A home for EVERYONE!

Krissy - Ugh sucks about the school changing the rules for financial aid!! Argh!

Janelle - Ugh I feel ya on not having the energy to paint! I only painted one wall! It'll have to be ok! I'm sure yours is good!

I think I measured slightly ahead last time just by measurements... and he was bigger at last scan but not sure by how much. Dr will do a scan closer to time to figure that out.

Grace - 8 pm oh my! Yeah after having Siena, I changed my schedule... I used to get off at 5 and then work out and not get home until almost 7. Now I go to work at the bum crack of dawn so I can leave at 3 to go get her! And no workouts... oh well!

YAY TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I take naps during the early afternoon but then I dont get to bed til almost midnight.

Janelle-I think my belly caught up, not baby. Yes I was measuring one week behind but I guess I gained 4.5 lbs in 2 weeks. Not proud of that. Took me almost 2 full minutes to get out of bed this morning because of my belly putting so much pressure on my hips.
Yay for Tyler coming home!

Ugh...I have so much to do this weekend it isnt funny.
Nicole, I wouldn't worry too much about weight gain. I gained like 6 lbs at one visit and haven't gained much since. I gained 1 lb in 2 weeks at my last visit and the scale isn't even tipping now. I eat like it's my last meal too. I totally understand the belly thing. I try not to move anymore, because every time I do, it brings on a contraction. It's so annoying!

Libby, the letters will have to do. They are annoying me though. I'm starting to think I should have just done them all with the leaf pattern and pink gingham. Maybe once Sara is born and I'm not the size of a whale, I can paint a little in there. There is one thing that is stopping me for sure and that's the ceiling! If I paint the walls I'm going to want to paint the ceiling and it's that stupid popcorn crap.


Yeah, not worrying about weight. I blame it on a busy week and eating fast food whenever we were with the in-laws.

LOL you wont get nursery pics from us. Baby will be in a bassinet in our room for the few 3-4 months before going to kids room with Jerusha. My room isnt even painted and it will hardly ever look perfectly organized.

Ok, time for me to shower, get preoperly dressed, and let the dog out before I fold and put away laundry. Jerusha just fell asleep so I have about 2-3 hours to get laundry done.
(((BAD WORDS!!!))) (((LOTS OF BAD WORDS!!!!)))

I was sitting on the couch and my foot was asleep. This happens often, I go to get up and walk to the kitchen and what happens? My foot does this weird twist thing!!! I hear 3 loud pops. Dishes go flying, I hit the ground. Sure that I have just broken my ankle. Samuel runs to get the phone so I can call Dan, while my foot and leg fall asleep. I call Dan hysterical and sobbing. He can't understand a word I'm saying. Samuel is yelling, "MOMMY FELL!!! MOMMY FELL!!!" in the background. Poor Dan thinks my water broke. I calm down. I can move my ankle, but it hurts, so it's not broken. I think it's safe to say I rolled my ankle really bad. Excuse my language when I say, "FUCK ME!" Now, I'm really hoping Sara holds out until her due date. I can walk on it, but I have to walk lightly. If I put a lot of pressure on it, I can feel a sharp pain towards the heal. I can't stand on my toes or turn it to the side. So, now I'm sitting here on the couch, with my foot chillin' on a bag of frozen cauliflower wrapped in a towel.
First of all! Oh dear Janelle!!!! What a fall! Sounds hopeful that it isn't a sprain/break... fingers crossed because yea now Sara needs to wait!!!!! Maybe it will heal fast!!! Yea take it easy with ice and no weight on it and maybe it will be tender for a couple days and then be ok?!?! I have done that before and it swelled a ton... I tend to have it happen to same ankle now and again ever since... guessing it made that ankle less stable. But yeah only time can help... poor thing!! :(

Afm - I am totally stressed. Work just piled a BUNCH of stuff on me, all due in a week to add to stuff I was already stressed to finish in a week... gah. Come on, May!! The news about the added work totally freaked me out and I've had a gadgillion BH since then. My bump is sooo sore! I worked through lunch and trying to knock stuff out like a mad woman... arghhhhhh! I hate that stress makes my prego symptoms so much worse. Stuff I'm working on is slow due to slow software, so have bits of time to read stuff on here as I work as long I keep checking progress to make sure process is still busy working. My head would completely explode if I just stared at the ticking clock telling me the computer is 'thinking'. I am impatient with slow computer stuff!

