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Hi ladies.

Well, I went to the doctor and was told that I'm 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. My doctor told me not to go to the hospital until the contractions get painful. I'm able to tolerate the pain as of right now, so he said I might as well, just go home and relax than get stuck at a hospital for hours with no progress. So, that's what I'm doing. He did give me the okay to go to lowes and do yard work this weekend. :) Told me if I'm truly in labor nothing will stop it. Said not to "try" and put myself into labor because it most likely wont work and it will just make me uncomfortable. So, I'm just going to lounge around and wait.

Both of my in laws are out of town. No idea what I'm going to do with Samuel if I go into labor. I guess he will just have to chill at the hospital with Dan and I. What an adventure that will be.
Oh wow!! Good to know that you can't 'make' things progress more. So you won't feel as pressured to do all sorts of crazy things to make things move along! Try and think of stuff you won't have time to do for awhile! Although with in-laws gone, that makes things harder! I know I went grocery shopping and to the movies and out to eat my 'last' day before Siena! This time will be different... mostly just want to make sure I spend time with Siena and have the house in order. But groceries are good too.

Did the dr think it was more than likely you'll progress soon or that this can go on for weeks?
Libby, I'm pretty thankful that I've got a kid and husband who keep the house pretty tidy. It's stayed super clean since last weekend when I super cleaned it! I want to get yard work done, but I'm not even sure it's going to get done. If I had it my way, it would get done, but with my in laws out of down... I'm kinda thinking sitting in bed might be a better idea. I don't know. We'll see. I'm craving thai food. I wonder if I can talk dan into bringing some home.

I didn't really ask the doctor about what he thought. He pretty much just told me not to worry about it, it will happen when it happens.
Ha, yeah I'd of course be worrying about it. But that's me. :)

Yay for a clean family! My DH is awful about leaving stuff all over the place. MEssy!

Oooo excited for you! Yeah at this point yard work can wait! You guys have already done plenty of yard stuff anyway!
Do you use a contraction app on your phone? Guess I will do that again this time.
No, I have a cheap POS phone from cricket. I just look at the clock and write down the times.

I'll make Dan do all the yard work. LOL I'll just sit there and point my finger and wave my hands. Luckily, it shouldn't take long. I think we're going to work on the backyard rather than the front.
Libby - hi! I have a feeling I'll go over so we will be anxious together.

Janelle - You've made progress. How exciting! I'm jealous. Hopefully Sarah (or is it Sara) waits until you've finished the yard.

AFM - My cervix is still closed. *sigh* She said it was soft though. I guess that's better than nothing. She estimated his weight right now at anywhere from 6 1/2 to 7 lbs but more likely 6 1/2 because the fibroids account for some of the space. She said if I'm dialated next week she would do a membrane sweep to try and get things started. The bigger he gets the less likely I can have a vaginal birth as I have a low fibroid that could get in the way. Gotta love those fibroids, but at least she is willing to do the sweep early.
Grace, don't be jealous. You can change in a matter of hours! You still got time. Hopefully if you're dilated next week you're more than 1 cm so it's easier for her to strip your membranes.

AFM, I'm over here just eating everything in sight and spending my time on the couch. Might take a nap here in a min. my MIL called and she is sad because she doesn't think Sara will wait for her to return on the 7th. Misty seems to think Sara will be born on her birthday, the 5th. I think that would be funny because Samuel's birthday is 7/7 and Sara's would be 5/5 Imagine that.
Janelle- I HATE that saying "it will happen when it happens" what the hell does that even mean anyways...just to drive an already crazy person crazier? lol.....that would be cool if her bday was 5/5 but I also hope she waits for your mil....tough call on that one! oh did dan get all his school crap done???

Grace-I hope you can have the vaginal birth you want to have but no matter what a happy baby! I have to have csections bc I just cant deliver these big ol babies lol. they are so heavy and long and I have a short torso...well bc I am short....so they get all scrunched up and what not....but honestly for me recovery was not bad at all and I actually no like planning my delivery date bc I can make sure everything is done...as long as it don't come early lol.

Lizzy-hi lady!!! how have you been feeling???? those BH easy up on ya yet?

AFM-day off whooo hooo.....lets see had to get up ungodly early to make sure everything was in order for the kids teachers home visit. then took the kids to the store to get a few things...well mostly bc I was craving spaghetti for lunch lol....made a big ol bowl of it then while the kids watched a movie I took a good nap when I woke up Jamie had fallen asleep to lol. then I took them over to my dads. Oh and good news I put a resume in for Josh this morning for a maintenance position and they called him already to set up an interview. I was gone and he was in the shower when they called so he let them a message hopefully they call back Monday and set up an interview. he needs a job lol......this way I could take 3 months off work when I have the baby!
Krissy - Thanks. I want a vaginal delivery but I'm preparing myself for a c-section so I won't be too upset. Hearing that recovery isn't so bad really helps. One of my co-workers had a c-section for her first and a vbac for her second. She tore during her VBAC and she said the tear was harder to recover from than the c-section. So looks like either way I'll be screwed. LOL. I really hope Josh gets the job.
Hey, I'm here. We are just having a lounge day. Next appointment is Tuesday at 2:45. Not expecting anything much since I'm only having BH like 2x a week.

Tomorrow will be a long day in high heels so I'm taking my Tylenol with me. We will be at the church from 11 a.m. til close to 6 p.m.

Grace- My C-section with my first wasnt bad. I had no complications. Bled for 12 days afterwards but no clots. Just a note: Either way, remind DH that when you do feel ready to have sex again, you will need to take it slow for probably a month or more. For me, after my C-section it was like I was a virgin again.

Janelle- Yay for progression!

