A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

NSN I'm so sorry your week has been so lousy. must be so hard two funerals in a day. I hope your doing ok.

NTAT Good luck with the scan how far along are you meant to be and why do they think your miscarrying, were there no hb's? I'm so sorry your going through this and will be thinking of you on friday for your scan.

Good luck to all of those testing and in the tww. Hopefully september is a good month for you all.
:hi: ladies,

Can I join please?
I lost my first angel in August 2010, mmc discovered at 11+4 (7 weeks measurement) and I am currently going through a double whammy, twins, discovered at 9+3 although I am being made to wait to see if there is any growth but I doubt it :cry:
I go back on Friday for another scan to determine.

I am 36 so am aware that time is running out and as others have said, I know that docs just want to put it down to chromosomal issues due to my age - no consolation I'm afraid.

Sorry for everyones losses :hugs:

So sorry ur going thru a tough time hun, I can't even begin to imagine how ur feeling with twins. I am holding thumbs,toes,and the cats tail that all works out! Praying there is some growth..maybe this is your time for a miracle hun! Keep us updated...we r there with u EVERY step of the way!
Hi Ladies

gosh this thread grows quick! Thanks so much for people's replies to my other post.
NSN, so sorry to hear about the funeral, that is so sad. Hope you can get through the day and the ceremony is fitting for those you have lost :hugs: Also yes the age factor has kind of gone on this thread hasn't it....I'm 29 so have got a few years to go yet but I often think about my age and how will things turn out. I think we all have it in the back of our minds but when you get to mid/late thirties I can only imagine how much more stressful it all becomes. Sorry that part of your thread has been skimmed over :S

SA Jenny Penny: haha no you don't sound like a stalker :) I'm on CD10 today and really, really hoping for a shorter cycle this time round. Do you have PCOS as well? Also I noticed you asked about the cost of drugs round the world...in the UK I think you just get clomid for the cost of a prescription? I'm not sure, haven't got that far yet but will do in December. A prescription costs £7. My friend paid privately so she could get it quicker and I think she spent more like £50.

Happygirl18: yeah the eternal game of waiting for ovulation! It is totally rubbish. If I ovulate it's usually around day 34-36. I hate knowing that other people have 2 or even 3 chances to conceive in the time we get 1! Arrggghh. Am trying acupuncture at the mo so really hoping it helps.

Ladyfog: so sorry for your losses :hugs: It's been 8 months since our last loss and sometimes I just can't believe we lost 2 (one at 10 wks, one at 12) I was just about able to tell myself the first was bad luck, so to have it happen again was just awful. We want a baby so badly but I wish I could somehow not know I was pg til 15 weeks or something so I don't spend the first trimester in a constant state of fear....

NewtoAllThis: How are you holding up? I can't imagine how hard it must be having to wait. Hoping and praying for some good news on Friday. Let us know how it goes. Thinking of you xx
NTAT Good luck with the scan how far along are you meant to be and why do they think your miscarrying, were there no hb's? I'm so sorry your going through this and will be thinking of you on friday for your scan.

Thanks hun, at first scan I should have been 8+4, and at scan where they saw the twins, I should have been 9+3. Neither time did they say anything about hb's. Thats why I have no hope of good news :cry:
Supposed to be 10+3 at tomorrows scan....

I'll update you all tomorrow and thanks for your kind words and prayers. I'm so glad I have found this thread as I really need the support right now. :hugs:
Hi Ladies

gosh this thread grows quick! Thanks so much for people's replies to my other post.
NSN, so sorry to hear about the funeral, that is so sad. Hope you can get through the day and the ceremony is fitting for those you have lost :hugs: Also yes the age factor has kind of gone on this thread hasn't it....I'm 29 so have got a few years to go yet but I often think about my age and how will things turn out. I think we all have it in the back of our minds but when you get to mid/late thirties I can only imagine how much more stressful it all becomes. Sorry that part of your thread has been skimmed over :S

SA Jenny Penny: haha no you don't sound like a stalker :) I'm on CD10 today and really, really hoping for a shorter cycle this time round. Do you have PCOS as well? Also I noticed you asked about the cost of drugs round the world...in the UK I think you just get clomid for the cost of a prescription? I'm not sure, haven't got that far yet but will do in December. A prescription costs £7. My friend paid privately so she could get it quicker and I think she spent more like £50.

Happygirl18: yeah the eternal game of waiting for ovulation! It is totally rubbish. If I ovulate it's usually around day 34-36. I hate knowing that other people have 2 or even 3 chances to conceive in the time we get 1! Arrggghh. Am trying acupuncture at the mo so really hoping it helps.

Ladyfog: so sorry for your losses :hugs: It's been 8 months since our last loss and sometimes I just can't believe we lost 2 (one at 10 wks, one at 12) I was just about able to tell myself the first was bad luck, so to have it happen again was just awful. We want a baby so badly but I wish I could somehow not know I was pg til 15 weeks or something so I don't spend the first trimester in a constant state of fear....

