A home for EVERYONE!

Nicole... yeah on team :blue:. I hope the news doesnt bring up any conflicting emotions but if it does I am sure you will both deal with them together and be happy :hugs:

His Grace... how are you keeping? You always ask after others but rarely update us on you :winkwink::flower:

Krissy... yeah way too early for u/s. I remember having an emergency scan at around 6 weeks before and they couldnt see anything with the normal scanner. She did find a heartbeat but couldnt be certain that she was picking up one of my pulses instead. So when do you go then, in around a fortnight?

Aspe... how you keeping?

Blueberri, pdx and libby :hi:.

Misty... I hope you and Tyler are now home and settling in xo

Janelle... i so LOVE your home improvements, I think you and Dan should move to my house and give it some inspiration :winkwink::haha:

AFM... ladies I am having a fabulous day for a change!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: My scan went perfectly this morning, I am measuring 9 wks 3 days which is perfect against ovulation date:cloud9:. Mr RMC knows that this is my crunch time so he is going to do another scan next week to help reassure me:thumbup:.

Plus I have just had a phone call that I got the job for the interview I attended yesterday!:happydance::happydance::thumbup::happydance::happydance::cloud9:

I have another interview this afternoon for the same organisation and I had to have the awkward conversation 'I want the job but do you mind if I see how I perform in this other interview?' I dont know how it's seen in reality? Both positions play to my strengths and I really cannot tell what one I prefer at this stage. If by some miracle I perform well today what a lovely predicament to be in! The advantages for the role I have been offered is that it is slightly closer to home so less traffic and it would be a great challenge, the other role I'm going for today is in the city centre and while it plays on my strengths it is more a research/strategic planning role. The job I have just got is more an operational type role. Loads to think about:winkwink:.

Have a good day ladies, isnt it amazing how your life can change in a day??? I pray this is the end of my bad phase and things are now looking up :thumbup:
First of all, congrats Nicole!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are excited or what?!

Janelle - still lovin your kitchen redo... so cool what you guys were able to accomplish!

Hey Grace, how's it goin?

Krissy, yes your kitchen can wait!! You need to rest! And yea still really early to see much!

Hey Angel!! Glad you are having a good day! Oh and good you get another appt so soon after! Oh and you might have TWO jobs to choose from?? Awesome you got the one job, even better if you get to pick! Yay for things getting happier for you!!!
Yes we are excited. Now just wishing these headaches would go away and that it didnt hurt to walk. Gonna go rest for another 30. Check in later.
Angel- CONGRATS!!!!!! on both the healthy peanut and the job!

Lizzy-how you doing lady? not working too hard i hope!

Janelle-i hope you are resting and feeling better!

hi to all the other lovely ladies.

well got most of what i wanted to do today done....might catch a quick nap before work. havent heard from my ob yet....oh well....i should get a scan closer to 7 weeks i think...oh well 5 weeks tomorrow so that is good...
Hi ladies!!

Today is Dan's birthday, so Samuel and I got up bright and early after he left for work and started planning our surprises! I asked Samuel last night what he wanted to get Dan for his birthday and he said a Banana pie. Well, Dan doesn't like banana pies, so Samuel is giving him a HUGE jar of M&M's with this poem.
M & M's are what I give you
And you may think I'm kinda mad
But you see they stand for lots of things
That remind me of you, Dad
Like Marvelous and Magical
Magnificent and My friend
Money lender, Mentor
The list might never end
So as you eat your present
Enjoy each single one you've had
And remember that I love you
My very special Dad!

I didn't know what the hell to get Dan, but i heard him talking the other day that he really wants a beer. So I went to this place that has every beer known to man and got him a variety 6 pack. There are some beers that are $22 a beer!!! I couldn't believe it. I tried to get ones that he's never had, hoping I did a good job. I always just look at the pictures on the labels and pick the ones that I like. I think I got a German one only because I thought the monk on the front was a cute little old guy!

