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Morning ladies.

I have my doctors appointment this morning. Hoping to get some good news. Maybe that my cervix is dilated to 5 cm! haha just kidding. That would be a dream come true.

Aspe, I see you! How are you doing these days? You've been quiet..

Nicole, Hope you can get a loan soon and find a car before Daniel is born.

Krissy, whoohoo on day off! That's awesome! You deserve it!

AFM, I'm tired. I got no sleep. Not to mention I'm super irritable as well.

**Question for those with babies. Do you remember how big your babies heads were at birth? Circumference wise?
I know with joshua he was 14 1/2 in and the other two were pretty much the same all big head babies! like seriously how i as i pushing that through a 10cm hole?

waiting to take the kids over to my dads. they have lots of flooding in their basement so he is busy right now pumping that water out.
LOL Thanks for making the situation lighter for me, Krissy. Sara's head was measuring 32 cm at the ultrasound last Saturday.

I just got back from the doctor and he said that I'm 1cm dilated and that's it. No effacement or nothing. He said that Sara is low, but there is still some room for her to drop even more. I was shocked, because right now it seriously feels like I've got a weight hanging between my legs!

We talked a little about c-section. He said if I want one, he will give me one, he isn't the type of doctor to make me have the baby natural, nor does he like seeing woman go through that much pain for hours sometimes days. I told him I want to try the natural thing but I don't want to be in labor for 15 hours just for the doctor to tell me, the baby wont fit and I have to have a csection. He said depending on how quickly i dilate and how the baby is lying he will be able to tell right away if I will need to have one. So, now I'm not too worried. I only gained a pound in two weeks. So that's kinda exciting I guess. You know it all went to Sara!

He wont give me any pain meds. Said to stick to tylenol and rest. I called him an asshole. He took it with a grain of salt. That just about sums it up. Got my strep B test done. It was nothing. Every week visits now.
Thanks Janelle! I know i told josh cant you believe we have gone from poppy seed to apple seed to pea already! LMAO u called the dr an asshole...you go girl! i cant believe there is nothing else? what about a muscle relaxer? have you talked to your family dr about the pain?

kids are at my dads finally lol! i am so tired! well i had some more brown spotting today....i think it becoming more normal for me lol but i did have a hard bm this morning so that is probably what did it. i have the stretching feeling across my belly right now so weird. my plans for tonight is rest i dont care about the house or nothing lol
Krissy, he's a pretty down to earth guy. I felt comfortable calling him an asshole. When he was checking my cervix, I asked him if he's ever been kicked and he quickly moved to the side and told me that he has been kicked and asked if I was going to kick him. I feel pretty close with the staff in that office. I can shoot the shit with them all. As for a family doctor, I don't have one. I need to get one, but as of right now he's the only doctor I see. I was seeing him every 6 months ever since Samuel was born, so I didn't really need a family doctor. I never really get sick either.

I got a nap in. Which felt great. Samuel is still sleeping. I'm freezing though. I hate taking naps and waking up cold.

I remember being a sweet pea. Hell, I remember eating lunch at a friends house and I was a raspberry and she had some to munch on. I was so excited to be a raspberry! Little did I know that Sara's head was probably the size of a raspberry at that time!!! Ha just kidding.

I have no idea what we're going to have for dinner tonight. Last night we had veggie burger hummus wraps and edamame, which was amazing!! I wish we still had some of the big tortillas I would make them again tonight. Maybe tacos? Eh, that just doesn't sound good to me... but then again, I've never been a fan of tacos.

Tomorrow is Sesame Street Live. We have to be there at 9:00 in the morning. I just remembered all of the stairs that I'm going to have to walk up and down. I am not looking forward to this at all now. Even if I'm showered in soft pretzels and diet coke. We better get there an hour early so that I'm not rushing. Talked to Amma this morning and found out that we have the first class tickets. We're right up in front of the show and we get to hang out an hour early before the show and get pictures taken with the characters. Pssshhh.. SOMEONE IS SPOILED!

I can't believe how quiet it's been on here this week.
I agree very quiet! omg he is very spoiled dont know what they will do with a grand daughter lol. i have no idea what i am eating for dinner yet tonight...i am hungry nothing sounds good here we were going out but the closet "big" town is flooding out from all the damn rain we have had in the last week so there went that idea and there is not much here.....sigh.....

