7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi babyhead and welcome..... Your symptoms sound promising but it's so difficult to tell. I've had some fantastic symptoms each month and thought 'this is it' but ended in bfn.... Why don't you go and get some frer and test? Ab got her BFP at 10dpo so you never know! Good luck and keep us posted :)

Tina.... It's amazing what vitamins and a healthy lifestyle can do!! I'm hoping this is it for you!!!! Are you officially in your tww???

Mermaid, I'm currently cd4 so im right behind you (my cycles are normally 30-32 days) so AF is due for me around 3rd/4th June. How about you???
Babyhead, hi!! I had shooting pains in thighs and hips and got bfp on frer at 10dpo. Good luck xx
Thanks ladies for your kind words of support! I have no hpt at home so I will need to get some. I got to a stage where I was deluding myself month after month with symptom spotting so I don't want to go back to that it only leads to disappointment! I just feel different this month. Everything is similar to af symptoms but feels different. It's the dizziness and hot flushes and cramping that's making me wonder. If I get a chance I will pick up some hpt today but if not it'll be tomorrow. If I was ttc I would've sworn af was coming all day yesterday but today there's no cramping at all. Af will probably rear her ugly head in a few days so I don't want to get ahead of myself here! Anyway I will let you all know how the testing goes as soon as I've done it. Thanks again ladies :)
Ah babyhead..... We have all been in the same boat..... It's enough to drive a woman crazy!!!!!! Why don't you wait and test tmrw morning? We all know our own bodies and if you feel different then it could be your time!!!! How long have you been TTC??? And so you have any other children??? :)
Ab - how you feeling????
I'm ok thanks Betty, feel a bit crampy, nauseous and very tired so all good.
Hows the clomid? Xx
Betty, love your new picture <3 so true haha

Yes I am officially in my 2WW, think I'm 1 or 2 DPO. Are you gonna be symptom spotting crazy this cycle Betty?? I feel a tonne more relaxed about it all now, I keep forgetting how many DPO I am because I know the chances of it happening are slim but I guess that's a good thing that I'm relaxed.

Glad that you're feeling okay AB :) Whens your first doctors appointment?

Oh my God. Just wrote a long reply on here and my phone battery died! How annoying is that?? I've had a right morning of it. Got myself in such a state, ended up at the hospital again as they Said they could check heartbeat for me. Was crying on the phone to az before I went in, crying on the nurse when I got in, lost it again when they couldn't find the heartbeat straight away, then broke down when they DID find it!! My head is banging through all the tears and worry. I know I'm going to be like this until I have our baby safe in my arms, it's ridiculous.
Tina, I've ordered a doppler off Amazon....I have no choice, I can't keep worrying like this, it's not good for me. The girls at work think I'm mad, but of course they don't know about my first pregnancy, so won't understand my worry. Can't wait to get a nice bath tonight and snuggle in, feel so exhausted!!

Tina, good news on spermies staying in!! Haha.....It's all uphill from here now (excuse the pun) ;) x

Welcome babyhead, I agree with the girls on getting a frer. I know your anguish on symptom spotting, we all have done it...It's stupid how af & pregnancy symptoms are so alike! My main symptom however, were really bad cramps day before af was due. They were so bad, I didn't think I had a chance at being pregnant!! Good luck, fingers crossed hun.

Betty, love your new pic! Haha....great news your not getting any nasty symptoms yet! Fingers crossed it stays that way. X

Ab, how are you feeling my lovely??

Charm, where are you?? Hope all's ok Xx

Hubby leaves navy next month, it can't come soon enough...really needed him today Xx
All you ladies are so lovely on here. I didn't get out today so I'm going to buy a test tomorrow and see what happens. I have a 13 year old son. 6 years ago I had an ectopic and 4 months later a miscarriage. Yes it was bad but I don't like to dwell on it. I stopped trying for ages then started trying again in 2012 for around 6 months but I drove myself crazy. So here I am again. If it turns out to be negative this cycle I'm going to concentrate on work an other things. If it's meant to be it will be. If not then I'll keep concentrating on my son and being a good aunt. Wish all you beautiful ladies extra good luck this cycle. Fingers crossed! I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow xx
Good luck babyhead xx
I'm ok, got doc on fri to see if they will refer me for an early scan at 8wks if I get that far.
Frisky, glad baby fish is good. You'll be so glad to get your hubby home for good xx
Hey ladies, haven't been here much, just been down in the dumps after that pg stick got my hopes up.. Doctors appt been emotional, and deciding whether to go for ivf or do iui medicated!!

