8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

woooohooooooooo :wohoo: well done on getting the job :thumbup: good lluck on your first day im sure you will love it.. i think its a great job to have :D

ive still not heard anything from my friend or her family :( im hoping shes on bed rest and baby still inside...

Trishy?? where are u?? your worrying me :(
I'm here girls!!! Sorry kate have been a bit absent but not on purpose....:hugs:
Sorry to hear about your friend's trauma - I will send her sticky baby vibes! Poor dear... :flower:
I have been ok, just a bit of gagging when I have a coughing attack! Ugh! But apart from that and some general aches, no complaints here!
How u feeling hun?:hugs:

STMW - Woooohhhhooooooooo!! Congrats to you babe!! have fun and just know in your heart that you will make the right choice for you - gd lk!!:happydance::hugs: (Scuse my ignorance - what are NVQ's?)
im glad your ok :hugs:
thanks for the sticky baby vibes... im hoping that everything goes ok..
sorry about the gaggin hun :flower: but all good signs?? i hope your cough goes soon tho :hugs:

ive been feeling alot of.. twitching etc and pulling sensations from my belly downwards... i presume its the uterus stretching etc lovely feelings tho :cloud9:
even though im guessing im having a girl.. i got this weird gut feeling its a baby boy :) it was so sweet.. either i dont mind as long as healthy..
the sickness has stopped.. but still feel abit nausous from time to time.. last night i thought i was gonna be sick.. but i was ok after i finally got to sleep.. my tummy feels so.. tight atm... like bloated full feeling... :)
i was 6 weeks 2mor :happydance:
Trishy do you still want me to remind u theres a beany baby in there :p

i was in college today and it worried me the amount of ppl in my class who dont know how to change a nappy or has even done one yet there all doing childcare lol, i was made look after a group of girls and show them how yet im at the same level as them.. it was crazy :wacko:

how is little G :)
Congrats STMW woooohooo!
BabyHopes and Trishy, I'm so glad you guys are happily preggo even though some of the symptoms may not be pleasant at least you don't have to wait around anymore. Good luck!

Hey ladies, I got a bit of light spotting, but I am due for AF tomorrow. I just don't think it's AF. I just feel pregnant, I am still experiencing the out of control hunger, no headaches and no cramps. My boobs still hurt on the sides, no where else but the sides, I am slightly nauseous, more wierd dreams and restless nights, I have minor back pain and no other symptoms at the moment. I will see if the flow gets heavier and keep you gals informed.

I am sooooooooooo hungry this morning, I woke up starving. I had some oatmeal about 7:00AM this morning and I am about to have some applesauce. I have never been this hungry except when pregnant, at least not since I've become an adult. I am extremely drain. I have very little energy. I feel like someone stuck a straw in me and drained out what little energy I had left.
Congrats STMW woooohooo!
BabyHopes and Trishy, I'm so glad you guys are happily preggo even though some of the symptoms may not be pleasant at least you don't have to wait around anymore. Good luck!

Hey ladies, I got a bit of light spotting, but I am due for AF tomorrow. I just don't think it's AF. I just feel pregnant, I am still experiencing the out of control hunger, no headaches and no cramps. My boobs still hurt on the sides, no where else but the sides, I am slightly nauseous, more wierd dreams and restless nights, I have minor back pain and no other symptoms at the moment. I will see if the flow gets heavier and keep you gals informed.

I am sooooooooooo hungry this morning, I woke up starving. I had some oatmeal about 7:00AM this morning and I am about to have some applesauce. I have never been this hungry except when pregnant, at least not since I've become an adult. I am extremely drain. I have very little energy. I feel like someone stuck a straw in me and drained out what little energy I had left.

