A home for EVERYONE!

Grace, I need to follow suit and be grateful for what I have too... instead I'm super green with jealousy over a friend's promotion and feelin lousy about being so unmotivated at work. I need to be trying harder at work and looking for promotions instead of being lazy and wishing I could quit. Arghh. I am not in my dream career... just something to pay the bills. But doubt I ever change career paths now. I need to perk up!
I'm trying the "no complaining" route today too. However, I have a feeling that I'm going to be so uncomfortable I'll be pulling my hair out by the time I reach 37 weeks.

Also, 3 years ago today I was due with Joshua. A little sad.
Morning everyone.

I'm grateful for all that I have, but it's impossible for me to go a day with out bitching about at least one thing with this pregnancy. I think it came with the job of being pregnant.

I got good sleep last night. Grateful.
Dan is taking his final this morning and he's going to pass. Grateful.
We got money in the bank and we're debt free. Grateful.
We're having a girl after 2 miscarriages. Extremely Grateful.
We're all in good health and loving life. Grateful.
My pelvis is on a cracking spree this morning and it's extremely painful. Not so grateful.
I'm going to see a new chiropractor this afternoon to adjust my foot, maybe he can fix my pelvis a bit. Grateful and hopeful.

I called a friend of mine last night to go shopping with me today to look for some nursing tank tops and pajamas. I have a credit at a bump boutique, so we're going to hit that place up first. My friend is a giant male. I find it funny that he doesn't mind going with me to shop maternity. I guess you could say, I'm grateful. :)

Hope you ladies enjoy your day! :flower:
Mornign ladies!I agree good to post what we are grateful for but it is important that we vent about what is bugging us or else we will go crazy lol.

Ok Grateful that I have a good job so that i can give my kids a good life. but not so grateful that i have to work instead of be a stay at home mom.

Grateful i have a husband that loves me and is "trying" to do more lol. not so grateful that he likes to play video games lol.

Grateful i have 3 healthy smart beautiful kids that can also make me go crazy mad with not listening lol

grateful that tomorrow i will 7 weeks prego with baby #4 after 2 mc.....just driving myself crazy with the spotting off and on and got my u/s saturday bright and early.

ok but yeah i keep spotting off and on brown and i am going crazy! called ob again today (yeah they might get sick of me soon lol) she said i wish i could 100% it is nothing but i am happy it is brown so should be fine just have to wait for u/s saturday......sigh.....i just want to know now. i am so freaking scared i will go saturday and there will be nothing there....no baby no heartbeat......i want this so bad and so does josh. i wish i could take time off work but not so sure.....i will go today bc there is a meeting and what not ihave to go to but i might call in tomorrow i am just going crazy with wanting to know....i am scared.....

oh and we did kindergarten round up with avarie and those stupid people said DK and i said nope she is ready for K she is just shy and didnt do things that i know she can do. so to K she goes in the fall.

ok be back later.....
Nicole - Sorry you are sad today... but totally understandable! Hugs!

Janelle - oh dear another chiro? And not the one Dan likes? EEEK! Ha yes I think its amusing you are taking a guy shopping for that stuff!

Krissy - Yes this is a scary time so understand you being scared! Shoot, I was scared until second tri and I've never had a mc or spotting! DK? Is that before kindergarten? Don't know the initials.

Afm - I may be frustrated that I'm not in a job/career that I like or that's fulfilling... so when I hear about friends moving forward to better things and making more money etc etc... I feel like I'm failing for not moving forward. But I honestly am amazed I've managed to stay in my job. My need for job security and investments and retirement etc motivate me to stay... but also my fear of the unknown. I'm content with work at least 50% of the time, so that's something.

MIL told me a package arrived at the office... the baby bedding!!! I had her open it and send me pics! I wanted to drive 30 min home and meet DH there, put it up and drive right back, but DH too busy to leave at lunch, drat. So I imagine I'll be going to the office when I get off work to get it! Excited! I had it custom made as a birthday present to myself, chose the patterns/colors/etc to match the room.

Just about time to escape for lunch. Already exercised the credit card today... ordered a little bookcase for Sprout's room, along with a K'tan breeze baby carrier (hot weather version!) and this pregnancy/nursing pillow I've been eying. I keep ending up on my back.. hoping this will help stop that! Also, think it will help for side sleeping with a newborn... I remember wanting more back support while nursing lying down, so we'll see how it works.
Lizzy-yeah sorry it is called developmental kindergarten. it is for those are are 5 by nov.1(every year here it will go back one year till it hits sept 1) but are not ready for kindergarten. Avarie turned 5 a week ago and is more than ready for kindergarten i have no worries for her if i did i would put her in DK. i put josh in dk cuz he needed it. Anyways sounds like you are just about set then for the baby? just need that pesky name lol. always did what i did with my first named him after his father lol just went with II not Jr. lol.

