A home for EVERYONE!

Aspe-so good to see you again!!! 15 OMG it is flying by!

Lizzy-with all my kids bc they were csetion i saw them for a few minutes then josh got to go with them for a bath and holding but by the time i was in recovery they were back to me.

Janelle-so happy you got cracked the right way lol!

AFM-I said screw it and called in! I know they probably wont be happy with me since i had been trying to pick up hours but whatever. i made an appt with my family dr so i can get a note saying i am contegious and that way work cant really say anything to me about missing work.....i am soo tired! we got so much to do today that is why i called in...got to go get the other half of our bed that came in at walmart, pay my ticket i got for not renewing my liecences plate lol...get my new tags lol....then i am going with my dad for a dinner with my family from arkansas i dont get to see them only once a year if that...then my ultrasound is at 8am tomorrow!

I am getting excited and nervous!
Morning ladies!

Libby, yes Walmart does have some nursing tanks, but not a wide selection. I've found that Target has more on hand. I've never seen anything maternity AT walmart. Only online. If you go to their site and look up "nursing tank" You can see the ones I'm taking about. My doctor says he will induce me on the 17th if I choose, but he thinks I will go into labor on my own before then. We'll see.

Krissy, good news on calling in! You need a break! Even better you've got a doctor to cover your LIE! haha just kidding. Hope you enjoy your time with family. That's awesome. I wish I was closer with my extended family sometimes, but then I kinda like living under a rock. :)

Aspe, I'm a kit kat snob. They don't have any of the fancy flavors here though. Guess it's a fair trade.. you get the kit kats, I get the cheerios! ;)

Grace, I see you! hope you have a more optimistic day today. I complain just driving down the street at drivers. I'm telling you, irritability comes with being pregnant. But for the record, I think you're doing great. I mean... I totally would have punched church lady in the throat. ;)

Alright, I've got an appointment with the doctor at 10:50. Hoping I'm dilated to 7! haha just kidding. ...not really..
Janelle cant wait to hear what the dr has to say today!

ok off to pay my ticket...called its only 80 so not too bad. pay for my tabs and then of to dr appt...busy busy but its all good rather keep busy and have the day fly by!
Libby- MY OB thinks I'll go into labor early because of baby's size and it being my 4th pregnancy. C-section will be scheduled for around May 28th if needed. Induction will only be available if I make it to 41 weeks but I dont want to make it that long!

Krissy- I'm glad you called in. You need it sometimes. I worked through my entire pregnancy with Joshua and it was hard being on my feet so much.

Janelle-The only nursing tank I have is from Target. It was $22.99 I believe so I'm going to use it for a few more years. My mom did say that Gordmans (dont know if you have it there or not) has some good maternity stuff sometimes. I might go there next week and take a look.

Aspe- Yay on being in the 2nd trimester! I wouldnt worry about weight too much until you get closer to 3rd trimester! So happy that we are going to have rainbow babies born all year long!
Krissy - Enjoy the day! Some errand crap, but then you have some fun stuff to do too, yay!

Janelle - I've ordered a few clothes from here and there... Old Navy prices were good. But yeah prefer not tight. I'll look at Walmart. Good luck at your appt! Ha yeah I wasn't dilated, just softened.

afm - Put up a couple pics. More on my journal. A pain to upload to app and then copy to bnb on my phone grr. Nursery not done... but may not get around to pics later since may not be done until after baby gets here. Bookcase being delivered... my mom is bringing some little paintings she's making for over the crib... my stepmom is making a blanket and pillow... planning to get crib bumper monogrammed once we decide on a name... and that might be it? Dresser is kinda crammed until I have the bookcase. Oh and planning to get a ceiling fan.
Oh okay so baby being bigger means it might decide to come earlier. Hmm. Yeah that wasn't the case for Siena. But, then we induced at 39 weeks and I was already having sorta contractions. So maybe that means I will have Sprout a week early. Hopeful! DH told me today I can start taking half days and use lwop (leave without pay) whenever I decide. Yay! I'd been saving money, thinking we couldn't afford it otherwise, but he said we could and we'd figure it out later. Might just mean our new car fund would be lower (we're saving for our new cars now because we decided we never want a car payment again... both our cars are fine right now phew!).
Holy crap Libby! talk about motivation! I went all out when we had Samuel, but I'm too lazy to do it with Sara. Love the colors you chose. Did you ever look at the blog link I sent you? You guys have the same pallet and she chose a lot of the same fabrics that you did. Over all, I LOVE IT!!! You did good kid!

