7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Betty! You know me though, I have these phantom symptoms every month and then my stupid period arrives! I'm not thinking too much about them until I see 2 lovely lines on a FRER.

I'm planning to start testing from 10DPO which will be Saturday, of course I've been dying to test every morning. I very nearly did this morning but I'm quite proud of myself for holding off! So I've been prodded and poked this morning and had my progesterone tested, the nurse said that I should get the results in about a weeks time. It'd be lovely if I didn't even need to call for the results because I had a BFP!

ahhh girls wouldn't it be lovely if we met up for tea and cake?? I genuinely think we will be friendies for life :):) I feel incredibly lucky to have stumbled along this thread and found the most fantastic group of girls I could have ever imagined meeting.

Had a little bit of heartburn this morning too, nothing major but it's definitely been there. Checked my cervix too and it's tightly shut and low.

Charm, when are you testing my lovely?? We should both test on Saturday! xx
Tina.. So wish I could test on Saturday but I'm not testing unless I'm late, pregnancy tests over are 20euro for 2! I knew I should of brought some cheap ones with me from England when I came back at Christmas.. Hindsight is a beautiful thing lol. I'm excited for you to test though :) If AF doesn't show for me I'll be testing in Bahrain, they'll properly even more expensive over there.. ekk!

Ohhh love the idea of meeting up for tea and cakes.. We could sit and openly discuss all the natural habits of our bodies with no issues at all, I'm sure we'd all get funny looks though lol.

Had some stretchy CM today, and cervix is soft and closed.. I'm not brilliant at cervix checking, it's very confusing up there, haha :)

haha charm I second your thoughts about cervix checking! I remember when I first started I didn't even know which part my cervix was! I think I'm definitely more in tune with it now and it feels odd if I don't check my cervix a few times a day. My OH thinks I'm bonkers! I'm like "my CP is low and closed today" and he's like "firstly what the hell is a CP and why is it low and closed??" whilst looking at me like I belong in the loony bin. I'm sure he wouldn't have me any other way though!

I can't believe how much pregnancy tests are by you!!! Can't you order some online from amazon?? I only paid like £2 including delivery for the cheapo ones. Imagine if you went to Bahrain and they were like 40 euros! I'll send you some in the post haha

Hahahaha! How funny, mine thinks I should be in a looney bin most days, I take it as a compliment :) I've been checking mine on and off a few months, I still don't understand they only thing I know for sure is soft and hard, but then sometimes it's soft on one bit then hard on another bit, no idea what that is about lol.

Ahh I know it's crazy the cost of them, no point me ordering them online as they won't get here on time, deliveries can take 4-6 weeks going through the army mailing system, and that's just for a birthday card haha. By the time they arrived here I'll be back in England, it'll be fine maybe Bahrain do nice cheap ones :/ haha xxx
Morning girlies!!!

So I was a bit naughty this morning, I caved and tested! Of course I was expecting it to be negative because I'm only 7DPO but I desperately needed to pee on something!

Stark white negative :(

Think I'll take one a day now to see if there's any progression

Still getting the odd pinch down there, boobs are still achey. Cervix is low, tightly closed and CM is creamy.

AF due to arrive in 6 days time!

haha that was like a proper low down on my current situation :):) hows everyone doing today? Charm any more symptoms to report? x
Haven't posted on here for a while as I got so fed up of the whole TTC and getting let down every month with a BFN :-(
This month however I feel totally different (this could be my mind getting carried away!) I have a LOT of EWCM and I'm 7DPO, there is tons and I have never had this before???? I think I'm going to go and buy a few cheap pg tests today and take one tmrw even tho I know it's ridiculously early to test.
Wish me luck!!!!
Hi All!

I am 10 DPO and wondering if i am pregnant.. the TWW is getting extremely difficult..

Have lots of symptoms that suggest I could preg..
Hey Betty,

In fact I ended up doing a test at 7DPO but it was a BFN.. Planning to wait till 12DPO and then testing daily..
Fingers crossed!

Wish you luck and do let us know..

Loads of Baby dust..
Tina, tut, tut!!!! 7dpo is far too early!!!! Lol, I guess it's better than testing at 2dpo.....! :)
Frisky, how are you lovely? You're awfully quiet!!!
Welcome padma, keep us updated on your symptoms :)
I'm cd14, I'm using preseed this cycle and basically did a hand stand for 30 mins after DTD last night (so much for taking time out this month! As crazy as ever)
What's everyone doing for valentines day?????
Hi girls... Sorry, I've been trying to get my house sorted as my mum's coming tomorrow, but I've felt rotten all day, got a bad headache!! I'm upset as my sister is being really off with me because I'm pregnant, I was in tears this morning. I know it's hard for her as she's been TTC for 3 years, but it's been hard for me also, even though I've not been ttc as long.....It's not a competition, it's tough no matter how long you have been trying. I don't know if it's my emotions, but some of the texts she sent me this morning have really hurt me. I'm not even getting into a fight with her about it, I'll leave her to it for a bit!