We just got done doing iui+ trigger + clomid 100mg..

I went in Saturday and had 4 follies on the right, (the left doesn't matter, no tube) all follies were 16-20mm.. We triggered Sunday, with iui, dh is fine as far as motility, and count. With the wash, there were 70 million they did for iui, and 95% motility.. Fx'd this is it!! 3 years and we are ready for our rainbow!!!

Wow so much has gone on, Betty, i took clomid this cycle and the trigger, I'm having pg symptoms, oh how these are so different than af symptoms...

frisky, i KNOW what you been about that scare, i would have broken down to and cried..when i get pregnant I'm buying the doppler! A friend bought one and always found the heart beat!!
Welcome back want1more!!!! So good to hear from you, I really hope this cycle has worked for you, gosh, you're having a lot done, I really hope those spermies get to where they need to be!!!!
Tina, I'm going for a scan on 15th may to see how many follies I have (that will let me know if the clomid has worked, same as want1more) and if it has worked then we just need to :sex: as much as possible and then I reckon I will be a demon in the 2ww, I know I will do my own head in!!!

Frisky..... This is a much wanted baby and you are bound to be worried, it's only natural..... The Doppler will help when it arrives, that way you can check baby fish in the comfort of your own home and also when hubby is home that will be a massive help for you, must be tough doing this alone :hug: to you.

Babyhead.... Good luck for tmrw..... Keep us posted xxx
Welcome back want1more!!!! So good to hear from you, I really hope this cycle has worked for you, gosh, you're having a lot done, I really hope those spermies get to where they need to be!!!!
Tina, I'm going for a scan on 15th may to see how many follies I have (that will let me know if the clomid has worked, same as want1more) and if it has worked then we just need to :sex: as much as possible and then I reckon I will be a demon in the 2ww, I know I will do my own head in!!!

Frisky..... This is a much wanted baby and you are bound to be worried, it's only natural..... The Doppler will help when it arrives, that way you can check baby fish in the comfort of your own home and also when hubby is home that will be a massive help for you, must be tough doing this alone :hug: to you.

Babyhead.... Good luck for tmrw..... Keep us posted xxx

Thank you betty!!! I'm sure you'll be excited once you see your follies too!! I can't wait till next Wednesday!! I need to stay sane lol
First of all, Betty, HURRAH FOR THE NEW PIC! I love e-cards humor and the one on your pic is spot on! Haha!
I'm officially CD 6 today and af is gone, wohoo! Dh is begging to dtd yesterday and I know how it can get difficult to not dtd for quite a while during af (and I heard, it's bad to not let the sperm out after 5days??) ...so I caved, haha!
My lovely, let's make this happen this cycle!!!!!
I am praying clomid is for you!

That's so cool that you're more on a relaxed approach this cycle, I feel that way too, for some reason. :) Although I still google and read forums, I am not as crazy as the last cycle, haha! High five for that, sister!

I am very happy that little fish is okay! Don't ever feel stupid or crazy for coming to your midwife when you feel there could be something wrong, hon. I would prolly freak out too of I were in your position, haha! And yay on hubby coming home!!!!

Fab news! 8week-scan, that is so exciting and of course you will get that far!

That all sounds so promising, I am crossing all fingers for you, loves! 95% motility, whoa! If only our down there could provide a little healthier environment for dh's spermies right?? Haha! I'm feeling this is it for you!!!!!!

I agree with the lovely girls here, grab a FRER and let us know soon! Good luck and Fx!!!

I've been on the phone with mu cousin you already has 2beautiful girls and also has a retroverted uterus and she told me not to worry about it, it doesn't cause infertility. So I'm really hoping this is our month! I asked her how long did they try for dd2 and she said 1 month, how amazing is that?????
My cycles are the pill is 27, 26, 28. My regular cycle before bcp is 28 so I am hoping I am back on track now. I am praying so hard for all of us!!!!!!!
First of all, Betty, HURRAH FOR THE NEW PIC! I love e-cards humor and the one on your pic is spot on! Haha!
I'm officially CD 6 today and af is gone, wohoo! Dh is begging to dtd yesterday and I know how it can get difficult to not dtd for quite a while during af (and I heard, it's bad to not let the sperm out after 5days??) ...so I caved, haha!
My lovely, let's make this happen this cycle!!!!!
I am praying clomid is for you!