Other than that Samuel and I hit up the 99 cent only store and bought stupid stuff, like star wars fruit snacks, thin mint cookies, and a giant cookies and cream candy bar because those are some of Dan's "favorite" things. Samuel also helped me pick out wrapping paper. Green Lantern. For a minute there Dan almost got his presents wrapped in Dora wrapping paper.

After driving all over town, I am pooped! Dan doesn't really like cake, so I made him these dirt cups. Totally a kids thing, but Samuel enjoyed helping (eating the gummy worms) and I know Dan likes pudding. So, why the hell not! This way I wont have a giant cake looking at me every day telling me to eat it!

On a bummer note, my hips are all sorts of jacked up and Sara was in some sort of mood last night moving all over the place. I'm spotting a bit today. Not too worried because it's brown, but I'm going to take it easy and not do a damn thing until this baby comes. She can't arrive until AFTER Dan's finals!! I've got 15+ people coming to our ultrasound on Saturday :wacko: didn't realize I had invited that many people. Oh well. They have the room.

Just waiting for Dan to come home, then it's off to Amma's and Papa's to drop off the monkey then going on a date with hot date Dan. He doesn't have school tonight, which is a plus! Now, just have to figure out where we're going on our date!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well. I would post personals, but I'm just too blah right now. I think I'm going to go relax on the couch before birthday boy comes home. Hope you ladies don't mind my laziness...
Angel - Congrats!!! Both on the healthy bean and the job. Did you already accept the job or are you waiting on word from the next interview to pick? I will do an AFM this time. ;)

Libby - I'm doing well. How are you? Did you get the maternity belt?

Janelle - My bump buddy!!! Those are awesome surprise for Dan. I'm sure he'll love it. How are you feeling?

AFM - Feeling good. We are going to get the carseat tomorrow. Baby is really getting active in there. I'm fighting hard to stayentally checked in a work. My mind is all over the place right now.
Good day ladies,

Angel.. Yay on the awesome ultrasound and job offer, possibly two :)

Nicole.. Congratulations on your little boy :)

Krissy.. Those numbers do sound nice. Also, glad you had a good birthday :)

Janelle.. You are so determined and have so much drive. It is unfortunate you get alot of pain. Boo on that. You are very creative. I would love to be able to do or even think of ideas like you do. On that note, beautiful kitchen. Also, do you have to use gel with the dropper?

Libby.. Hope you feels better

Grace.. How are you doing? Good I hope :)

Misty.. Can not wait to hear from you. How are you and baby Tyler? Hope all is well :) Also, I love the pictures the group shares on behalf of you.

Hope I did not miss anyone.

Have any of you ladies tried the gender test? You put pee in the little circle spot and the strip turns a certain colour I think. We find out the gender, if baby opens his/her legs, at the beginning of June.
It seems the later I sleep in the more pain I'm in in the morning. My lower back and knees are killing me even though I've only been up for 20 minutes and I'm sitting on the couch. Guess its going to be a Tylenol type of day. My mom is coming to visit us around 3 today so I really want to tidy up but my body doesnt like that plan. Jerusha is going through another growth spurt. She is fussy, sleeping longer, and eating more. I'm glad I have some dresses that are still too big for her. I'm hoping her legs are catching up to her torso (she is in 3T shirts but still in 18 M pants).
Nicole - How r the headaches today? I am right there with you on the pain front... agony ughhh.

Krissy! Hey!

Janelle - Those were some creative gifts! Wow! Ooooh I love dirt cups! Oh man yes take it easy!! Those hips cannot lie... and they're saying they need a break! And uh wow 15+ people, really? Yowsers!

Grace - Hey! Yup, got the belt!! Yesterday, I'd gone from ok to back super hurting and bump too just from walking to back of Walmart for one thing... so different than with Siena where it was more my hips/legs/feet. This belt seems to help!! I got one that got under and over the bump and also supports the back too. Forget being fashionable! I want to be able to move! I was able to sort through stuff in Sprout's closet last night and also start sorting out stuff for the hospital and post-hospital. So even though not packed, I know where the essentials are if needed in a hurry. More for when we get HOME though and I'm too tired/sore to go get stuff I need... I remember the hospital provided everything we needed while there.

