7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ahhh Betty I don't envy you having a migraine :-( I get one every few months and I can definitely sympathise with you, they're terrible! I found that I didn't get as many once I had my eyes tested and found out I was short sighted. Turned out I was getting them because I was squinting to see things.

I hope you're right about your good feeling!

Took another OPK tonight and it was still really positive, not faded at all. I've had really intensely painful ovulation cramps all evening too, I've definitely ovulated from my right ovary this cycle because I feel like 1000 tiny people are having a party on my right hand side :-( I'm guessing ovulation is happening right now we're not doing the baby dance tonight, gonna wait till the morning and hope the egg is still waiting!

Wish me luck! Xxx
Oooooh Tina!! I've a good feeling.....I'm sure this is a lucky thread! Let's get these bfp's on a roll ladies!! :)
Thanks for reassurance on the cramps, Lord of the rings is a long arse film to get through as well! Haha....I'm gonna be a nightmare up until the 12 weeks.

Welcome back betty, sorry to hear you have suffered from migraines, they are the devil...Hope you feel Better soon.
My mum's coming to stay next week to help with Joe over the half term...I'm so excited to see her, I miss her so much...especially now. She was with me every single step of the way when I had eve & joe, she's amazing....God, I'm getting all teary now!! Haha xxx
Morning ladies, how are you all?
Frisky I leave Cyprus at the end of this month and my OH leaves in August maybe before depending on courses etc, the army are forever changing there mind so we shall see lol.
It's been hard this time over here, as I find some army wives can be clicky and bitchy so I've kept to myself and made a handful of friends, I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends soon, just a shame that I'll then miss my OH but we will survive lol.
Sorry to hear about your migraine Betty, I suffered from them when I was young and had to wear tinted glasses as lights brought them on.. I was a cool kid haha!
Frisky 1 more sleep to go, have you decided on what you're going for yet to surprise him?? I'm so excited for you hahaha

Morning girls, how are we all????
I'm just about to go into work where I have been told I am going to get a disciplinary as I called in sick on Monday!!!! I only work 16 hours a week there and In the year and a half I have worked there I have had 5 seperate days off, 2 for the miscarriage, 1 for when my friend suddenly passed away and 2 for migraines..... I mean come on!!!!! I am really hating the place, it's so bitchy and people just don't like me much in there (I think it's because I'm quite out spoken and they all think I'm a bit of a snob) ugh, why can I win the lottery!!????
Charm, that must be hard for you being away from OH but nice for you to be around your family and friends, it's a tricky situation but August will be here in no time!!!
Frisky, have you decided what you will do for your surprise???
Tina...... Good news on ov, keep at it my lovely!!!! Even after you start getting negative tests, still DTD every other day for 4 days after just to be sure xxxxx
Ps: welcome mrs IKW, I love your daughters name!!!! That was on my list for when I had my little girl :)
Oh Betty, that's rubbish for you....I really hope they aren't horrible to you! What do they expect you to do? Come in & work with a migraine & not do your Job properly??? Idiots....Can't stand bitchiness, reminds me of being back at school. Just stand your ground, smile your biggest fake smile & dont let them get to you.....their probably just jelouse of you anyway! Good luck! :hugs:

Yes, I have decided to have the card AND the gift box on the bed...give him the card the first, as it's got really nice words in...then at the end I'm going to put this "Oh....& one more thing (you can open your pressie now)

Then I'm going to have the test in the box...with a note on top of the test saying 'congratulations, your going to be a daddy'

Eeeeeeeeeeeek!! Haaha only 1 more sleep! Xx
Sorry charm, I missed your post for some reason!
I know what you mean about the click.....I've got that here with the Navy wives, I went to a coffee morning when I first moved here to introduce myself.....I made a right fool of myself, it was horrific, nobody bothered really....you get the same click at school too with the mum's. I don't let it bother me now, it's their loss, don't want to be part of a group like that any way....It's all so fake, can't stand it.
The military is so annoying how they always change things, let's hope it all stays the same for you though, so you can be back home in August :hugs: Xx
Frisky So glad you're going with the digital and card, so exciting! Just imagine his face :) EEEKKK!
Betty that's shocking that hey are giving you a disaplinary, I hope it's not too bad for you, it's not like you've phoned in sick everyday for no reason and had loads of sick days! Where I work in England I know people that would phone in sick every weekend and still never got a disaplinary. I got one once for going to head office on my DAY OFF asking where my wages were, the letter stated I left the floor short staffed and didn't ask permission.. Hahaha, oh how I laughed in their faces it got thrown away :)
Tina I hope you've caught the egg this month after such a positive opk!! Xx
Morning lovelies!

Betty that's shocking that they're giving you a disciplinary for 1 day off!!! Some companies are like that though, so petty sometimes. Like it was just mentioned do they expect you to go in and suffer with a migraine when you can barely see or function enough to work anyway??? IDIOTS!! your boss has obviously never suffered from migraines I'm guessing.