Anyway that's been my day. Hoping escaping to a bath after work will calm my bump down so it can stop feeling like one constant BH! Feels like I'm doing a situp that just won't quit!
Oh my Janelle...tht sounds aweful....gosh id b a total freak show by now.... id say if u dont feel alil bette in abit theres no harm making a trip to the er...just to b sure...but hopefully ul feel better soon...:hugs: and and the nursery looks adorable...very cute :flower:
Thanks ladies. I'm really stuck on the couch now. It's feeling a little better. I broke my arm when I was in 5th grade and went an entire week "thinking" it was sprained. I KNEW it was broken, but my parents didn't want to take me to the ER. That was some serious pain. This doesn't feel like that. Which I am grateful! The last thing I need is a broken bone. Especially one that will put me on crutches.

This is going to sound crazy, but I'm happy my house is clean. I would be going stir crazy sitting here on the couch, with stuff needing to get done. I seriously can't wait for Dan to be done with school.

Libby, when I was working, I would get stuff put on my desk all the time that needed to get done asap. I would be so stressed. Even more so, when I saw people who could "help" lolly-gagging around. That makes it worse. I would have to go in early, work through my lunch, and stay late. I so don't miss that.
Yay for Tyler!!!

Janelle - So sorry about your ankle. I hope it heals quickly. Have you finished everything with the nursery?

Libby - I totally feel you on the work piling up. We just started a new audit that I'm expeced to wrap up before maternity leave. The only problem is our audits typically last about 6 - 8 weeks. The joke's on them though because I'm due in 4 weeks and the most dr will let me go over is one week. So that audit won't be finished by me. LOL.

Okay I have to get back to work. ;)
Grace, yes. For now I'm done. I need to go and get some of those clear roller drawer things from Walmart. We used those in the closet when we had Samuel and it really helped keep things organized. We are planning on doing the same with Sara's and Samuel's stuff, just haven't gotten to walmart. I hate going to that store. But I like the drawers, because you can just take the wheels off and stack them up.

I can't believe we only have 4 weeks of our pregnancy left. It's gone by so quickly! I'm hoping to make it two more weeks. Then it's all down hill from there.
Janelle, I was worried/thinking about you last night... sigh. Hope your ankle is not as bad today... and ok its reassuring that you feel confident that its not a break. I've never broken anything, so I'd assume sprain since that's all I know. And yeah good that your house is clean and not begging to be cleaned while you are stuck on the couch!

Grace - Bad that you can relate to me now... but good that you've accepted that there is no way you can finish in time! They'll figure it out without you!

Nicole - Lookin goood! Thanks for the bump pic!

afm - had a nice evening after a bad day... but then woke up at 315 am... strong lower back almost in my butt pain? And lower front bump pains. That went on a long while. I wondered if 'this was it'. But too soon! Hmm. I kept trying to sleep... didn't get on my phone or read or anything. Kept lying there feeling uncomfortable until DH woke up at 445 am (he's notorious for waking up early because not a great sleeper). And then we both got up a bit before my 530am alarm. So its a coffee and doughnut (apple fritter from Starbucks, mmm!!) kind of day! Dr appt after work today. Glad for that. My body/bump has been up to a lot since my last appt! Climbing upstairs to go to my 'shoe closet' this morning, I noticed my legs couldn't lift as high... bump in the way! Ehh all good signs. Hoping means my body won't let this baby go overdue!
Lizzy-hope all is ok! Tell that little no name boy (lol) that he needs to stay put for a few more weeks lol. maybe dr will say bedrest and you can get out of work early lol.

nicole- i dont think you changed at all from your pic a few weeks ago surprised you agained any weight on the scale lol.

Oh my Janelley!!!!! Please get that ankle checked out! I know you think its not broken but my dad broke his one time and went a yr before getting it checked out....yes a year! and then ended up having to have metal put in it to make it stable again. or could be a torn ligament...i just worry about ya!

Aspe and angel where are you?????

Hi grace! how you feeling lately?