I see you aspe and grace how are you ladies?
Krissy, it's simple, when they have a granddaughter they will spoil her with girl stuff!! I called and spoke with Samuel's pediatrician and she doesn't have any records for Samuel before 6 months. :( but his head at that visit was 40 cm. Pfft. I called his old pediatrician who is retired and was given an email address to send him an email. All I want is a simple number. I hope I'm not given the run around. I wonder if the hospital knows anything? Oh well. I gotta figure something out for dinner. Maybe we will go out too. Gotta talk Dan into it. Ha, FAT CHANCE!
Lol when we have no kids I don't cook. Oh I bet they can't wait to have a girl to spoil next very lucky gran babies! Ok starting to think ms is kicking in bc I will be starving eat something then feel sick for a while its all good I will take it! Lol
Hey guys on cell so can't really respond to everything... Likin all the info I read though! Oh and my dr tends to give percents... Like Siena's head was always 95-99 percentile. Ouch!

So tired.... I am going to sleep an hour early and it's the wknd! But painted accent wall after work and then fed and played w siena etc so a productive evening. Had heartburn in a mtg today.... Uh so guess i will need to start carrying tums... Not just a bedtime thing now apparently! Have cramps in lower back and abdomen like AF... Sleep seems like a good plan. Night y'all! Oh ac was broken but got it fixed! Phew!
I was out of the house from noon til 11:30 p.m. yesterday.

As far the car, yeah, we fixed things on our end but the credit bureau takes a few weeks to get it straightened out on their end so we have stopped trying to look for cars until probably 3 weeks after this baby is born. Went with in-laws to the place we were at last week but just for moral support this time. They got a car since they found a payment plan they could afford and my MIL was getting super irritable with how picky FIL was about payments. LOL She wouldnt have been irirtated if they would have settled for a used car but she insited on something with a warranty and she likes all the gadgets. So they have another car now but will have to get another one in August since my youngest SIL will be taking FIL's car to college. It'll be only his car though she he will probably get something 5-8 years old instead of brand new.

So for now, we arent looking for a car and just focusing on clearing all our debt and raising our credit.

Today is usually my cleaning day but since I will have Jerusha with me all weekend by DH's request, we will see how much I get done.

Janelle-I dont remember exactly how big my daughter's head was but I think it was 14 cm. All I remember really was that for the first 3 months her head was in the 92nd percentile for her age group.

Another FB friend had her baby last night even with a half ass epidural. They had to put her on pitocin because she wouldn't dilate past 4 cm on her own. Then she had to wait for an epidural because the guy was busy with C-sections. The epidural worked like 70% on her right side and barely had an effect on her left side but little Annelie Rose is beautiful and healthy.
Hi ladies.

My gosh it's been quiet!

So yesterday we went to Sesame street live and it was so much fun for Samuel. I'm glad that we did it. We were right in front right next to the stairs, so Samuel was greeted the most, that's for sure! He loved it! Couldn't get enough of it. He also got to meet and get pictures with a lot of the characters before the show. He was start struck. I love being able to do this with him and making his day!

For today, I scored 7, that's right ladies SEVEN nursing bras for $20. Some guy posted and ad on craigslist that his wife had all these nursing bras and he wanted to sell them. They were all in my size and that super soft cotton material, so I snatched that deal up. Best part? THEY ALL HAD TAGS ON THEM!!! They were all brand spankin' new! Some said $34 dollars. When I got home I tried them all on and to my surprise, they all fit and were so comfortable. I was really shocked. I can go all day shopping looking for a normal bra and not find a single one that fits well. Or to my liking for that matter, but I was super excited to get a whole 7 that fit. One of them, that is already declared my favorite, doesn't have a brand name tag on it. So, I have no idea where this lady bought it. A lot of them are Oh Baby brand a few are a brand I've never heard and then there is this one, that I LOVE. The "snap" I guess you would call it, in the front that you unhook to breastfeed, is a hook and eye connector. Like you would find on the back of a normal bra. It's adjustable too. There are 3 "eyes" to choose from, I guess as your boobs grow and shrink with feedings? Either way, it's super soft tshirt material and I just love it. I wish I knew where she bought it. I would buy 7 more! Have any of you ladies ever had a bra like the one I am describing?? **FINGERS CROSSED**

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'm just relaxing on the couch with swollen ankles/shins. Did way too much yesterday and today. Gonna pull out my fancy socks here in a min.
Hi! This has been my weekend to work so yeah sucked lol. But to my surprise i have an awesome husband! I came home tonight kids rooms are clean and vaccumed and so are the livingroom and our room and then the kitchen is clean, dishes caught up AND a couple loads of laundry done!!!! He has been busy today while i was at work and couldnt love him more for it!

ok off to bed 8am comes to fast! 2 more days then one day off and on that day joshua has dental work to do then work 2 days then my next ultrasound!!! i am so freaking nervous i just pray we see that sweet little heartbeat!!!!
Janelle-AWESOME score on the bras so jealous you have all the luck damn it lol! and cant wait to see pics of your trip yesterday!
Janelle, great job on the deals! Are the 3 closures in the front on the straps for the pull down part? If so then I've never had a bra like that but sounds awesome. I love the Oh baby line. Have several shirts from them but haven't tried any of their nursing bras because Kohls is kinda pricey.

