
Ahhhh thanks babylights!!! I never thought I would be grateful for someone wishing upon me to be nauseous hahaha!!! Everything is looking good this month, super excited I ovulated a little later than normal because my cycle will be a little more in the normal range. FF is predicting my cycle would be 25 days instead of 23 since I ovulated later so that's good!!

2 DPO is kind of boring because there are no symptoms and just got done with O so just kinda waiting for next week. Feeling good though!! Thanks for all your excitement for me!! It makes me excited too :)

Wowww how amazing! London, Paris and Italy all sound perfect. I have only been to Italy and the best recommendation I can give you there is to visit the city of Siena. It was magical and I completely fell in love with it and felt like I could have lived there forever. I'm sure you will have an amaaazing time!!
Hey girls!

Omg congrats on your pos opk jmack! And 2dpo! Tww woot!!

I am so jelly of your vacation plans babylights! I haven't had a vacation in over a year 😫 Since our wedding

My life has been hectic. Husband is in Chicago until tomorrow for work. The cats are ok, but one of the "kittens" just got diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 😭 He's not even two and he's one of my "fosters" that I was looking for a home for (him and his brother) I want a baby so bad, but all of this has drained me so bad I don't even want sex - which for me is saying something (I have never turned down a chance for sexy times lol... which I mean with my husband. That sounded bad)

Tonight I am drinking wine and relaxing

Happy Valentine's Day girls! ❤
jmack I have such a good feeling for you, I cannot wait to see your bfp in about a week!! Thanks for the Siena rec, I think my college had a study abroad option there and I almost did it, maybe now's the time to finally go! How's your 3dpo going so far?

Kaliko omg I'm so sorry to hear about the kitten and the stress it's causing you! Do you think you'll cut back on the fosters? I hope you had a nice night of wine to unwind from it all!

I'm on CD10 just kind of floating around, probably at least a week away from ovulating so literally just coasting.
Hey girls! Lol Kalico your post made me giggle while I was reading it. Sorry about your kitten though :( Poor thing! I hope you get in a more sexy time mood soon. Wine always helps!!

babylights- thanks for the good feelings!! I am feeling good too :) no symptoms or anything exciting yet. Just really hoping my temps stay up past 10 DPO when they tend to drop and i know what's coming... dun dun dun...

At least you can plan your trip while you are just waiting and coasting :)
I wish you girls were in the TWW with me!! It's brutal!! I know that I couldn't have implanted yet so my signs are kind of pointless but I have been feeling some weird twinges and like light cramps that I'm not used to. And yesterday I felt pretty dizzy but I think I didn't eat enough for lunch as was working late. Who know I'm tracking everything!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope the cats are feeling better and the gearing up to O is at least fun since you can drink and relax :)
jmack maybe we're not because we need at least one non-tww-er (read: not driven mad by symptom spotting) at all times haha! I think there's also a rule that you can only hold the pom poms and do a cartwheel if you're not in the tww, and we take those rules very seriously *hurkey*

I have to say...your temps are doing some outstanding and frankly, gorgeous, things over there miss! Maybe your little embie is bouncing off your lining and testing it out to see exactly where it wants to grab on and burrow! That's a perfectly logical and completely scientifically sound explanation for your twinges and cramps, thankyouverymuch!
I haven't posted in a while I'm nearing the AF due date (tomorrowish or this weekend) and I've been testing on cheapies but I'm sure they are a bad batch. I recently just bought 2 FRER's and we are gonna wait till AF is a no show tomorrow before using them. I haven't had any of the usual sings or symptoms pre AF (cramping, wet clear cm, high temp and heat flashes) and we tried to s*x trigger the AF by doing it last night. However, only had a bit of light bleeding (due to being a bit rough I think) and nothing afterwards (dry again.)