AFM-can you say DOG tired!!!! Josh has decided to get studdying for GED and hopefully take it in a few weeks and then he can fingers cross still go this summer if not for sure this fall. got to get my butt moving and take joshua to get some baby pulled out and what not so fun times today! check in later!
Yeah I thought about how nice it would be to leave work NOW! But, need to save my time off for when the baby gets here... so I will hold out as long as I can!

And yeah Janelle, Krissy might be right! I wish I'd had my ankle looked at the first time I hurt it... I always wondered if maybe they could have done something to it so it wouldn't get sprained over and over after that first time... hindsight, drat!

Good luck to Josh!!! And what's Joshua getting pulled? Teeth?
Morning ladies.

So, Libby. I just noticed something this morning while reading your post. Over the weekend I had some coffee, not much, but it's something I enjoy every once in awhile. I noticed on the days that I do drink it, I have bad heartburn in the in evening and my contractions do increase. Something to think about maybe? Ironically enough I got a weird pain in my butt/back yesterday while I was taking a shower. It concerned me and I was going to ask if anyone had gotten the pain, but I must have gotten sidetracked, because I forgot.

Krissy, my ankle is kind of stiff this morning, but it's not swollen. I jumped on the ice pack compression sock wagon quickly yesterday and I think that has something to do with it. If it's not better in a week I will go and get it checked. Maybe I will ask my doctor to look at it on Friday even. I PROMISE!

Nicole, Nice bump.

AFM, I keep forgetting to tell you ladies!!! My armpit boob has a friend! I noticed a smaller "bump" in my lower armpit. Felt sort of like a BB under the skin, well over the weeks it's grown slightly and just the other day both "bumps" have started lactating. Isn't that just fabulous!? NOT!!!!! My doctor and I were talking about getting them removed after the baby was born, but I've read that it's a common thing with some women, and those who had them removed couldn't breastfeed because it could cause an infection. SO, I'm going to wait I guess until after I'm not breastfeeding anymore.

Dan had his presentation yesterday and he said it all went really well. I'm going to have a pretty borning day today because I can't do anything. This sucks. I knew I should have took up knitting or something. 36 weeks today!!!! Hope I make it 2 more weeks!!!
Janelle! Thank you for tying coffee to hb and contractions! I will see what happens if I skip it! I've gotten to where I take 3 tums before bed every night and hb has stayed at bay for the most part... but yeah would be nice to not have to deal with it at all. And even better if I stop getting the bad BH etc. I don't usually drink a full serving of coffee, but I do have it more this pregnancy than last... with Siena, I pretty much avoided anything you're supposed to limit.

Oh the fact that your ankle isn't swollen today is a great sign! Oh man but sucks you can't get rid of your third 'nipple' right away, but yeah better to not chance it if it could hurt bfing.

afm - Just got some great news!! Co worker talked to higher ups and then to a boss on another team and got the 'okay' for someone else to step in and help with my work overload!! So I can continue with my previous work and then step in and help once I'm through... and I already said if the guy encounters issues, to set that part aside and I'll work it when I'm done. Anyway, I'm pleased!! Since my boss is retired as of next week and not around, didn't have to get this approved through her... which is good because she wanted this work to stay on my team and no one wanted to do it! So now a huge weight is lifted... I can breathe!!!
Yeah omg I really wanted to play the prego card!! The people creating the deadline don't even know me though. So no go! But yeah if only they knew how many BH they caused yesterday! :O

I emailed DH the good news and he said he was printing the email because he can't ever remember me saying I had a good day at work, ha.

I'm going to this pricey baby boutique at lunch just to see what sort of baby trinkets they have... not sure what other type of place to go for that sort of thing? I want one or 2 little things to put on shelves to display, but not even sure what exactly. Something nicer than a fisher price toy, I know that... and something not as boring a fake plant. Most things will be hand-me-down toys from Siena, so I'd like him to have one or two mementos from DH and I since he won't be getting any of that sort of thing from other people since no baby shower. I haven't even gotten him a baby book yet! Didn't have to think about that stuff with Siena because people gave us stuff.
Libby - Great news about work. I know that has to feel great.

Good morning everyone. I'm tired but so happy to be pregnant and so blessed to have a job I'm going to try and not complain. I think I already failed by saying I'm tired but I can go the rest of the day with complaining. :)

Good morning, everyone. :wave:

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