A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle - Those are great pictures! Now I want a 3D u/s.

Krissy - I'm sure things are okay. Remember Janelle and I both had spotting and it turned out not to be anything wrong.

pdx - :hi: It's good to hear from you.
I've been fine...thanks for asking :) just waiting to start trying again...time has been flying by faster than I expected which is a super thing...seeing all u girls getting their sweet bundles makes me confident abt the future...
Thnaks Grace! it just scares me. i am not even telling josh bc i dont want to scare him. i know the headaches, light cramping/spotting, sore boobs, tired, moody and gas are all normal and i have to remember that at 4weeks4days my hcg was 1748....like the nurse said great numbers.....

how have you been feeling grace? ready for that baby?

PDx....when do you get to start trying again...did you have any testing done?
Oh misty update....

"Tyler is out from under the lights again. hopefully he can stay that way., they are going to try no tube feeding him and just let me nurse him. he just wwanted to sleep at his 11:00 feeding so they are letting him call the shots. i put him back in bed and am waiting for him to wake up and decide he's hungry. This boy likes to sleep!! They will see how long he goes fulfilled after each feeding and make sure he's peeing enough to see if hust my nursing is ok. This is the BIG TEST!!!!"

So lots of good thoughts and prayers headed their way! I think Tyler is doing amazing since he is only 8 days old!
Krissy, Grace has a point. We did have spotting and it was just "trapped" blood for me. Although I was told no sex until after 12 weeks. Just don't got all bonkers and have a hump-a-thon. Take it easy.

Grace, it was fun. It was neat because I was able to invite a bunch of people and share it all with them as well. I know it was a super fun experience for them. I'm just excited to see that she's healthy and she really is big. Makes me feel like less of a fatty. She's almost as big as Samuel was at birth and she's 4 weeks behind what he was when he was born! That's crazy!!! I was talking with my MIL this evening telling her if she DOES make it to 40 weeks her newborn clothes might be too small for her!

PDX, thanks for the kinda words. Can't wait to see your BFP!! I'm going to be sending all sorts of positive vibes your way! Even better to see your pop your head in. I've been wondering how you've been.

AFM, I'm exhausted. I need to go to bed. I got no sleep last night. I hope I get some good sleep tonight. I still have forever until it's bed time though. Someone start talking!! This thread is WAY too quiet today.
Well I'm home. Went and saw the car. I really liekd it and FIL who is really good with cars says the car is in great shape for being 10 years old. The only problem was that the military credit card we had before Joshua passed away still has my husband as deceased (since their names were almost identical). We have tried several times to get that reversed in the past year so I'm going to have a long talk with that company on Monday. If we can get that figured out this week we wont be in the clear yet because that card got cancelled when we owed $1200 on it (several tanks of gas and a 47" TV). So then we will probably have to save up for 3 paychecks to get that paid off since I'm not going to hold my breath on DH's cousin being able to give us the $4000 he owes us anytime before August or September. So basically, I may not have a car until 1-2 months after this baby is born which really sucks. The guy who helped me was really nice though!

Oh and even though I didn't get my car. My in-laws go to pick up their new Ford Focus on Friday afternoon. I'm glad they get a car since they need it but just wish it could've worked out for me too.

Yay, I'm no longer a squash! Daniel has been VERY active today. Ok, time for bed. Got to be rested for church tomorrow.
Janelle - That's neat that other people got to come. My mom would love something like that. She is big which should calm any fears about her not being okay when she's born. Those chubby cheeks were adorable!

Nicole - I hope things work out with the car soon. Sounds so frustrating.

Angel - How's it going?

Krissy - How are you feeling? I hope you aren't working too hard because we all know how hard you work.

Libby - Hope you're doing well and having a great weekend with Sienna and your dh.

Misty - We miss you and we are praying Tyler gets to come home soon!

pdx - Glad time is flying by. You'll have that bfp in no time. Your signature is beautiful.

AFM - We finally (or should i say dh and my sil) finished painting the guest room and nursery. We will put up the jungle decal today and hopefully I can get some good pictures. About to get ready for breakfast then church. If I see that rude lady again, I'll walking to the other side of the building. If she thought I looked ten months pregnant then she'll then I have the gestational life of an elephant if she sees me now.

Be blessed everyone!
Janelle- i already told josh no sex for like 8 weeks lol. i have desire to have sex right now. i know know why i am spotting i dont think it requires a call to the on call dr bc there is not much tha tcan be done so when i talk to the nurse tomorrow i will mention it to here. i did notice that i am spotting mostly after straining a little to poo or pass gass.

