7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

oh god now I'm totally driving myself crazy. AF due tomorrow, BFN on FR at 11DPO, feeling totally unwell at 10DPO (diaorhea, weakness, lethargic, nauseous) NOW my crazy mind is thinking "hmmm maybe 10DPO was implantation day and that's why your temp dropped at 11DPO". Am I insane for thinking this? or could this actually be a possibility? I suppose I'm trying to cling onto any tiny bit of hope that I can.

OH called the doctors, and they haven't had any results back. WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST TELL ME THAT????

I'm on 6-2s for the rest of the week in work.. blahhhhh not looking forward to 4am get ups

How's everyone else doing today? I'm terribly sorry for going on, tell me to shut it if you must haha xxx
The Doctors receptionists are a joke. Would have been so much easier to just tell you that they weren't in yet.
I didn't get a bfp with Zara until af was a week late,so anything is possible. Aaahhh i don't miss 6am starts....although the girls are usually up at that time but at least i can stay in my pj's for a bit xx
Oh Tina, I know how you feel....I used to have some crazy thoughts when ttc. But yours may not be so crazy.....you could be right, let's see what tomorrow brings hey? It's because you want it so badly....nothing wrong with that. Remember when I tested even though I hadn't dtd anywhere near ovulation?? Haha fingers crossed lovely Xx

Doctors receptionist drive me mad!! I swear they do it on purpose! They think they are all high & mighty....they drive me mad!! Grrrrrr

Ab, how are you feeling?? Any word from your doctor?

Charm, sorry af arrived for you...we're almost into April now, another month closer till hubbys home :) Xx

I'm missing my hubby terribly....I'm finding everything such an effort. Joe's fed up of me feeling sick, it's always around teatime till bedtime. I'm upset with myself as I really took my husband for granted when he was home last...& now I'd give anything to have him here. My mum's coming next week though, for 2 whole weeks, I'm so excited. Got a right old bump going on now, hubby s gonna be shocked! Haha

Betty, how are you? Xx
Hello my lovelies..... How are you all...???
Charm, sorry AF arrived for you.... :( that sucks, we really need more BFPs on this thread!!!
Tina.... Your not ranting my lovely, we are all in the same boat, we want it soooooo much and will cling onto any little hope..... 10dpo is still very early, especially if your LP is 14 days, you only get a 50% accurate result testing 4 days before your period I'd due so I would just try and relax till tmrw and maybe test again.....
When my OH got his results the doctor called him and explained everything over the phone, we had it really easy, the whole process took less than 2 weeks and I have a really amazing GP so I'm very lucky! I would get mark to call every day and see if they are in :)

Momwife, im sorry to hear you've not been so good, you must try and take it easy and look after yourself xxxx can't wait to see pis of your next scan xxx
Frisky, how are you feeling my lovely??? I used to have terrible morning sickness from about 5pm till I dragged myself to bed for 5 months, it was awful!!! I felt great on a morning but as the day went on I just got worse, thankfully this all stopped at about 18-20 weeks and then I just wanted to stuff my face with all the chocolate I could get my hands on!!!!

Sorry this is a long post but I haven't been on here in a while, I'm not having a good time at all at work and something has happened that's just really upset me (wont bore you with the details) anyway, I really need to leave, I'm starting to get really bad anxiety which I'm so bloody mad at myself for, I shouldn't let it get to me, it's a shitty job and they're all nasty bitches in there!!! Phew..... Lordy Lordy, I need a vino!!!!!
Right, that's my rant over with for the day :)
PS: my fertility app is in 3 weeks and 6 days, not that I'm counting!!!!!!
:):) WAHOO for your fertility appointment getting closer Betty, it'll be here in no time at all! Sorry to hear about you having a hard time at work, don't hold it in though.. we're here to listen to you when you need a good rant so rant away!

Frisky ahem.. where are these bump pictures?? I expect weekly updates on the bump front!

Well my AF will be here today, had some spotting this morning so it's definitely happening. At least I can go out on Saturday and get absolutely sloshed! onto the next one hey :)

We are definitely due another BFP! come on baby dust, send us some luck please xxx
Morning, sorry that your work colleagues are being bitches Betty.
I'm doing ok,just hoping to O soon so that i can try again. Someone on here said i should get my progesterone checked but i assumed it would be ok since i carried the girls to term(or near enough). Not heard anything from doc xx
I had my progesterone levels checked AB, progesterone is produced when you ovulate but if your levels don't rise to a sufficient enough level then I believe that a pregnancy wouldn't carry on successfully so I think it would be good to get your levels checked to make sure that they're nice and high! No harm in trying is there xx
Thankyou. I'll make an appointment to get it checked xx
hmm well I thought AF was here. But nothing apart from one red tinge in my CM this morning. Probably be here tonight, or I bet she's late because I'm on the atkins. xx
Hope AF stays away Tina.
I got an aknowledgement letter back from Doctors surgery saying they are looking into my complaint xx
Tina..... Do you normally just spot before AF?????
Amanda, I would defo get your progesterone levels checked!!!! That's what is wrong with me, very low levels and most probably why I had a mc...... Will you change doctors??? I think you really need a good doctor when it comes to fertility, one that can really understand and help you xxxx
Frisky, get some bump pics on here!!!!! :)
I think i'll just make sure that i don't see the same doc as last week. Surely they won't all be like that in the same practice xx
AF still not here completely girls, although my temp is much lower so she must be on her way surely! Not had any spotting in my underwear but if I check my cervix and wipe the residue on some tissue there are tinges of blood. sorry if TMI!

