A home for EVERYONE!

Ahh toddlers! Gotta love it!

Yay Loren!

Blah been up for nearly 2 hours... Since around 3am..: bad lower back pain and some pains in front and between legs but back is the part that woke me up and is keeping me up.... Going to be a long day at work today!
Sorry about being MIA but I have been so sick! I even got sent home from work yesterday but I have a nasty stomach bug. feeling better today but stomach still pretty gassy and I for sure I have to go to work I need money lol....
Krissy, I got a stomach bug when I was early pregnant too. It sucked!!! Luckily, it only lasted a day for the worst. I hope that it's the same for you.

Libby, that sucks! Doesn't sound good. I hope it's just your little guy getting comfy cozy and not going into early labor. 34 weeks is too early!

AFM, I woke up this morning feeling suuuuuuuuper nauseated. I hate that feeling. Going to fix some tea and hope that it helps. Otherwise it's a don't do a damn thing kind of day. Luckily our house is still spotless from this weekend. Dishes are done. Laundry is done. Hell, might as well make it a watch finding nemo a million times, kind of day. Full term tomorrow! FINALLY!
Janelle-for sure feeling better. just ate a grilled cheese seeing how it settles before I move on to my soup so far I am good. I cant believe you are 37 weeks tomorrow!!!! well I will be 8 weeks Thursday lol.

lizzy-i hope that you aren't dragging too bad!

afm-totally forgot about some bills that HAVE to be paid today so I got to leave in about an hour for work so I can get it done before work. oh and made my first prenatal appointment for Wednesday! let the good times roll lol
Oh and Janelle finding nemo is awesome lol. oh another fave is monster inc!
Samuel is obsessed with Finding Nemo now. I don't mind it. It's not nearly as annoying as The Lorax in my opinion. There aren't any songs that get stuck in my head either!

All this sitting around is making me tired. I feel like taking a nap already and it's not even 10 yet. Samuel looks the same though. We've just been snuggling on the couch taking turns yawning.
Hey guys. I've been strangely productive at work today! Like super productive! I know I feel weird because I've been up so long on 5 hours of sleep... but so far it just made me a bit drowsy first thing at work (went in a half hour early, 6am) and then I got over the hump and was fine! Think my body is starting to acclimate to getting less sleep so that's good... versus it dragging me down! Will help prep me for the new baby, ha.

And no idea on the pains. I read about other people dealing with same stuff... and can be totally unrelated to labor. Some get it all the time. Maybe the third time I've woken with pains that have kept me up. So I guess I'm lucky? Nothing really helped... but not hurting as much now anyway. Just dull ache in lower back that I can't seem to get rid of.

Bump feels super full after a tiny lunch... and Sprout is definitely moving today. So just another day in the life of someone in their third tri!

In other news, DH is sick. Dude. He gets sick too much. All he can say is he 'feels bad'. Went to bed super early (weird for him) and slept for ages. So I guess it is something. I just wish he'd explain his symptoms! No fever, vomiting, stomach issues, sore throat, or anything. Huh? I get a sore throat or congestion or SOMETHING when I'm sick. So I don't get it. He's had this sort of illness before too. Wonder if he works himself too hard and his body gives out?
Oh and Janelle yeah your bump does look different. Not as rounded on top, so maybe you dropped? Hard to tell if bottom part was lower or not. Everyone told me I'd dropped for sure and I went to my appt last week and MW said nope baby's head in same spot!
Libby, I haven't heard from Loren. Awesome news on being productive! I went through that... that's how I got my kitchen drawer fronts done! I'm pretty sure that Sara dropped because my belly looks different when I look down at it. It looks lower. My bras aren't resting on it anymore either. I've been getting up to pee just a little a million times too. We'll see on Friday what my doctor has to say. Pretty sure he will check to see if I'm dilated only because I went into labor with Samuel around this time.

I've been having more contractions that take my breath away. Kinda like if you're caught off guard and you get that nervous feeling/lump in your throat can't really catch your breath feeling. Along with some light menstrual cramping.

Sara has the hiccups right now and my belly is bouncing. Samuel is convinced that she's hatching out of my stomach, he's intently watching saying, "Here she comes!! She's coming!!!" he's got a one of a kind imagination I tell you!
Well I had a lazymorning. I think I need to start eating smaller breakfasts because after breakfast like every day I feel so tired and my back hurts like no other so I turn on a movie and go rest while she plays with blocks and colors in the pack n play. Today is beautiful so we went out and played with her plastic ball for half an hour before she started sweating and it was naptime. Been in her room for 20 minutes but wont be asleep for another 15 I'm thinking. I'm hopinghe sleeps long enough for me to make some jelly today. I"m hoping I have enough dandelion blooms in my yard for a full batch since I ought a set of 12 canning jars yesterday. I know you are probably like what? Dandelions? It's actually not that bad when you add some other flavor to it. I add strawberry since dandelion jelly is pretty bitter so it makes it a nice light pink color and adds some sweetness.
I have no idea how you guys are all so motivated. All I can do is rest all day.

Ended up at LD this morning. My contractions were 2-3 min apart. I waited hrs to go in bc I figjred it would just stop again. Finally went in around 3 am. Yep in labor. Then found out I needed more antibiotics bc I came up with gbs. Sigh...never ends. Then things slowed down, then picked up again. More bad news was I wouldn't be able to get an epidural. They have me on the wrong blood thinner and needed 24 hrs w/o any. They still didn't change it, hopefully fri they will. They were going to come in at noon and break my water but then changed their minds. So they sent me home. hopefully, i'll go in when it's time bc at this point i'm thinking i'll end up just waiting it out too long. So got sent home at 5cm and 80% effaced.