What have we all got planned for Valentine's?? Tina, hope you've shaved & moisturised, ready for your strip tease tomorrow!! ;) haaha.....and naughty you testing so early, guess you maybe wanted it for a Valentines gift though...Your symptoms do sound promising, got everything crossed for you :)

Good for you & your handstand betty!! Haaha...we all say we will take a break, but I guess we never really do!

Charm, you need to get on Amazon & invest in some cheapo tests lady!! That's a scandalous price! Hope you have a lovely holiday Xx

And welcome padma, hope you get your bfp :)
Frisky, how unfair that your sister is being like that with you!!! I know it must be hard for her too but she's putting you in a really awkward situation, You'll end up feeling like you can't be happy about your pregnancy because you know your sister is feeling so upset about it. You should be her inspiration that it WILL happen one day.

haha I know it was naughty to test! The worst thing was though that I knew it was going to be negative but it kind of relieved me somehow, I'm a bit odd sometimes, actually a lot odd! I haven't shaved and moisturised haha I haven't had the bloody time!

ahhh I've got something funny to tell you. I've just been into the reception area in work and the lady on reception said to me "so what have you got mark for valentines?" and I said "just a card, I don't think he is getting me anything so I'm sure a card will be just fine" and she looked at me kind of shocked and then said "I shouldn't really be telling you this but he definitely has got you something" WHY ARE MEN SO UNPREDICTABLE?!?! He NEVER buys me anything for valentines so I follow the normal ritual and he puts a spin on things.

So now I have to go out after work and hunt for a last minute present when I'm completely rubbish at present shopping.

not upto anything particularly special for valentines, we will probably get a marksies 2 can dine for £20 haha and sit in watching the soaps. Hopeless romantics aren't we?

The odd twinges have carried on throughout the day at different intervals, got a sore throat this afternoon too. On cervix watch it has risen up high but is still closed xx
Ooooooh how exciting!! Haaha...you will have to tell us what it is! I'm thinking the same by going marks & sparks, LOVE their food!! Failing that, a take away! My mum's gonna be here anyway, so it's not goin to be that romantic, no strip teases planned either! Imagine my mum walking in on me?? Haha I've got hubby a card, that's it!!...Bad wife!

Yeah, is upsetting about my sister. The docs put her on Clomid, but she reacted badly to it & had to stop taking it after 3 month's. What annoys me, and I may sound harsh here...but she isn't changing her life style, she goes out partying most weekends, drinks a bottle of wine most nights. When I say partying, I mean an out till 8am jobby, so draw your own conclusions. It annoys me, as surely her not looking after herself, is bound to have a bad impact on fertility drugs?? I've had to change my ways & really look after myself, it annoys me how she plays the victim, when she isn't doing all she can to help herself! Does that make sense?? Don't get me wrong, I love a nice glass of wine or 4 ;) but not every single night & not drink till destruction every single weekend! Things sometimes don't just happen, you have to help them happen! Sorry to go on, I'm just still upset!

I could really eat a cheeseburger right now, I've been wanting one all day. Think it's too early for cravings, it's just me being greedy! Haha Xx
Evening ladies, how are we all?

I've just been an got OHs valentines present, not going to lie it's he best present ever :D I got him a pillow.. hahahaha! He's constantly moaning at me, that he has a rubbish pillow in bed, and I have a good one so I got him a new one :) Sure hope it likes it lol.

Frisky, that's awful of your sister, she should be pleased for you, you have been struggled to conceive and now you have she can't be happy for you.. I'm sure you'd be happy for her if it was the other way round. She'll come round though, once she's vented just try not to let it get to you (easier said than done)

Tut Tut Tina testing already, thought you were holding out till Saturday? Oh well, at least you know it's early so that BFN can definitely turn into a BFP :D

Betty, how funny doing a headstand.. always good to mix things up though :) lol haha!

My cervix is still high and super soft, it's like it's all moulded into one, still got creamy CM but only when I check, and boobies still hurt but nothing major... Feel free to POAS for me, while I get robbed at the cost of them :) oh well soon be back in the UK and can buy as many as I like, even though I won't be needing them then, might just do it for the fun :)

Hope you all have a fantastic valentines.. xxxx
Hi girlies..... I think you've all done well with your valentines thoughts..... I haven't even got my fella a card (and I make cards for a living so how bad is that????)
I will be making him a gorgeous meal though and I am a good cook (even if I do say so myself!!!) and I've got some lovely heart lights that I'm going to put up in our dining room and make it look all romantic xxxx
Tina! Is your strip tease tmrw night??? I thought it was for hubby's birthday :)
Your symptoms sound pretty promising, I'm having a good feeling for you!!!!
Charm, what's your address, me, frisky and Tina will all send you some cheapo tests :) when is AF due for you???

