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Yay for healthy bean Krissy!

Ugh...I feel like I cant be comfy while sitting up because of LO's head in my ribs. Got some dishes done today but didn't get to touch the living room. Oh well, its just toddler toys everywhere. (TMI) I have gas right now that could knock out a grown horse, yuck! On a less disgusting note, no stretch marks yet! Anyone else stretch mark free?
Good Morning ladies!!! Spotting has slowed way down. very happy and feel good knowning that everything is ok! got to get my butt moving bc we are getting our new bed today, and working outside in the wonderful weather!
Went garage saling for 3 hours. Was very niceto be outside in the sun. Got a dress for Jerusha, a cute suit for baby Daniel, 5 or 6 stuffed animals, and a insulated cooler bag for baby bottles. Then we came home and waited for her to be picked up. I fell asleep and she climbed onto the toilet to get into my makeup bag. She had a partially red face with eye liner all over her lips when I woke up. Cleaned her up and now she is gone. Going to eat and go back to bed for an hour before I tackle organizing. I am hungry but absolutely nothing in my house is easy to cook.
Krissy.. So happy for you :)

Janelle.. I do not speak from my own experience, but my friend kept having wet undies, did not think anything if it. It was her water leaking, she gave birth the next day. Have not heard from you since your last post; wondering about you.
Hey :wave: hope you ladies are all well! AFM, I've been busy somewhat and have been a poor stalker/reader on this thread. :hugs: <3
Hi ladies! I think i'm caught up, but sorry I don't know that I have the energy to respond to all I missed. So, another all about me post...

So about 4 days after coming home from mexico I became really sick. It basically started 1 1/2 wks before we left with my glucose test, but once home I got much worse. Saw my dr and they just kinda pushed it off as my normal sickness plus the diarrhea that had been going on for over a month. Didn't order any tests or anything. Anyway, I was so bad my mom had to take my daughter. Over a wkend when jim had her I was able to just rest, but I wasn't getting better- only worse. It was decided I would also come stay with my mom so I wouldn't be alone. By this point i'd been sick 2 wks- only iv fluids....couldn't eat or drink. So once my mom physically saw me she knew I was really sick and thankfully my parents ran the labs that shouldhave been done before. Got the results the next day, my husband had been rained out so my mom called him and said she was on her way home to watch M and I needed to go immediately to the er. My bloodwork was all way off and things critically low- bad enough the estimate is I had another day or 2 before I would have died.

Anyway, got admitted to the hosp on the 16th in the am. They started running fluids and potassium as quickly as possible. Had fluids in my picc line and they had started another site to go too. Ran more blood and my levels were crashing even more. Had all sorts of tests in er and
Finally got moved to LD anti,partum. My levels started turning around and then would crash again. Wed brought on a whole new set of setbacks. First I was diagnosed with c diff which put me into isolation and the start of a whole host of antibiotics. I had been coughing terribly and they ordered a chest xray. While waiting for that I hemmoraged. At first I thought I was leaking urine and then realized there was blood everywhere. Was in labor and was 3 cm. in the meantime, got my chest xray and diagnosed with pnemonia (yea, more anti biotics). All the while still in labor and my dr order an u/s to ck baby position- at that moment she wa s head down. Otherwise I would have been rushed off for a c section.....actually wish that would have been the case. Everyone was ready for me to deliver that night. then everything just kinda stopped....so as of last ck I was 4 cm and 60% effaced. They are just letting me stay until my body says it's time to start again. I was in so much pain and still am. I am having contractions basically all day / night but she thinks she's comfy right now. My dr won't try to stop anything now but also won't help move things along.

Anyway, they kept an eye on my contractions and got panicy lots of times and I just kept getting more bad health news....to what I was already dealing with they caused a blood clot in my picc line- picc line got pulled but my rt arm is all swollen and am still dealing with the clot, also got diagnosed with a staph infection. So I have all these infections working against each other and a ton of antibiotics to deal with. I ended up with an u/s on my arm/ shoulder/legs to ck for more clots, a c/t bc the u/s was inconclusive. An u/s to ck my thyroid. Respiratory therapists in my room every 6 hrs for breathing treatments until my pulse went out of control, blood draws 3-6 times a day. It just didn't seem to end. My feet started to swell and they say it's bc of all the fluid and that may have started it but it is just getting worse. My thighs are bigger than what both are combined and it just travels all down my legs / feet. The swelling is ridiculous hurts to bad. I'm actually bruising from it all. It's also not going away.

I got out of the hosp on the 23rd with half a dozen antibiotics, blood thinner that gets injected into my stomach and a whole host of other meds. Saw my ob fri and they've set up a video conference with high risk dr for me on thurs. My dr is also worried about dvt bc of the swelling. Hopefully the high risk dr will say it is just best to deliver me. Who knows. It's been a mess around here to say the least. I can barely walk bc of the swelling, plus add my pn already in and it is horrible.