Grace-that sounds so cute! I spent all afternoon on the couch yesterday and today i do want to get my room done....i am not sure. like i told janelle i had to strain a little to poo so i spotted a little...

nicole-good luck on the car. what i dont understand is if you just fax that credit card company a copy of your sons death certificate with his SSN on it then that should clear it. also since it is a military card you would think just letter from the military stating that your dh is active right now would be enough?

Angel-how you feeling????

Lizzy-hope your weekend is great and that you are not in too much pain.

AFM- like i said before i am still spotting a little bit, all all brown and it is mixed with my cm. usually when i strain to poo or pass gas so now i am scred to poo lol. i have this weird pulling/stretching feeling that is on my sides from ribs down to my hips. i am trying to stay positive but i didnt have spotting with my other kids i am just scared and i dont want to freak josh out so i am not really saying anything to him....

ok so i am playing it by ear...i am scared to work tomorrow but there is not much i can do.....oh i wish i could be a SAHM this time around to.....
Yeah, its confusing. Dh said he contacted them and they said he had to clear it up with DEERS (basically the place where all new military members and family enroll their information) and he did. DEERS knows he is alive but the credit card company just isnt cooperating. Anyways, yeah, I had just gotten DH to agree to letting me buy a new bassinet and double stroller but now I think that money will have to go to paying off his credit card debt if we can get this thing sorted out.
That just sounds like they are being asses for no real reason. demand to get the number to their head quarters. That it is not like you are trying to get out of this debt but in reality you are trying to pay it off. load of crap.

omg this gas pain....i feel the air bubbles rolling around every where.
I'm here now.

Yeah, long phone calls tomorrow (yay, not). A friend on another thread just had her baby girl yesterday early early morning (2:26 a.m.). Now they are waiting on me. These last 6-7 weeks are going to drag by.

Ok, I got a headache so going to lay down for an hour. Daniel has been trying to push his head further into my ribs all day. Not a comfy feeling but at least I know he is still moving in there.
Hey guys… I got on here to check on a B&B friend that was pretty far along… 39 weeks… He and she had her baby today! What's crazy is she started having contractions and had the baby like an hour and a half later! And she thought she would have the baby late… This was her second baby. As for me… I had an eventful night last night… Will explain tomorrow when I'm not on my cell phone!
Wow, with my daughter it was a total of 14 hours of labor (none of which I could sleep through). My son luckily didnt want to come out before his C-section date. We'll see how it goes with this one. OB told me that she would set C-section up for 39 weeks because she doesnt expect me to last further than that.
Yeah, my bnb friend... "Contractions started at 1045, we went to the birth centre at 1155 and he was born 1216". Insane, huh??

So I had a bit of a false labor or something Sat night. Wrote detailed version in my journal, but basically bh galore, ended up calling OB who said to go to ER. But then said I could wait until 5 min apart. So didn't go. Ah fun times! Had pressure down there and dull ache in front and back too. Guess I will be more careful about how much I do on the weekends now. I tend to be a lot more active on the weekend after being pretty sedentary all week... part of being a working mama... lots to get done in those 2 days that gets put off all week.

Curious to see if it did anything to my cervix. But if it was just false labor with bh and no real contractions, it wouldn't have. Confusing because some were really strong. Guess my body REALLY wants to be practicing for the big day!
Yeah, BH can be confusing. I'm getting to the point of wanting this guy out but I know he hasn't turned yet. Looks like we wont be getting a car before baby is born if we want to go through USAA instead of a normal bank because we wont be able to get the credit stuff straightened out this week and after the 23rd I'm not allowed to travel more than an hour away (which the cars we liked are 2-4 hours away). I'll talk it over with DH later today. He has had a rough week at work so I want to give him some time to relax and not stress about all this.
Yeah I wanted this lo out too... because pains and such lately. But then when it seemed like more of a reality, I freaked because yeah obviously way too soon.

Why the 23rd for travel? Yeah, after my episode on Saturday and my bnb having her baby so fast, I think I won't be driving far any more! But, hmm. We still will take the boat out. And that's maybe 30 min from home and then however much further we go by boat. So will have to keep that in mind now.
Morning ladies!