Nicole hope today is not too hard on you.

Janelle-go get cracked lol....and yeah that is too funny your best guy friend has no problem....is he straight? my dh josh will go shopping with me though lol he loves to pick out clothes and shoes for the kids...if he are going for him another story and he has picked stuff out for me to he has good taste and can match so i have no problem lol...

hi aspe!

Grace-thanks for putting us all in a grateful mood today!

AFM- iam sore and tired today. no real cramping nothing that hurts at least like i said before just NERVPUS!!!! i am pretty sure i am calling in tomorrow but i am not sure if i will get in trouble dont think i will bc my first call off was like in nov so 5 months ago i think they fall off after 3 months....i hope lol...oh well iwill just get a verbal warning and i shouldnt need to take anymore time off once i know FOR SURE baby is safe and sound in there once i see the heartbeat i will feel so much better! ok eating and then getting ready i got to leave in 30min for work sucks!!!!
Libby, Yea it's the chiropractor that Dan went to when he hurt his neck. I didn't think he was covered by our insurance anymore, so I called another one who referred me to this one. Said he's the only one he trusts. So I kinda HAD to call and double check. When I called it turns out he does accept our insurance, we just have to fill out more paper work. So, I filled it all out online last night and turned it in. I'm nervous, because I have to take Samuel with me. No idea how he's going to act. He better be a saint!!!

Krissy, you know I have two best male friends and I think they consider themselves best friends to each other. The one I am going to see today, I've known since I was 7, the other I met when I was in 7th grade. We all grew up together pretty much. To be honest I think they both might be gay. I wouldn't be surprised if Samuel grew up thinking the same thing. They deny it, but I'm just not sure. Only time will tell I guess. Either way, I love them both like brothers and I know they feel the same about me. Samuel loves them more than anything! He gets so excited when they come over. Don't stress about the spotting. I had it. So did Grace. It turned out to be nothing for us both That's exactly what it's going to be for you! Good luck!

Okay, well I gotta get ready. I'm headed to the marina in a bit to meet someone from craigslist who has nursing jammies. 2 gowns for $6. Can't beat that. I love craigslist!
Krissy - Oh ok developmental kindergarten. Yeah, no idea if they have that here or not! Ugh... sucks to have to take off due to being so worried... since your work makes it hard to take off... hope your work is cool with it! I HATE getting yelled at! Saturday is just around the corner!

Janelle - Oh ok so not another quack chiro to make things worse, that’s good to hear! Oh dear bringing Samuel... well, he's older and more behaved than Siena, so I have hope for you. :) After all, he did well with flying! Siena... ick it would be a nightmare. We brought her to one dr appt and had MIL there WITH us and Siena was still totally a pain, wanting to crawl all over me and being demanding of my attention. Ok I'm getting on craigslist right now! What a deal!
Hey ladies,

I am quite a bit behind. Got to start reading from the 570`s. I will read it all bit by bit. Please bare with me lol
Hey Ladies!

Aspe, 15 weeks!!! WHOOHOO!!! So, excited for you!!

Alright, so I went to the chiropractor. He's a really nice guy and was super sweet to me, while I was sweating like a pig freaking out in fear.
He looked at my ankle and said that I was extremely lucky that I hadn't done a lot of damage. He said that I just stretched some ligaments and muscles. He did do an adjustment and now my ankle doesn't even hurt at all. He told me to continue icing it and to rest, but he said I lucked out. My hip on the other hand is another story. He told me that my hip is so messed up and he's surprised I'm able to walk and get around as well as I do. He told me that the injury was a pre-pregnancy one and being pregnant has just really made it worse. He did do an adjustment, but it hurt so freakin' bad that he decided it wasn't worth it to adjust any further, he'd rather me wait until after I have the baby. I like him though. He had me lay down and was poking on my front hip joint to show me how far forward it is compared to my other side. Then he was poking around on a muscle saying it was inflamed so much that it was keeping my joint from functioning properly. Now if anyone was just telling me this I would think they were full of it, but he was poking around and proving what he was saying with pain! So, I kinda had to believe him. He said that my hip and pelvis are so bad that he wants me to wear a special weight belt after the baby is born. He kinda made me feel like superwoman for being able to walk around in this much pain and be pregnant on top of it all. He was literally amazed. So, that's where I am right now. My hip still hurts, but it feels a lot better. I wonder how it would feel if I had the balls to let him adjust further. Nice to know whats going on!
Well you are very strong Janelle. I'm glad that your ankle no longer hurts. I hope that your hips stop hurting and the belt helps after baby girl is born. You are so close to her being here. I think she'll be here in the next 15 days!

