A home for EVERYONE!

Oh and Tums is a Cat C too? Hmm. Well doesn't 'seem' so bad... but I guess Pepcid is Cat B so I should stick to it maybe...
Lizzy- i so sympathize with the heartburn! it is already kicking my butt in this pregnancy!!! last night i woke up and thought i was gonna puke from it took tums and after a bit could fall back to sleep...oh do you have a name for that baby boy yet?

afm-i tell you what when it rains it pours and not just saying that cuz it has been raining like non stop here in MI, but bc yet another thing pissed me off!!! We dont check our mail everyday bc so much is done on line now. anyways my dh decided to check it yesterday, i checked it monday, and guess what my freaking state tax return that i mailed out last week was in there bc of not enough postage....WTF?!?!?! i go to the post office to make sure i that i have enough postage on my crap. i had bought a stamped envelope and aske the lady is this enough for all the the papers i have? she said i would need another 20cent stamp so i put that on there....nope needed another 26cents on it.....for real??? i am so pissed. good thing i am getting a refund so i should not have any penalities to go with it being late......but seriously come the freak on people!!!!

on and positive note....Today is little misss Avarie's Birthday!!! My little girl is 5 years old today! cant believe it! I still remember my hospital stay with her and bringing her home in that cute little sun dress bc it was 70 that year we brought her home.
I sleep propped up on 3 pillows now too Libby and it has kept the heartburn to a minimal. I usually only have to take Tums at night. Practically everything is a Category C for pregnancy because just not enough is known about its effects.

Krissy- I totally forgot to print out our state tax return so ours is late too. Will print it out on Monday most likely since the next 2 days are hectic for us. Yeah, we wont get a penalty either since we were getting a refund even though right now that extra money would really help with paying off the credit card thing.

Getting a pretty bad headache so I'm going to finish my breakfast and then make the calls so I might be able to rest for 10-15 minutes before Jerusha wakes up.
nicole- yeah it just made me mad that i have to deal with it all over again....good luck today!

lizzy- i tell you what i ate tums like it was candy with all my kids and they are all fine lol. i mean they have tums for kids to take so cant be that bad lol
No name yet! DH and I are thinking about 'Noah'... it’s the only name I've suggested that he hasn't turned down, so we're 'testing' it. But the longer we waver on it, the more unsure I am. Wish he'd just said yes to it to start with! Noah Asher (I like it best but is it girly??), Noah Grayson, Noah Gregory (family name)... Every other name I find, DH doesn't want. So this may be it. Just wish I still had a 'warm n fuzzy' for it.

Well it appears if you take heartburn meds BEFORE bed, might be the solution. I will take something tonight for sure! And yeah seems like Tums are the norm for pregos... so think I'll stick to it unless Pepcid seems to work... since it’s a Cat B...

And Krissy, oh man!! Can't believe your post office screwed you like that! didn’t realize no penalty if getting money back, that's good! I always did mine online before switching to a tax person. And Happy Birthday Avarie!! Your little princess is a year older!! :)
I dont think Noah Asher is girly but of the three I like Noah Gregory best.

I think I'll just stick with Tums for now since there isnt that much time left in the pregnancy.

So I was a wimp and gave in to my headache. Thought I'd only get 10 minutes of rest instead I woke up 90 minutes later thinking "oh crap, still gotta make those phone calls". LOL I will make them but first I have to get me and Jerusha properly dressed so we can go play with the puppies across the street.
Morning ladies!

Grace, great to hear from you! I was worried. Happy to see that things went well at your appointment. I think I might be getting the strep b test this coming appointment, but not sure. I don't remember getting it when I was pregnant with Samuel, but my friend who had 2 kids with my doctor told me that he's really good and quick so you don't even notice it. I haven't gotten an update from Misty except for the one from the other day. I know she's stressed a bit and just wants to take her little guy home, but things keep happening and it's a set back for them.