Libby, my friend Alex started having contractions and had her 2nd son 45 mins later! She said it was nice, but not really. She was in pain and didn't really have time to think, she said it went by so fast people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. She said it was kind of scary. As for false labor, take it easy! I've had to calm down and do very little over the weekends. Now that I know Sara is big and ready to come out, I'm really trying to do pretty much nothing in hopes that she will stay in until after the 7th. I keep joking with Dan that she is going to be popping out in 2 weeks. He doesn't like that idea too much. He did work all weekend long on his homework though, which was good, but he still has so much to do. I'm really nervous about it all and I'm trying to not be because I don't want to stress about it.

Nicole, I'm not familiar with the military too much, but Krissy has a point. If you fax all your information to the credit card company or even talk to someone with equifax, they will remove it from your report. If you fax in all the proper parer work, they have to fix it. I've had to do it numerous times. I know my friend's MIL is on her husbands credit report saying they are married, even though it's his mother. They just faxed over their information and it was fixed within a week. It's not uncommon. They are probably curious why you've waited so long to fix it. As for the bassinet and stroller, have you checked into gently used to save you guys some money? I bet if you posted an ad on craigslist under the wanted section, you could get them for free. I've gotten a bunch of stuff for free that way. One mans junk, is another mans treasure!

Grace, good to see your got the nursery painted! It's a good feeling to be reaching the end isn't it? I hope you didn't run into that lady yesterday and if you did she was a little nicer. I've grown self conscience about the way people say I look. I always think they are saying I'm fat in a nice way. Dan has assured me that I look great, I just have a huge belly, to which is housing a huge baby! SO, that makes me feel a "little" better. ;) How have you been sleeping at night??

Krissy, hope you're feeling better today with less gas bubbles. :haha:

Hi to all the other ladies!!

AFM, I can't wait for my doctors appointment this Friday! I'm going to march in there and tell my doctor that according to the 3D ultrasound Sara is measuring 37 weeks (because she will be by friday) She should be closer to 7 lbs by then too. I'm in so much freakin' pain these days! I can't sleep at all. I lay on my side and it feels like my insides are ripping!! I try the half side stomach position and it's terrible. The only side I can sleep on when I do, is my right. I think it's because all of Sara is resting on the bed! My lower belly hurts so bad, I cant stand to touch it anymore. It's so sensitive. My inside hips are constantly popping and cracking and feel so stiff. I'm just ready, REALLY ready, for this pregnancy to be over. I'm tempted to call my doctor and ask him if there is anything safe and stronger to take for pain. I woke up this morning surprised I was able to make it through yesterday and I'm sure I'll feel the same way tomorrow. I hate crying because it doesn't help the pain, but I'm crying all the time because I'm always in pain. Feels like I've been carrying a bowling ball on my bones with no support. I just can't do it anymore. I'm giving up!!!! For the first time, I can tell you ladies, that I am terrified to have this baby. I'm afraid she is going to atom bomb my vagina! Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm so scared. Samuel was 6 lbs 14 oz with a small head and he barely squeezed through. I'm afraid she is going to be crowning or something and the doctor tell me she can't fit. Or if she does fit, she's going to wreck me! I just don't know what to do anymore. Is there a way for the doctor to tell before hand if I have a small birthing canal? I'm not sure if SPD helps with making things more "flexible" or if it's just strictly painful and annoying. I better write all this down and speak with my doctor on Friday. I had a dream last night that I had Sara and the only clothes that fit her were her 6-9 months! It made me laugh, but at the same time put the fear in me! I'm going to do a blog today, so I will post some more pictures from our ultrasound on Saturday. I'm also going to try and put a video together with some of the ultrasound. But, since I have a new computer, with a new program, not sure I will be able to figure it out...
Janelle - Yeah once we hit 37 weeks, its fair game if we have big babies!! I do feel like when I do more, its more likely to bring on labor now... so will scale it back. I am wanting to take Siena to the zoo and its over an hour away... really thinking we'll go in 2 weekends and that I will use a wheelchair!! Way too much walking otherwise.. I'd die! Is Dan done with school on the 7th then?

And Nicole I second Janelle's Craigslist suggestion! There's so much stuff on there I wish I needed, ha!

Janelle - So do you sleep sitting up then? Seems like I know other people that do that in late pregnancy... but I have only had to do that when my heartburn wouldn't go away. And is this the same OB that you used with Samuel? I'd be curious what that OB has in his notes... maybe can say if you had small space or not? Yes sounds like you have lots of concerns to bring up with your dr... glad the appt is this week! And find out how long before you are allowed to induce... like would they induce at 37 or 38 or must you wait until 39?? And crying... well geez with sucky pain meds, its about all you CAN do so I'd be doing it too! I'm sorry sweetie!!!!

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