8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

I am hoping I am pregnant, I had a m/c at 6 w last nov on our 6 months of being together and Then in may we decided to get married and he has been wanting to try for a while but I wasnt ready because of the mc
hello.thanks i'm always regular,i'm just worried do you think i should take a test????don't know if it will show negitive or not????i'm soo confused,this has never happened to me b4,with my first child i took a test and was positive but i was 3 months pregnant at the time ;) so i didn't know that a postive result could be wronge x x

Take a test hun!:thumbup: Our fingers are all x'd babe....:hugs:

btw trishy thanks :hugs: your very sweet too, and nah i wudnt take the water thing anyother way.. i know your just helping and i appreciate it :flower: :kiss:


thanks hun :hugs:... yeah i really need to kick my ass into gear... i should be cooking right now... but meh.. i cant get up.. i feel so sick but im not complaining bcuz it means beany baby is growing right?
i bought some new pre natals.. i went like 2 weeks without when i ran out.. :dohh:
i told two of my friends im preg and what did they do :dohh: bought me loads of baby stuff.. bibs tops, socks vests baby grows etc... they are sweet but makes me nervous to have stuff early... i said its very early to be getting me stuff.. :wacko:

It's interesting cos here in country Italy (not sure if the same all over) they actually don't go buying anything until the 12wk mark, not even the parents.... :shrug: but I don't think you should worry AT ALL! It's sweet and that's all there is to it.... don't go fretting that it's early or whatever.... maybe it will give little beany more inspiration to grow big and strong.... well, not TOO big hehehe!:winkwink:
lol yeah.. im a small person... i can only handle small things.. LOL i know we dont buy stuff here usually... but there both like 18.. not clued one that yet..

yep its all ok.. just means my bubs will have plenty of clothes... how do you feel?? :hugs:
Not too bad.... you know what I'm getting now??? It hurts when I press on certain areas of my body! Like before I got up from a chair and went to sort of rub my back and it felt sooo sore, but like the skin or just under the skin.... weird! Even my thighs and legs..... maybe its water retention, I know that can feel like you're a bit tender.... that make sense?? Still feeling sicky after eating.... blugh..... you hun?!:hugs:
awwwww :hugs: i had that for awhile too.. its like the skin is more sensitive.. it was sore on my arms back and legs.. im sure its normal... i had a bad back for about a week now.. like sensitive.. like a UTI but i know its a symptom of pregnancy too.. well im thirsty like all the time.. thats totally not llike me at all... my headache is finally gone yayyy but i just had dinner and i feel so full.. omg i cant eat anythin else... im prob gonna pay for it later... :dohh: :D

im so tired aswell :(
Hi everyone, its been really interesting reading through this thread and seeing all the symptoms that lead up to BFPs.

Is also great to see that i'm not the only one feeling like i'm going a bit mad...i cant think of anything else at the mo apart from what might...or might not be going on. I'm 8/9 dpo and feeling headachey, sicky and so tired. The sickness part is mainly when i go to eat i just dont feel hungry and just full up.
BUt saying that...i had all this when i first came off the pill in july and was convinced..but AF arrived. I'm hoping that this time its for real and not just my body playing tricks.

I feel a bit stupid for not remembering how i felt last time i was pregnant..but it was 10 years ago...

Good luck and babydust toeveryone.x
Hi everyone, its been really interesting reading through this thread and seeing all the symptoms that lead up to BFPs.

Is also great to see that i'm not the only one feeling like i'm going a bit mad...i cant think of anything else at the mo apart from what might...or might not be going on. I'm 8/9 dpo and feeling headachey, sicky and so tired. The sickness part is mainly when i go to eat i just dont feel hungry and just full up.
BUt saying that...i had all this when i first came off the pill in july and was convinced..but AF arrived. I'm hoping that this time its for real and not just my body playing tricks.

I feel a bit stupid for not remembering how i felt last time i was pregnant..but it was 10 years ago...

Good luck and babydust toeveryone.x

Don't worry hun... pregnancy does amazing things to our brains - turns em to mush and I think we just block it out! Even when my DD was going through things like teething etc, I didn't journal anything cos I thought I would never forget these details(!!) but now she is nearly 4 and I can't remember a darn thing hahaha! But then I don't really care about details like that - I know some women obsess about knowing when everything happened etc but well not me, so just chill hunni it's quite ok and very possible that this preg will be different anyways.....:flower:
FX'd its a BFP!:winkwink:
awwwww :hugs: i had that for awhile too.. its like the skin is more sensitive.. it was sore on my arms back and legs.. im sure its normal... i had a bad back for about a week now.. like sensitive.. like a UTI but i know its a symptom of pregnancy too.. well im thirsty like all the time.. thats totally not llike me at all... my headache is finally gone yayyy but i just had dinner and i feel so full.. omg i cant eat anythin else... im prob gonna pay for it later... :dohh: :D