I do have sore breasts but I think it's the muscle underneath the boob that's sore and hurting. otherwise I have no other signs or symptoms, and my nose is still stuffy. I have lost my appetite a bit though and usually I'm always hungry and ready to eat something, anything! LOL I've also been sleeping alot and getting a really good, solid sleep schedule which is weird for me, I usually get "insomnia" bouts and have to stay up because of AF(pre, during,and post) and that craziness.

Thoughts? updates? anything at all ladies I'd love to hear and chat about.
bahahhaa babylights!!! you are too hilarious for words. I think you should become a scientist if your day job doesn't work out. makes complete sense and is super scientific. Observation. Hypothesis. Results. Conclusion. Or something like that lolll

You are going to be promoted to Head Cheerleader if you keep it up!! That pom pom work is OUTSTANDING!!! You really know how to make someone forget that they are in the TWW!

I am just hoping my temps keep on climbin' like a little mountain climber on his way to the top! During the TWW I wake up every day like before my alarm because I'm thinking about temping. I may be going crazy??

Ah Canadian Moose!! I know you don't want to get your hopes up but I am getting super excited for you! That all sounds incredibly positive!! I have all my fingers crossed for you and can't wait for you to test! When are you going to take your FRER? On Saturday? Can't wait! I hope you are getting on to tell us about your BFP soon!
Well gals I'm just sitting around in this TWW by myself just going crazy!!!

How is everyone else doing?

babylights- anywhere near O time for you yet?
Kalico- any updates??
CanadianMoose- did you end up testing??

I'd love to hear from you girls to keep me sane!! Trying to wait until Saturday to test. It's Monday... oh god that sounds like a long ways away!
Hi jmack!!! Sorry for the radio silence, nothing was happening and I was getting so bored with my cycle that I kinda forgot about it ha! I then hit the point where not temping was gonna bug me more than temping so I started up, and am trying vaginally for the first time. It worries me bc a couple times I was so half asleep that I worry I'm doing some kind of damage down there - have you temped vaginally before?? Is it going to be okay?! I need a hug. Also got some ewcm this morning and we bd last night so gonna try for every day/night from now on.

Your temps are seriously giving me palpitations I can't even deal! I know Saturday sounds far away but we'll get you there before you know it! So we'll count today as kinda one down, depending on where you are it may be afternoon already? (where are ya btw? I'm in Cali) Then it's 4 more days, think about if you had something you were dreading on saturday, you'd be like fml it's only 4 days away. Or I don't know if you're a tv junkie (guilty), but then you could be like okay there's Vanderpump Rules, RHOBH, Scandal, Friday night you can chill with your hubby and then BAM! it's Saturday :) Or maybe plan a small treat for each day like Pinkberry tomorrow night, grab a magazine Wednesday night, mani pedi Thursday night, cupcake Friday night and then BAM! it's Saturday. I'm so so excited for you, can't wait to see your bfp!!!

Okay so now that I've posted my diatribe, how was your weekend? We finally went to look through guidebooks and maps for our trip and we are so so excited!!

kalicko & candian - hi ladies!! any news??
Hi babylights!! I'm so happy to hear from you!! :) You are like a motivational speaker lol you just totally cheered me up you have no idea!

I love your plan of doing something daily to keep my mind off it! And you're right... today is already half over! I'm in Denver, CO so just an hour ahead of you! What part of Cali are you in? I lived in San Diego for 5 years before moving to Denver about 4 years ago! I'm also a total guilty reality TV junkie and will def be taking your idea of watching Vanderpump and RHOBH. I even watch the Bachelor but this season is pretty terrible. I've been making my husband watch because his commentary cracks me up. I'm just really hoping my temps stay high on 10 and 11 DPO!! I will make a plan to treat myself in some little way every day/night. I absolutely love that idea!!

I have not ever temped vaginally! I'm sure you aren't hurting yourself haha!! You are too funny. I have heard those temps are more accurate though so keep it going! YAY sounds like O is around the corner!! Have fun and you will be in the TWW with me soon enough so just enjoy it! I hope you time it out perfectly this month and that this is your month! FX FX!!