Feeling incredibly stressed out,and that along with being on the atkins I think is causing my AF to take longer than normal.

Evie is unwell again, she has really sensitive and dry skin and her lips are dry, cracked and bleeding so she's been to the doctors this morning and they've given her an antibiotic medicine but when she takes it she vomits because it tastes so bad. Rang the doctors back up and they said that it is the only antibiotic strong enough to clear the infection on her lips so it's that or nothing basically.

Also going through some tough times in work, they want me to take on more responsibility and I'm pretty sure they're going to ask me to do permanent 6-2s which I can't because it's causing too many rows between me and mark.

I need a glass of wine!

AB, glad to hear that you got a reply from the doctors. Surely they should do something about it! xx
Oh no Tina!!!! Would 6-2 not be better for you??? Then you can pick Evie up from nursery/school and have the rest of the day free??? I took on two 6am starts which I like because I get a full day once I'm finished but getting up at 5am is a killer and I'm also really tired by about 9pm..... Will you get more money from work by doing this?? Is it worth it???? Xxxx
PPS: can't they give Evie some antibiotic cream for her lips???? Bless her, it doesn't sound nice :(
Hi, hope Evie feels better soon, nothing worse than seeing our children unwell. If i worked full time i'd like 6-2 so that i had the rest of the day,but,the constant early rises would take there toll.
I have made an appointment with the nurse for next fri to have blood taken for progesterone check. If AF is back on track i should get it the following weekend. But hoping i don't!!
Hope you are all ok xx
I couldn't do permanent 6-2s because Evie's nursery doesn't open until 7am and a few times a week Mark is away on business and has to leave for work at about 5am so I physically couldn't get her to nursery on time. Along with that, the 4am get ups are a killer!

Yes I think I'm going to be getting more money! I have just spoken to my boss and I felt so incredibly cheeky but he asked if I was okay with everything once he had finished outlining what my new responsiblities would be and I said "One more question, will my salary be increasing since I am taking on more work?" and he said "How much are you thinking of?" Well of course I didn't have a clue what to say because I hadn't planned on being asked that so I told him I would have to go away and think and get back to him tomorrow. He seemed pretty positive that I can have a pay increase so that's some good news I suppose! But I'm gonna be super busy none stop.

I didn't think about an antibiotic cream! My mum suggested putting the medicine in some juice then she will be none the wiser, I rang the doctors to ask if that would be okay and she said it's fine! So gonna give it a go. xxx
Morning team! ;) how are we?

Betty, I'm so sorry to hear your having a tough time of it at work, you sound down about it :( How horrible they are making you feel this way, the sooner you get out if there the better....I hope when you finally leave, you tell them what you think. Chin up my lovely, your better than them.....don't let them bring you down xxx

Tina, is af here yet? And have you had hubbys results back? Hope you have come to a decision regarding work & your pay rise.

Ab, hope your feeling better in yourself chick, do you have tests today? Hope the doctor is nice to you this time, sending you hugs Xx

Charm, how are you?

Well, I've not been too good....I'm having a lot of low bloodsugars with my diabetes, I'm finding it very hard to cope with things at the min, especially as I'm on my own here....My mum will be here soon though, so that will take some pressure off.
I'm keeping my head down at work.....My boss isn't impressed, as I've just had to text her to tell her I need to finish at 1pm on Monday, rather than 3pm. The hospital have sent my 12,week scan appointment through & it's for THIS Monday! I rang to see if I could change it to a day I'm off work, but they can't as I may miss my screening for downs as it has to be between 12 & 14 weeks. So, if she doesn't like it, it's tough. Plus husband is back for ONE day only on Monday, so it has fitted in nicely Xx
Good afternoon everyone! Yes frisky, AF is finally here in full flow, the little bugger. 2 days late! ! I thought I was gonna be late though because I've changed my diet so much in the last few weeks. Still haven't had any results back, called the doctors again today and they've still not had anything through from the hospital. I'm gonna give it a few more days and then call the hospital directly since they said we would have the results within a week. It'll be 2 weeks on Monday.

awesome news about your scan! ! How strange that it's on the one day that your hubby is home :):) I love moments like that!

What's everyone up to this weekend? We're having a quiet one, me and mark were supposed to be going out tomorrow for an all dayer in the pub but evie is full of infection so we're staying home instead. She's a little better today though thankfully! I managed to trick her by mixing her medicine into hot chocolate ha ha ha. I'm an evil mother! Xx

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