7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey charm! Lovely to see you back sweetie! Sorry that your AF came :-( of course we don't mind you hanging around, the more the merrier and you're part of the team now anyway so it'd be strange if you weren't here!

Whats Bahrain like? Did you take a look at the price of preggo tests?

No news on AF yet, I think my due date might be tomorrow. I've had a leutal phase of 12 days there or there abouts which would be tomorrow but if not then Wednesday most definitely.

I'm resisting testing now unless I'm late. If AF hasn't shown by Thursday then I will test for sure.

Only 10 minutes left in work yippeeee! Then off to pick up my baby and have a pizza whilst she falls asleep on the couch because she's had such a tiring day in nursery haha xxx
Hi charm..... You're always welcome on this thread!!!! You're part of the gang now :) sorry AF arrived for you, when is your next opportunity???
Tina, I'm hoping that AF stays away for you my lovely..... Not too much longer to wait! Anymore symptoms??????
Momwife, we haven't heard from you in ages are you ok?????????
Well I have the weirdest thing and I'm wondering if its ovulation but I just can't be sure, I wish I had some bloody OPks!!! I feel like AF is about to arrive????? Anyone had this before mid cycle??? I've literally went to the toilet to check as it just feels like I'm about to get my period, can't really describe it, no pain, more like that ache you get the day you start where it goes into your legs and you feel all bloated and a bit sensitive around your bits (god sorry that's tmi!!!) anyone had this?????????? Slightly freaky!!! Might try and DTD tonight just in case it's OV :)
How is everyone tonight?????? I'm just about to watch the walking dead, so pleased its back on tv and game of thrones will be starting soon, huge WHOOP!!!!!! X
Morning ladies, thanks for letting me stay I love being able to come oh here and talk, as no one else really gets it.

Bahrain is good, it reminds me of the film Aladin a little bit, it's a very rich country though I found all the desinger shops which was amazing, I didn't buy anything though as waiting until I move back to the UK to spend my birthday money as I'll need some warm clothes lol. Haha I haven't even found any pregnancy tests yet, but if I do I'll let you know the price, it's expensive here though. I'm next due to ovulate on the 3/4th of March and my OH leaves on the 3rd of March so might just make that one �� then I'm not sure when my next chance will be April/May I think depending on his leave dates ��.

Tina as the witch shown?? Oh I so hope not, it would be lovely for another BFP.. Stay away witch.. STAY THE F AWAY!!! Aww, bless your little one, it is so tiring in nursery, all that playing, painting, eating, napping.. Would tire me out too. Them were the days lol.. I love a good nap :)

Oh Betty I hope that pain so for a huge egg coming out to play, I've never had anything like that, in my December cycle I remember having to have a heat pad on when I ovulated as the pain was like period pain, got loads of EWCM then as well, hurt like bloody mad though.

Have any of you watched a show called 'The following' it's the series I'm currently watching it's about a serial and a cult following that he has.. It's amazing, I love how the mind works in some people... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm a little bit strange :)

Hope you have a good day, we are chilling today due to the arrival of the witch as she really takes it out of me, and hurts the first couple of days. Xxx
good morning lovelies!

well AF still isn't here yet BUT I did have the exact same cramping last night that I normally have before she arrives. No symptoms to report apart from my boobs being sore and some cramping and of course my friggin cold! I will be very very surprised if I get through the day without seeing her arrival.

Just been to the loo and checked my cervix because the first sign of impending AF is usually brown discharge around my cervix but nope, just creamy white.

Can barely breathe this morning! Got some major green goo coming out of my nose haha I love the things us girls share with eachother!

betty that pain is awesome news! That bloated feeling is quite common around ovulation, I always get it. I feel bloated and gassy and full in my belly if you know what I mean. I sure hope it is a little eggy popping out for you! You really do need to invest in some bloody OPKs though woman!

Bahrain sounds bliss! It would be somewhere that you could happily walk around all of the shops and take in the scenery but can't take your purse out of your bag because everything costs too damn much! Strange that you mentioned Aladin though Charm! Evie is properly obsessed with it at the minute. I think we must have watched it about 6 or 7 times over the weekend. She doesn't call it Aladin though she says "Mummy can I have Princess Jasmine on again?" She loves her princesses <3<3

I haven't seen the following but I've heard loads of people talk about it! I'm watching The Kardashians at the minute, I've never tried to watch it before but I'm onto season 2 now and I've gotta be honest, It's quite addictive!