Has Loren gone into labor yet? LOREN where are you?

Doc appointment tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. Going to ask more specifics so I have a better idea of exactly when they would do a C-section if necessary and all that. Hoping to be under 163 lbs tomorrow.
Haha! I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry, no labour yet, but I wish he'd hurry himself up a little!!!!

I lost a HUUGGEE chunk of my plug yesterday morning (I was yelling to my DH "Quick, hurry up, something's going on down there!!!"), and keep having mild period pains on and off, so I'm sure he won't have us all waiting for too much longer!

Sorry I haven't been very talkative for a while....it's been absolutely manic!! With my DH being medically discharged from the British Army, we've been trying to secure housing...and we finally got somewhere to live! Only problem is, we're moving at short notice...ON FRIDAY WHEN I'M ONE DAY SHORT OF 39 WEEKS! I'm pooped, because we've literally got less than a week to pack up this place, redecorate, clean etc...so much for a relaxing last couple of weeks!

It'll be so nice to finally get out of Central London though...our new place isn't anything special and is half the size of this place, but is 3 hours North of London, has a garden (Something London properties never have!) and is much closer to family! We're so excited to get to start fresh in a new home, new baby etc!! We're just hoping Jenson holds out until then!!

Oh my Gosh Janelley!! 7 Bras?! I've only got 1 nursing bra! lmao!! I have no idea what size my boobs will be when I'm done, so I'm going to wait and see!

Eeeeek! Krissy, you're like a couple of days off 7 weeks!!! Where's the time gone?!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT to hear/see pics from your ultrasound!!!! I got such a lovely little bean with a HR of 164bpm at 7+3....I have no doubt that this ultrasound will be nothing but the best experience ever for you!!!

Sorry to hear about the whole car business army...you don't need the stress at 34 weeks pregnant (34 weeks, where's the time gone?!!!) How are you otherwise?

Sorry for the long essay ladies....misty, my due date buddy that beat me completely, hope you and Tyler are well!!!!

Hi to all the other ladies too, and hope everybody is well!!

I'd better make a start on continuing to pack...it's gonna be another long ass day in paradise :D xxx
And here are some lovely "progression through 3rd tri" bump piccies for you ladies...I think it may be safe to say that I'm dropping :)


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  • 38 weeks!.jpg
    38 weeks!.jpg
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HI LOREN! so good to hear from you! I know i cant believe it has already been 3 weeks since i found out! I can tbelieve you are doing so much right now you are crazy lady but sounds like you couldnt be happier! oh and i love your bump pics! your tatoo looks awesome lol.

afm-went to get joshua up for school and he was already up bc he has had "attitude" that is what they call it when they have the poos....their butt has attitude lol....anways i took his temp and it hit 99.0 on the dot so no school for him. which sucks bc if he is feeling better he will go tomorrow but that is it bc he is getting teeth pulled wednesday and so he will be off wednesday and thursday and they have no school friday.

i keep getting gs pains and what not and seriously do i have to spot every time after i poo? i know it is nothing stil annoying. i am gonna lay down for a bit more since i dont have to leave the house now.
Nicole - Your story about your fb friend's delivery... yeah I had to wait for an epidural due to an emergency c section and that sucked so much!! And yeah I made the guy come back when I started feeling things for a 'top off', ha. Sorry about the car... but good to get credit and debt sorted.

Janelle - Score on those bras, wow!! Me, I have no luck with nursing bras! I bought some new kinds to try this time, but I am not optimistic! They tend to look all baggy in the cup unless I'm needing to nurse and really full. I can't find one that works for empty AND full boob! So I used tanks or sports bras with spaghetti straps (easier to pull down on one side then) with breast pads... much smoother look to them then and still easy enough to access. But yeah nursing bras would be more ideal! I'll have to look at my bras... but I don't think that any of mine are tshirt material.. usually that really stretchy material that I really don't care for because yeah I get headlights galore unless I wear breast pads and yea baggy unless completely stretched out.

Krissy - Haha at first I read that you cam home to your kids 'cleaned and vacuumed'. :) Wow! Your DH can be a mr mom apparently!! Actually, that reminded me that MY DH actually was pretty great this weekend too, so just sent him an email to thank him!

Yay Loren you are almost ready! Well, guess you COULD go at any moment now! Glad you found a new place! And its closer to family too!
Krissy - So 99 is high enough to skip school? I don't know how it works at that age. Hmm yea any sort of spotting would freak me out, sucks that its happening to you!!

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