Frisky, I'm sorry to hear your sister is not so pleased for you. I'm not making excuses for her as she should be overjoyed that you have finally got your well deserved BFP but I imagine she is just disappointed that she still doesn't have her BFP yet. Having said that, I totally agree with what you said about helping things along, losing weight, eating healthily and taking good care of your body is vital when trying to concieve so she really should be trying to do this. (I'm actually sat here with a glass of vino!!!!) everything in moderation hey girls..... Frisky, I'm sure she will come around, until then please just enjoy this special time, you DESERVE it honey xxxx
Morning!!! Happy valentines my lovely ladies!

Just about to get out of bed and get ready for work noooooo! Not doing another pregnancy test though today. I think I've found the motivation to wait now I've got one out of the way.

Evie went to bed last night feeling unwell. She's had a cough for a week or so but now she's also got a runny nose and her eyes are all red and watery. Took her temp before bed and it was high! Now I've woken up feeling like I've sanded my throat during the night! Strepsils at the ready this morning!

One strange thing last night, the heartburn hit again but badly! Lasted about 2 hours. . I've had it 3 times over the past 4 days. Praying this is a good thing!

Betty, I saw your cards. They're absolutely fantastic lady! You've got some major talent going on there xx
Morning, well done Tina for holding off from testing!! When is af due again?? Your symptoms sound so promising....this better be it!! :)

Betty, yes, your cards are amazing, your very talented :)

Well, thanks for letting me moan on about my sister. She actually text and apologized last night, I told her it's ok & that I'm still her sister & she can still vent & confide in me. So I'm glad that's sorted, I hate conflict....make love not war! ;)

Although not with my sister, coz that would be weird! Haaha ;)

Well last night hubby & I cooked a meal, steak, with veg, mash & garlic mushrooms.....I did the mushrooms by putting them in oven drizzled in oil & putting loads of garlic them, stirring them every couple of minutes.

Well, Aaron Said to me about twice "you should pan fry the garlic mushrooms" I told him, that's how I do them and he's never complained before. Anyway, as we get tea out onto plates, he says "I don't know where you got the idea to do mushrooms like that, your supposed to fry them"

Well...that was it....I flipped my lid!! I have never lost my temper as much as I did last night, I ended up storming upstairs to my room & refused to eat my tea. (Tina this happened as I messaged you bk on facebook, hence the vague reply) and because I didn't eat my tea, my sugars plummeted & I had a bit of a diabetic turn :(

Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I am turning into the bitch from hell!! Xx
ahhh hunny the way you lashed out at your fella over mushrooms! haha it's funny because you're just going through the rollercoaster of pregnancy emotions! just remember though that that little one growing inside of you is depending on you to stay strong so make sure you force yourself to eat!

So glad though that you've made up with your sister :):) I thought she might have just needed some time to get her head around it and she would realise what she was doing and apologised to you. You more than anybody know what she is going through so you can be there for her too.

I'm feeling a bit odd, I want to believe that I'm getting these symptoms but at the same time I feel like I'm going insane. I keep thinking "oh my god how silly am I going to look if my period arrives next week? and how insane am I going to feel?" It's a horrible feeling when your period comes yet you've been feeling so positive that you've done it!

I did a lot of reading on progesterone yesterday and every symptom that you feel when your progesterone levels rise are the exact same as early pregnancy symptoms so either way pregnant or not you're still going to feel like you are!


My period is due next Wednesday the 19th xx
Oh my God!! Wednesday is AGESSSSS away!! Haha this 2ww is taking forever Tina!! I'm so desperate for you girls to be bump buddies with me!! It's funny how we can't help but symptom spot....I can honestly say, I've had more pregnancy symptoms in my other cycles when I haven't even been pregnant! So weird!

It's pouring down here, poor Joe had to walk to school as hubby took the car to work, he was not impressed! We get to go on hubbys ship tomorrow & see what he does, so that should be fun.
We plan on telling Joe tonight.....I feel a bit sick about it to be honest Xx
I feel like it's taking forever too!! I'm just about ready to get a positive, you know when you feel like the thought of going through yet another TWW is too much? I need it this cycle!

how exciting that you're telling Joe tonight! I hope he surprises you and he is ecstatic about having a baby brother or sister! What do you think his reaction will be? Does he like babies?

We've got my mum and dad around for tea tonight so we won't be having a romantic evening! Thinking of cooking a roast dinner and getting something extra yummy for dessert!

Mmmm roast dinner sounds lush..I'm still craving cheeseburgers!! Haha was going to try & get out tonight, take advantage of my mum being here...but to be honest, everywhere is gonna be booked up & it's just too cold & wet to be venturing out!

Joe has always wanted a baby brother or sister, but when I asked him the other day...he said "I don't want one now as we have Rio" (the dog) so, I don't know....I'm going to make a fuss about him being a big brother and how it's a big responsibility. Hopefully he will be ok, but you never know with kids do you? I'll let you know how we get on. Xx
Sooo, we just told joe...his reaction??

"Ewwww, are you not embarrassed? I know what you've done"

Haaaaaahaaaaaa brilliant....he then went on to say congratulations & he seems really excited!! :) Xx

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