Eek your trip sounds so amazing! If you need other recommendations anywhere let me know because my sister is a travel agent and I can totally ask her for some good tips if you need! :) What a fun distraction! Maybe I should plan a trip... haha
aww yay I'm so glad! It's also super helpful for me too, you know how it's so hard to be positive for yourself sometimes, so I should actually thank you for having some of that hope I feel for you rub off for myself :) I'm so glad you're gonna plan daily/nightly treats, it's one of my fave ways of getting through ttc. Right now I'm wishing I would hurry up and ovulate and then one second later dreading being in the tww haha! I so hope we get our bfp's and we can be bump buddies!!

Ooh Denver I've always wanted to go and check out all your amazing bars! I'm also a big fan of SD. I'm originally from OC and now in Northern CA. It's super gloomy and rainy today, what's the weather like for you?

Thanks for tip with your sister, now I feel like I know someone "on the inside" and I love it lol! Plan a trip plan a trip! Come meet me in Europe and hopefully we'll be preggo and sick together! Or, you know, preggo and not sick, that would fantastic too :)
So I am 13 dpo and ive been having breast pain since 9 dpo and i have never experienced this before.. i don't get breast pain before AF is due so this is new for me and im just wondering if any of you ladies have experienced this 9 dpo and up until you got a bfp? ALSO I usually think pineapple pizza is disgusting but last night i was craving it? Tell me how that makes sense? Ive been craving pineapple when i usually don't like it.. My breast pain is the worst when i wake up too. I have to take off my bra sometimes because it hurts so bad. What do you guys think?
Another day down!! YAY! Really I only have three more days if you don't count today. I am trying not to get too excited but I feel optimistic! I can usually tell when AF is coming about 2 days before, and I don't have that feeling yet so that's good.

What part of northern CA are you in? It is very strangely super warm today! I could go outside and get a tan which is crazy for Denver in the winter!! I love it here, you would love all the bars! It's such a fun city. Hopefully I won't be doing much bar hopping soon though :)

Any update on your O? I hope it happens soon and you can come join me on this side!! So excited for you and hoping this is the month for us!!
yay jmack 3 more days!!! and your temps!!!!! this is looking unbelievably good, i'm so excited!!

we're just south of SF on the peninsula, and it's suddenly super sunny here today too! and no ma'am you will not be having much fun at bars soon squeeee!

I think my O is coming soon, had a big temp drop this morning and my ewcm is here in earnest. it's actually clear and very egg-whitey this month, i feel like the past couple months it's been very yellow and thick. fingers crossed it's soon!

you have to promise to update whenever anything happens - promise!! better yet dm me so i know asap! i'm really feeling you're gonna get your bfp very very soon!!!
Yay!! Sounds like a great time to BD!! I am jealous of your CM hahahha! I have a good feeling for you too with a clear O situation coming up!

Awesome! A sunny day in Northern CA is always wonderful! My husband grew up in San Jose area so we are up around there every once in a while :)

I will I promise!! I will be bouncing off the walls waiting to test so can't wait to update you!! Trying to decide if I should hold out until Saturday to test. I think I will be able to. It will be 13 DPO and would give me a pretty accurate result if AF isn't here yet. Stay awayyyyyy AF!
omg now I'm scheming...what's your longest lp??

o san jose is close!
The longest LP and only LPs I've ever had have all been 12 days!
Oh okay gotcha, so Saturday at 13dpo makes total sense. Are you still debating testing earlier?? There's the fact that you don't feel like af is coming on one hand, and then there's the wisdom of waiting to see if af comes (noooooo stay away!!!) on the other. Hmmm which side do you think you're landing??
I think I'll wait until Saturday! I am on the fence today about AF. My temp dropped but only slightly. I hope these next couple days fly by!

Do you think you O'd? That's a pretty big temp spike!

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