A home for EVERYONE!

Time to go home... quickly getting on here to read everyone's updates...

I am so confused. Is anyone else feeling pressure down there yet? And pains in your bump? Seems like so much more STUFF is going on in there for me this week other than just kicking and some BH. Guess I will start timing these BH on my drive home. My dr appt next week can't come fast enough.

Janelle - Ok yea I know my dr says 39 weeks. Wasn't sure if it was due to insurance or just his policy.

Grace - We are still debating names also. Have one we're trying out to see if we want it... but then still would need a middle name also. Arghh.

Nicole - Good to hear that the credit card co will try to make the change! And ugh on the head issue.. sounds not comfortable at all!!!
Libby, I've been having pain like that for awhile. But then again, I'm broken, so I guess I'm not the best person to ask.

**Misty update**
I just got an email text from Misty on Tyler. They are still at the hospital :(
"Well dr was just in. Apparently Tyler had another apnea spell last night. He actually had to be nudged to get him to start breathing again this time. Dr says its just an age thing and he has to be here another 5-7 days to make sure it doesn't happen again. "

AFM, I've been having those dull cramps. You know the ones you get and you think "when is my period due?" Not sure if I should be concerned. Maybe it's my cervix thinning out? No idea. I'm exhausted though. I think I'm going to go take a nap and then kick myself in the butt later when I can't sleep.
Well I couldn't sleep last night due to my head throbbing and heartburn. My mom thinks I might have a sinus infection.

Made all the necessary phone calls today and basically got told to call back on Thursday with 2 of the places. Hoping it can all be straightened out by Friday morning so we can get the car when I go back on Friday afternoon. Called Tricare and apaprently the hospital never submitted the claim for my daughter's ER visit in December to insurance. So have to call the hospital tomorrow to get that straightened out so I dont have to pay the $360.

It's beautiful outside but my head hurts and I dont feel like chasing her down the sidewalk so we'll pray its nice tomorrow and go outside then.
Dr app went well...he said i can start trying once this cycle finishes... basically 5 more weeks of wait time :happydance:
Good morning sort of ladies...

Janelle- I love the pics!!!! so freaking cute cant wait to meet that little girl!

PDX-great news on trying again...good luck and dont get discourged cuz believe me it took a lot of trying and planing for me to get this little bean.

Nicole-good luck on getting everything straighten out by friday.....and finding stuff yard saling this weekend.

Lizzy-i cant remember four years ago lol sorry. not too much longer now!

AFM-ok had a totall freak out and melt down at work last night and got sent home...i feel stupid now about it....it seems i have one of those sensitive cervixs this time around that is gonna break blood vessles when ever it feels like it. I was at work last night and went to the bathroom and there was bright pink staring at me. i started bawling and the nurse saw me, of course everyone knows i am pregnant at work so they sent me home....i feel like i left them high and dry last night. i was a crazy buzy emotionally draining night and i feel like i let them down by leaving....and i hope i dont get in trouble even though my clinical mentor(floor manager) and my charge nurse told me to leave.the nurse even said are you ok to leave or do you want me to call your husband to come get you....so yeah they wanted me gone lol

ok so i ended up leaving about 3 hours before my shift ended and when i called josh and let him know he didnt seem to worried. by the time i got home he had the couch all made up with pillows and blankets and made me some dinner since i had not ate. he waited on me hand and foot. well the pink stuff lasted till about 1 am then turned brown and now pretty much gone. i called the nurse and i just love her. she agreed most likely nothing and could happen again. she said as long as i dont see red or heavy to not to freak out next time lol. but she said i can call any time it is ok and she understands bc she had had a mc herself inbetween her kids so she knows how nerve wracking it can be. she also gave the go ahead with going back to work today bc i dont have any more real bleeding and no cramps.....sigh this baby isnt gonna make it easy for me is it? lol
Janelle - I had some of those dull cramps too. And the pressure etc. Thought this would all make so much more sense the second time around but I guess not!! I just keep holding off on calling my dr... I don’t want to seem like a nervous nelly, ha! I do feel 'less' today, so guess it was normal.

PDX - Glad to hear you got an 'almost' green light!! Woo!!

Krissy- Oh my I would have freaked too!! I freak with pains etc and NO pink or red etc! Glad to hear it is not abnormal and you are ok! Take it easy though when you can... but I know that is like nearly impossible at times!

afm - DH called me to say Siena had puke on her pillow when he woke her this morning.... had him check her temp and not high... and had him call the daycare.. apparently a 24 hour bug going around and super contagious to where half the teachers caught it and they have like super immune systems! Oh dear. Anyway, I'm going home at lunch so DH can go to work.
Lizzy-thanks....at least dh let you know what is going on instead of just taking her to daycare like some guys would lol. also good you guys can tag team to neither of you loose a whole day at work. good luck with a sick little one and fingers crossed you dont get it!
Morning ladies!

Krissy, pink was the norm for me. My doctor did an ultrasound and explained it to me in laymans terms for me to understand and feel more comfortable. Think of a toilet paper roll tube. One side is closest to the baby, the other side is what you feel when you do a cervical check. Sometimes blood can get trapped in the middle and with your body preparing for pregnancy it can work it's way out. He said this is common and pretty normal. He told me the same thing. Pink and brown are okay. As long as it's not red you're okay. I had cramping which is why they had me continue with the low dose aspirin, but you didn't take it when trying to get pregnant so you shouldn't need it. I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to have you all sorts of worried until you get well passed 12 weeks. Try not to stress. You got this! :friends:

Libby, I don't know what's normal anymore. I think I'm going to ask my doctor to do a cervical check or at least look at it when I go in on Friday because I've had some serious eyebrow raising moments over the past few days. I just want to be in the clear rather than blow it off and think it's nothing.