I was talking to my doctor about big babies and he was saying that this day and age 10 lbs is considered "normal" He also told me that it's near impossible to get an exact weight and "measurement" from an ultrasound. He said they can be off all the time and most of the time they are, so he told me not to put too much thought into it. I'm not holding my breath. I feel that Sara is a big baby and she's causing me hell, but I have to admit, I felt the same way with Samuel and he was a runt! Only time will tell.

So, I've got my hospital bag packed. I was doing my makeup and hair and I just got this crazy feeling to get it packed and put it in my car NOW. So, that's what I did. Kinda just threw in a few outfits for Sara... not sure what I want her to wear home. Also got Samuel's bag packed and by the front door. Didn't put too much thought into his stuff. Figured in-laws have a key to the house, they can come and pick up more stuff if they need to.

So, TMI I'm going to just throw this out there because, I'm curious. It FEELS like I'm leaking fluid. When ever I go to use the bathroom my panties are always wet. Not sure if it's urine, watery discharge, or amniotic fluid. Is ANYONE ELSE having this happen for them? You ladies are close to me, but might not be close enough to be experiencing this. Grace?? Do you have anything like this? I'm wearing a panty liner now. Guess I will ask my doctor to do the "test" just to be safe. I bet it's urine. That would be my luck. Think it's urine with Samuel and it was amniotic fluid. Hope it's amniotic fluid this time, and it's urine. Either way, I'll keep you ladies posted!
Janelle - I don't remember what the nursery looked like at the link you sent, but I'm sure I looked! I made sure to look at a million nurseries as I was deciding stuff because I was super indecisive, ha. I chose the colors based on the curtains I had in the room since they worked for either gender. And yeah I love decorating nurseries... just never seem good enough though because I'll see one online or something I like better. But think it's finally good enough. I didn't want to spend a ton on fancy furniture etc like last time, so cut corners somewhat. This time was more about diy stuff and less about plopping down a ton of cash.

10 pounds is normal?? Really? Hmm and I thought like 7 pounds was normal and Siena being 8,6 was considered big! But yeah they thought she's be even bigger. So I try not to worry.

Good job on the bags! Mine are in Sprout's closet... by the time June gets here, we'll have plenty of warm days... so too many things I packed would not do well sitting out in the car. I don't really have anything fancy for Sprout to wear until he's like 3 months old... other than this one vest and hat... and didn't really want him in that for going home. So pjs it is. Considered a onesie but a/c in the car and then home... didn't seem like they'd need to be dressed for hot?

I am wetter... but not enough to worry about... but yeah you are further along... so let us know what they say!

Oh and one of my apps said today that I might feel burning/tingling down there as the baby moves down more. I've had that some. Good to know why!
Very nice nursery pics Libby! I wish DH was here so we could actually paint something but oh well. I have a lot of other stuff to get for baby without adding that to the mix.

No extra wetness here but my CM has increased and gone back to creamy white. I have a feeling that baby is trying to turn but is too big. When I laydown it feels like baby tries to turn but can only go halfway.OB did say it could be the shape of my uterus but didnt say anything more. Maybe they can tell if I have a heart-shaped uterus at my next ultrasound in 3 weeks? I read that women with heart-shaped uteri have a 50% higher chance of having breech babies. Also since I know my babies have bigger headsit says that babies can go breechbecause their heads are too large to fit comfortably in the pelvis whichmight make somesense since even though all my babies have had bigger heads the boys do seem to be a bit bigger headwise than Jerusha. I readone other thing that slightlyconccerned me. It said that most doctors wont induce at all if the mother has had a previous C-section and at 41 weeks will just insist on C-section being necessary! NO! If I go past my due date I want to go naturally!
Thanks Nicole!!! Yeah painting can be a lot of work! That's why I only did one wall! The tree decal was way easier (stickers!), especially because I could do a bit at a time and so I didn't tire myself out like I did with the painting. And plenty of nurseries look great without new paint!

I hope your dr lets you try to go naturally! Sounds like you have a list of questions to ask your dr... I'd bring up all that stuff you read about and see what they say!
Libby - I love your nursery especially that dresser. Where did you get it? Did you distress it yourself? I love it! I don't have enough style to pull that off.