im so tired aswell :(

Yeah, I still have it this morning....ouch!
See, even bubba's prodding you to drink more hehe! Speaking of headaches I have that cough again that makes my head feel like its gonna split in half! I remember having a really BAD cough at the beginning of my preg with giulia, but I was not worried at all.... I asked ralph to go to the herbal chemist and he came back with echinacea and something else I can't remember, and I took this stuff for a few days and it was gone! This morning however, I woke up coughing a bit and this headache and I am thinking about going to the doctors!! I mean, WTH is wrong with me?? I've gotten all concerned in my old age! And the irony is that I know full well that the doc can't give me anything!! I think I have become italianised!! Aaaaarrrrgghh!! That's it, I'm going to the herbal chemist.....!
I also feel get really hungry, then when i've had just a few mouthfuls I feel really full! Hmmm.....
How you this morning?:hugs:
i'm ovulating but i'm gonna randomly reply anyway XD
i wanna test next wk, i'm the most impatient person you'll meet lol
isthat too early??? ;p x
hey girls good morning,well took a test last night and this morning and both were positive :) i have an appointment at 10 this morning so i'll let you know how i get on.
thanks to trishyc and babyhopes for your messages x x fingers and toes crossed lol x x
Yeah, I still have it this morning....ouch!
See, even bubba's prodding you to drink more hehe! Speaking of headaches I have that cough again that makes my head feel like its gonna split in half! I remember having a really BAD cough at the beginning of my preg with giulia, but I was not worried at all.... I asked ralph to go to the herbal chemist and he came back with echinacea and something else I can't remember, and I took this stuff for a few days and it was gone! This morning however, I woke up coughing a bit and this headache and I am thinking about going to the doctors!! I mean, WTH is wrong with me?? I've gotten all concerned in my old age! And the irony is that I know full well that the doc can't give me anything!! I think I have become italianised!! Aaaaarrrrgghh!! That's it, I'm going to the herbal chemist.....!
I also feel get really hungry, then when i've had just a few mouthfuls I feel really full! Hmmm.....
How you this morning?

good morning :hugs: awww dont worry your allowed to feel concerned.. cuz remeber you have a beany baby in there :p
im sorry your head hurts :( :hugs: plenty of rest..
i have the echinacea and ivy n thyme on its way too hun.. that might help :hugs: i hope it does.. but there is a post strike :dohh: so god knows when it will be there..

me.... ermmm well last night i just cudnt sleep... and now i woke this morning feeling dizzy, sick and extremely tired cuz i cudnt get to sleep :( i took the first class off... im so bad arent i :( i slept for 40 mins and feel abit better.. but i must go in for 10 cuz i have first aid... i cant miss that
also i have an assignment due on friday :wacko: i had to pick a toy in the creche to say good and bad about.. so i picked the sand box..
my head was sore when i woke.. but its kinda of gone now.. and last night omg.. i could feel so much like twitchin and nudging i think it must be the uterus stretching.. it def wasnt gas... and i know its not the bub yet.
hope your feeling better :hugs:
im just home from the creche.. abit early cuz i felt so sick... i had to get out as i was scared id get sick in the room.. which wouldnt be nice having 10 3 year olds see that..
but im now home and in bed.. and yes trishy i have my water :haha:

ive atempted eating some lunch.. but no luck.. i felt to nausous.. so sticking to water...

my brothers live in wrexham... which is close to england isnt it?? i was born in telford, shropshire which i think is very close to the welsh boarder lol.. i love it there :D i would love to give birth in the uk.. but i doubt thats gonna happen..

Awww hunny, im sorry your feeling poorly....Im rubbish with Geography, but Wrexham is in England isnt it?! lol i live on the literal welsh/england border, if i was any closer i would be English lol awwwww wherever you give birth its going to be magical!!

Coco July congratulations on the :bfp: :dust: !!!

