again, I'm also booked in to see diabetic midwives for pre conception clinic in march. I've also got appt at fertility clinic in 2 weeks to see if it could be anything else. I'm assuming the next stage will be lap & dye test to check tubes?

No symptoms here, im currently sat in car, in pouring rain waiting for Joe to finish his trial class at acting school...Haha god knows how he will like it!

Justwanting....so sorry about your mum. I can't imagine how hard that is, my mum is my best friend, dont know what I'd do without her. I'm sure she will be so so proud of you, how your coping & being a wonderful mummy yourself :) big hugs xx
Thanks ladys you never know what you can endure until you are put to the test i hope your mom results are ok betty.that's y i really want a girl to pass all my mom taught me to her.but don't think it's gna happen this month no symptoms at all :( af due in a few days
So sorry to hear about your mum wantinggirl, my mum too is my best friend I can't imagine what you're going through sweetie but like you said it's made you a stronger person.

Me and mark had decided between us not to tell anybody about TTC but yesterday I caved and just had to tell my mum. I needed somebody to talk to face to face about it all other than mark. She gave me some great advice. She said that 6 months ago which is when we started TTC, marks dad also found out that he had terminal cancer and that maybe the reason it hasn't happened is because we've both been emotionally drained and exhausted without realising it. I guess she could be right. Neither of us have had the time to relax since John was diagnosed.

Frisky so glad that all of your tests are going well! When is your AF due? Xx
Awwwh Tina, that's a fresh way of looking at it. Fate works in strange ways, maybe your mum is right.

My AF is due on Thursday, not positive though, I've no symptoms at all.

Just had a text off my best friend.....she's pregnant :(
She has a crazy lifestyle, proper party animal, not even tried....I feel happy for her but annoyed at the fact it's not me....I swear to God, all my friends are pregnant or have just given birth!!

I'm having a drink tonight....Sod it! X
Sorry wanting girl....I've called you 'just wanting'
I'm sure there was some one on this thread with that name, I must have got you confused!! Haha

Could that be a pregnancy symptom?? ;) Xx
Thank you all :) no frisky i think af is around the corner no cramps or anything yet my cervix is up and down after df and i dtd the other night it was super low then rose back up.but a interesting fact that i have learned about ppl using opk as pregnancy test is in early pregnancy a woman has 0 lh in her system or close to 0 the opk can pick up hcg because they are so close but won't pick it up until you have enough hcg to turn a pregnancy test positive.hmm so women using opk after ovulation r wasting money just buy the pregnancy test.
Hey ladies , sorry I've been so neglectful. I've just been so depressed and stressed. Just needed some time to myself and to regroup but now I'm back and ready to pick up were I left off at.

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