So OB doesnt think I'm going to make it to 39 weeks and 4 days so thats 39 days! I'm so counting down. All this head in my ribs is very awkward and my back hurts when I lay down. Daniel is doing cervical kicks again, OW! How is everyone else doing?
Thanks Nicole. It's frustrating because our insurance only covers so many visits a year and I'd rather space them out over a period of time rather than using them all up in a month or two. This guy seems like a pretty honest dude. He's friends with our neighbors and they are pretty honest people. It's just scary to know that something is wrong with my hip and if I don't fix it now I could be totally screwed later on down the road. I'm hoping it's something easy like a fancy belt or an exercise. We'll see I guess. First goal is to get this baby out. I hope she comes in the next 15 days! As for cervical kicks, I've been getting this weird sensation. I don't know if she's putting pressure on my cervix or if she's putting pressure on my urethra, but holy crap it hurts! It's a feeling that lasts about a minute. I know it's her too because it's only when she's doing her head slamming into my pelvis move. So annoying! I can't help but laugh about what our OB's think. Mine is sure that I wont make it to 39 weeks. As well as everyone else. I can't help but laugh. Wouldn't it be funny if we all went past our due dates?

She's been pretty laid back today.

So, I went to the boutique and got one set of jammies, they are cute and comfy. The two that I got off craigslist are like night gowns and they are comfy too. They don't fit very beautifully because I have this huge belly, but once I have this baby I think they will be a little more flattering. I think I'm just going to order some nursing tank tops from walmart. Target has some, but they are $20 a top! I don't understand it!!! Why are nursing tank tops so expensive?!?!?!
Nicole.. That is unfortunate you can not get a car before baby is due. However, it is always good to get debt paid.

Janelle.. I really hope your pain lessens. Also, I must have missed the video of the ultrasound because I did not see that.
I know I am still early, but I have very restless sleeps. Twist and turn from one side to the other. I am not used to this. I have been trying this for a while, hoping to get used to it, but still can not sleep well.
I love soft pretzels as well. Have you tried pretzel bites?
My gynecologist wants me to take low dose aspirin everyday, to help reduce the chance of high blood pressure, and hence, preeclampsia.
There is always so much due when courses end. Is Dan completely done for this semester now?
A doctor I seen said I should not gain more than 11-20 lbs. This did not seem like much, but I am not sure.
"Hey boy, come here".. that is to cute of your son :)
You also made me chuckle with your comment, "Jupiter aint got nothing on me" lol
That is a wicket deal with the bras. What makes it better is you have a hard time to find bras and all of these are good :). What is even better is they are brand new.
Hope your ankle is feeling better and beautiful nursery
That chiropractor appointment sounds like it went well. How was your son?

Krissy.. Your ultrasound is TWO days away :)
We recently got a parking ticket because we parked in the wrong zone. Still did not pay for it yet. Every time we call, we get a voice mail.
That is really nice of your dh to do all that house work. I wish my db cleaned and cooked. I told him when the baby comes, I will expect him to do more.

PDX.. That is so excting :) Can not wait for you to get your bfp :)

Angel.. You are 12 weeks tomorrow. Time sure flies.

Loren.. Only 9 days left :). Single digits single digits
Target is coming to Canada; replacing Zellers

Misty.. So glad you are home with your baby :) Hope all is well and look forward to pictures :)

Libby.. Where did you get the custom bedding? Online?
Aspe, I love anything soft pretzel. Dan paid $5 to get me one at Sesame street live. Total rip off, but totally worth it to keep the pregnant woman happy. Don't stress about weight gain. I stressed and stressed. I only wanted to gain 25 lbs, but as of right now I'm stuck at a 30 lb gain. I've been there for the last month. I'm okay with that. It's nothing compared to the 50 something I gained with Samuel! I keep forgetting to ask my doctor when to stop taking the low dose aspirin. I know some doctors like you to stop taking it around 37 weeks. So, no idea. Dan isn't completely done, but will be by the 7th. The chiropractor went well and Samuel was really good. He just sat there and played with his vreader.
Glad Samuel was good at your appointment. :)

I used my fetal dropper and found the heartbeat :) db's eyes almost came out of his head, he was so amazed :) I only plan to do it every two weeks or so because not sure if doing it to much will hurt.