Babyhopes10 and TrishyC your going throught the wars arent you! I hope you both start feeling better soon!!

i'm ovulating but i'm gonna randomly reply anyway XD
i wanna test next wk, i'm the most impatient person you'll meet lol
isthat too early??? ;p x

Ah YES!!hahaha you are impatient hunni!! If you are ovulating now and you test in a weeks time you will be disappointed.... don't do it!! Gd Lk tho....xxx:flower:

hey girls good morning,well took a test last night and this morning and both were positive :) i have an appointment at 10 this morning so i'll let you know how i get on.
thanks to trishyc and babyhopes for your messages x x fingers and toes crossed lol x x

Hey awesome - congrats hun!!:happydance:xxx
good morning :hugs: awww dont worry your allowed to feel concerned.. cuz remeber you have a beany baby in there :p
im sorry your head hurts :( :hugs: plenty of rest..
i have the echinacea and ivy n thyme on its way too hun.. that might help :hugs: i hope it does.. but there is a post strike :dohh: so god knows when it will be there..

me.... ermmm well last night i just cudnt sleep... and now i woke this morning feeling dizzy, sick and extremely tired cuz i cudnt get to sleep :( i took the first class off... im so bad arent i :( i slept for 40 mins and feel abit better.. but i must go in for 10 cuz i have first aid... i cant miss that
also i have an assignment due on friday :wacko: i had to pick a toy in the creche to say good and bad about.. so i picked the sand box..
my head was sore when i woke.. but its kinda of gone now.. and last night omg.. i could feel so much like twitchin and nudging i think it must be the uterus stretching.. it def wasnt gas... and i know its not the bub yet.
hope your feeling better :hugs:

Thanks hun... and I wld try to rest but a certain little someone doesn't make it an easy venture....:dohh: Ah well, she means well when she shakes me and says MUM, OPEN YOUR EYES!! Arrghh! Sorry not complaining, altho she has become a little more defiant just lately, so I am really questioning my methods with her, cos I don't want it to be like WW3 when new bubba comes along.... hmmmm:wacko:
Oooh thanks for sending the stuff off - can't wait!!:thumbup:
Feeling dizzy huh?! Classic symptom - and don't you go feelin' bad for taking class off, its vital that you listen to your body right now...:winkwink:
I am still coughing like a bear and sometimes it feels like I may cough up my stomach (sorry!) and then my head pounding....ugh! But apart form that I am AOK!!:thumbup:
Are you ok now?...:hugs:

Babyhopes10 and TrishyC your going throught the wars arent you! I hope you both start feeling better soon!!


Oh I'm ok really!! I'm stoked its all happening for a beautiful reason at least!! Thanks for the well wishes! xxx:hugs:
hey girls all went well at the doctors,about 5 weeks pregnant so i'm sooo happy:) don't know how i'll cope with all these early symptoms,but hey everyone is different right??
with my first daughter brooke i only found out when i was 3 months so had my scan about 2 days after taking the test!it's going to be weird waiting sooooo long but at least i know i'm not on my own,feeling a little sick right now just sent my partner out to get me some dinner lol hope your all feeling better today xx
heya hun i hope u had a good day :hugs: im just relaxing now... it was soooo rainy on the way home i got soaked :( and i feel worse now... but still smiling :D:D

how are you?? my friend is stayong over too cuz her electricityis gone for the night..
my sickness was kinda gone today.. but i was soo thirsty and tired..
hey girls all went well at the doctors,about 5 weeks pregnant so i'm sooo happy:) don't know how i'll cope with all these early symptoms,but hey everyone is different right??
with my first daughter brooke i only found out when i was 3 months so had my scan about 2 days after taking the test!it's going to be weird waiting sooooo long but at least i know i'm not on my own,feeling a little sick right now just sent my partner out to get me some dinner lol hope your all feeling better today xx

congrats!!!!! :happydance::happydance::hugs:
where is everyone today?? :shrug:... Trishy?? are u ok hun?? how are you feeling today.. :hugs:
im feeling abit better today apart from the massive headache...
i got some bad news today so im abit upset :cry: my friend from school shes 5 months preggy... she got the swine flu shot and witin an hour of getting it her waters broke :cry: she has growth problems anyways shes like 4 ft.. but cuz of genetic problems, and it makes it worse cuz they said her baby cud be smaller than average... shes only 22 weeks.. they said they could maybe keep the baby in there till 24-28 weeks but 28 being the latest thats if the contractions stop :(
sorry to be bringing such bad news its just so upsetting :(
Hey everyone!

Awww babyhopes10, that news must have been terrible to hear. I hope your friend gets better soon, and hopefully those contractions will stop!! Poor baby, s/he's just itching to come out! Cheeky thing :p How are you feeling today?

Ooooo i have news! Im not pregnant..........but.............i got the job in the nursery!!! Woooooooo start on the 23rd, so very soon! Eeeeek! Its just a hard decision now, whether to go to uni to do the early years degree, or work in the job get some NVQ'S and then go on to do that later?! Oooo i dont know! Anyways, i wanted to share that with you guys :D

Hope everyones good

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