AFM, I was up all night with contractions. It was so freakin' annoying! I peed I don't know how much last night. Must be getting rid of the water I've been retaining. That was one sign that I had a few weeks before I went into labor with Samuel. My back was killing me last night. Just a constant ache. I haven't had much back trouble with this pregnancy, just hip pain, well last night my back was on fire! Sign #2. Finally whipped out the heating pad and was able to fall asleep. Every time I woke up, which was like every 30 mins, I was having a contraction. Sign #3. I couldn't even move they were so bad, I would try to roll over and I would get like a side cramp feeling. It was like every time I rolled over on my side I would get a contraction. Hard to explain. So, I tossed and turned all night and got up to pee a ridiculous amount, then finally this morning when Dan woke up I stole his pillow. It's flat and boring with no life left in it. It was perfect to support my belly while I was on my side. Looks like he's losing his pillow for a few more weeks! :haha: I'm still having contractions but they are really sporadic and all over the place.

I have to email my MIL and see if she is in town this weekend. Wanting her to take Samuel so that Dan can get his homework done. He has to finish his math assignments, then he takes the final next Thursday morning. Then he just has to write a crazy amount of papers for his English class and he'll be done! I told him he needs to get it all done by not this weekend, but next for sure! No ifs, ands, or buts about it! I'm crackin' the whip!! I don't think this baby is going to stay in much longer.
Janelle - Yeah my dr asked me when I called sat with my issues if I'd been 'checked' yet... as in cervix etc. And I hadn't. So now I want him to check me next appt too. They asked last time and I said nah. Hey I wonder if all my sweating at night means I'm losing some water retention?? Because I've gained 2 pounds since I weighed myself Friday and totally confused and thinking wow ok I need to start eating healthier because that's too fast of a gain ack!! Maybe it is some water weight, I can hope!

My problem is telling what a contraction is. How are yours compared to BH as far as where you feel them etc??

Yeah that baby is getting ready!
Libby, I have no idea what a "real" contraction feels like, but from what I've "made up in my mind" I think braxton hicks are just where you feel your uterus get hard. I've had some painful ones, but the contractions I was having last night I could feel sharp pain with them. Like it would radiate around my back and down the sides of my belly while it was getting hard and I wasn't able to move easily. It hurt really bad.

As for weight gain. I don't pay attention anymore. I will gain 5 lbs one week then be down 6 in one day. It depends on how regular I am and how much salt I've been eating. Now that I know Sara is big, I'm not too concerned with weight gain, only because I know she's hogging it all! I don't know where to put my weight gain on my tracker either. I'm 35 weeks today, but she's measuring 37. So.... should I be at 35 or 37 weeks?? I'm done worrying about it. I've gained more than I wanted, but not a lot more. Only a couple lbs and I've been able to keep it at a slow gain. I really wouldn't care if I put on another 20 lbs. At this point I've got every white flag flying.

Where is Grace?! Has anyone heard from her? She had a doctor's appointment the other day and I haven't seen an update. WHERE IS MY BUMP BUDDY?!?!?!?!!
With my daughter, "real" contractions started in my lower back like serious cramping and then wrapped around near my pelvis. I ended up on all 4s with every contractions because the back labor was so bad.

It is seriously storming here so if you don't hear from me for a while it means we probably lost power at some point. We have a flash flood warning for the next 4 hours even though its not that heavy rain right now.

A FB friend of mine had her son yesterday. He is pretty big and healthy. She went from 4 cm dilated to 9 cm pretty quickly once they put her on the pictocin. She is Korean and he is Hispanic and this little boy is gorgeous with lots of black curly hair. So far his eyes are the most Korean thing about him.
Girls, AWOL, still woeful MS and nausea.

I hope you are all well xoxoxo
Janelle - Happy 35 weeks!

I had my dr appointment and things went fine. I'm not dilated any, but she could still feel his head. They tested me for group b strep and that's about it. I don't go back until May 3rd which seems so far away, but I opted for a Friday appointment instead of Tuesday so that adds a few days.

Any word on Misty and Tyler?

Where's Loren?

Hi everyone! :hi:
So (TMI warning) my bowel movements have been softer and more frequent these past 3 days. Not "naughty poopies" loose but just softer. My discharge has gone from cloudy white to clear and it feels as though baby is more cramped in my womb than usual.
Hey guys. Nothing going on with me. Just popping in to say hi.

Ooo I'd like to go from 4 to 9cm super fast! Hmm but really on the fence about pitocin. Had it with Siena and don't know what it'd be like without it... tempted to find out because maybe contractions wouldn't be as awful?
Yeah, with Jerusha it took me 2 days to go from 1 to 3 cm dilated, and then things sped up from there. Only took 14 hours to go from 3 cm to 10!

Getting ready to make the calls. Been storming here but Jeusha isnt terrified of them and seems to sleep better with them actually. Mommy not so much. Going to Walmart for a few things today and then to the post office to mail off another package to DH. Thinking with how much DH eats that when he comes home on March 3rd next year that we will start shopping at Sams Club or Costco and just stock up on things.
I was a fan of Sam's Club when I went. Forget why I stopped going.

I'd been told I could take Prilosec for my heartburn... but after I started taking it, I saw its a Category C med.. so I stopped. I get nervous about Cat C because not guaranteed safe for the baby. Hmm. So then I thought I was ok... and then last night got woken up by searing burn in my throat and gagging/choking... I jumped out of bed (yes, a feat at 8 months prego!) and ran to the bathroom choking but didn't end up puking. But yeah not fun. I took some tums... nice thing about the Prilosec is its a daily preventative versus taking it AFTER you have the problem. So yeah was a pain, literally, trying to get back to sleep and had to sleep sitting up. And voice is hoarse today like I am sick, from the burn. Gah.

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