My parents are upset with all this. The ob nor hosp are running some basic labs and things are still way off, so they are dealing with it. Super fruestrating.
Amber, if you're on a blood thinner they wont give you an epidural? 5cm!!! That's crazy!! I thought if you were 5cm then they have to induce you. Man. Sending positive thoughts your way.
LOL I decided to focus on cleaning the living room tonight and do jelly sometime in the next 2 days. I'm trying to motivate myself but honestly I dont have enough storage spaces to really organize as much as I want.

Havent heard from DH in any form in 5 days! I know I am fortunate for having communication with him up until now but it still isnt easy. I am trying not to freak out until Sunday. Hoping he is just super busy and not in any trouble of any kind.

Wow, Amber! Praying for you. I hope they take you off those meds so you can have some pain relief when you do go into active labor. Most hospitals would admit you at 5 cm I thought? Honestly I'm not expecting to be dilated or effaced at all before this baby comes by C-section.
It's the type of blood thinner they put me on, guess it lasts longer and has more excessive bleeding risk. They need to switch it to another. Why they didn't change it yesterday is beyond me. All the nurses and everyone can't believe I got got sent home. It's all part of the i'm not getting the care I should be. Just hurry up and be done, do as little as possible, what we don't look for won't matter. It's a mess. Even my stepdad who hates how easy it is for people to cry malpractice, is saying this is really bad and they need to start doing their jobs or malpractice may need to be around the corner. Hopefully the high risk dr will set some things straight. Otherwise, i'm just grateful for my parents doing all they are so I don't die from other dr's lacking of care.

Nicole- hopefully you hear from him soon. Has to be scary when you don't.
Nicole - Wow hmm maybe I should have started out using the pack n play like you do... it was where Siena slept until we moved her to her crib... but never really got the hang out leaving her in it for playing because she'd scream if we left her in it during the day... but then she was never great about being left by herself... craved being held. So now that I can let her play on her own some, she's used to being free to wander. So really I can only rest if she's resting.

Jelly, huh? Never made any before. Never done any canning. Interesting!

5 days is awhile when used to being in contact. Ugh. DH and I barely talk when one of us travels and even we don't go 5 days without at least a text. But I'm sure all is ok! Just maybe something different in his routine right now.

Amber - Wow, yeah here I'm pretty sure they let you have an epidural at 4cm. And you're 5! Sucks they won't change your blood thinner. Bah! You are so close!!!!!

afm - nothing really going on... enjoyed taking Siena to the park yesterday after work with MIL's help. Beautiful weather lately! Appraisal today on our house so good thing its pretty clean.. DH is doing a refi on our mortgage... 2.5%! Ummm... oh my boss' last day is Friday... she's retiring... so nervous about what will happen after...
Amber-Good God girl you are going through hell and back!!!! I hope this baby is born soon so that you can finally have your reward and feel better again!!!!

Lizzy-i know what you mean about the weather!!! I have spring FEVER....I hate how I had to miss so much work for being sick or I so would have called in today.

oh I found out a few days ago that one of my good friends is also pregnant and is due nov 22 only a few weeks before me crazy!

other than that.....having like a heavy feeling in my uterus today...I know it is normal but everything freaks me out!!! ok got to get ready for work soon....I have Friday off and soooo looking forward to it I hope it still looks nice out!
So I did a little organizing of Jerusha's diapers and books last night and so far she is keeping everything where I put it! Success! And before I put her down for a nap a few minutes ago we took 5 minutes and she helped me put all her toys in her tub (one of those big round cooler tubs) and helped mommy put her books in her bookshelf. I feel more optimistic about handling her and a baby now. I am thinking of getting a storage cubby with the fabric cubes for the living room to keep some baby stuff in so that Jerusha has access to it and I can ask her to bring things to mommy for the baby. She does like to help.

Yeah, I'm trying not to stress out about not talking to Josh and keep myself occupied with organizing.

As far as the pack and play, its been a lifesaver for me when mommy needs a few extra minutes where I cant have Jerusha in sight. However, I've decided that in just over 2 weeks, I'm going to scrub it down and pack it up so we have more room in the living room for baby stuff.
Krissy! Friday is soon! Me, I'm looking forward to today because I've got some packages that hopefully will be waiting for me when I get home... and tomorrow night too because MIL will be keeping Siena so I am free to do whatever!

Nicole, haha... last night, Siena pulled most of her books off her shelves and threw them all over the place. I did get her to put away some of them... but then she lost interest and it was time for a bath so I didn't force the issue. But this is a new thing... I'm used to her not really pulling out that many toys etc without me. I may start putting up some of her books and rotating them if that becomes the norm! And for awhile now, I've been having Siena bring me a diaper when she needs changing.. I keep wipes beside my chair in the living room so then I don't have to get up, haha.

Oh dear yes our living rooms will soon be packed with infant stuff! We haven't pulled ours out yet... the gigantic swing that was such a lifesaver.... and then the various bouncers and exersaucers etc that took up space but never really helped us... oh and we finally put up the highchair so that'll come back out not long after... ack! Had finally started getting Siena's stuff streamlined so we didnt have clutter everywhere... oh well!
LOL I'm used to her pulling everything out but at least she likes to help. I wont have a swing for this baby unless my mom buys one but I will have a bouncer and a playmat.

I'm proud of myself so far today. I have started the laundry and picked up most of the trash for tomorrow. Now to do a round of dishes before switching out the laundry. We'll see if I get to do the jelly today or tomorrow.

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