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Morning ladies!

I like waking up to updates!

Nicole, yes the 3 hooks are in the front where the pull down part is. I spent hours on the internet last night looking and couldn't find anything. So bummed.

Krissy, I've got luck, but this was some serious luck finding these! I have the hardest time finding a bra and considering my boobs are as big as they were when I had Samuel with my milk coming in, I knew the bras from that day and time wouldn't fit at all. I'm hoping my boobs wont grow too big when my milk comes in, otherwise this would have been a bum investment.

Loren, I remember losing my mucus plug. I started leaking fluid just a few days later. So, fingers crossed for you!! I hope he holds off until after you move just so you don't have to stress about it. Congrats on the new place with a garden, that's awesome!

Libby, there was one bra that looked kinda funky. But I'm going to use that one for when my milk first comes in and I'm all Pamela Anderson. I know what you mean about head lights. I've a total padded bra snob, but the one that I bought that was padded when I was pregnant with Samuel, didn't fold down all the way or enough and I got a breast infection because it was cutting off the supply on the underside of my boob. That kinda put the fear in me.

AFM, pretty sure this baby is on her way! Not AS WE SPEAK, but soon enough. I was up all night last night peeing rivers and have has some serious naughty poopies this morning. I had a bunch of strawberries yesterday, which are considered a diuretic, so I guess that could be why, but man I've never peed that much. I don't even think I drank as much water as I was peeing. They are a natural laxative too... So maybe it's all in my head. I keep dreaming that I go into labor. I guess one can only dream.
Yeah I had issues with padded nursing bras not folding down enough either... or having weird fold marks in them etc.. also don't fit the whole time so when less full I wouldn't fill the cup right. Grr. And yeah underwire makes me nervous while bfing... at least at first. I was ok later one with it though.

Janelle, are you having any other signs like contractions or mucous plug etc?? I am hopeful for you!!
Libby, I do have contractions, but they aren't very consistent. It's funny, they seem more extreme at night when I'm laying down.
Yeah? Hmm seems like you'd have them less then! Maybe easier to notice then. Who knows... well its good you are still having them! I still just have BH as far as I can tell.
Lizzy- yeah the spotting sucks! it is always brown now and almost ALWAYS after i have bm which makes me not want to poop lol. oh and yeah in K anything over 99.0 is a tay at home temp and diarrhea is an automatic stay home. there is a nasty bug going around here the last few weeks.

i have some horrible gas pain right now it sucks! got the little ones off to school and i so want to call in to work...i am dreading tonight i dont want to work at all it sucks!!!!!! well off to get something to get and get ready for work soon......sigh......i wish i was still a SAHM.......
Krissy, I wish you were a SAHM as well!!! Then we would hear more from you. You tell Josh, since he's a SAH"M" he need to join the forum. :haha: Just kidding.

I try to get Dan to call into work all the time, he wont. I did get some good news yesterday though. He said if he doesn't take the final for his math class or completely bombs it, he'll get a B in the class. So, now I'm not as stressed. Now he just needs to write all of his freakin' papers!!! He has a presentation tomorrow.
Janelle-he still hasnt wrote those damn papers? seriously? get on his ass lol. josh did most of his orrientation this morning so should be signing up for classes in the next couple of days!
Working can be the pits sometimes!! Sorry Krissy!!

Oh and Janelle, good to hear Dan shouldn't do so bad even if he sucks at the test! Papers now ugh!

afm - Did some shopping at Target on my lunch... another catch all bib because the 2 we have are in constant rotation, pacifiers and socks for Sprout, some toiletries for my hospital bag... lunch stuff for work... couldn't decide between a salad or a wrap so got both! Ate the salad and then I was reminded there's cake for bday celebration at work, so will save the wrap. Also picked up this Pantene spray thing for curls... shine and frizz etc... and has Argon oil? Girl helping me out with groceries the other day said she uses Argon oil for her daughter's curly hair. Hoping it'll help DETANGLE the mop but ehh if it adds shine and helps with frizz, that's nice too. Really need a good detangler though... tried a few and so far none work any better than the others.
had a productive, but tiring wknd. DH got spare bed moved out of nursery and fixed curtain rod.. it'd started coming out of the wall when I added blackout curtains to the back of the existing curtains, whoops. And I painted the wall I was hating... I'd done some stripes with paint we already had and it just didn't blend ugh. And then I washed some baby clothes, got hospital bag semi-ready with essentials at least, and got furniture arranged and most wall decor done. Ha now I just have to stop changing my mind on how I want things!

Siena was a complete terror a lot of the wknd. So being back at work is not a bad thing!!
Krissy, I'm telling you! The guy waits until the last minute!!! He's been working on his presentation which is I guess I big part of his grade, so it's more important than his papers at the moment. Plus, I guess if I go into labor he can write his papers while I lay there waiting to push.

Libby, awesome news on the shopping at target. I love target. I got a few things this weekend as well for my hospital bag, but I still have yet to pack it. I know what I want to put in the bag, just haven't gotten around to it.

