7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Afternoon ladies! How are we all?

Tina - If I go off the day I was meant to ovulate I'm 5 dpo, but i think I was earlier so maybe 6/7 dpo?! I'm giving up counting I'm so lost this cycle. How was your weekend away? I love a good buffet breakfast.. Mmmmmmm!

Frisky so pleased that your hubby was over the moon, knew he would be.. Does it feel more real now? Good idea on letting your son know while your mum is there, might help him handle it better, I bet he'll be excited though deep down. He'll have someone to look out for and protect and he'll be able to blame the baby for things he's done �� hehehe!

How is everything with you Betty? Edinburgh, hope you are okay as well.

Last night I babysat, and when I got in my OH had left 2 red roses and a teddy bear for me for valentines day as we fly to Bahrain that day. I was grinning from ear to ear, he's sweet when he wants to be lol.

No symptoms really for me, my boobs starting hurting this morning which is normal after ovulation, oh and TMI I had a yellow/white glob of cm last night which was strechy... It's properly nothing though so trying not to look too much into it

Hope you all have a nice Sunday xx
Ahh frisky! I bet you're feeling relieved now that it's all over with and your hubby is as ecstatic as you are! It's nice that you can be excited about it together now!

Buffet breakfast was amazeballs! I had a full English with 2 rounds of toast and then at least 5 croissants and little pastries with jam and chocolate spread mmmmm I could just eat it again right now actually!

Charm, I've lost count with what's normal for me with CM during my 2WW! some cycles I have none, a couple ivr had exactly what you just described and then last cycle I had tonnes of creamy cm! I've stopped taking notice of it now. I've got sore boobs which is completely normal for me. The only thing I've noticed is I've had lots of wees in the last 24 hours but I'm guessing that's because I've drank a lot of alcohol! Xx
Morning all, how is everyone?

Tina you did that breakfast buffet proud. Sounds amazing, nom nom nom! We've eaten rubbish all weekend, meals out and takeaways so back to healthy homemade meals today lol.

I'm trying to not symptom spot his month, as every month I do, I get it my head that I might pregnant then AF arrives every time so I'm trying to ignore it all, And just wait until AF is due. I hate the disappointment aNd I know this is my last month until my OH gets leave again so I'm just going enjoy my time with him, and see what happens... I'll let you all know if I notice anything though :)

Hope you all have a great week :) xxx
Hi girls..... How are you all.....
Tina, your night away sounded great! Glad you had a good time....
Frisky, so pleased for you and hubby, how was the rest of your weekend???
I've had a lovely weekend, pamper day with the girls Saturday which was lovely, we had some cocktails and wine and a lovely meal, was fab!!! Then yesterday we had a proper family day, took little missy swimming then Sunday lunch and then we all wrapped up, put our wellies on and went plodging in the sea (yes we are mad!!!)
Ready for the week ahead!!!
Momwife and Carly, how are you and bumps????
Charm.... I am always the same every month, convince myself I am pg and then AF arrives and it's another disappointment!!! It's easier said than done not symptom spotting, I always say I'm not going to and then sore and the two weeks googling every little symptom!!!! :)
Morning girls!

4DPO today, getting my usual pre-af chocolate cravings, just demolished a twix in less than a minute haha! wish AF due date day would hurry up! I can't cope with all this waiting around. I've ordered some cheapie tests off amazon which are due to arrive in the next couple of days so no doubt I'm going to turn into a POAS-a-holic in the days leading up to AF being due.

Don't particularly feel pregnant though, like I said I've got the chocolate craving that I have every cycle and my boobs are sore as per.

Betty, your weekend sounded fab! Especially the part about jumping in the sea with wellies on! that'd be my worst nightmare though because I'm absolutely terrified of the sea! I can't even put my feet in it, can't go on a boat because I start hyperventilating haha!