NewtoAllThis: How are you holding up? I can't imagine how hard it must be having to wait. Hoping and praying for some good news on Friday. Let us know how it goes. Thinking of you xx

I'm also in the waiting game for O hehe. BUT iv only just started my cycle..CD4. Yup I am a PCOS bunny...unfortunate bugger!! Just interesting to see pricing of meds all over..I pay R120 which is equiv to 12 pounds...things are SO expensive ...food....fuel...now meds...oi yoi yoi...

Good luck to all the ladies waiting to O, who have just O"d and those waiting for tests and scans!! Love to u all xoxoxox
Hi Ladies

gosh this thread grows quick! Thanks so much for people's replies to my other post.
NSN, so sorry to hear about the funeral, that is so sad. Hope you can get through the day and the ceremony is fitting for those you have lost :hugs: Also yes the age factor has kind of gone on this thread hasn't it....I'm 29 so have got a few years to go yet but I often think about my age and how will things turn out. I think we all have it in the back of our minds but when you get to mid/late thirties I can only imagine how much more stressful it all becomes. Sorry that part of your thread has been skimmed over :S

SA Jenny Penny: haha no you don't sound like a stalker :) I'm on CD10 today and really, really hoping for a shorter cycle this time round. Do you have PCOS as well? Also I noticed you asked about the cost of drugs round the world...in the UK I think you just get clomid for the cost of a prescription? I'm not sure, haven't got that far yet but will do in December. A prescription costs £7. My friend paid privately so she could get it quicker and I think she spent more like £50.

Happygirl18: yeah the eternal game of waiting for ovulation! It is totally rubbish. If I ovulate it's usually around day 34-36. I hate knowing that other people have 2 or even 3 chances to conceive in the time we get 1! Arrggghh. Am trying acupuncture at the mo so really hoping it helps.

Ladyfog: so sorry for your losses :hugs: It's been 8 months since our last loss and sometimes I just can't believe we lost 2 (one at 10 wks, one at 12) I was just about able to tell myself the first was bad luck, so to have it happen again was just awful. We want a baby so badly but I wish I could somehow not know I was pg til 15 weeks or something so I don't spend the first trimester in a constant state of fear....

NewtoAllThis: How are you holding up? I can't imagine how hard it must be having to wait. Hoping and praying for some good news on Friday. Let us know how it goes. Thinking of you xx

Thank you....:flower:

I'm not overly concerned about the age thing, everyone has problems of some sort :shrug: PCOS must be incredibly hard waiting for so long for that egg...I feel awful and guilty having shorter cycles at times :wacko:

NTAT...thinking of you today :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else, work has been manic, throw in major arguments with my mom (all ok at this present second!) hormones all over the place and a sad farewell to my aunt and uncle today.:wacko: and I am grateful AF has buggered off already. Saying that though...it probably means it will be a couple of cycles again before they return to normal so no BFP until then too :nope:

Twin loss confirmed :cry:

Now got to decide either tablets or surgery.
I'd be grateful to hear peoples experiences of either. (I had erpc last time)
Oh no, NewToAllThis I am so, so sorry to hear your sad news. My heart goes out to you hun :hugs: I also had an erpc with my first loss, I'm sure if you choose that route again it'll be the same. My 2nd loss was natural so I don't know about the tablets I'm afraid. Hopefully someone else can advise. I'm just so so sorry you are having to go through this xxx
I'm not overly concerned about the age thing, everyone has problems of some sort :shrug: PCOS must be incredibly hard waiting for so long for that egg...I feel awful and guilty having shorter cycles at times :wacko:

NTAT...thinking of you today :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else, work has been manic, throw in major arguments with my mom (all ok at this present second!) hormones all over the place and a sad farewell to my aunt and uncle today.:wacko: and I am grateful AF has buggered off already. Saying that though...it probably means it will be a couple of cycles again before they return to normal so no BFP until then too :nope:


Ah no don't feel bad! As you say, we all have problems of some sort. Don't put guilt for shorter cycles on your shoulders as well. So sorry for your aunt and uncle as well, sounds like you need some tlc...take care of yourself xx
Hi NewToAllThis,

I'm so sorry for your losses, sending you lots of :hugs:

I had medical management for my mmc, I pick this as there seemed to be less risks that with surgery, it was a hard day but it was all over within the one day and not much bleeding after, the only thing I would say is that there is a good chance you will see the sac etc and if this is something you dont want to happen then I would opt for surgery, I know some people can find it distressing.

Hope everything goes as well as it can and I'm here if you need to talk to someone, keep strong hun xxx
NTAT...I'm so so sorry :cry: :hugs:

For me, the emotional and physical pain of passing naturally the first time was awful. I still had to have ERPC as not everything had passed. I opted for ERPC this time time too. I know if you choose medical management you will have more access to pain relief, for me I wanted the comfort of being in my own home and I was ok seeing what I saw. You will find the right way to go for you. It's your decision and yours alone. Big :hugs: and go easy on yourself

All here for you when you want to talk :flower:

NTAT - for me the first time I chose medical management as I didn't feel comfortable with surgery, although it was very painful for me and involved a traumatic dash to the gyne ward at 3am. Luckily the second was natural and much less painful so I didn't have to make the decision a second time. I'm so sorry your going through it all again - once is enough for anyone. It's just not fair.