That's so cool that you're more on a relaxed approach this cycle, I feel that way too, for some reason. :) Although I still google and read forums, I am not as crazy as the last cycle, haha! High five for that, sister!

I am very happy that little fish is okay! Don't ever feel stupid or crazy for coming to your midwife when you feel there could be something wrong, hon. I would prolly freak out too of I were in your position, haha! And yay on hubby coming home!!!!

Fab news! 8week-scan, that is so exciting and of course you will get that far!

That all sounds so promising, I am crossing all fingers for you, loves! 95% motility, whoa! If only our down there could provide a little healthier environment for dh's spermies right?? Haha! I'm feeling this is it for you!!!!!!

I agree with the lovely girls here, grab a FRER and let us know soon! Good luck and Fx!!!

I've been on the phone with mu cousin you already has 2beautiful girls and also has a retroverted uterus and she told me not to worry about it, it doesn't cause infertility. So I'm really hoping this is our month! I asked her how long did they try for dd2 and she said 1 month, how amazing is that?????
My cycles are the pill is 27, 26, 28. My regular cycle before bcp is 28 so I am hoping I am back on track now. I am praying so hard for all of us!!!!!!!

Thank you!! I'm praying this is it, we've done the iui's but not medicated or monitored.. I feel we've done good on this one. :) I'll keep you all update on symptoms.. doc told me not to test until next week because hcg trigger can make pregnancy test positive.. I tested it, and oh boy are they positive!! So I know the shot worked! :)
Oooooh, how exciting wantjust1more!! I'll have everything crossed, I believe this is a lucky thread! Oh....and welcome back!! :) Its great you & betty can share your experiences in this part of your journey X

Mermaid, that's a relief that your cousin has told you that, sometimes things can sound worse than they actually are! So, I guess you are in the 2ww now??

Betty, 15th May is only next week!! Eeeeek! Can't wait to find out if it's worked!! X

I'm up at this time as I fell asleep early tonight, then woke up an hour ago. Just had a cup of tea, gonna try and sleep again now. Xx
Lol cause you still tested, haha! I was just about to bet that you wouldn't follow your doc on that.:haha:
Yes, keep us all posted, we'd love to hear your symptoms. Eeek, how exciting is this??

I'm just on CD6 and can't wait for CD10 so we can BD like crazy.:happydance: We're not gonna do it everyday like last cycle, I think we'll try the SMEP and hope that'll work. :)

Wohoo, I'm feeling really positive on this cycle, I hope I don't go crazy symptom spotting on the TWW!:dohh:
Morning everyone!

wantjust1more - sending you tonnes of good luck for this cycle!!! I hope this is the one for you, your hubbys counts sound great. I think we're gonna end up having to go down the IUI route. My hubbys count was only 15mil and 26% motility, he's been taking fertilaid for about 6 weeks and we've got an appointment on the 20th so fingers crossed they can help us!

Frisky ahh sweetie I really feel for you *hugs* You're not going crazy at all, anybody would do the same in your situation. But I think the doppler thing is the right path for you because all of this worrying is doing no good to your LO! You need to stay calm, cool and collected haha. Good news about Aaron coming home :):):) I bet you can't wait to spend the rest of your pregnancy journey with him.

What date is your 20wk scan?

Good luck babyhead!!! Sounds like you have been through some tough times just like each of us in this thread but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right! I hope this is your little rainbow for you

Think I'm 3DPO today, boobs are throbbing and I'm craving chocolate like there's no tomorrow but that's nothing unusual for me. I guess we will see what happens in the coming days. Feeling anxious today, my MIL is going for tests this morning to see if a mark on her leg is skin cancer. She's had it for a couple of years but it's slowly got bigger and it's now getting a white crust growing on it. Just hope if it is that it will be as simple as cutting it out and monitoring her. Fingers crossed <3
Girls can you help me out here?! Would you say this is positive? This is an opk af due in 3 days!


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Line has gotten slightly darker this is definitely positive. I thought I'd try opk Becoz I still havnt got hpt yet what's your thoughts please?

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