Betty I am soooo with you on G.O.T!!! I'm on countdown for it. Have you seen the 2 trailers that have been released for it on youtube? I watched the new Walking Dead aswell, I think it's gonna be a good second part of the series! xx
Morning girlies....... How is everyone???? Tina, have you tested yet??? Eeeeek!!! I'm hoping this is it for you!!! Do you normally get sore bbs just before AF???? I never have sore bbs, ever!!!!
Charm..... I would love to shop in Bahrain, I need to win the lotto and go on a massive shopping bender!!! I've only been to Bahrain once but it was literally the inside of the airport for a connecting flight!!!! :)
So I feel totally normal this morning??? Managed to DTD last night just in case it was OV, only time will tell!!!! I go for my last lot of progesterone tests this Thursday THANK THE LORD!!! Will get my results next week so I will know for sure if I'm ovulating or not.....
Frisky, how are you my lovely????
Nope not tested and I'm not going to hun because I'm convinced AF is coming, sore boobs is totally normal for me. Last cycle I had sore boobs until a couple of days into my period then it started easing off.

Good luck with your progesterone testing!!! I'm due to get my results this week, going to see the doctor on Friday morning to discuss the results xx
Afternoon ladies.

Had a nice relaxing day been for a little walk and now just relaxing at the MILs, I normally get really bad AF pains but this time they've only been slight and I'm so happy about this as I'm normally crippled over.. Fingers crossed if she feels the need to show next month it won't be as painful again.. :)

Betty good luck with the testing this week, I'm guessing that's to find out if you ovulate, ahh I'll be going through all that soon too.. How long does it take to get the ball all rolling and that after the first GP visit? Will they then put you on Clomid? After these results?

Tina, good news on AF still not showing, let's hope it stays that way. Are you feeling AFish? I wasn't this time I just started brown spotting, then I knew she would be arriving soon. Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated

The only thing that's making me feel AFish is these bloody cramps! I've had them since yesterday afternoon now, feels just like AF cramping.

I thought after having them from yesterday afternoon that she would deffo be here by this morning but the cramping has continued without the pre-AF spotting!

Been going to the loo frequently all day to have a check of my cervix and nothing but creamy CM. Normally I get a few spots on my face aswell when AF is impending but my face is clear! Knowing me I bet she's just running a day or 2 late! xxx
Still no AF girls... guess what.. my cervix feels soft!! Just been and had a good old feel and it's not hard like it normally does before AF. xx
Arrrgggghhhh, just finished work, so much to read here...I'll get back to you shortly, I've had the day from hell.

Tina, I will say this, I had af pains the day before I was due, quite bad ones actually...which made me think I couldn't be pregnant. And creamy cm is a great sign too! Eeeeeeek hope this is it!

I'll chat later ladies Xx
Ohhh Tina, it sounds promising now, let's get the BFPs rolling in now! Ahh as of you're not testing till Thursday!!

Ohh frisky, *hugs* for you! Hope you are okay?

Betty how are you? Xxx
Ok ladies, when I win the lotto, I will take us all to Bahrain on a huge shopping trip!! Sounds bliss! :)
Charm, sorry af showed my love, we all know how that feels, so your in good company....And I'm echoing Tina & Betty here, but of course you can hang around on here, your one of us now! ;)

Betty, interesting you got those pains, have you ever had ovulation pain like that before? Let's hope it's a sign of really strong ovulation! (If that's possible) You have done everything you can this cycle, so I guess your now in the 2ww! Awwh, we usually start our 2ww together, I'm getting all emotional now! :hugs:

Tina, any sign of af?? I'm gonna be stalking here now!

Well my day at work was rubbish, lots of rude people, staff in bad moods, horrible atmosphere, was glad to finish today. Mum goes home tomorrow morning, gonna miss her, so will joe, he was crying tonight :( But she will be coming down alot more now as she finishes work for good next week. I'm at hospital again tomorrow to see midwives, can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my first appointment!!

The tiredness is unbelievable, I feel so lazy at the moment! Haha Xx
Aww Tina so sorry that AF arrived, I thought it was your month this month, I hope she isn't being too wicked! You've got your test results soon though haven't you, so that's something and might help give you answers. *Hugs* We can be in March 2ww together and keep our legs firmly crossed so those little swimmers have nowhere to go but up!