Got some gendermaker tests. Going to try one within the next few days and again at 20ish weeks. We find out the gender, if they open their legs, beginning of June. We are waiting until we find out the gender before we make any purchases.

I have another appointment tomorrow to see a nutritionist and an eye doctor. These were referred by my gynaecologist, so I got no choice but to attend.

Forgot to mention, there is Kit Kat vanilla now lol
Oh man! Have you been craving kit kats?!?! That was my weakness when I was early pregnant. Well, I would probably still crave them if I could remember them. Once you get close to the end you can't remember shit!
Hi Aspe! You're in second tri!!! Whohooo!!!

Libby - So when do we get to see pictures?

Angel - Where are you? Hope you're doing well.

Janelle - Glad your ankle doesn't hurt anymore. That's great. I can't believe you're doing so well with the hip pain. I'd probably never being able to see the good in stuff if I was constantly in pain. Good thing you found i chiropractor you like.

Krissy - blueberry!!!

AFM - So I failed at my no-complaining day. LOL. My lazy co-workers pissed me off and I was complaining by 9:30. LOL. I'm still grateful though. Now I'm off to get some Froot Loops.
No, I dont want to go past my due date! I will have this baby at the end of May if baby doesnt turn, that much I know. If baby does turn I sure hope baby comes before 41 weeks because OB wont induce until then.

Everyone tells me I look small but I dont feel small! Yes, when I'm pregnant Dh always says "when she pops she is ALL baby" to everyone who wants to see the belly outside of church. My belly button has now popped slightly even when I'm sitting down. I am curious if it'll be a cute pop or a huge annoying pop in 3 weeks. Argh...time needs to go faster! I get to dress up in 8 days for my SIL's wedding and then the following week I have my 36 week cervical check and Jerusha's birthday party. I hope it is 65 degrees or warmer and sunny so it can be outside and I dont have to do major cleaning in my basement.

We took money out of our savings account so tomorrow DH's credit card balance will be officially paid off and we can focus on our other debt.
Janelle.. Nope, not craving Kit Kats. Just remembered our conversation on them so I had to mention the new one lol
Hey Aspe! Good to hear from you! Oh I ordered my bedding off etsy.com. Nursery Dreams. Found one that had fabric to match my curtains.

Wow, Janelle, that chiro! Yeah sounds like you have a lot to struggle with... will be so good to be able to fix your hip after Sara is born! Glad you liked the chiro and that the appt went well. Phew on the ankle... close call, ugh! And not sure about that weird sensation you got... I do know sometimes I get this burning pain down there... and I figure its him pushing on stuff and hope its helping speed up labor later or something because otherwise its OUCH for no reason!

So Walmart has a decent price on nursing tanks? Because yeah most everywhere charges so much for that stuff, and that’s if they even sell them! My problem is nursing tanks and other nursing tops are usually form fitting. And I KNOW I don't want to wear form fitting stuff because my stomach stuck out further than my boobs for ages last time. And it'll be the hot summer, so a tank under another shirt is a pain. I got a couple loose nursing tshirts, side opening. But not ideal.

Grace - Nursery not done, but I did take pics last night... I can post some! Oooo fruit loops sound good right now! I wanted an apple fritter from Starbucks, but decided I should eat something other than just sugar, so ran through Chick Fil A instead...

Nicole - Everyone tells me I look huge! Congrats on paying off the credit card!

I measure right on track but yeah everyone says I look ready to pop. Same as with Siena. So I get tired of people telling me that!

My dr hasn't said anything about expecting Sprout to come early. I don't think he'd give me that hope except if my cervix was dilating or effacing especiallly early/fast. Why are everyone's drs saying their babies are coming early? I know we've all talked about it, but I'm have prego brain. I know Nicole's may have to come early if still breech. So induction in that case. For me, induction may happen if baby is still bigger than average (will get a scan sometime soon to find out). Is anyone's baby thought to be coming early naturally?

Trying to learn more about delayed cord clamping. Positives and negatives. And same with skin to skin... wrote about it in my journal... wished they'd given Siena to me sooner last time. I don't think she needed a bath first!

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