Libby, I take zantac for my heatburn. I took it with Samuel and my doctor told me that it was safe because tums didn't do anything! It works really well. But I have to watch what I eat because you're only allowed 1 a day I think. So, I take it when I REALLY need it. Otherwise drinking lots of ice water seems to help during the day. I had that choking heartburn when I was pregnant with Samuel. Haven't had that yet. Feeling pretty lucky. I like the name Noah! Our neighbor's son is named Noah and Samuel talks to him through the fence. Calls him "boy". "hey boy! come here!!" Reminds me of the giving tree when he does it.

Nicole, I wouldn't worry too much about your BM's. Mine change day to day and my doctor says that it's normal towards the end because your hormones can fluctuate. My CM has changed though.. I wasn't really having much, but now I'm having thin white. Kinda milky. Going to ask my doctor about it tomorrow. We shop at Sam's club and love it. It's nice shopping in bulk, but it can get expensive too.

I wouldn't mind dilating super fast, but I want it to go slow enough to where I can have enough time for an epidural.

Krissy, that would totally piss me off! I would march down to the post office and yell at the lady! I've always just used those forever stamps though and have never had a problem. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA!!! We have a cute sundress and matching hat for Sara to come home in. If the weather is nice. It snowed the other day, but is going to be 80 next week. I'm thinking I better pack for cold and hot.

AFM, I FINALLY GOT SLEEP!!!! It was so awesome!!! I stole Dan's pillow and shoved it under my belly and was out until 9 o'clock this morning, with my little monkey snuggled up next to me. I love waking up to him next to me. I only got up once to pee last night, so it was a good night! Not so much pain today except for Sara is kicking my ass right now. I have no idea what she is doing in there, but it feels like she is using my ribs to kick her head into my pelvis! Serious! She is jamming something into my cervix! It's making my butt jiggle! It doesn't feel nice at all! I can't believe how strong this baby is. I don't know if it's because she is bigger or what, but Samuel was never this active at the end. She was going nuts last night when I was laying down to go to bed. Dan is really starting to freak out that she is going to come next week. It's kinda comical to see him turn ghost white when I have a serious contraction or when she is trying to "bust" out of my stomach. After I fold some laundry, I'm going to pack my hospital bag... just in case... :wacko: I totally forgot that I need to pack a bag for Samuel as well, so he has clothes when he stays with Amma and Papa.
I'm not worried about my BMs just kinda curious if it means anything since nothing in my diet has changed.

Well I called and they removed the deceased code from DH's credit card account so tomorrow we will start paying it off. I hope we can get a loan approved now. I'm going to go apply through USAA right now and see what they say.
Yeah I think I tested positive for the Strep B last time? So I just had to make sure they knew when I checked into the hospital... so they'd add one thing to my IV I think?

I texted Misty today and she said they're still waiting because Tyler has to go like a week I think with no sleep apnea issues before he can be released. Poor lil guy!

Yeah I think Zantac and Pepcid have same stuff in them, both Cat B so I'd be ok with either. Another friend said one of those (I forget which) would only work for her for an hour. But ehh it seems like most of my problems would be fixed then because its fine later in the night... just for the first while. I only need it at night when I go to bed... just when I'm lying down. I'm ok with it until yeah it’s the burning choking kind that makes me puke. Then I'm regretting not taking something!

"Hey boy, come here!" Ha cute!

Hmm I need to pick out a coming home outfit for Sprout still. And pack a bag. And finish the nursery since I've just bought paint to change the color of one wall, heh. But I won't need to pack Siena a bag. She stays with PIL so often that they have plenty of stuff for her at their house. Although still not quite sure where she's staying when. Because my mom will be here staying with us... but then I want her with me for the labor when it gets bad... but then I want PIL there for the birth too... but then I won't be bummed if they aren't there. So I'm thinking I will go off what my mom wants for early labor... she can stay home with Siena if she wants and then have MIL come get Siena when I need her... also it could be nighttime so MIL may have to sleep at our house. Then I'll just let my MIL figure out when/how for hospital etc. Really depends what time it is. And if it’s a weekend or not. As to whether or not Siena would be in daycare or if it was evening/weekend then a friend could take her. It's the whole up in the air aspect where we don't know when it'll happen!!!
Ugh...USAA said that since we applied 2x last week that I have to call and try over the phone instead. Argh...so I was doing it online through US Bank which did our Jeep loan but they only do 36 month loans and we will only need 12 months! Ack, why are things so confusing? So I saved that application to talk it over with DH before I submit it. Time to eat something and lay down for an hour since I already put the dog outside and took out the trash.
Nicole, good luck!

