8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

Oh you're beautiful!!:hugs:
I don't think you've got a chemical there hun... you have really strong symptoms and have had for days now... have any symptoms faded away? Do you still feeeeel preg? I mean if you've had symptoms for 2 wks, how much cld you have been off with ov... by a week? You wld still be over a wk late now.... I wld prob test sooner, but that's just me! See how you feel hun... you'll know what to do when its time.....:hugs:
thanks hun :hugs: my symptoms are becoming more... (tmi sorry) but this morning i got sick and it was like acid.... :shock: it wasnt alot but still enough to make me sick... and i keep getting twitching feeling bellow my belly belly button and still have cramps... it feels like a UTI but im told thats a big symptom... so i dunno... but DM told me her symptoms for pcos.. and omg im sure i have it.. and if im not preg .. it cud take years to :( so im hoping this is it..

but ppositive thinking hmmmmmm bump buddies :happydance: yayyy
Unfortunately, pcos is one of those things that has a list of symptoms that are similar to a ton of other things.... so don't worry unless you need to ie: until you actually have some kind of test that confirms that kind of thing!

Also, you are having major preg symptoms, so just go with it until you get a pos or AF.... until then just go with what you feel.....:thumbup:
If your symptoms are on the increase then that's a great sign!! Where's ya PMA hun??!!
I had the UTI feeling as my first symptom, well after IB that is. I remember waking up to go b/room and when I wiped I got the pink ewcm.... from that moment I started on at the loo every half hour to an hour and only did about a teaspoon, even tho it felt like I was busting full every time! I had loads of cm (had to use a liner!) and the pulling sensation was crazy! Soooo uncomfortable! I had morning sickness kick in about a fortnight later. First thing I couldn't stand was coffee - blurgghhh!! Not good when you live in Italy hahaha! And your DH drinks it morning and afternoon - couldn't stand to kiss him half the time!! Was awful.....
Anyways, I wld be testing in a couple days with a pink dye test from the chemist. If you got a faint pos, then it will be darker next time, right??? Chemicals are usually what happens when you get fading positives before AF is due and then your symptoms go away..... i just don;t feel thats what you have here..... call me crazy, but....:winkwink:
i feel sooooooooo excited for us both :D when woud your edd be?? i know im jumping the gun here but im just excited.. i have no clue what mine wud be now... i taut it wud be june 27th like but no way did i ov at cd 14 if im only getting faint + now.. but you know when i got back from the uk i got ov pains... but i took no notice to it cuz i thought i had already... what do you think?? i think it was like the 20-22nd i felt that pain cant quite remember... we did bd around then so.. just have to wait and seee i guess. :hugs:

im so excited.. :happydance:
oops soz lol i meant the 13th -15th lol when i got back off holiday.. but i dunno :shrug:
Yes we are close then, if that is all correct - I estimated ov to be the 21st, but now I am thinking 18th cos I had only a little bit of ewcm, but it was 16th and 17th.... thing is I was waiting for it to increase, but it never did.... so maybe that was it! If that is the case, then I am actually 9dpo.... eeeeek!
My estimated due date is 14 July - just checked on www.essentialbaby.com.au !!
That was given a 29 day cycle and having started AF on the 6th this month.
Oh this is too much!! We cld very well be bump buddies and not know it yet!! Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!:happydance::hugs:

Oh yeah, forgot to ask - who's the cutey baby?!
shes my gorgeous niece who i love to bits like my own daughter :cloud9: everyone says she looks just like mine and davids baby since she has blonde hair hehe both me and david have light hair. well in that pic it dont look blonde lol but it is hehe

yeah i got ewcm around then too.. i just thought it was cuz me and david had been away for abit and :blush: you know lol

anyway moving on hehe it very well looks like we cud be bump buddies ima check my edd on that site
ok heres the results i got


Conception date (2 weeks before your next menstrual period): Saturday 17 October 2009

Second Trimester (weeks 12-27): Saturday 26 December 2009

Third Trimester (weeks 27-40): Saturday 10 April 2010

Estimated Due Date (40 weeks full term): Saturday 10 July 2010
Awesome!! We cld actually pop the same day with dates like that!!:wohoo:

Your niece is gooooorrrrrrgeous and yes, cld just as easily have been yours!
The ewcm thing wld have been ov then hun, cos the other factor you mentioned wldn't matter cos ewcm comes from the cervix and is diff to the "other" type of fluid...:blush: So that's good!!:thumbup:

