7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Eek - just did a First Response (not the early one) and got a BFP! It's not as dark as the control line just yet but i'm only 11dpo so I wouldn't expect it to be. But it's so pink and it came up straight away!

I'll do another in the morning but I'm so excited!

This is the start of our BFPs on this thread (though I really want to get past this weekend so I know it's not a chemical).

x x :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am so excited for you im smiling from ear to ear! Wishing you a healthy nine months keep us posted.
Eek - just did a First Response (not the early one) and got a BFP! It's not as dark as the control line just yet but i'm only 11dpo so I wouldn't expect it to be. But it's so pink and it came up straight away!

I'll do another in the morning but I'm so excited!

This is the start of our BFPs on this thread (though I really want to get past this weekend so I know it's not a chemical).

x x :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Oh my God!!! :happydance:

That's AMAZING news Lilly!!
I'm genuinely made up for you Xx let's hope your BFP rubs off on us for next cycle!! :happydance: Xxx

Thank you! So happy it's unreal! x x

Omg!!! We have our first BFP on this thread! That is AMAZING!!!! Lilly, I'm so happy for you :hugs:
Post pictures of your test! I love all that!!!!
So what symptoms do you have, totally stalking!!!! :happydance:

Mango, that totally sucks.... But, onto the next cycle with plenty of positivity, we are all with you :hugs:

I'm still waiting for AF to show up? This is ridiculous! I really don't want to test (which is unusual for me, maybe I don't want the words 'not pregnant' flashing at me in neon lights!) I have got creamy CM (sorry tmi) can't recal normally having this but then our bodies play little tricks on us!!! Will defo test tmrw or Friday if no show but I have a gym class tonight, that might make her visit!
Ok ladies, I'm loving all your support and posts, you're all fab!!! Lets keep this up, I can honestly say I haven't really struck up any friendships on here in the past but I now feel we have a lovely little group...... Thanks all xxx

Me tooooo!! I love our group! :)

Thanks for the congratulations Kat, but I've not got a bfp! Haha:dohh:

I went to gym earlier to hurry af along and still no show!! Just a weird creamy pink discharge, only when checking cervix x I wish it would just show now, so I can get on with next cycle.

Betty, I want you to test tomorrow! Haha Xx
I am feeling a little crampy, and emotional, this could be tmi but cervix is still closed so im hoping I will get a :bfp: I am going to use a frer tomorrow morning. I think that test will be the deciding factor fingers x . #wantababysobad

Im so glad I found this thread, even though reading it makes me emotional :cry: however I just would likebto say thanks to Betty, Frisky, Lilly :baby: ,Mango, and Kat.
Oh ladies.... You're all so lovely!!!!
Frisky, I also have been to a gym class and still nothing... There is so much of me wanting this to be it but I really just think that my body is playing a very naughty trick on me :-(
See, I'm getting my hopes up now and I know I'm going to be bitterly disappointed when the witch shows her face.... Arghhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, I bought 2 tests on the way home from the gym, debating on when to do them??? Will prob hold out till thurs as my DF is working away tmrw....
Keep posting girls... I will let you know if anything happens my end!
Frisky, how many DPO are you??? Your still not full flow so there is hope!!!! :-) has this happened to you before???? Xx
Irts.... Let us know as soon as you test tmrw :-)

Will do Betty best of luck to you.

Wouldnt it be just wonderful if all of us that are still waiting get a :bfp:

So frisky has this happened before like betty said?
Everyone keep the faith and believe that anything is possible.. Betty63 you need to speak that BFP into existence if AF hasn't came lets hope you won't see it for a very long time.

Lets stay here even if BFP's come don't go anywhere!! You have to wait on me to get mine!!!
Kat.... We're all together now!!! Even you Lilly! We will be stalking so keep us updated :-)
Good morning ladies :)
How are we all feeling? Positive I hope, regarding all test results!

Oooh Irts, good luck with your testing, let's hope a trend for BFP's gets started!
Betty, what tests have you bought? You still holding out for tomorrow??


I've just dropped hubby back off to his ship. Still no sign of af. Not a smidge or anything when I wipe. It's very odd. I don't know if anyone has experienced this, or if it even means anything...but I was kept awake for a bit last night with like a fluttering & tugging sensation in my right side lower abdomen, then the same again on the left?? It didn't hurt, it was just really really weird..iv just got it again now on the left? Could it be trapped wind??