sounds very promising hun :thumbup::hugs: i spotting quite bad at the start too.. i thought it was af so didn bother testing anymore but turns out spotting is a common pregnancy symptom good luck hun when u testing?
Well my cycle flipping back and forth between 28 and 30 days long, I plan to hold off until the 16th at least, if my flow doesn't become heavier. I have no doubt, but I don't want to set my self up for another let down. Good luck with your little bean!
OMG - the nappy thing is scary isn't it? But I suppose not all girls were into dolls or babies when they were little.... I practically brought up my niece for the first few yrs, so that meant me being a very well-prepared 15 yr old! And that was cloth nappies mind! None of this easy tab stuff then....:dohh:
Altho I have to tell you this for a laugh.... my MIL has never so much as minded little G for more than an hour or so right.... well, one day a couple yrs back (when she was still in nappies) I left her with her gran for a couple hrs and we ended being a bit later than expected so she HAD to change her.... well, when we got back I was checking her out and I could feel that the nappy wasn't soaked but there was some leakage down her leg.... my MIL had put a huggies on back-to-front.... oh gosh I lost it, lol what a classic! She said she never even looked to see if there was a right or wrong way hahaha and this woman has 3 children of her own (granted that was a long time ago).... but still!
Little g is very well actually - going to kindy without complaints, she is staying away from my cough (thank goodness!) so yes all good - haven't told her the news yet... after the 12 wk scan we will tho!
I just told my girlfriend here who is also preg and she is very excited that we can share our experiences, so that's it. Just me, DH and Alli at the mo.... altho something tells me my MIL knows... she's been extra nice just lately.... hmmmm.....!
yes, I feel heavy and tight and bloated and full at the mo! Wow - glad your m/s has slowed! Awesome!
Funny you mention your gut feelings about boy/girl. When I got preg with G, both DH and I had a gut feeling it was a boy hahaha! So when she said it was a girl at the ultrasound, we were both like... oh!.... and she said to my DH, you wld prefer a boy right?... and he's like Oh NO! But it was just that we were both having the same thoughts hehe.... but as soon as it sunk in we were both delighted to be having little G on the way.... and Dh is an absolute sucker for her.... its so cute....:hugs:
Thanks for the reminder hun! :hugs: Only with the gagging every now and then I am getting reminders from bubba too now haha!
Congrats STMW woooohooo!
BabyHopes and Trishy, I'm so glad you guys are happily preggo even though some of the symptoms may not be pleasant at least you don't have to wait around anymore. Good luck!

Hey ladies, I got a bit of light spotting, but I am due for AF tomorrow. I just don't think it's AF. I just feel pregnant, I am still experiencing the out of control hunger, no headaches and no cramps. My boobs still hurt on the sides, no where else but the sides, I am slightly nauseous, more wierd dreams and restless nights, I have minor back pain and no other symptoms at the moment. I will see if the flow gets heavier and keep you gals informed.

I am sooooooooooo hungry this morning, I woke up starving. I had some oatmeal about 7:00AM this morning and I am about to have some applesauce. I have never been this hungry except when pregnant, at least not since I've become an adult. I am extremely drain. I have very little energy. I feel like someone stuck a straw in me and drained out what little energy I had left.

Wow - all sounds great hun! As kate asked, when are you testing??!!

EDIT - Sorry hun, just saw your response that you waiting till 16th - duh! Look forward to hearing about your BFP! FX'd....
awwwww yeah best not tell a three year old a secret like that yet.. :haha: lets just say my grand parents found out about my younger borhter b4 my mom wanted.. ooops :blush: i was only 3 at the time lol!!

thats funny about the nappies.. but again scary.. we also were bathing the babies today... omg they dont know what to do :shrug: whats that all about.. the teacher did it in front of them all then once it was there turn they were like.. ermmm what do i do now LOL!!! i was covering my face oh the awkwardness...
even the teacher said.. you wanna open your own crech??
but it was a good day :flower: i must say ive not bathed a new born b4 but i know what to do.. though ive bathed a 6 month old lol awwww ur better off wearing a towel the amount they splash u :haha: so cute...

i cant wait to do all of that..

im glad your bubs is letting u know they are there :hugs: my mother wud be the type to know your preg b4 u even no.. so maybe she does..
i remeber b4 my cousin was preggo only 8 weeks or summit and my mom said to me omg shes preg i was like nahhhh shes not then 4 weeks later my cousin was like omg im 12 weeks preggy and didnt know.. do mothers have x ray eyes?? lol!!
glad little G is well :bunny:

awwww how cute i bet ye were so happy to know what you were having... :) were not gonna find out.. so its team green for me lol untill july but we picked some more names last night.. we both said its def thomas if a boy and we both like anna for a girl :)

Im 7dpo today.....and the wait is killing me!!! Testin around about the 20th Nov

Lil x
Well weren't you a cheeky one tellin' the news like that hahaha how cute!!
About the bathing of babes.... I loved how in the hospital when G was born, because I was in bed after the c-section, they showed ralph how to bath her.... soooo cute, we even have it on video tape - he was such a trooper and loved it all. He was into it from the beginning bless him!
And yes they do get very splashy as time goes on!!
Yeah, I'm so sure my MIL knows..... I kinda hope she doesn't but then it's not totally bad if she does cos she might be nicer.... hehehe.:blush:

Thanks for little G's bunny.... awww.... I have been darting back and forth from the computer to colouring-in with her - she just loves it....a real artist!:cloud9:
I like your name choices too.... very traditional and strong. I have an aunty Anna, and wld like the name myself if she didn't have it.... I am against picking a name if someone else in the family has it....:wacko:
Great that you agree too!! Phew!:thumbup:

lil_angel - hang in there hun, good idea to wait another week!:thumbup:
awwwww its great when they love to draw.. and paint :D its sweet..