The only reason we may differ with due dates is cos you said your family tends to go over, whereas I will prob have a c-section which wld be booked in earlier (I wld think!) Either way we will be bl@@dy close hahaha!!:happydance: gee I sure hope this vision in my head works out - its very cute!!:hugs:
all i can say is :happydance:

did u have a c section with G?? why are you getting a c section if u dont mind me asking :D yes i know im very nosey but im just curious :haha: yeah i had quite abit of ewcm when i got back im sure it was like 1-2 days after i got back and well... you know :winkwink: i missed my teddy hehe apprently my cycles are 40 days long :wacko: omg i hope this is it..cuz i cant wait 20 summit days till i ov next time lol. in that case no wonder i was getting neg results when i got back after holiday cuz i was still ovin lol.

well my mom was 2 weeks + late with all 3 of us.. i dunno about my two oldest brothers.. they have a diff mom.
but now adays your not allowed to go over a week late and they know more about dates etc and they measure u right through b4 it was differen so i dunno.

im glad were both gonna be in the july thread :D
oh and also... i think the reason my mom was late is cuz shes a little person hehe and she had tiny babies so maybe they had more room to keep growing?? but even though we were all small weights we werent un healthy it was just cuz that was normal for her body to have.. i guess ill be the same...
Ok so just had dinner and G is tucked into bed....:sleep:

Yes you're right that they prob won't let ya go over a week... I had a c-section with G because some stupid nurse who checked me out the night before went and broke my waters (so i think). You see I had contractions in the wee hours so we went to the hospital and this nurse checks me out (ooouuuch! Is all i remember!) and she says, nope you can go home, not ready yet!.... so I went to get off the bed and..... *big gush*.... aaah nurse, I think my waters just broke.... she looks down and says "so they have - lets get you guys a bed for the night" Most uncomfortable night ever cos as you prob know the pain of contractions is amplified once your waters have broken. Aaaaaaanyway, the next day, after NO sleep, I was hooked up to a monitor for G and a IV drip to induce me..... 8 hours of screaming pain later, an angel comes next to my bed and says... I think we need to go c-section because your baby's heart-rate is elevated and you are not dilating (I was 3cm after all that time!!!)... I was a bit reluctant but in NO position to argue, so we agreed. NOTHING has ever felt better than that spinal block slowly taking effect down my body... it was absolute HEAVEN:cloud9:!
So all i am thinking is that i wld be stone crazy to consider going through all that pain and trauma again when it may end up the same way, so, because of the fact that i have already had one + my age + I don't want to have a bucket more kids.... I'm thinking the best choice for me is to just book in a caesar. As one of the girls said when we did the prenatal classes - there are no prizes for being a hero!! It doesn't make any sense to me, after what I went through, to try going natural just for the sake of it.... at the end of the day you just want a healthy baby and you want to live to see it(!) As it was, G's head came out pointy! You see she was pushing but the gates weren't opening! It returned to normal shape fairly quickly tho haha! Phew!

Ok you have just read the novel on Trish's labour experience - thanks for watching!
Babe, i am excited for us too....!:hugs:
how you feeling?
thats alright as long as you and G were safe and happy :D. as long as your happy with that choice thats fine :) for me its important i get to have my baby natural.. with drugs.. dont ask me why... but ive always wanted that.. i know im gonna prob be screaming for otherwise hehe at the time but hey im gonna try :)

actually i do know what its important... cuz in ireland its fact that nurses decide there is a problem with your baby so your wheeled into theatre where your now the docs reliability and they can go home or on lunch... its so sad but someone who works in the hospital im gonna be giving birth in told me this :wacko: and since ive done a few years of nursing im gonna be able to see if they are lying..

and i dont wanna be cut up just cuz some stupid nurse wants her lunch break or to go home.... do that make sense or am i being stupid??
also my mom had a natural birth with me.. and id like to at least experience it if its too much then ill have something but i dont want an epidural either..

