8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

Thanks hun... :hugs:.... sorry if I sounded a bit passionate about it, but I have been overemotional today - like snappy, ratty, excited, then down.... ugh! Not fun...:nope: I know you will do what is best for you when your time comes and here's wishing you one of those "pop out" births hehe!:winkwink:

The hospital situ is a bit strange... can u not give birth in the UK? Are you not a citizen there as well? I will do everything in my power to give birth in Australia, as I have heard only bad stuff about birthing here in Italy...:wacko:

Now you have to tell me.... how does one "think" they have broken their jaw??:haha: Sorry, prob not funny, but did you hit it somewhere? What happened? oh hope its ok...:hugs:

I'm alright.... my scottish friend called me this morning and meekly told me that she is preg again.... yep, same old story, she has 2.5 kids and never once ttc....:wacko: oh well... happy for her? - yes I am actually, but I really want to tell her that I'm preg too this month - that wld be great! Thing is tho I have no symptoms... apart from being an agro b!#@h today! hahaha... that metallic taste comes and goes, but I don't know it could be a tooth prob or something.... feeling very pessimistic today....:nope: 7-10dpo..... I think!
hey hun breath in... and out :hugs: everything will be ok.. :hugs: just the fact your having the metallic taste is a good sign.. and thats great :hugs: please dont be worried.

as Re the jaw thing.. well i was told when i was 16 my jaw was out of line but u cant tell to look at me, anyway they said they cud break my jaw and fix it for me.. me being 16 and cud only think of pain and why cuz i can eat fine said noooooooooo way
so everynow and again my jaw clicks when im eating... i presume out of place, but it doesnt hurt or anythin
then this morning i was eating some cereal and it started going numb and sore kinda like when your leg cramps up, so i stopped eating and kinda moved my jaw around abit to see what was wrong and omg i heard the loudest crack and the pain was un bearable and then it wudnt move much :shrug: i dunno so i went to the doc but i forgot my medical card... :dohh: anyway he said it looks like its come out of place ouchhhhhhhhhh i cant describe to you the pain i must of clicked it out an back into place my self and i cud be looking at surgery oh god no :(

oh and to put a cherry on top of my day... i asked him about doing bloods to see if im preg.. but he wudnt cuz i forgot my medical card, and i told him how my cycles have been and he said what i thought was wrong in the first place.. that i have pcos :cry: but need to confirm it... so im hoping im late cuz of pregnancy not pcos..

so anyway thats been my day... yet im still feeling ok.
wheres your pma!!! :D lets keep positive hun :hugs: i know thats harder said than done , about your friend.. i always find it abit unfair how easy some ppl get preg... i hope this is our cycles hun ill be due june 10th if i am :D so excited
I know I know!! I've had a NMA today for some reason....
And just now i had a phonecall from an insurance company asking if I wld be interested in doing some work with them - after a course of some description - and while it was nice to be considered, all I keep thinking is "nope thats just sales work and I wld hate that and it will be hard cos of the language and blah blah blah" I'm terrible!! It cld be a wonderful opportunity and here I am bagging it before even going in to talk to them about it! Anyway, I made an appt tomorrow to go chat to the woman in charge and I am packin it, cos I haven't been on an interview in like... years!! Breeeeeeaaaaaath...... what on earth is wrong with me???
Gee hun, I hope you get your jaw sorted out... if it helps any, my cousin in Aust had a similar thing and she just had the surgery done this yr (shes about 30ish and has 3 children) and just decided she couldn't take the clicking no more and was told there could be problems later on in life, so she decided to go for the surgery and she is so glad cos it is all normal now and feels great!
Re: the pcos - you got preg this yr already, so isn't that a good sign?? I don't get how people can diagnose just on the symptoms you have...:shrug: Anyhow pls don't worry more than you have to.... just wait and see whether or not you're preg and take it one step at a time.... says she, the neurotic one!:dohh:
Now I have major heartburn... but I think its from eating crap all day...:shrug: Oh hun, I just need a :hugs:... Thanks for all the ones you give me....:hugs::flower:
awwwww your a sweetheart hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

i wish we live closer :cry: i cud do with that hug now too... david was talkiing to my tummy yesterday i said i might not be and he said well just incase :cloud9: sooooo that has made me try stay positive knowing this is what my teddy really wants too

but i might suggest to david maybe our next holiday sud be to italy :haha: dont worry hun ive not forgotten the stuff i plan to send it on saturday so i can pick it up at my parents shop lol.