Frisky! It's getting closer :):):) I'd love to do what you're doing this time in 2 weeks! He's going to be the happiest man on the planet tomorrow! it's good that your mum is going to help with Joe over the holiday, at least then you can relax a little bit and let your mum take some of the weight off you. I'm sure your OH will be running around after you once he hears your news anyway!

Charm where in your cycle are you now?? have you ovulated yet or are you waiting for AF?

I think I can officially say that today is 1DPO. My cervix isn't as open this morning and the cramps have gone. We did the deed again this morning and I think like you said Betty we will continue to do so every other day for a few more days. My question is girls, can spermies still get through the cervix even when it is feeling more closed?? Or will they just fall back out, might sound like a silly question but I don't know the answer to it!

I'm getting my nails done this afternoon and my hair coloured tomorrow all in preparation for my hubbies birthday celebrations this weekend! I'm off to your hometown frisky and charm haha! Spending the night in a spa hotel tomorrow in manchester city centre CANNOT WAIT!!! xx
No idea where I am, I was meant to ovulate on Tuesday but as I said I had lots of watery cm over the weekend and some stretchy cm too but no ovulation pains like normals so I would guess I'm a few days dpo?! I've never done opks just gone by pain and cm so I'm confused about the lack of pain haha! I'm due af on the 18th February so will just ride this strange wave, also no sore boobies as of yet which is again not like me lol.

So jealous of you going for a spa weekend, we went for one at centre parks and it was amazing I needed it after PaintBalling and being covered in bruises lol, have you got your outfit all sorted and packed too �� the weekend will take your mind off the start of the 2ww as well...

We are off to Bahrain on Valentines to see the inlaws and for my birthday, no idea what is there apart from a Marc Jacobs shop so I'm happy lol ��

I would like to know the answer to your question also as they say to bd before ovulation as well and it's still closed then isn't it? Oh it's all so confusing lol
Hope you have a good day xx
Hi girls.... Well I have to go to a 'hearing' at work, it's hilarious!!!! I'm really not bothered, loads of people are off 'sick' and have been for weeks with 'stress' and yet they're allowed to put on facebook that they are in the pub having drinks etc.... It's so messed up!!! More important things in life to worry about, they can stick their hearing! Ahhhhhhhhh.......
I'm CD8 today so I'm now totally out of sync with everyone as seen as mrs frisky is knocked up!!!! Hopefully we get to see a valentines BFP on here!!!!!
Frisky, great idea about the card and gift box, can't wait to hear all about it!!!!! :)
Tina, I don't really know about the spermies after ov, I was told to still DTD after a positive OPK so who knows???
Sorry to hear about the hearing, work places can be a royal pain in the bottom. I bet the people who've been off sick and in the pub haven't been called in.. That's always the way!
Haha, at least being at CD8 you aren't symptom spotting and you've got O to look forward too, and plenty of BDing :) xx
Tina just dome a little google on the spermie situation, apparently they can get through the cervix at all times, they just live longer in the ewcm and can get to the egg quicker unlike when it's not fertile mucus, also read that (TMI) female orgasm helps to get them up to the egg too and is sperm friendly... Interesting stuff :) xx
Arrghh betty, that's so stupid of your works! Little Hitler's!! Awwwh yes, we were in synch with our cycles...let's hope you won't have to have many more soon enough...When's your next appt again?

I've just embarrassed myself completely, gone into Tesco to get a clear blue digital test for hubby. As I paid, I realised it was a Tesco own one, so I asked where the clear blue ones were, the lady tells me they are are sold out. So what did I do? I burst out crying, into unctrollable tears, she had to sit me down to calm down. I don't even know why I got upset, the test will still say the same thing!! Bet she thought I was a right nutter!! Haaha
I'm home now, gonna have a nice bath, then write my card! :) hubbys home at 5am! Eeeeeeeek Xx
Ladies, I'm panicking....I've just spoke to hubby on phone and he was going on about how I can do more hours at work when he leaves the navy & all these things we could do......I know he's gonna be happy I'm pregnant, but a little part of me is scared he's not!?

Someone please tell me I'm being stupid!! :( Xx
Hello Ladies! I'm sorry I abandoned. The 'period' that was 3 weeks late made me really very unwell. They didn't call it a miscarriage based on the lack of the positive test but, long story short, I'm now back on the mini-pill to try to get my hormones back in check and stop the bleeding. It's been a rough couple of months. My mum had a bit of a cancer scare which turned out to be a vascular problem and my littlest brother had an overdose (px painkillers) at Christmas. On the plus side he's now getting help for his depression which is about 10 years overdue. Hubby thinks that stress resulted in the wacky bleeding problem and I've agreed that we'll put off trying 6 months till life settles down a bit. I can't do this if I know he's stressed and worried about my health cos of the stuff going on. I'm disappointed and still very up and down emotionally but I'm doing a better job of just getting on with things and so I can drop in here more often and not want to have a big cry about how shitty life can be sometimes.