Betty, I don't use ovulation tests, so I'm unsure when I ovulated...going off my 28 day cycle, I assumed I ovulated around day 11?? Ha..I don't even know if I DID bloody ovulate!! :(
I'm useless arnt I?? X
Oh frisky that sounds promising!!!! So you have basically just had some spotting? I know that some people can wait up to a week after AF is due before they get a BFP!!! Eeeeek, you could still be pg!!!
I'm still waiting for AF, still have cramps and feel like she is about to arrive but nothing, I'm so bloody frustrated now! Arghhhhhhhhh
I bought some cheap tests from morrisons, I've spent so much money on tests I refused to buy the expensive ones :-)
I'm defo testing tmrw morning if no AF! I will be 5 days late tmrw!!! Fancy testing with me???
Irts.... What's your update??? Fingers crossed xx
Oh frisky that sounds promising!!!! So you have basically just had some spotting? I know that some people can wait up to a week after AF is due before they get a BFP!!! Eeeeek, you could still be pg!!!
I'm still waiting for AF, still have cramps and feel like she is about to arrive but nothing, I'm so bloody frustrated now! Arghhhhhhhhh
I bought some cheap tests from morrisons, I've spent so much money on tests I refused to buy the expensive ones :-)
I'm defo testing tmrw morning if no AF! I will be 5 days late tmrw!!! Fancy testing with me???
Irts.... What's your update??? Fingers crossed xx

Have you ever been late before betty?? Yeah, I'll test with you, I've nothing to loose have I? :wacko:
I assumed af was gonna be here as I got some spotting when I checked cervix, and as I've said before, I always spot before af. And I've Been fiddling around that much checking, I'm sure she would be here by now.
In reply to your question earlier, no I've not experienced this before :shrug:
I've had a late period before now, but not spotting then nothing.

These twinges in my lower abdomen are bothering me now, it's like I've got a heartbeat down there! Haha Xx

It's?? Good luck my lovely :hugs:
Oh frisky that sounds promising!!!! So you have basically just had some spotting? I know that some people can wait up to a week after AF is due before they get a BFP!!! Eeeeek, you could still be pg!!!
I'm still waiting for AF, still have cramps and feel like she is about to arrive but nothing, I'm so bloody frustrated now! Arghhhhhhhhh
I bought some cheap tests from morrisons, I've spent so much money on tests I refused to buy the expensive ones :-)
I'm defo testing tmrw morning if no AF! I will be 5 days late tmrw!!! Fancy testing with me???
Irts.... What's your update??? Fingers crossed xx

Have you ever been late before betty?? Yeah, I'll test with you, I've nothing to loose have I? :wacko:
I assumed af was gonna be here as I got some spotting when I checked cervix, and as I've said before, I always spot before af. And I've Been fiddling around that much checking, I'm sure she would be here by now.
In reply to your question earlier, no I've not experienced this before :shrug:
I've had a late period before now, but not spotting then nothing.

These twinges in my lower abdomen are bothering me now, it's like I've got a heartbeat down there! Haha Xx

It's?? Good luck my lovely :hugs:

Oh lord! I'm so anxious :wacko: I mean, this could be it but deep down I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down! I don't feel pg at all :nope:
I'm never late. I've been looking at my FF chart for the last year and its always been 29-30 days I was late once but only 2 days! I'm 5 tmrw!!!!!!
When I was pg with my little girl I had like a 'fluttering' sensation in my lower abdomen, so yours sounds like a good sign :happydance:
Oh god!!! This is killing me!
So tmrw we test!!!! Eeeeeeek! Ok, I'm sending out positive thoughts your way, send some back to me!!!!! :hugs:
Oh frisky that sounds promising!!!! So you have basically just had some spotting? I know that some people can wait up to a week after AF is due before they get a BFP!!! Eeeeek, you could still be pg!!!
I'm still waiting for AF, still have cramps and feel like she is about to arrive but nothing, I'm so bloody frustrated now! Arghhhhhhhhh
I bought some cheap tests from morrisons, I've spent so much money on tests I refused to buy the expensive ones :-)
I'm defo testing tmrw morning if no AF! I will be 5 days late tmrw!!! Fancy testing with me???
Irts.... What's your update??? Fingers crossed xx

Have you ever been late before betty?? Yeah, I'll test with you, I've nothing to loose have I? :wacko:
I assumed af was gonna be here as I got some spotting when I checked cervix, and as I've said before, I always spot before af. And I've Been fiddling around that much checking, I'm sure she would be here by now.
In reply to your question earlier, no I've not experienced this before :shrug:
I've had a late period before now, but not spotting then nothing.

These twinges in my lower abdomen are bothering me now, it's like I've got a heartbeat down there! Haha Xx

It's?? Good luck my lovely :hugs:

Oh lord! I'm so anxious :wacko: I mean, this could be it but deep down I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down! I don't feel pg at all :nope:
I'm never late. I've been looking at my FF chart for the last year and its always been 29-30 days I was late once but only 2 days! I'm 5 tmrw!!!!!!
When I was pg with my little girl I had like a 'fluttering' sensation in my lower abdomen, so yours sounds like a good sign :happydance:
Oh god!!! This is killing me!
So tmrw we test!!!! Eeeeeeek! Ok, I'm sending out positive thoughts your way, send some back to me!!!!! :hugs:

Oh my days betty!! This really could be IT for you!! Holy shit, I'm anxious for you!! :happydance:

I'm always sending out positive thoughts out to you!! We've really connected on here and have been ttc for a similar amount if time! :friends:

Do you really think I could still be in this? Even though I've had spotting and BFN? I don't know if I've maybe ovulated later & maybe had implantation bleeding later?? I've no idea what to think anymore! :wacko:

So, I've got a test from asda, they are meant to be pretty good. If it's BFN tomorrow I'm not gonna be too shocked...but will deffo put an end to testing this cycle xxx

Eeeeeeeek!! It's all too much Xxx
I still think that you could be in as you have literally only spotted for 1-2 days and not had full flow! If that's not normal then anything is possible!!! I actually feel sick (from getting myself worked up!) could the fact that I'm getting stressed and anxious be delaying my period???? To many questions and only one way to find out!!! I will be testing as soon as I wake tmrw unless the ugly witch arrives today/tonight......
This has been quite an eventful 2WW!!!! Glad I had all you girls with me on this one :-)
I KNOW we will be bump buddies one day :hug:
I'm so nervous for you both to test!!! When will you do them??