maybe the surgery will be a good thing.. but im just nervous about it all. and about the pcos he said he thinks i have it but will have to test to comfirm... but i know something is wrong.. i mean 100 day cycle is certainly not ok... im feelin sick today.. im hoping its m/s lol.

about the job well just breaaaaattttthhhhhhhh :D well done hun wether you take it or not its ok, its your choice and u have to be comfortable with what u wanna do, dont let others try and tell u wether u sud or sudnt take the job :hugs:

i wish i cud give birth in the uk but i dunno will david be happy with that..
Oh it wld be nice to live close enough to pop in for cuppas and hugs....:hugs: I cld use one or three today...:cry:

I gotta try harder though cos little G picks up on everything and so.... you know... don't want her thinkin mamma's a basket case!:wacko:

Don't worry re: the "stuff". I know you'll do it when you can... you have a lot to think about right now, so take your time....:thumbup:

I thought the 100 day cycle wld have something to do with the m/c... wouldn't it? Shows how much I know...:shrug:

Yes I am going to go in tomorrow to hear about this job with a big PMA and just see how it feels to me.... no pressure. Whatever will be will be right? And I know this opportunity has come to me for a reason, so I am curious to see what the universe has in store for me!:winkwink:

Now.... about your last comment.... remember who is giving birth here. I know that dad has a say in everything too, but honestly, if you do something against your will in this situation, you cld live to regret it. Oh and I'm not saying like something going wrong, but just the whole experience.... it really has to be what you want. I can't talk cos i keep saying to myself... ralph is not gonna like the idea of having a second child born in Aust... but I truly believe that I wld regret going thru a birth here... the idea makes me VERY uncomfortable. We'll just have to see once the bean comes along, but I wld much prefer to have my baby born in Perth than anything I have heard about our local hospitals around here....:growlmad: The thing is, the very local hospital in our town, no longer has a maternity wing, and apparently is was the best one...:dohh: NOW the closest hospital is 45 min and horrible-sounding!:nope: Aaaaaaanyway, i am sure you are big enough to work out how you can both be happy with the decision of where and how...:hugs:
The metallic taste has gone away again....:shrug: I now have zero symptoms again.... I wldn't mind just something to at least let me dream for a while.... Come on!
I just made a yummy meat sauce cos we're having some nice filling pasta tonight - comfort food!! Yes... all I need right now are food and hugs...:hugs: I can take care of the food and G does give me hugs when she feels like it(!) and so just gotta see if I can get me some off R tonight....:hugs: And I always count on the ones you send hun...:hugs: Gosh I'm sounding like a miserable sod today....:haha:
awwwwwww :hugs: no you dont.. just abit emotional which in its self is a symptom as well :winkwink:

oh and of course plenty of :hugs: i know its not much but it can offer some comfort eh :flower:
god i just spent over an hour with my brother waiting for his damn bus to come pick him up and take him home... i was frozen!!! the bus was 45 mins late :dohh: so im just home now in bed :blush: with sweets and a good film ahhh perfect lol. and as i was walking home after he got on the bus i felt like i was gonna be sick.. , my side is killing and so is my shoulder...

so im a little worried about the whole side and shoulder hurting.... just gonna have to wait and see, cuz i dont wanna worry david one word of anythin bad and he makes me go to the A&E and i look stupid

i could understand if the 100 day cycle was just after my m/c but it wasnt.. i had my m/c in march.. no AF till may 28 days later i got AF in june.. then it disappeared :shrug: i dunno, its like my body wants to work when it wants and thats it makes me upset cuz my mom had all her kids with noo problems.. nothing 3 healthy babies :cry: why i cant be the same

i know what you mean about the hospitals.. but i dunno.. i wud really like to give birth in the uk.. maybe if i show him irelands statisics he will agree
a little harse but its gets the message in..

and hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: plenty of hugs for u
hi, i dunno if i cn still post here, but i rekon i am about 9dpo, and have been feeling slightly sick in the morning, got sore (.)(.), headaches, really gassy (TMI), CM, awful side pain and backache :(

do you think i have a chance this month?