Yay for getting a car seat today! That's a good plan... I actually have one a friend gave us... and just last night I was reattaching the cover and adjusted the straps etc... I guess she'd cleaned it.

Aspe - Ha no never tried the gender tests but I know other people on here have! Oh wait last pregnancy I tried something or another... but forget which one.
Morning ladies!

Aspe, you'll get some determination that came out of nowhere when you're late in your pregnancy. It's called nesting. It's driving me crazy!!! I have so many projects that I want to finish and I can't because Dan has a ridiculous amount of school work to do. So, I just look at stuff and imagine what it would look like finished. I have to constantly talk myself out of projects!!! And yes, you need to use some sort of gel for the doppler to work. But you can get KY jelly. It works just as well. :) As for the gender test, I just did the pee in a cup with baking soda.

Grace, I'm super tired, but feel like I have to get up and do something. It's weird. I think I'm going to pack my hospital bag this weekend. I just have this crazy feeling that I should do that now before any other projects. So, I'm not going to ignore it.

Maria, It would be fun for Grace and I to deliver on the same day. I'm curious to know what Sara is measuring tomorrow and if it would "change" my due date. We'll see. How have you been miss? I haven't heard any updates from you lately. Please, do share!

Krissy, can't wait for your ultrasound. Hope you're feeling well today and pregnancy isn't kicking your butt!

Nicole, My mother's intuition sucks. I've learned whatever my intuition is thinking, to just expect the opposite to happen. Happy to read your husband wasn't a complete jackass for you finding out the sex "accidentally".

Angel, congrats on the job! That's awesome news!!! Hope you like it and it's something that you can learn from and enjoy for a long while. Even better news with your growing baby! That's great!!!!! Sounds like things are really starting to look up for you. I'm happy for you. :friends: You lucky irish beauty, you!

Libby, I want to know what you ate for lunch today!!! Hope you're doing well and sprout isn't kicking your ass from within.

AFM, Dan's birthday was a success yesterday. He loved his "gifts" even more that Samuel told him what they all were before he opened them. Little stinker. Going for our 3D ultrasound tomorrow, hoping it all goes well and we get some GOOD pictures and some answers! Just lounging around today. Found out that Dan's Grandma wont be coming to the ultrasound tomorrow only because she isn't feeling well. Not sure if his aunt and uncle are going to be coming either. It kind of irritates me that we always make the drive over the hill to visit with them, but they never drive this way. I know it's "selfish" to think that way, but come on!!! Put in SOME kind of effort.

***Misty update****
I got a text from her this morning that said, "Update on Tyler: His bilirubin #'s dropped to 10.6. He's still under the light, but just one, no biliblanket. We have a POSSIBLE go home goal of Monday. Since he's been feeding good last few times possibly tomorrow they will take the feeding tube out and just let him go on me nursing alone. They have to watch him for 2 days after that. If he pees enough and gains weight then he can go home." So all you ladies think positive thoughts and cross your fingers that they can go home!!! They are staying in a room that is down the hall from Tyler that is pretty nice. Looks like a hotel room and they aren't having to pay for it each night. It's a free stay, but still. I remember how much I hated staying in the hospital and wanting to sleep in my own bed!
LOL I understand the nesting I'm getting there. I want to organize all of our baby items tomorrow since it's my night without Jerusha but half of tomorrow will be looking and test fdriving cars which I'm nervous about because I'm very indecisive nand dont like pushy salesman.

So today's goals for the next 2 hours include:
-scrubbing down tub and toilet.
-doing at least 1 load of dishes (no dishwasher machine here).
-starting another load of laundry.
-and folding all the clean clothes.

Wish me luck on getting all that done! At least Jerusha is happy in her room right now and will probably be asleep in the next 15-20 minutes.
Ha, Janelle I was up late last night thinking of all the stuff I wanted to do! DH was awake too and he was like ok what stuff? So I started telling him and sounds like SOME of it is stuff he plans to do... hoping so... because NONE of it is stuff I can do!