Loren- Glad everything is going perfectly for you and little Jensen.
Thanks Grace! Ok here Is my csection tail just to you an idea of what I went through. I had a feeling the whole time I was pregnant with Joshua no way this kid Is coming out vaginally even told my dr he is going to be too big. I actually went into labor a week before my due date with him but no pregression sent home. had contrations off and on and so when I was 2 days late they induced me. after 18hrs of induction they finally did an ultrasound and found he was just slightly transvers and there was now way he would turn. so off to surgery I went. wont lie the first time you have to get out of that bed SUCKS but not to sound corny walking helped so much the more I did the more my muscles loosed up and the better I felt. also bc it is major surgery you get good pain killers to help vaginal birth nope lol. an I would think if you tear down there you would I mean seriously stiches in my cooterpop would hurt WAY more than stitches in my stomach just saying here. my cousin tore and she was told to take advil....seriously? no thanks. anyways with my other two I choose planned csection bc I knew in my heart they would be big to and sure enough they were. I loved knowing what time and day I was going to have my baby. I was able to set up child care that way and have everything all set at home and what not. the recovery was easier with each one I had and I think that is bc I knew what was coming and that yes the first day out of bed was going to hurt like hell but then it got better. I mean shoot with Joshua the day I got out of the hospital we went to stay at my inlaws for the weekend and the next day out to eat and shopping. but of course that is just me and everyone is different.

I hope that helps!
I think the thing I hated the 3 things I didn't like the most about a C-section: 1. No eating or drinking (even water) for 7 hours before the operation. Mine was set up for 7 a.m. so I didn't sleep basically at all that night due to being very thirsty. 2. I didn't like that I was on the all liquids diet for 2 days once he was born because they wont give you solid foods until you have a bowel movement. and 3. The massaging wraps they put on your legs overnight to prevent you from having blood clots in your legs. Very annoying because you have to call the nurse to take them off if you need to use the bathroom. Other than that, my Josh was terrified that something would go wrong but nothing did. The spinal block worked perfectly even though it hurts like the biggest and longest wasp sting ever! You will feel a little pressure and tugging when they are taking the baby out but other than that you don't feel a thing below your boobs until like 2 hours after the operation is over. The only nurse I didn't like was a student. She made me nervous. We liked one of our nurses so much we left her a long thank you note and even took a picture of her photo they had on the nurses's wall by the nurses's station.
My doctor offered me pain pills after I had Samuel not for lady parts pain, but for the cramps that you get while breastfeeding.

Grace, I didn't tear with Samuel. Well, I guess I did have a small tear on the inside. I couldn't even feel it though. It took one stitch. I think it just depends on how you prepare yourself. I did the perinium massage or however you spell it. I plan to do the same with this birth, if she ever decides to come!

We're headed to Lowes here in a minute to get our mulch and some snap dragons. I'm planning on just sitting on Dan's skate board tomorrow and planting flowers in pots. We're going to attempt some seeds as well. We'll see how THAT goes. Last time we tried seeds, it was a box of wild flowers and all we got were a bunch of weeds. Not a single flower!

Sara is movin and groovin'.. Patiently waiting. I took a nap, which was so nice. Been having some serious heartburn. That is a good sign things are moving along I've read. Same with BM's. I've had 3 today. Yes, be jealous! Be very jealous!!! Just kidding. I'll keep you ladies posted. Oh yea, Dan is almost done with his papers. No worries anymore!
Nicole-with my first I had to be on liquid diet for first 24hrs then regular food didn't make me wait for bm. with the third they realized that you need those damn calories to breastfeed so straight to regular diet it was. I didn't mind the no eating so much as the no drinking but since I was asleep wasn't bad.

Janelle-now I am nervous you will have that baby while I am at work...wait till Wednesday...beside you mil will be back by then :)

afm I took another nap today...and still tired...I think this baby is on growth overdrive or something!!!! I feel so tired like I want to go to bed but no really.since ihave no kids I might just nap again lol. good thing about working second shift don't have to get up early tomorrow :)
We went to lowes and got mulch and flowers. I'm excited to plant them tomorrow. I was having some bad pains while we were there though. Felt like Sara had a pencil and was stabbing my cervix with it. I could barely walk. I just got done googling it and it says that it is your cervix changing. Could be dilation and effacement. So, here's to hoping. I had the same pain with Samuel. It would stop me in my tracks. It's that painful.
Well I managed not to cry until 5 minutes ago when I was reading my son's FB page. Cried a good 5 minutes straight. Makes it just a little harder knowing I haven't talked to DH in 9 days now. Had a dream that military chaplain (version of a preacher or spiritual counselor) along with an officer came to my house to tell me Josh wouldn't be making it home. Hopefully only good dreams tonight. Have to finish preparing a few things for tomorrow and then its bedtime.
Nicole- hope you hear from DH soon!!!

Krissy - hope you enjoyed day off!

Grace- well if you are late we can wait together! But I know being dilated and effaced don't mean you'll go sooner... It can happen in hours!!

Janelle - hangin in there?? Good luck with the planting!

Afm- on my cell in bed still... Getting up soon.... Don't sleep like I used to but don't seem to need as much sleep either... Body gearing up for no sleep soon enough haha.

Baby gym this morning w mil then craft fair... That's about it for today... Will be rainy and cooler...
Nicole - :hug:

Libby - The craft fair sounds fun. I've been up since 3 this morning. I laid in bed for a while and then finally just got up. I'm sure it will catch up with me later.

AFM - We are going to get baby's dresser this morning and I plan to start washing the clothes we got at the baby shower, but now that I think about it I may just wait until next weekend. My work baby shower is Thursday so I may just do the clothes next weekend. DH is convinced I won't make it to next weekend, but I think I will. I need to finish packing my hospital bag though. Our crib is coming today!!!

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