7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Tina, great news that hubby got his test kit through but not so good you can't bd for 4 days :( still, it's more important to get him tested and then you can both put your minds at rest! How is hubby??? Is he feeling any better???
Frisky, how you feeling??? Are you still feeling crappy?
Charm, how was your flight and day in London??? It's a bit of a whirlwind for you!!!
No AF for me yet but have all the signs that she is on route! Cramps, very irritated (especially at OH, he's had a right mouth full the last 2 days!!!)
Amanda, did you test again????? X
Oh it's my anniversary!!!!! I've officially been TTC for 2 years!!!!!
Hi ladies...Sorry I've been abcent.

Betty, it must be upsetting knowing your not ovulating, but you are on the right track now & you know you can get help. My friend got her bfp in 3 months on clomid. It will happen, you have been trying 2 years, a few months more is nothing :)
As for Juice Plus? I love it, although I've had to put things on hold with that whilst I'm pregnant. Are you looking to buy into the business? If you do it right, you can earn loads.....imagine if we met at one of the events? Haha

Charm, bet your hubby is delighted after city's win! What a great start to your welcome home!! :)

Tina, great news your hubbys testing stuff is through. I know it's hard as you just want all the answers now, but as I said to betty, a few more weeks/month's won't make a difference...it'll soon be here :)

I'm not having a good time of it ladies, I feel so down.
I know it's crazy, I don't know if it's because I'm constantly worried that something bad is going to happen like my first pregnancy? Hubby is fed up of me because I'm moody & snapping at him all the time. I'm feeling sick & tired & horrible about myself.
He's come home today with one of his mates to watch the football, didn't warn me. I feel rotten, so I stayed upstairs, but they are still here!! He's going mad at me as I won't go down...but I don't want to, I just want to curl up & sleep. They have both had a drink too. Hubby just told me my attitude stinks & I'm speaking horribly to him :( But I snapped because he keeps asking me to go down.

Oh I don't know, I just hope it's my hormones......I want to enjoy this so much, I'm just finding it so hard at the minute.

You must all think I'm a crazy bitch!! Sorry to moan on Xx
Seriously girls, I can't stop crying....I don't know if I need to see a doctor or something Xx
Aaawww frisky,hope you are ok. It'll be hormones and understandably you'll be worried. Your hubby will be overreacting a bit as he's had a drink.
i tested again with ic,don't want to waste better tests when af not due till wed. Bfn!! Started spotting today which started off watery and brown but just had some red. If its af its 3 days early putting my cycle at 22 days. Now thinking those 2 tests must've been dodgy xx
Frisky, of course we don't think you're a crazy bitch! No crazier than we are anyway haha. What you're feeling is entirely normal, more so because you've wanted this for such a long time that you probably won't stop worrying until you're holding your baby in your arms. One thing to remember though hun and my hubby says it to me all the time, if it's meant to be then it will be, we can't change the outcome of things so try and enjoy it :) all of the sickness and feeling rubbish are good signs that yours pregnancy is developing as normal! How many weeks are you now? I bet you can't wait to just get your scan out of the way, sending you big hugs xxx

Betty :-( that damn AF!!! hope she's kind to you this cycle my dear! Like frisky said though, you've managed this long! I'm sure a few cycles more will be a doddle xxx
Sorry to hear about your neg test & spotting ab75
Lets hope the test is dodgy & it's just pregnancy spotting.
It really is an emotional rollercoaster. Fingers crossed my lovely.

Tina....I'm loosing the plot. Thanks for trying to reassure me.
Hubbys mate left about half an hour ago. Think hubby feels bad now as he heard me throw up! Nice....

I've just had a cry on him & told him my fears & he was really sweet about it, stroking my face, telling me that what happened with eve, wasn't my fault & it's not going to happen again. He told me I must stop being so negative about things though, as it brings me down & him down.
I know he's right.
When I'm off on Wednesday, I'm going to treat myself to some new clothes (primark obviously) we have a baby to save for...I'm going to get myself some new make up, get my nails done. I know it sounds daft, but it will make me feel better...I've lost all enthusiasm to make an effort with myself.
After shopping we have scan, hopefully I'll chill the f**k out then Xx
Awwwww frisky, I need to give you a big hug :hug: you are being completely normal!!! Your hormones are on overdrive at the moment making sure that little bean is nice and safe inside of you.... You are also bound to be more worried than other people as you have been through something very horrific and this pregnancy will bring fear, however, you are being looked after by specialist midwives that will hopefully give you extra care and attention you need. I would talk to them about your fears and maybe they can offer some advice. Hopefully your hubby will be able to offer you all the support you need :) go and get yourself a pamper, you deserve it!!!!
Ps: yes I'm going to do the business side of juice plus, my friend has made thousands doing it I'm actually amazed!!!! Bring on the cash!!!!
Amanda, god I hope that this is not AF for you!!! Keep us posted my lovely xxxz
Tina, where are you in your cycle now??? I'm totally out of sync with everyone!!! I'm currently on CD 31 and still no AF, she is such a bitch!!!!!
Hello everyone! Monday again noooooooo!!!