And yep I've started packing! But I'm the opposite of a procrastinator usually! Oh but didn't seem like there was all that much to pack... since my hospital provides most stuff and then I come straight home...

Teehee... I was bad this morning... my new thing is the Starbucks Apple fritter doughnuts... had my second one this week! Lunch was a chicken blt avocado salad from Panera... and a black cherry smoothie, only because the lady in front of me ordered it and then the cashier started raving about it! Oh dear.

Haha on Samuel spilling the beans! Too cute!! But yeah I know what its like to give but not receive... as far as family time... sucks... people can be selfish, sigh.

Oh ok so Misty's room is free??? Not a daily charge? Oh awesome!! Yeah I am hopeful for Monday!!
Nicole - Heh yeah I've already organized Sprout's room mostly, but we were given some more clothes, so I can go through those and sort them... all the clothes we've been given were clean, so haven't washed any... also consignment stuff not washed. But I know from experience that there's plenty of time for all that on maternity leave. So, for now, I've got newborn, 0-3, and 3-6 month clothes in his drawers.. with fancier stuff hanging in the closet... and the bigger stuff stored under the crib. I'll go through our baby meds and creams to see what I want to put in his room for easy access. It's weird because I 'shop' in Siena's room and the bathroom mostly, heh. Using her toys, books, etc on his shelves instead of buying stuff. Her rocker. Hmm but going to have to buy a monitor and diaper pail I think.
Oh and for anyone interested in the halo sleep sacks... not sure if the sale is over, but they had them on zulily.com this morning for cheaper than in the stores. I bought used pjs (consignment stores rarely have zip ones so all button pjs), and Siena slept in those and swaddled in a muslin blanket. We keep our house cool. Anyway, I want to try the sleep sacks because less work for changing I think. But may make swaddling different. We'll see. I know some include the swaddle part attached... have some of those but not just that kind because wasn't sure what would work best. I remember having to REALLY swaddle tightly and not sure the attached kind will work.
A rocker or glider is one thing I dont have and I have a feeling it'll be awkward breastfeeding in bed (I could never get used to the laying down position). DH is letting me get a brand new bassinet and possibly brand new double stroller so I think that a glider is out of the question. Might have to ask my mom for suggestions on that. The rocker she used with me and my sister is in NY in storage.
Why the heck has it been so quiet today??!?!??!

Well, I went and got our 3D ultrasound done today. Check out our new family picture!


Sara looks just like Samuel did minus the big eyes. THANK GOD!! She is measuring in at 36 weeks. 6 lbs 3 oz I'm gonna take that to the doctor! They also said she has a ton of hair! Which, Samuel had hair, but not a ton.

She definitely has some cheeks.

And the unthinkable happened. She opened her eyes!!! It was the creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I will try and find a still shot of it on my dvd and post it, but I don't have time right now. I have a bunch of pictures, but these were sent to me via text. I will post more later. Hope you ladies enjoy!
Janelle-Those pictures are soo great!!! hmmm...looks like she will beat her big brother in weight afterall!

I have been laying low from exhuastion and what not. I had some spotting after the transvaginal u/s on wednesday then nothing. then today I have some more...only when i whipe and all brown in color so not too worried but i am SUPPER tired! I also have MAJOR gas pains! goes from like my sides like right at my hip bone all the way up to my ribs. took some gas pills helps a little but i am thinking no more pop for me this pregnancy.

Cant remember if i posted that the nurse from my ob office did call and say they think they say a little something but am figuring that i was just too early. so i will call her monday and get an u/s scheduled in about 2 weeks...well less than that now i guess lol...some time after 6 weeks see what is going on..

now i know the spotting is normal and what not just not hard to be scared and worried....i want this baby sooooo bad!
Janelle...those pics r gorgeous...:hugs:

Krissy... im sure ul b fine and have a healthy and happy pregnancy and baby...all the best sweetie :flower:
Thanks PDX i sure hope so....how have you been? we have sure missed you around here!

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