Frisky what do you do as work? I hate it when there is an atmosphere in work, it only takes one person then you can cut the tension with a knife. I work in care in the uk so it's mainly women, one bad mood and the place is hell. I normally just sing and dance to keep myself from going in a mood haha! Ohh exciting news for the midwifes tomorrow, will you be having a scan or anything? Will your mum or OH be going with you? So exciting!!!

Betty anything new with you? How many DPO are?

I think we are goon to the beach today, it's a sad household though as City lost to Barcelona last night, so will try and cheer the OH up... Good old football, why they can't support a team that loses all the time like me I'll never know!! I'm a west brom fan, hahahahaha!

Hope you have a good day xxx
Oh Tina..... I'm sorry I really had a good feeling about you this month!!!!! Are you at the doctors Friday for your progesterone results??? Hope you get some answers when you see them. :hug:

Frisky, I can't believe we don't share out 2ww together!!! I guess I'm about 2 dpo but I have had cramping before when I thought I was ov but this was different, I think it's probably something entirely different!

Charm, I wish I was going to the beach today (in a warm country!) I really feel like I need a holiday :)
I'm going out for the day with my family.... Should be fun/hectic!!!!!
Oh no Tina! :(

That's rubbish, I was so hoping this was it for you!...But charm is right, you have your test results soon, it may be everything is fine & it's just taking a while. I know how disheartening it is though, keep smiling my lovely & get your man to spoil you :hugs:

Charm, I am a big man city fan, so can sympathise with your hubby. But we have been through worse than a loss to Barcelona, were made of tough stuff us blues! :)

My job isn't exciting I'm afraid, I work in a little coffee shop. It's handy as it it's flexible hours around school, as I have no childcare here as I know nobody, it works well for me.

I'm hoping hubby will be back in time to come with me to hospital, I will have to take Joe too as it's half term this week. It's just a check up, because I'm a high risk pregnancy, I have to visit the midwives every other week now. I will be having a scan in 2 weeks & hubby will be home for that! :) Xx
I'm going to see the doctor on Friday to discuss my progesterone results and to make sure they have definitely referred Mark to the fertility specialists because we still haven't had an appointment letter through almost 3 weeks after she said she will refer him.

You probably know where I'm coming from girls but the longer this is taking us the more nervous I feel that there's something wrong! How can I get pregnant twice in just 2 months and then this time we're onto month 8??? I guess we will have more of an idea on Friday. It can't come soon enough.

One of my good friends finds out if she's having a girl or boy today. <3 so happy for her, she's one of the ladies who's been trying for as long as I can remember and has finally been granted her wish xx
Hello ladies,
Very busy at work. I have been following you (subscription to thread appears to be working again) but when I get home my head is busting a bit and I've been avoiding my computer. Might need to get my eyes tested soon just to make sure I don't need my specs updated.
Frisky, it cheers me up so much to see the wee updated blurb bit at the end of your posts, though I admit the Americanised dates threw me for a loop, was suddenly confused about the day/month/year I was in. Wrote a action date in a project plan today as 19/02/18 - was supposed to be putting in today's date. I'm getting ahead of myself!
Tina, sorry to hear about AF making an appearance as well as a chuffy cold. Munchkin seems to be getting sick and there's a horrid bug going round work at the moment that seems to be all about dry achey coughing fits. Not good.
Has anyone heard from Momwife recently?
How long have you been abroad Charm? I spent two years living in Turkey and culture differences present a lot of challenges! I was sad to leave but also really happy to be home.
Did you go out somewhere nice today Betty?
We booked a holiday to Spain for May. 10 days in a toddler friendly hotel - can't wait. We have to go before munchkin turns 2 because we'll never be able to afford to go when OH starts Uni in October, especially when we have to start paying for the extra seat. It'll be our first family holiday. OH is Canadian so all our family hols since I was 20 weeks pregnant have been spent there or here with his family, visiting. So looking forward to being able to play with shortie (not enjoying being full time again), slobbing out eating ice cream and some cosy evenings on a balcony with hubby and sangria!
Everyone doing OK amid the ongoing weather craziness?
OK, I'm off for some chamomile tea and an early night. Blessed dreams everyone!
We should totally do a thread group get together at some point in the year!
Oh, and it only took 6 weeks, but I finally stopped bleeding, so am feeling almost human again!

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