I will be staying at my mom's until the baby is here. 1- I won't be alone 2- only 15 min from hosp as opposed to over an hr. Baby can come any time now. I wish my contractions would really start doing more again instead of just being painful and constantly make me
wonder. I don't think my body will really be able to heal until after baby is delivered. Just has so much stress on it. I'm pretty certain that the swelling would be done with just like last time once I deliver too....really, the iv's aren't causing it anymore and it should be getting better with the stopping of iv fluids not worse.

It just never seems to end. Fri was the first day my ob said he felt that having any more kids would be a bad idea for me. Gee, I think i've said that for months.

So now I just wait for things to kick into gear again......blah
Amber - :hugs: I'm praying for you. You have gone through so much, and the fact that you're hanging in there shows how strong you are. You don't have much longer until baby gets here. Hope things get better soon. :hugs:
Wow Amber! I cant imagine all you've been through., You make me feel like a wimp when I whine of small things. I'll definitely be praying harder for you until you have this little girl. Ok, time to give Jerusha her bath so I will do my update (just a few funny things) tomorrow.
Hi ladies! had a busy weekend with kids and cleaning and finally got my new bed put together. ugh woke up with my back hurting and didnt sleep good bc i had terrible hot flashes last night .....gonna take some tynol and see if that helps ugh dont wanna go back to work today but i gotta make that money honey!
I understand the hot flashes Krissy, I've had them every other night for the past 2 weeks. I can't sleep with my comforter on anymore even after turning the thermostat down 3 degrees.
Wow Amber. I can't even imagine. That sounds like the worst nightmare ever. But I am so glad the baby is ok! Hopefully you deliver soon and it helps your recovery and also baby delivers healthy too, of course. Good that you have help now as you need someone there in case something else happens! Yes, sounds like this may be your last baby! Surprised they didnt want to deliver the baby. But maybe you will get a chance to recover some from all your illnesses first so that you can be there for the baby better once you deliver? Hard to tell. Here's hopin!

afm - no news. Nice, uneventful weekend. DH was helpful. Had in-laws over yesterday because Siena was asking for them. Other than that, regular stuff... baby gym, church etc. Sigh, but Siena screams like a hyena and has to be peeled off of me when I drop her off at chuch nursery... makes me not want to go! DH and I tag teaming her bedtime now because she is not doing well with being left alone for sleeping... my 'nights' went well Friday and Sunday, phew. DH, not so lucky on his night!
Morning ladies.

Amber, I can't even imagine what you're going through. That sounds terrible. Soon your baby will be born and this will all be a thing of the past. That's what I try to keep telling myself. Easier said than done, I know. I'll be thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts. :flower:

Krissy, hey! I got hot flashes and couldn't sleep worth a damn with this pregnancy. All good signs if you ask me! Although it may not seem like it at the moment... Sucks you have to go back to work.

Nicole, Awesome news on the garage sales. There are usually a lot in our neighborhood. I've never actually stopped and got out and looked though. A couple of weekends ago there was one yard sale and they have just about every piece of play ground equipment you could think of. I was tempted to stop and see what they were asking for some pieces, but my red flag went up saying Samuel would want to play on it all and not leave, so I would HAVE to buy it. Needless to say, we kept driving.

Libby, that's good you guys are tag teaming. Seems only logical now that you're nearing the end. Some good news... Samuel went through the same exact thing! The only thing that seriously worked for us, was to cut out his naps. I don't put him down for one anymore. If he wants to take one, I like him fall asleep on his own on the couch, floor, car, what not. But I never let him sleep more than an hour. If when I wake him up and he's still tired, then I will let him sleep, but since doing that he now sleeps through the night and if he wakes up, he goes back to sleep on his own. LOL he's really started talking in his sleep, it cracks me up because he REALLY rambles and sounds so serious, whoever he is talking to.

Hi to all the other ladies!!!

AFM, I had a pretty boring weekend. Meaning I didn't do much of anything "fun". Saturday, I spent the entire day cleaning. I mean REALLY cleaning. I sat on my bathroom floor and organized my entire sink cabinet. I got rid of a bunch of crap that some how always migrates to the bathroom. I reorganized our hall closet. Got my laundry room cleaned and organized. Then I sat down and my hip started killing me. I've noticed if I keep moving it doesn't bother me as much, but when I sit down oh man, it's killer. So, while doing all of that, Dan got half his paper written, took a break and mowed the lawns. And that was Saturday. Sunday, Dan finished his paper. I was able to talk Dan into going to lowes and buying flowers and mulch for the front planter. I wish I had taken a before picture. It was covered in about 75 daffodil plants. No flowers, just the left over green crap. Our original plan was to dig up the bulbs and move them, well... They are like 3 feet in the ground!!! So, we just hacked down the greens and went to town. We'll tackle the bulbs next year.