Libby, I want my MIL there for the birth. I could careless if Samuel is there for the first part. I think my FIL will take Samuel and my MIL will stay for the birth, then he will stay the night at in laws and come the following day to meet Sara. We've got a few friends that we can call as well if we need someone to watch him for a few hours, but for the long hall, he'll be staying with the in-laws while I'm in the hospital and a day or two afterwards. A long with our dog. This is why I'm really hoping Sara doesn't arrive until AFTER the 7th because MIL will be out of town. I wouldn't want FIL to take time off work to take care of Samuel. He would totally do it in a heartbeat because he makes his own schedule and they all revolve around him. But still, it's kinda awkward for us to ask him for that. Now if Sara comes on a Friday, then that would work out for everyone! I gotta admit, it is kind of annoying "not knowing" when this baby will come. I just can't believe it's so close!!! I feel so unprepared. I hate that feeling.
Oh I don't care if Siena is there for the birth. I actually think it'd be better if she wasn't. Just trying to figure out what to do with her when everyone ELSE would want to be there. FIL never really watches Siena all that long by himself. Yeah I hope for a daytime birth on a weekday, ha, so Siena will be at daycare and then everything can go as normal... FIL can hold the fort at the office so DH can be with me... MIL can come whenever... FIL closed the office last time once Siena was about to be delivered. Yeah I guess every time is different... as much as I DON’T want to induce, starting to see it being a possibility now... since this is another bigger baby and I'm already so impatient... and would make life easier if we could plan so my mom knew when to drive up... really, if I didn't think pitocin contractions were worse, I wouldn't be so hesitant. I could be ok with not having part of the labor at home if it meant erasing a lot of the unknowns!
My in-laws will be in charge of Jerusha as soon as I go into labor until I get out of the hospital. In the case of a C-section being necessary, she will go over the night before the C-section and be with them until I'm released. My mom will want to stay in the hospital with me overnight as long as I'm there and then she always stays at my house the first 5-8 days after the baby is born to help me get into a routine.
I forgot to post a 35 week bump picture. My black shirt and jeans are in the wash, so you'll have to wait for that picture tomorrow, but here is one to tie you over until then.


Jupiter ain't got nothing on me!
Nice bump Janelle! I have a feeling you wont make it long enough to give us due date bump pictures.
I really hope I have her early, but late enough to where it's safe. I'm in so much freakin' pain right now. I just took two Tylenol and I'm already counting down the hours for when I will see my doctor so I can ask him if there is anything stronger that I can take that is safe. I'm totally bummed, because today was an easy day. I woke up with out much pain, but BAM! It has hit me like a ton of bricks and it's super uncomfortable to try and sleep.

Janelle- i just love your baby bump so freaking cute!!!

nicole-good luck on the car loan surch!

afm-day off woooohoooo!!!!! 6weeks today to so happy. off to make breakfest and count down till little ones go to myparenst for the weekend...i love them but i need a break lol
I havent been feeling well for about 3 weeks. We are trying to get a car but cant get approved. We found a pretty good car we could afford but it is 2 hours away and today is the last day I'm allowed to travel more than an hour away but we still cant get approved. My toddler is being stubborn but with how I've been feeling I just dont have the energy to discipline her very much. I'm about ready to cry.
I will look at that bump pic on my phone later! So sorry you are in pain today Janelle! You can't get a break ugh!

Yay Krissy for your day off!! And no kids this wknd, woot woot!

Nicole, you poor thing! You have a lot going on and it sounds like its just all coming to a head and too much to handle. I'm sorry!! Hugs!

Afm - not much to report. Few ladies on bnb have had babies lately and it seems like no one is having an easy time of it... baby losing weight or not allowed to go home etc etc. Oh dear. Ok my lil guy needs to keep on cooking. I will suffer so that he comes out super healthy... I hate that these babies are having issues and puts things in perspective!

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