I'm kinda glad... I really wanted to go so hopefully the next time I can with Saraya AND bump!!! :]
Thanks Linds - cycle 13... I was JUST at the Dr's like 2 weeks ago because I had 3 chems in a row and she was referring me to the Ulster and then today I find out I'm preg and it was the month when we only BD twice because we were away in Galway and Chris has been trying to get a job and everything's so hectic and then he gets a call today about a trial job with O2 and I find out I'm pregnant!! OMFG!!
LOL I hope not too!! I think it's a boy because I've had no MS [I had ms from 1dpo with Saraya] and it feels totally different! I don't mind what I get but if I could choose it would be nice to have a boy!
I'm kinda glad... I really wanted to go so hopefully the next time I can with Saraya AND bump!!! :]
It's over, there's blood, my test's barely visible and my temp's dropped.
It's over, there's blood, my test's barely visible and my temp's dropped.