Back to good old work today, at least by the time the weekend comes it will be acceptable to start peeing on a stick! xx
Tina, you're scared of the sea!!!! Oh I love it, we live by the sea and its so lovely :)

I'm a bit disappointed as I've just spoken to the ARU dept and my next appointment is not till April, gutted, I thought I was going to be seen in march, ugh, another month to wait :(
scared is an understatement betty, I'm literally petrified of it. I had a bit of a bad experience when I was a kid, I went out a bit too far and the sea level suddenly rose and I went under and I couldn't swim. Fortunately my mum was there and saved me but it's given me nightmares from then on so now I won't even venture into it.

gutted about your appointment hun! So does that mean you're not gonna start trying again till at least april now? xx
Oh no.... Tina, that's terrible!!!! No wonder you don't like the sea..... :(

I'm gutted that I won't get any clomid until my next app which will mean I will need to start taking it in may which just seems so far away! I was getting sad today as I really wanted to get pregnant again before what would have been my due date if I hadn't of miscarried (6th April) is that silly????? Ugh, just seems to be getting further out of reach for me..... I'm having a moan so I just need to pull myself out of it.
No betty that isn't silly at all. Sending you big hugs my dear :( it's only natural to want that so then you're not focusing on what could have been and instead focusing on something amazing. If I could change things for you hun I would in a heartbeat believe me! Nobody deserves a positive more than you do :)

I'm 5DPO today, still no stand out symptoms to report. I have quite a bit of creamy CM but I wouldn't say that's completely out of the norm for me. This 2WW is dragging, feel like I ovulated weeks ago!

my cheapo pregnancy tests arrived last night, I was so tempted to pee on one but what would've been the point!!! Gonna try hold out until 9DPO. xxx
My pound shop are selling two pregnancy tests for a £1 (obviously!!!) I stocked up the other day so I don't feel too guilty if I start testing at 8dpo!!!!!
Tina, it's awful when the 2ww drags!!!! We are all wishing our lives away!!!! :)
Frisky, do you have many pg symptoms?????
You're not joking! I feel like the last 7 months have flew by because I'm always counting down to something.

I've had some strange pinching sensations going on this afternoon. Low down on my left side just every now and then I get a sharp pinch. Had creamy white CM today too.. so difficult not to symptom spot and get your bloody hopes up arggghhhh!!!

Forgot to mention that it's Marks birthday today! He's been really down all day understandably because this is his first birthday without his dad. I know there's nothing I can do to make him feel better, I've just gotta let him get on with it but ensure him that I'm here if he needs me.

I've arranged a surprise meal for him tonight with his mum and brother and my parents and my sister/her boyfriend. He has absolutely no idea! He thinks we're finishing work and going home for a chinese takeaway. I hope it lifts his spirits a little bit.

Another really odd thing happened this morning! We were in the car on the way to nursery and just completely out of the blue Evie said "Mummy, I still love my nanny's grandad" she refers to Mark's dad as nanny's grandad because she has 2! and I said "ahh Evie that's lovely, what has made you say that?" and she said "He told me that he loves me"

now we haven't spoken about him in front of her if we can help it! Definitely not within the last week or so and it is really strange for her to come out with something like that! I think he has visited her in a dream or something.. you don't think I'm bonkers for thinking that do you?? I told Mark that he has sent him a message through Evie to let him know that he's okay and that he can enjoy his birthday.
I'd like to believe he has anyway :)

Sorry about the absolutely humongous post girls! xx
p.s... watcha think of my new picture? <----------- Evie dressed as a demented cinderella! xx
Awwwwh betty :hugs: that's not silly at all.....it must be still so hard for you. May does seem a way off, but it's only 3 month, stay positive & focused. I know it's easy for me to say, but look at this way. Way back when the diabetic nurse told me I would never fall pregnant with my high bloodsugars. I was told it would take 3 months to get it stable & I did it....May will soon be here my lovely :)

Tina, love the pic of your daughter...little cutie. Your meal sounds nice tonight too...when is af due for you? That story about grandad is lovely, I'm sure kids do see things.....It's comforting that she did....Your not crazy Xx

Gotta Love cheapo hpt's....I'm surprised I didn't cave in and test on them this month, I've no idea where that willpower came from!

No major symptoms here...My nipples are killing me today though & I'm extremely tired. No sickness as such, just feel a bit queasy now & then. Sitting down with hubby tonight to discuss our options, were meant to be moving out of this house towards end of year, near when baby will be due as that's when his time in the Navy is up. We were originally told we get 6months after his leaving date, but he's been told today that its 3 month's & they could send us the 3 month notice BEFORE he leaves!!! So, that's a bit worrying..I'm sure it will work itself out,.

Charm & edingburgh, hope your both ok?