Janelle - I only have extra wetness at night and I'm pretty sure it's sweat based on where it is and the fact that my neck and chest are always wet. What did your doctor say?
Thanks Grace! I don't have the time to work on pieces like that dresser but would have loved to do it myself! Actually know a girl (who has no kids yet) who does refinishing on the side. Had planned to have her refurbish my DH's baby crib, but then decided it wasn't up to code.
Libby, doctor said 7 lbs is the average, but a 10 lb baby isn't abnormal. It's still considered normal weight. I know my aunt had 7 kids and one of them was 10 lbs.

Nicole, sounds like unless your baby is going to turn you'll be having a c-section whether it's early or later. Good news is you've still got time! I thought doctors don't like to schedule c-sections later because you have the chance of going into labor on your own and it causing complications? I did read somewhere that a lot of doctors don't like their patients to have a natural birth after having a c-section because there is a bigger risk of your uterus rupturing. Has your doctor said anything about that? Your OB is going to be taking leave soon anyway right? Guess you better ask these questions with whoever is filling in for her, or taking her patients. Hopefully it's not a male.

AFM, went to the doctor and he didn't check my cervix. which I am kind of relieved. I wouldn't want to go through that pain just to be told it hasn't changed. Maybe next week. He told me that I can stop taking my ld aspirin. I asked him about the fluid thing. He said it's probably just urine. Told me to keep an eye out for gushes. Which makes sense. It was more of a small gush when I was pregnant with samuel.

I am DEAD tired. I think Samuel is too. So we're going to lay down and take a nap!
Yeah, it is starting to sound like that too me too Janelle andI've accepted it. Yes, they generally dont waittil after your due date. With Joshuawe waited 8extra days since he was my frist but I dont think they would want to wait that long with this baby since it is my 4th pregnancy. Even though I had a successful VBAC with Jerusha I was told the risks of doing another VBAC at my 20 week appointment inJanuary. I had to sign a paper saying that I understood the reisks involved and that I wanted to go forward with a VBAC if everything was favorable for it. As far as I know, today is stsrtof my OB's maternity leave. Yes I have to see a maleOB again from here on. I'mnervous about this next appointment because it is with an Indian (the India kind) maleOB so I'm hopingI will be able to understand what he says and have the nerve to ask questions.

I just woke up from a nap. Jerusha was supposed to nap whileI was napping but happily played in her room until 35 minutes ago when she passed out. I guess our errands will have to be pushed to tomorrow. Going to go do dishes now and tidy the living room since she'll be asleep for at least another hour.
What a stressful day I had, which included lots of crying.

I was referred to see a nutritionist, who ruined my day. She said I need to eat something from the four food groups for three meals a day. I only get a chance to eat two meals and I do not have something from every group for each meal. Also, she said I got to snack every two hours, which is hard when working. Everything I told her I ate, she said good. Then she went on and on, and basically different stuff. Like she said I can only eat pears, oranges, and apples. But I eat every fruit I can get my hands on. She said this was fine but then changed her mind.

So opinions?!?!?! Do I NEED to eat three meals a day? Do each meal have to be something from every food group? Do I need to snack every two hours, even if I am not hungry?

I have not read any new posts. I will catch up later. I just wanted to vent as it was a hard day. And my db is one of those people, if a professional says it, it got to be true and obeyed sort of thing!! Argg
Aspe - I'm not sure what your condition is but don't stress about it. There are plenty of people that eat horribly during their pregnancies and they go on to have healthy babies. Again I'm not aware of what your condition is so I'm not saying the same will hold true for you, but stressing about it won't be good. Is it possible she was just giving you what an absolutely perfect diet would be?
Hi ladies quick pop in.... Well I went to the er cuz the spotting was driving me nuts and I wanted answers now.... Did ultrasound at first could only see the sack but then did vaginal and there was my wiggle monster! Measuring in at 7w1d and a heart beat of128! Also had blood levels checked at are101,648 so perfect for 7 weeks. They did see a small implantation bleed that is what is causing the spotting if I see it for a while not to be too concerned. I spotted a lot more after the vaginal ultrasound but I knew I would. They wrote me a note to be off till Monday to lol guess my work gets two notes!

Any who I am exhausted and will do personals tomorrow love u ladies!


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