yeah im usually against a name if a family member has it.. but my cousin is called tommy.. but hes a cousin i only met when i was 17 so i figure.. i still wanna use it lol and his is tommy and i wanna called our bub thomas... :)

im glad u like the names... it took me and david ages to agree on a girls name :dohh: hes so picky.. he wanted a very girly cute name

Great that you agree too!! Phew!
agree too about what... sorry if i being silly.. preggy brain im sure..

awwwwww thats so cute about the bathing i hope they do that for david cuz he really doesnt havent got a clue about bathing or nappies.. or really anything.. hes never held ababy b4.. :wacko: alot of teaching to do..

just had a early dinner yummm.. what u having for dinner tonight??
I meant that you and David agree on the names!! hahaha - man you have preggy brain baaaaaad!!!:haha:

Don't worry bout David he will learn quick enough!

Dinner.... hmmmm.... left overs from today! We had another massive lunch for R and the guys helping him at the house and there are ALWAYS left-overs, so some tuna pasta and some chicken - easy!!
What did you have - if you can remember that far back.... hehehe sorry..... just having a dig hehe... :hugs:
woooohooooooooo :wohoo: well done on getting the job :thumbup: good lluck on your first day im sure you will love it.. i think its a great job to have :D

ive still not heard anything from my friend or her family :( im hoping shes on bed rest and baby still inside...

Awww thanks!! I hope so, im a bit nervous but it should be fun!!

Aww well im sending positive vibes to her!!

STMW - Woooohhhhooooooooo!! Congrats to you babe!! have fun and just know in your heart that you will make the right choice for you - gd lk!!:happydance::hugs: (Scuse my ignorance - what are NVQ's?)

Thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu!! NVQ'S are national vocational qualifications, they help you progress in whatever ones you do... =) i dont think they do them in Italy, so your not ignorant! lol

Congrats STMW woooohooo!
BabyHopes and Trishy, I'm so glad you guys are happily preggo even though some of the symptoms may not be pleasant at least you don't have to wait around anymore. Good luck!

Hey ladies, I got a bit of light spotting, but I am due for AF tomorrow. I just don't think it's AF. I just feel pregnant, I am still experiencing the out of control hunger, no headaches and no cramps. My boobs still hurt on the sides, no where else but the sides, I am slightly nauseous, more wierd dreams and restless nights, I have minor back pain and no other symptoms at the moment. I will see if the flow gets heavier and keep you gals informed.

I am sooooooooooo hungry this morning, I woke up starving. I had some oatmeal about 7:00AM this morning and I am about to have some applesauce. I have never been this hungry except when pregnant, at least not since I've become an adult. I am extremely drain. I have very little energy. I feel like someone stuck a straw in me and drained out what little energy I had left.


I hope its not AF lots of :dust: for you!! Make sure you get some more sleep! Need all the energy you can get!! xoxoxox
Thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu!! NVQ'S are national vocational qualifications, they help you progress in whatever ones you do... =) i dont think they do them in Italy, so your not ignorant! lol


Cheers hun! Feel better about that now!:thumbup:
I meant that you and David agree on the names!! hahaha - man you have preggy brain baaaaaad!!!:haha:

Don't worry bout David he will learn quick enough!

Dinner.... hmmmm.... left overs from today! We had another massive lunch for R and the guys helping him at the house and there are ALWAYS left-overs, so some tuna pasta and some chicken - easy!!
What did you have - if you can remember that far back.... hehehe sorry..... just having a dig hehe... :hugs:

we had steak sandwiches with chips... :blush: bad i know but we had been good all week so we decided to have a nice yummy filling dinner..
i know my memory has gone so bad.. :nope:
im down home with my mom again cuz its her birthday tuesday and i wont see her cuz of college and shes going to the uk for a week.
we rarely agree on names.. boy names we mostly do.. but girls.. davids soooo picky :dohh: i love venessa.. but he hates it :( said doesnt sound very babyish im lke well nessa for when there younger then they can change it when older.. but no.. oh well i tried lol.
he didnt like kayleigh.. or willow or brooke.. ugh!!! he suggested margeret i was like omg no!!
so.. Anna is where we got so far :D after allll that it will prob be a boy :haha:

i have this constant full feeling now :cloud9: it feels so nice... hehe do u get it?
good morning ladies... :D

how is everyone??

im 6 weeks today... omg that week went quickly..im feeling happy that there is no more spotting.. and next week is my first scan :happydance:

also last night i had the most amazing dream... i dreamt i had a baby bump, me and OH were on our way to the hospital and soon as i got there ihad the baby, and it was a tiny baby boy he had dark hair and they laid him next to me... :cloud9: it felt so real... i woke up and was abit like... awww it was only a dream :(

i feel so much more excited today.. wow it took a whole week for it to sink in.. :Wacko:

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