Test won't attach but I did a CB digi this morning and it came up 1-2 weeks!
Irts.... Let us know as soon as you test tmrw :-)

I am regretfully informing you ladies that the test came back negative again. I just felt like crying this morning when I got those results because my period seems to be no where in sight besides the spotting I mentioned to you ladies before. I called my doc yesterday and the nurse will be getting back to me today.

The doc was supposed to start me on clomid but we cant do that without a period. So I am just a little exhausted and discouraged right now.
I feel that it is only fair to tell you ladies a little about my hx. In 2006 I was preg ajd this one particular doctor told me it was ectopic so he gave me methotrexate after that i was bleeding intermitantly throughout the month for years and i kept going back to him to try and get the issue resolved. Later on I found out through a ultrasound tech that there was a baby invetro at the time he gave me the methotrexate. I went into surgery to have it removed but only to have the irregular bleeding continue. January of this year I was bleeding daily and heavily but I didnt address it right away because I was finishing my last semester of nursing school. It was when I started filling a pad within 30 mins that's when I went to the emergency room and was refered to the doctor and had the procedure done in april. That a small sum up of the story ladies. Enough about me keep me posted with those bfp's and thanks again ladies. By the way you guys can call me Tasha
Irts.... Let us know as soon as you test tmrw :-)

I am regretfully informing you ladies that the test came back negative again. I just felt like crying this morning when I got those results because my period seems to be no where in sight besides the spotting I mentioned to you ladies before. I called my doc yesterday and the nurse will be getting back to me today.

The doc was supposed to start me on clomid but we cant do that without a period. So I am just a little exhausted and discouraged right now.
I feel that it is only fair to tell you ladies a little about my hx. In 2006 I was preg ajd this one particular doctor told me it was ectopic so he gave me methotrexate after that i was bleeding intermitantly throughout the month for years and i kept going back to him to try and get the issue resolved. Later on I found out through a ultrasound tech that there was a baby invetro at the time he gave me the methotrexate. I went into surgery to have it removed but only to have the irregular bleeding continue. January of this year I was bleeding daily and heavily but I didnt address it right away because I was finishing my last semester of nursing school. It was when I started filling a pad within 30 mins that's when I went to the emergency room and was refered to the doctor and had the procedure done in april. That a small sum up of the story ladies. Enough about me keep me posted with those bfp's and thanks again ladies. By the way you guys can call me Tasha

Oh tasha, what a horrible ordeal you have gone through, I'm so sorry :cry:
It's no wonder you are feeling discouraged.

Times are really sent to test us, I've had testing times and can feel a little bit of your heartache. :hugs:

Your surgery was In April, almost 4 months ago. That's still very new & raw. Your body will still probably be going through the healing process & levelling out. I pray & hope you are a step closer to your BFP. :)

It's easy to turn a blind eye to our health when we are busy in life. But now you are getting the right treatment & have addressed the problem, it can only get better.
So when you feel discouraged, remember that.
You can chat to us on here anytime.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy your way :thumbup:

I'm Sarah by the way xxx :)
I'm so nervous for you both to test!!! When will you do them??

Test won't attach but I did a CB digi this morning and it came up 1-2 weeks!

Ooooooh Lilly :) exciting xxx

What did the OH say? Xx
Oh tasha.... I'm so sorry to hear that :-( Sarah is right (can't believe we all have real names!) your body is obviously healing and its so frustrating waiting around.... I hear so many great success stories from people on clomid so if this really isn't your month then hopefully your first cycle on clomid will be!!!! Keep us posted, besides its still early for you isn't it? Are you due for AF this Friday???
Sarah, any updates from you? Are you still spotting or has it completely stopped?
Still nothing my end...... Now I'm starting to make up symptoms, I feel sick but I think its because I'm nervous/excited!!!
Lilly..... How are you feeling???? I bet your absolutely ecstatic!!!!
Btw, my name is Tracy xx
Haha real names!! I'll probably still use our usernames as I'm used to them now!! ;)

Betty, I mean Tracy ;) no sign of anything...I keep thinking she's arrived, but nothing, spotting has stopped for 2 days now (touch wood)
It's all I'm thinking about now, driving Me mad. God knows how your feeling?
I'm scared to test tomorrow, I really thought I was out.
Have you told your OH?? Or are you leaving it as a surprise.
I don't think they understand just all the emotions we are going through right now. Xx

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