AFM, I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Woke up and Samuel was laying next to me passed out as well. He must be tired too because we've been sleeping most of the day. I'm really not feeling well. It's hard to explain, but I just want to sleep and lay down. I'm exhausted. Not all the sleep in the world could get me going right now.
Got Sara's letters today. I was super butt hurt because the lady added the ribbon on with the bows, but I don't know what the hell she did. The bows wouldn't stay. Then she panted the "S" upside down to the "R" so it looked really off. Luckily, I've got a magical craft thumb. So, I redid the ribbon and made it shorter with secured bows that wont slip and slide all over the place and with the magic of masking tape, I flipped the "S" around so it's not painted upside down. Luckily it was an easy fix, otherwise I would have gone all pregnant on her!
What do you ladies think?? I took this picture at night time. I will take a better one of the room tomorrow when it's light out with my actual camera. The other thing that kinda bothers me is the "A's" really blend in with the walls. Samuel's are painted more a cream color. Dammit! Oh well, it looks really clean and feminine.
Janelle-i understand the need to sleep thing! I almost got mandated at work. i would have refused though i mean i have been up since 7:30am how the hell would they expect me to work till 7:am? up for 24 hrs straight dont think so! i am going to the DON (director of nursing) tomorrow to talk to her about this. before i was pregnant i would have excepted it and been fine and delt with it but now i need to make sure i am getting pretty regular sleep for this baby. the DON loves me and is already concerned about my pregnancy so she should agree with me on this one.

what has happened to everyone lately? hmmm...... well like i said i need sleep. joshua is still sick so no school for him tomorrow already called him in so no need to set the alram thank god. good night ladies!
I think it is cute janelle!! if it bothers you about blending you could border it in sort of maybe? you are crafty lol ok for real good night lol
Well my belly is measuring a week ahead but I have big babies and this one is measuring about 12 days ahead so no surprise there. My daughter doesnt want to go to bed tonight.My OB wont be able to deliver this abby because little did I know she is pregnant too and due in 2 weeks so she is starting her maternity leave on Friday. The plan is an ultrasound in 4 weeks to check on position of baby and then if baby is still breech we will schedule C-section for the following week. Even if baby has flipped she doesnt think I'll make it to my due date. I've officially gained 33.5 lbs. Was hoping it'd only be 32 today but oh well, I'm just trying to prepare for baby's arrival now. Will post picture of 34 week baby bump tomorrow.

LOREN-Well I know your body might not hope so but I hope you last another week so you can at least get moved into your new place.

Krissy-I know all about gas pains. It was so bad the first 2 months for me!

Janelle-I still like the letters. I have so many hopes for crafty stuff this summer but doubt I'll get half of those crafty things done.

Hi Grace, Libby, Maria, PDX, and Misty (whenever you get on again)!
Good morning!

Janelle - I'm so jealous of your naps. I was so tired yesterday that I contemplated going to my car after lunch to take a quick nap. The only thing that stopped that was the fact that I didn't have the energy to walk to ten minute walk to our parking garage. The letters are cute!

AFM - Nothing new to report other than being extremely tired. We got our newborn class and baby shower or Saturday so it will be a pretty busy day. Wondering when I will get some rest.
Janelle - Well, I'll repack some later... and add some stuff later that I still needed at home right now. And the wall name... so cute! But yeah I agree... would be better on darker wall so the A's show up better. I have some white picture to put up so painted the wall they're going on a different color so they'll show. But I understand if you leave it 'as is' also!

Nicole - Oh cool 12 days ahead! So yeah maybe you will go early on your own! and, sounds like you will be early no matter what! I'm jealous of that! But yeah c section isn't ideal, so we'll all hope the baby turns!

Hey Grace! Yeah I'd love naps daily... but I actually am less tired now than before... I was having to nap after work and now I can make it till bedtime. Which is good because going home after work, taking a nap, and then hauling myself out of bed to go pick up Siena was not ideal. Now I go pick her up if I want.. or do stuff at home to take it easy and pick her up a bit later.

Anyone else have nursery pics to post??
Ok so frustrated! seems like once we have something figure out we get set back! josh was all ready to go back to school and lcc said you can attend with out dipolma/ged, he dont have one, but they failed to tell us till now that you have to have it for financial aid, something that just started after july 2012......seriously....back to square one i dont know what we are going to do i swear!
Morning ladies!

Nicole, that's awesome that you're measuring ahead. He sure did catch up between visits wasn't your belly measuring behind last time? I'm pretty confident or I guess hopefully is a better word, that since I have been measuring ahead from the beginning that she will come early for me. Fingers crossed!

Grace, the naps are nice, but they don't seem to help at all. I could sleep for days at a time and it wouldn't do much. I'm not understanding this tiredness either. I didn't have this with Samuel at all. Hope your baby shower goes well. We didn't have one this go around, but we pretty much had everything we needed, or at least that's what I'm thinking.

Libby, The letters don't look that bad because there is a pink border of dots around the white and with the curtains open and the sun shining through, it's a little more noticeable. I would paint the room, but I have no idea what color I want to paint it, nor do I have the energy at the moment. Samuel's nursery was a tan color and I really liked that, but I don't think it would look the same if we painted it the same at this house. Right now the room is a pale blue. Every room in this house needs to be painted and overhauled, but I just don't have the funds to do it right now.

Krissy, isn't that annoying!!! I wonder if that is why Dan got his GED? A lot of the places here require it for work though, so that could be why too. Finacial aid is nice, but unless you're going full time, it's really not that great. At least when you're going to the university. It barely covers the cost of the classes. Dan had to pay out of pocket for his books and let me tell you, it's ridiculous how much they charge for 300 pieces of paper!!

AFM, nothing new to report. Just hanging out. 36 weeks tomorrow. Got my response from Samuel's old pediatrcian. He said Samuel's head at his 2 week visit was 34.5 cm. He doesn't have anything on file for how big his head was at birth. Said to contact the hospital they might have something. I think I'm just going to deliver this baby and let her atom bomb my vagina and call it a day.
Krissy - That is so frustrating! That's a huge change. You would think that would have been communicated to you.

Libby - A nap after work would be great, but most days I'm not home until 8. Just a few more weeks to go though.
OK AMAZING news.......Tyler is headed home!!! Misty just texted me she is over the moon!

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