I am DELIGHTED (shouty capitals intended) for you FRISKY!! AMAZEBALLS news! I'm sure hubby and Joe (eventually) will be absolutely over the moon.

And hope everyone else is well and happy - haven't quite made it through all the backposts yet but I'll try to catch up.

Hugs to you all x
Edinburgh...... Welcome back we have thoroughly missed you my lovely.... I'm so sorry you have been having a rough time, we are totally here for you. Sounds like it has been pretty stressful for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother but I'm glad he is finally getting the help he needs. It can be very difficult dealing with a close family member with depression. I'm glad your mum is ok too..... Big :hug: to you.

Frisky, today is the day!!!!! Stop freaking out lady!!!! Of course he is going to be more than thrilled, I think you have last minute nerves, totally natural. ENJOY this day, you have waited for this a long time my lovely xxxxxx

Well after work today I am going to get pampered with my cousin and sister then we are heading out for a nice meal (no wine for me due to a week of migraine/headaches, very sad face!) looking forward to a bit of me time :)
Frisky, we need details from you ASAP!!!!!! Good luck and speak later xxxxx
Morning ladies, how are we all today?
Edinburgh sorry to hear about everything that has been going on with you, and that it's slowly sorting it's self out with your mum and brother and yourself **HUGS**

Frisky, I'm sure when he opens his card and present he'll be over the moon, men can be strange at time and say the completely wrong things at the wrong time, especially when you are holding in such a big surprise and you don't want to hear stuff like that, when does your hubby get?

Let us know how it goes today, and enjoy it, so pleased for you both :)

Betty hope you had a good evening of being pampered and wine and dined (without the wine) :)

All good over here, no symptoms to report xx
Morning ladies! Edinburgh welcome back my lovely, sounds like you've been having a tough time of it! Like Betty said though feel free to come in here and have a good rant if you need to get rid of some rage or if you need a shoulder to cry on we're all here for you!

Charm how many DPO are you today? ? Still symptomless?

Frisky any news on the hubby front ?

I'm lay in bed in the hotel waiting for hubby to wake up so we can go get breakfast! The all you can eat buffet is screaming my name!

Think im about 3 or 4 DPO today, haven't had the time to think about symptoms but I'll keep everyone updated! Xx
Morning everyone! :)

Edingburgh, welcome back my lovely & thanks for your congratulations :) I'm so sorry you have been having a tough time of it ....I hope your mum & brother are ok. Depression is such a sad & silent condition, let's hope he gets all the help he needs to get him back on the right track.
It's funny how stress can affect your body without you realising. Maybe a break will be good, let your body & hormones settle down & get yourself in the right frame of mind.....hugs to you :hugs:

Betty, hope you enjoyed your pamper weekend, sounds amazing, would love one of those right now!

Tina, how was your breakfast buffet? Hahaha, reading that is making me hungry....can't believe your in 2ww again! Fingers crossed, do you have any symptoms?

Charm, how are you doing? Anything exciting happening at your end?

Well, yesterday was a blur. Hubby got back at 5.30am...I had planned to set my alarm for 4.45am, make myself look presentable & have the test done & card ready.
As it happened, I slept through my alarm & was fast asleep when hubby got home in bed next to me. He was knackered after working all night. I had to get up, sneak the box into the bathroom, do the digital test & sneak it back in again..which is a massive effort when your half asleep let me tell you! Anyway, gets back in bed, hubby is driting off asleep...So I just lie there, ha ha..in the end I told him he has to wake up as I've got a present for him. So he reads the card, then opens the bigger box, inside that box there's a long necklace shaped box, and he thought I had got him a new watch!! Haha.....Anyway, he opened it & inside was the test & a note saying "congratulations, your going to be a daddy" he kind of looked at it, looked at me, looked at it again & says "Oh my God, are you pregnant??" So I nodded & he says "Brilliant" couldn't stop smiling, then he couldn't get bk to sleep, so rang his mum & sisters....I would have liked to wait but he's so close to his sister's & they are both pregnant.
So yeah, he's made up...he kept saying yesterday that I looked different, radient..So that's nice.

We have been talking & think it's maybe best that we move back up north after baby is born & he leaves navy. We have no family or friends down here & it's a long way to travel. The houses are also more affordable back up north than here. I'm just so worried as it will mean uprooting Joe from another school & he starts high school next September. I'm worried about him fitting in & making friends all over again. Joe would love to move back up north as he misses his grandma & other family members, but I'm still worried about the emotional effect this may have on him......Theres lots to think about. My mum Is here on Friday, so think I may tell Joe when she's here, in case he gets upset, she can have a chat with him.

But yeah, hubby is over the moon!! :)

Thanks for all your support & well wishes, sorry if I've been going on about it!! Let's hurry up & get bfp's on here so we can be bump buddies xxx

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