x x
hi, i dunno if i cn still post here, but i rekon i am about 9dpo, and have been feeling slightly sick in the morning, got sore (.)(.), headaches, really gassy (TMI), CM, awful side pain and backache :(

do you think i have a chance this month?

x x

hiya lucy :flower: of course you can post here, them symptoms sounds promising :hugs:

how are you?
hiii :) awww everytime i post on BnB you ladies seem nicer :)

well feeling really tired today and all i have done is sat in a car i wasnt even driving it!, and went to see an old friends newborn (big mistake, i was made to feed change and cuddle while mum was upstairs)... aww..

awful cramp still here, and i still cant bring myself to eat much as it makes me feel sick, apart from that fine :thumbup:

how are you?
awwwww i love a cuddle with new borns.. they are soooo cuddly hehe

im great.. though im so tired right now.. and im feeling sickish... ugh lol

sounds good hun :hugs: lots of :dust: for you :)
i mean the cramps sound good sorry not the sickness lol, well i guess both are good lol sounds like your growing a bubba in there :happydance:
i know they are lovely, and they have a wonderful sweet smell :)

yeh im slightly sicky too, and really fancy BBQ crisps errrr haha

good luck and :dust: x x
Hi Everyone!!

Im gonna sound thick here... if i ovulated on the 19th would that make me 8 or 9dpo today??...

I was having promising symptoms up till yesterday now i feel almost normal again besides, stinging nipples and backache... prob af symptoms? altho not due on till the 4th x
Hi Everyone!!

Im gonna sound thick here... if i ovulated on the 19th would that make me 8 or 9dpo today??...

I was having promising symptoms up till yesterday now i feel almost normal again besides, stinging nipples and backache... prob af symptoms? altho not due on till the 4th x

hiya :flower: a question on here is never a stupid one :) that would make you 9 dpo :hugs:
Hi by the way everyone!! Im louise!

Babyhopes10 and others, ive read the whole forum, and i hope its your month!! I was reading and reading thinking please let them have BFP!!

Im currently TTC, i stopped the pill in July and have been trying since. I ov on the 18th so im 10 dpo today. I have a gassy stomach, cramps (which isnt encouraging :( ) a kind of sicky feeling in my stomach? More like when you feel nauseous and feel like your going to be sick, but its not the horrible watery feeling you get with it!!! haha if you get what i mean?

Cervix is still SHOW, but has been the last 2 weeks, but my temps are all over the place, they went up, then alllllllllllll the way down, and now they're slowly rising, so i dont understand that!!

Will be testing again on Monday if AF doesnt show!!

** Baby dust to all **
First of all a big hiya:wave: to all the girls in here that I have not chatted to before!! Best of luck for your BFP's!!:happydance:

Kate... Yes I see what you mean about the 100 days not sounding directly connected to your m/c..... hmmm, but what about all the sicky feelings? You haven't had them this constant before have you? Oh, I'm so prayin this is it for ya hun...:hugs: Lots of hugs to you....:hugs::hugs::hugs: I think I am off to bed soon... yeah, i know its early, but I fear that if I stay up much longer that I will find something else to b!#@h about(!) I know its just hormones (well, I bl@@dy hope so anyway!) but I am just looking forward to tomorrow being a brighter day..... g'night sweetie....:hugs:

G'night all!:hugs:
hey louise
Babyhopes10 and others, ive read the whole forum, and i hope its your month!! I was reading and reading thinking please let them have BFP!!

that is just so sweet :hugs: i hope you get bfp soon too hun.. welcome and hope to hear more from you :)

trishy :hugs: i hope you sleep well.. you might feel better 2mor sweetie positive thoughts and a good nights sleep while cuddling up to R might help :)
well i tested this evening bfn @ 9dpo i really feel like its not my month i know its still early but both my boys i got bfp's now at 8dpo and 9dpo....

Tonight my boobs are killing, itchy tummy :-S and backache, bloated and feel like pms is coming oh and my shoulders ache ?? !!

Good luck to everyone xx
I am actually 9/10 dpo. I have felt a little bloated and sore boobies sometimes but my temp has dropped...:( Iffy..but confident I will get a ::bfp:: soon!

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