Next project is that planter box under the bay window. That thing is a freakin' mess! We've got some flag stone brick looking stuff though. So, we're going to build a small wall with that, rip out all the dumb flowers that are in there now and put in flowering bushes/shrubs. When I say "we're" I really mean Dan. I'm just going to stand there and "suggest" what to do. :haha:

Today, I am super sore and stiff though. It was so worth it all though to get our yard looking nice before Sara gets here. I kinda want to get the back done before she gets here too! Only because once she's here I wont have any motivation or drive to do a damn thing!
Janelle - Yeah it's probably good that we start taking turns now since baby is due soon. Originally, I started sharing the task with DH with the thinking that I needed him involved more for when there were 2 kids, since no way was I handling it all! So, goal accomplished. He is able to put her down himself AND will be doing that half the time at least now. The 'family time' was nice, too, but HA not really my ultimate goal. I am sneaky! But, hey, you do what you have to when the DH is harder to get involved!

When you cut out Samuel's naps, was he still sleeping long enough at night even with naps? Siena sleeps fine once she goes to sleep. Had figured we'd keep doing naps until it seemed like she wasn't sleeping long enough at night. And daycare still does naptime. But maybe I will stop caring about it on the weekend and see what happens. Only times we have skipped naptime was when we were out and then she fell asleep on her own anyway, so had her naps still. But yeah they are getting later and later if we wait for her to get tired and are at home... and still just as much fuss if we try to get her to nap at 3 versus at 1 etc. So eventually I can see that not working either.

Oh and I totally have plans to reorganize my bathroom cabinet and drawers! Just got added to my list after I spring cleaned Siena's toys, getting rid of the crappy cheapie toys she didn't need and that weren't worth donating. And, yup, I get doing a bit extra and being sore in order to get things done... love the planting you did!
And yeah I'll be up doing stuff all morning, being super productive with cleaning and organizing and such... but the moment I sit down, I realize just how sore I am and it hits me hard! So I've learned I just can't stop until I know I'm at a stopping point or I'll get super frustrated and emotional!

Now that my nursery is done, I've been tackling other projects. Siena's room and play room had been getting junky, so it was nice to get her stuff sorted and now I know there's not random crap in bins that I was too lazy to actually put away earlier. I need to take another look at her closet though. But its not bad. I'm 'finding' things to do in order to keep myself occupied with more than just Siena stuff. Otherwise I would go crazy because then she gets toooo much attention and starts acting rotten when I try to cook a meal or anything not involving her. Which is a shame... because yeah I'd love to devote all my attention to her when I can, so its annoying that I have to step back some in order to keep her from being a leech relying on me for all entertainment.
Libby, honestly I can't remember. I just remember him giving up his naps and then the waking in the night stopped. So, we don't force him to take one. Every once in awhile he will fall asleep at 6 at night or while we're eating dinner, but I let him sleep for maybe an hour at most, then wake him up. We lucked out though. Samuel does fine going to bed on his own at bedtime, we just read him a story then he rolls over and closes his eyes.
Ok cool thanks. That helps. So I think I won't try to actively remove her naps until she starts waking up during the night. She's mostly just having issues with us leaving her... gets super clingy and sad. Because also happens when we drop her off at church nursery and at daycare. So not just for sleeping. Hoping its a stage she exits SOON!!!!

Currently feeling grateful... I felt so much better this weekend compared to last... and now my work project was cut short so suddenly I'm done! Yay! Others on bnb have so much going on... dealing with hard family issues, moving, lack of support from DH or fights with a relative, health issues, ttc issues, so many more problems to list. So I am taking a moment to not complain. Life isn't perfect for me, but in the relative scheme of things, I'm pretty grateful. Ha, but I'm sure I'll be back to complaining soon enough!
Libby, I think I miss read or my mind wandered away for a moment. Samuel was like that as well. We used to bribe him! We would get him pumped up for the morning. So, he would want to go to bed. Same with leaving him. He knew if he didn't cry then he would get a treat when we returned. Have you tried that? You gotta praise them like crazy in the beginning, but then they get excited and then it becomes a thing of the past. Best of luck!
Hi everyone. All this talk about naps is reminding me just how tired I am. I went to sleep at 8 last night but I'm still exhausted.

We had our shower this weekend. It was really fun and we were blessed with lots of gifts. We also took our newborn baby class that morning so it was a long day.

Janelle - Did you ever talk to your dr about the wetness? I have it too now. I called the on-call dr yesterday and he said since I wasnt.actually soaking through my pantyliner then it was just increased watery discharge you get in late pregnancy. Is this what you heard? How was it for you with samuel?
Hi ladies,
Sorry its just a quick pop in and sorry for the lack of personals, but ive got an update!

Im about to get taken to delivery suite for induction...me and DH popped to hospital this morning because I was worried about not feeling him move...after monitoring me all afternoon, his heart rate has dipped a few times, and they cant be completely satisfied that he is happy in there, so dont want to take any chances...im having a baby! Lol x

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