I'm supposed to be cooking tea right now, but I'm just lay here still in my work clothes! Haha Xx
Oh Tina..... That's so amazing about your daughter saying that!!!! I do believe in all that :) hope your hubby has a lovely birthday dinner, it's bound to be hard for him but sounds like you are all doing so well!!! Your little girl is a cutie!!!! She reminds me of mine who is literally the Duracell bunny, 24 hours a day!!!!! :)
Frisky, I'm sure everything will work out, it always does, it's so weird when you said you will be moving back up north, I almost said 'oh great, I can come visit!!!!' :)
I think I'm having your pregnancy symptoms for you!!!! I feel so nauseous today, hungry but can't seem to face eating and my boobs/underarms ache, like I've been lifting weights.... I'm probably getting a lovely sickness bug!!!!
Is anyone doing anything for valentines day??? We don't normally, I think im going to cook us a nice meal and I will be on CD15 so might as well :sex:
Morning lovelies!

So we had a lovely time last night! My OH was none the wiser. We got home from work, he opened his presents then went upstairs to put his new pyjamas on so at that point I had no choice but to tell him we were going out!

Frisky, nice to see that you're getting all the classic preggers symptoms slowly but surely! At least that means that things are moving in the right direction!

My AF is due a week today on the 19th! I'm on CD21 today and off to get my progesterone tested this morning! I'm excited but nervous.. what actually happens if my levels come back low? How are they increased?

Been having pinching/pulling sensations very low down almost where my pubic bone is since yesterday afternoon. Woke in the night with heartburn too for the 2nd night in a row. You know what I'm like every month though girls, I have all of these symptoms then my period appears!

Send Some of your baby dust please frisky! !! Xxx
I'm sending lots of baby dust tina.....I had that same pulling sensation, fingers crossed its a positive sign! Betty is the best to ask about the progesterone levels, I'm not too sure . Glad your hubby had a great birthday.

Betty, I would SO meet up with you in Manchester!! Haha is that weird?? Xx
Tina..... Oh my word! Your symptoms sound VERY promising!!!! I had heartburn straight away with my BFP, I NEVER get heartburn :) eeeeeeeek!!!!! I have a good feeling about you this cycle :) oh exciting!!!!!
Frisky, yes, we should all meet up as soon as you move up north!!! I have this vision of us all being preggers and talking for hours, I have read posts from people on here and they have met some true friends from this site :) I think it's really lovely :)
Tina, when are you testing??????
If progesterone is low they normally recommend clomid. I have had low progesterone since last summer and I'm still waiting on clomid (although I still managed to get pregnant even with low progesterone so it's still possible)
Right, I'm off to visit a nursery for my little tinker! I'm thinking of putting her in a nursery one morning a week so that she gets used to it and so I can have a cup of tea in peace :)
Morning ladies, sorry I've not been on, been packing up the house ready to move and packing ready for holiday on Friday! Little bit busy, haha!

Tina that picture of your daughter is ace! Bless her. Glad that you had a lovely meal with DH, bet it was a lovely distraction for him :).. Your symptoms are sounding good, fingers crossed this is the cycle for you.. Ekkk!

Betty rubbish news on your appointment, but you might prove them all wrong and get pregnant before then, which would be amazing news.. As you said you've done it before.. When are you due to ovulate? Have fun nursery picking my friend has just done it, so she can go back to work.. It took her a while though, as she works 12hr shifts so she wanted it to be perfect :)

Frisky how are you feeling? Have you got another appointment coming up? Remember you saying your high risk? I would also totally meet up with you all, when I saw you post you're moving back up north I thought the same hahaha! Even though I'm the newbie.

As for me, my af is due on the 18th, 1 day before you Tina, and 2 days after my birthday.. Wouldn't that be a lovely present :) hehe! My boobies aren't really hurting too much which is nice as sometimes they kill and I don't like that lol, also seem to be having a lot of cm, sometimes it's creamy white, other times it's clear and wet.. Sorry tmi. Also yesterday I had a sharp shorting pain inside my lady garden (TMI again sorry) only lasted a minute, but it hurt and I was most definitely not imagining it lol... Knowing body it's nothing though so just waiting around for AF, not even googling symptoms I feel proud hahaha! Oh forgot to say I had a random dream about a cat giving birth to kittens, they were everywhere, then I was running, where I nearly got hit by a push bike then I saw a woman walking a dog, my mind is crazy.. All of that happened in an hour and I woke up sweating thinking it was time to get up.. Hahahaha!

Have a good day xxx

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