Frisky, a bit of retail therapy and pamper time will do you the world of good! I'm a little bit jealous, I so need new clothes but saving for a new house comes first! It's lovely that your hubby was understanding about the way that you're feeling. Sometimes they get so carried away with boy time that they become delirious about everything else that is going on around them! Especially if alcohol and football are involved haha

Betty, I think I'm on CD 12.. I feel completely out of sync this cycle but round about CD12, ovulation is normally CD16 which is when we need to stop having sex because of the hubbys sperm testing! so a night before job is going to have to do!

I'm trying to temp again this cycle. It isn't going too well though because I've been waking at different times everyday as Evie is full of a cold. Some mornings I've been getting up at 4am and others 7am so I'm just gonna try and temp every morning at 5.30am when I get up for work and see how it goes!

No charm?? maybe she can't get internet access in the UK yet! xx
Tina..... Do you get up at 5.30am every morning for work??? Ugh, that sucks!!!! I am so not a morning person!!! Still no AF for me (2 days late) do I test or is that just ridiculous??? My head is in the shed!!!! :)
My little girl has been throwing up all morning bless her, and it was like something out of the excorsist!!! She is never sick so this has really thrown me. So it's a movie day for us today (had to call in work and tell them I can't come in, went down like a tonne of bricks!!!!) all good fun xxx
Yup unfortunately it's a 5.30 start every morning for me, even on the weekends now too because Evie's body clock thinks it's still a weekday so she wakes up! ggggrrrr

4am though the other morning, she woke up having a coughing fit and that was it I couldn't get her back to sleep :(:(

Sorry to hear about your little one Betty :( it's the worst when your kids are ill, you just wish there was something you could do to make them feel better! good thing is though you get loads of cuddles, and a day off work yippee!!!xx
Hey ladies, how are we?? Thanks for all your kind words regarding my psychotic state!!haha feel a bit better about things today.
Tina, 5.30 am is a killer....I can't function without sleep, I'm going to make the most of every second of sleep I get at the moment! Haha

Betty? Any sign of Af?? Test already!! Haaha

Hope your little lady is feeling better, it's horrible when they are poorly Xx
Oh Lordy Tina.... That's almost the middle of the night!!!! Do you work full time??? What do you do??? I really need to pack my job in, I really hate it!!!! I've always had a good job but even though this is only 16 hours a week it KILLS me!!!! Don't feel I can look for something else though if I'm planning on having another baby??? Feel like I'm in a rut!!!
Frisky, glad you're feeling better... You will ave ups and downs but the most important thing is you take care of yourself xxx
Amanda, any news????
Well I bought more frer and ttested earlier, we total BFN... AF is just running late this month..... Boring!!!!
My little girl is much better although she hasn't ate anything, she has drank plenty though.....
Oh Betty.....booooo to the negative test! :hugs:

I know what you mean about been in a rut with work, I'm literally doing the lamest job ever in a coffee shop, just because it fits in with school. I do 16 hours & It drains me! I used to manage a hair salon before I had Joe, loved my job & my client's.
Then I had to stop as I broke up with Joe's dad & moved away, any salon jobs included Saturdays, which unfortunately I could never do due to childcare & wanting my Saturdays with my son. I find now I'm older, I know what I would like to do more....I would love to train and become qualified in applying make up. I'd love to do make up for brides on their big day.
But, I want a baby more than anything....hopefully I'll be able to a refresher course in hairdressing & get a job part time in a salon somewhere in a year or 2...but my age against me! Haaha lotto win needed....NOW! X
Morning ladies,hope you are all well?
Betty,no more spotting for me. Had a faint bfp on cb + yday,but been reading that they are unreliable. Af due tmrw so not testing again til fri if she doesn't show!
Oh frisky.... I know what you mean. I took this job because its literally a 5 minute walk from my house and the hours are good but it's so dull!!!! I'm actually losing brain cells working there!!! I need something more challenging but then I will have to take on more hours which means putting my little girl in child care.... I keep saying to myself 'I've had an amazing career for 12 years, now it's time to concentrate on family' but its hard..... A lotto win would be amazing right now!!!!!
Will you get maternity pay from your work??? We're they ok when you told them you were pg???
Amanda, fingers crossed for you!!!! Hope this is a sticky one for you xxx
No AF for me..... 3 days late!!!!!
I never got bfp with dd2 until af was a week late so your not out yet!
i'm not convinced i can trust the bfp on ic or the faint one on cb,feel like af is going to make an appearance,feel really wet(sorry tmi). Anyway,we'll see soon enough i suppose lol.
I work for b&q,every fri and every 2nd weekend,hours are good and staff are nice but its not what i want to do forever. I was a childminder b4 i had my girls. I don't want to put them into childcare so just need to stick with what i do for now.
Looks like we are all in the same boat.... It's so hard to be able to have a successful career and have children, something has to give!!! I'm happy to give up my career but I just get so depressed going into work. My little business is doing well but again, I can only do it when my little girl goes to bed, it's not ideal!!
Well it's not great in our house today, my little girl is much better but my OH has now got the bug and he is BAD!!!!! So I'm bleaching everywhere and just waiting for me to get it!!!! Lovely :)
Amanda, test on a frer, I think it's safe to say you have a BFP!!! Can you go to your doctors and ask for a blood test just to put your mind at rest????
I don't think I'm pg, I just think she is running late this month. Will no doubt turn up just as I'm getting this vomiting bug!!! All good fun hey???? :sick:

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