im great thanks, we just had dinnner my good friend decided to cook for all four of us, one of my school friends since we were 12 lives in the same house as us as well as her bf :) she got some venison and it was my first time.. it tasted nice very strong tho lol.
i feel abit sick now though lol How are you feeling? any symptoms?
oh i forgot to tell you that, well my brother is getting married in august, he told me last night his fiance has pcos and they have been ttc for over a year.. i kinda feel bad now and awkward about ttc now.. like i mean if me and david have got our bfp after one cycle... i know my brother wud be ok but im sure his fiance wud be upset to hear we got preg.. i dunno.. i dont know her that well
Hun, I didn't choose to have a c-section, as I too wanted to "go natural"... only no-one can explain the pain when it is that bad.... good thing for you is your age cos most younger women have far less trouble (not sure why). And people say that you forget the pain afterwards.... well for some reason I have NOT forgotten it and wld never choose to go thru that again.:nope: It was horrible hun.... They gave me the gas and all it does is make you dopey, but it don;t take away the pain.... it was just like being in pain and really really tired at the same time! 8 hrs may not sound like a lot, but ti felt like forever to me, especially knowing G was suffering thru it....
Also, the fact that I had my waters broken and so they wanted to induce me meant they I was confined to lying on my back on a bed... WHICH by the way, is THE most uncomfortable position during contractions (no, it is nothing like Rachael's experience in Friends!) During the prenatal classes they went on and on about using water, like having warm baths, standing under a hot shower, getting your partner to massage you.... Well it all went out the window for me!! Ralph was devasted to see me like that and not be able to do anything. I know that not many women will say this but I thought labour was the worst thing EVER. Sorry for the rant but I feel very strongly about this and I think it is just so different for everyone, but that was my experience. Last year, my niece here in Italy (who is 23) popped out her daughter with 2 hrs of contractions, which she said were "oh, ok, didn't really hurt..." So naturally she could never grasp what a painful labour wld be like. Sorry I'm going on again aren't I!:wacko:

I have not heard the nurses going off to lunch business before! That's terrible!! Probably same thing with that nurse who broke my waters.... she probably was jamming her hand up there in a hurry to get back home to bed after her night shift or something!!
You're not being stupid hun.... it's what most of us want, but unfortunately not realistic for some.... that's why so many women died during child birth years ago.... I know if I had lived before caesars, I wld DEF have died during that.... and maybe G too.
You're right tho, that c-sections are being done way too often, but that's due to all the insurance b#llsh!t that hospitals have to deal with.... politics and legistics suck!

I am now between 7-10dpo and today have nothing. Even the metallic taste has gone.... :shrug:

I had venison once... not a fan.... yes, it is very strong in flavour.:nope:

How you doing?? Are you still gonna wait till friday?? So how many dpo are you after all these new calculations? I'm confused! What are your symptoms today hun?:hugs:
Well I think that I am about 8dpo and at the min I just feel so tired and keep weeing a lot. When we got pregnant last time I was really tired and going the loo a lot, boobs also went extremely tender. They aren't yet, but I couldn't remember when it happened in the month if that makes sense. I think I just had a sense i was the week before i was due and then tested on due date.

I was only going to test next week, but we have a big party on on saturday and my OH wants me to test on Sat morning, but I am wary of jinxing myself by testing too early, what do you all think, my last cycle was 24 days after having a D & C (missed miscarriage - sept) before then they were 25 - 27 days.
Well I think that I am about 8dpo and at the min I just feel so tired and keep weeing a lot. When we got pregnant last time I was really tired and going the loo a lot, boobs also went extremely tender. They aren't yet, but I couldn't remember when it happened in the month if that makes sense. I think I just had a sense i was the week before i was due and then tested on due date.

I was only going to test next week, but we have a big party on on saturday and my OH wants me to test on Sat morning, but I am wary of jinxing myself by testing too early, what do you all think, my last cycle was 24 days after having a D & C (missed miscarriage - sept) before then they were 25 - 27 days.

Depends what his point is in wanting you to test early imo. At 2-4 days early, you cld get a false neg and just as easily a false pos.... do what you think is right.... he will understand if you explain your reasons for waiting.:flower: FX'd whatever you do!
8DPO - no symptoms what so ever. meh.

Sux doesn't it? I am somewhere between 7-10dpo (IF I ov'd at all) and for last 2 days had a bit of metallic taste in my mouth which has now disappeared! Pfffft! Whadda ya do.....:dohh:
Hun, I didn't choose to have a c-section,

no hun i wasnt saying anything bad about u or your choice :hugs: everyone is different and god knows c section has saved so many women and babies in the past and will do..
but i dont want that just cuz i know what the nurses are like here.
and they have killed babies here by c section :wacko: i wish i could give birth in the uk not here... there is only 1 maternal hospital for every county.. so if i didnt wanna use Cork hospital the nearest is 4 hours away :wacko: so most likely i wont have a bed for hours sitting in the waiting room while giving birth.. oh im scared about that part... ill demand a bed hehe

anyway, im sitting here waiting for david to get home cuz weirdly i think ive broken my jaw... so sore!!!!

anyway lol how are you hun?? i think im 11-12 dpo... not sure

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