NSN - I completely understand about the age gap. I'm 32 so still a couple of years before I need to worry in theory but I feel the time slipping away. I waited several years for DH to be ready and in my darkest moments after the MCs felt such anger towards him for making me wait when we're now finding it tough to actually have a baby.

I'm back to feeling positive and TTC again helps with the hope I suppose. Currently waiting to test and as I haven't had a full cycle since my last MC I'm not sure how long to wait. I reckon I'm on a 31 day cycle and am only on CD 29 so far so trying to be patient!
Twin loss confirmed :cry:

Now got to decide either tablets or surgery.
I'd be grateful to hear peoples experiences of either. (I had erpc last time)

Oh hun..I'm so very sorry (((((hugs))))) We r all there for u through this...every step of the way! I with both of my m/c, had natural mc so no need for meds or surgery. I will say tho I have read if u take the meds, they suggest u don't start trying for 3-6 months due to possible conplications from it. Then if ur having a dnc I know u can start trying right away and there's a very good chance for a quick BFP...as to whether its a sticky bean...nobody can know. Whichever ur choice, know we r all thinking of u and so very sorry u must go through this! Be strong. Xx
NTAT i am so sorry you are going through this...i myself have had 2 natural losses so i dont know about either choice..sorry i cant be more informative...like SA Jenny Penny said we are all here for you every step of the way sending lots of hugs and a shoulder x x
NTAT...I hope you are doing as ok as you can be right now :hugs:

Ladyfog....did you use OPK's this cycle it are you guessing ish when you O'd? I was a day out from when I thought I o'd :dohh: I've never wanted children and didn't even think I could get pregnant so for me...only making the decision last October to try and now we are two losses later...I question my choice but the time wasn't right before and I'll just have to take whatever is or isn't going to happen with me. We will all have our sticky babies...just a case of when :flower:

Any testing happening?

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone

NSN - I wish I was testing, just entered the 2ww and its killing my already 3 days in and already have sensitive nipples, symptom spotter or what!!! I need a hobby that doesnt involve dtd, haha!!

Hope everyone is well xxx
Bells bless ya....I always think the first week is bearable..second week a nightmare :wacko: :dust: at you and all of us

NTAT - :hugs: im so sorry to hear of ur loss, was praying for a different outcome for you, i recently had my 2nd erpc, it was ok, af arrived this week, 3 weeks and 5 days after surgery. Have never had medical management so cant comment on that. Good luck with whatever u decide.

Sorry havent been on in a few days, good luck to all the ladies in the two week wait.

I am not sure if we are going to ttc this mth or not, i would like to see Prof Quenby for the NK test, and u cant ttc the mth u have it done, im not sure hubby is too keen as he thinks im gonna get butchered by some random ive read about on the internet, need to speak to him properly about it later.

Got date thru for my ultrasound to check uterus, ovaries etc for the end of Oct, and we had all our bloods done Thurs this week so just waiting for results now xxx
4/5dpo in tww and im not noticing anything to be honest...i was crampy for the past couple of days but so far nothing today apart from creamy cm...since yesterday i have this banging headache and its really when i stand up...need to find some paracetamol asap i cant take it much longer...hope you ladies are ok in your tww...
NTAT...I hope you are doing as ok as you can be right now :hugs:

Ladyfog....did you use OPK's this cycle it are you guessing ish when you O'd? I was a day out from when I thought I o'd :dohh: I've never wanted children and didn't even think I could get pregnant so for me...only making the decision last October to try and now we are two losses later...I question my choice but the time wasn't right before and I'll just have to take whatever is or isn't going to happen with me. We will all have our sticky babies...just a case of when :flower:

Any testing happening?

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone


After this MC I was really keen to know what my body was doing (just wanted to move on asap this time I guess) so got some IC HPTs to for the BFN and then some OPKs. They never seem to work for me though - both pregnancies I never detected a LH surge but had no problems catching the egg :shrug: I'm pretty regular in my cycles though and ovulate quite obviously with really achey ovaries and EWCM so I tend to just follow my instincts in the end. Oh, and this time we just BD'd a lot just in case! I'm not sure why OPKs don't work for me, but I'm rubbish at using them at the right time of day so that could be the problem? Ayone else found they just don't work for you?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing and if I knew that I'd have to wait so long for a sticky bean I wouldn't have waited so long or would have pushed harder but I'm not sure that would have been fair on DH. Everyone is ready in their own time and there's no right or wrong at the end of the day, it's just unfair that the journey isn't straightforward for some of us.

I'm really starting to believe I could get a :bfp: soon - I'm trying soooo hard to wait until Monday to test (16 DPO). I'll be so surprised if it's happened so soon but I'm feeling very similar to the last 2 times I was pregnant - no crazy symptoms but backache and lots of CM when I normally dry up before :witch:. Fingers crossed!!! I felt metal for the first week after I O'd but now reckon that was just the progesterone and was basically PMS. Whenever I've had loads of sypmtoms before I've never been pregnant so now that's settled down I actually feel like it's more likely. Good luck to anyone else trying to wait it out! :flower:

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