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Hi everyone!

Anyone heard from Loren?

How about Misty and Tyler. I assume they both have their hands full.

Janelle - Happy 37 weeks!!! Full-term baby! Not much longer now.

Amber - How are you? Anymore progress made?

Libby - Your post about clutter just got me super excited. Why clutter got me excited is beyond me, but it did.

Hi Krissy, Nicole, Aspe, pdx!

AFM - I keep getting hunger headaches. They get better after I eat but they come back within an hour or two. Gotta keep stuff to snack on. My husband's old boss bought the crib! I can't believe it. That crib was $400. I planned to buy it this weekend with my 20% off coupon, but now I'll use the coupon and the dresser. I'm still in shocked, but I feel extremely blessed.
Good afternoon Ladies!

Well, we've been just lounging around here at our house. I got a blog posted today, which is good because I'm not sure when I will get around to doing another one after this baby is born.

Nicole, we have two of those cubby things in Samuel's play room with the cloth cubes. We keep all of his toys on them and the cubes help to keep toys organized. I highly recommend them. It helps teach your child organization, which is something that helps them later on. He has all his cars in one cube, his play kitchen stuff in another, a bunch of characters/figurines in another and so forth. I've always been a real stickler about him picking up his toys, so he's pretty clean and organized. We've been doing it from the beginning though, so it comes natural to him now. It's my MIL and FIL that mess up the pattern!

Libby, what do they look for when they do the appraisal? I'm wondering if the value of our house has gone up any now that we've updated the kitchen and put in energy efficient french doors? That's an awesome interest rate!! Now you'll have even more money to buy apple fritters and veggie wraps! Ha just kidding!!

As for the pack n play. We only really used it when someone would come over to watch Samuel when he was a baby. For some reason, people were too stupid to work the baby gate that was on his bedroom door to keep the dogs out of his room. So, we set the pack n play up in the living room. It had that insert where it could be used as a changing table. Other than that, we would take it outside and stick him in it to play while we did yard work. He wasn't a big fan of it though. I always felt guilty putting him in there. I felt like it was like baby jail or something. I guess I was pretty strict with Samuel when he was a baby though, because he isn't like some kids that go into a house and start pulling stuff off shelves and run crazy. He just sits quietly. He's a well behaved kid and knows right from wrong for the most part, so I have no problem leaving him alone and letting him explore on his own. I like that.

Amber, I did some research last night and it says if you take a LD aspirin, which is what I take you can't get an epidural because you can get a blood clot in your spine? My doctor gave me the okay to quit taking it, but I'm nervous because I also read that you can still develop clots in the umbilical cord and that freaks me out more than not being able to get an epidural. I'm hoping I can talk to my doctor a little more about it on Friday. I really hope Sara holds out until after this weekend. I've got the yard work itch going on and with Dan getting his papers done he can do more yard work for me this weekend. :haha:

Krissy, Can you imagine if everyone called in when the weather was nice? I hope it's still nice for you by Friday, when you're off. Only a couple of days away. Any fun plans?

Grace, I haven't heard from Loren. I would hope that she had the baby by now though. She must just be dead tired. I remember after having Samuel I was so tired and delirious that when my doctor came in to talk to me, I was making no sense and he just laughed at me. So, just a warning. REALLY BE AWAKE before you talk to someone. :haha: As for Misty, I talk to her through text message on a daily basis. Nothing is really new though. She's been home with Tyler and he's doing well. He spits up a lot, which anyone who knows spitting up, knows it can be frustrating. Other than that, I know that they are both doing well. Happy full term day!!!! Hard to believe how quick all of this has gone huh? I'm ready!! That's awesome about your crib!!! Better get crackin' putting it together. Have you decided on a name yet?
No definitive on the name but we are pretty sure it will be Ethan. I hate how popular it is nationally but in our community it's not popular at all so it won't be too common while he's growing up but once he hits college or the workforce, he'll be surrounded by Ethans. How are you feeling? Still super tired? I know I am. I'm impatiently waiting for this surge of energy everyone keeps promising I'll feel soon.
I like Ethan! If it makes you feel any better, I've never met an Ethan, either! In fact, the only Ethan I know of is Ethan Hawk. :) I think it's a good name.

I'm feeling okay. My braxton hicks are kicking up. Sara has been moving a lot, but it's not nearly as uncomfortable as it was before, which is how I know she's dropped. I'm not too tired today, just kinda blah. You might not get the energy. I remember before I went into labor with Samuel I slept the entire day before. I wasn't planning on going into labor with him either. But I was suuuuuper tired.

I just keep getting these sharp zap/zinger pains. I don't know if they are cervix pains or urethra pains, but either way, they are a pain!! I have noticed if I get up and move around a bit they stop, but it's almost impossible to move when they are going on. Just that and mild cramping. Nothing new to report.
So, I think I had an energy spurt today! I was up and moving around from noon til 7 p.m. other than occasional 5 minute rest periods here and there. And I'm still not tired! I also got a huge blessing today! My friend Anne and my aunt Pam both sent me a box of diapers (Anne sent Newborn, Pam sent size 1) so I'm pretty much set on diapers for the first 3 weeks after baby is born! Anne also bought some neutral onsies, pants, and sleepers! Aunt Pam also sent those scented diaper sacks (a box of 200!) so yay! I'm starting to get really excited! My daughter turns 2 tomorrow! Lots of chocolate and love!
Ok I know I keep going mia just so freaking busy and tired!!!

Loren I hope by now you are enjoying that baby!!!!!

Amber I hope you are doing better and those dr have gotten their heads out of their asses by now!

Janelle and grace- 37 weeks......wow we are now on official baby watch!!!!

Hi aspe! hope things are going good for ya sweety...

Nicole-come organize my house lol I am too tired to care about anything lately!

afm-spotting has seemed to almost stop....I still get a tinge of brown here and there but nothing like before.

8 weeks today yay!!!!!
So quiet anymore......at least when I am on lol I go to work and you are chatty kathys lol
Hi ladies!

Sorry for being so quiet Krissy. I'm super excited because Lowes is having a sale on mulch! LOL. I called Dan and told him we're stocking up this weekend for all of our summer projects. Not to mention his dad brought over more flag stone brick things yesterday, so we have enough to build a small retaining wall in the front yard under our bay window. Awwww snap! Sara better not come this weekend. I've got plans!!! I'm literally so excited now. I've been spending most of my morning on pinterest looking for ideas for what plants to buy and what not. So, if I'm not on... it just means I'm looking on pinterest. LOL
So, for the past hour, I've been having contractions every 10 mins. I've been having them all day, but for shits and giggles thought I would start timing them at 6. When Dan gets home at 7, I'm going to take a bath and hope that they go away.

Obviously, Sara didn't get the memo that they have mulch on sale at Lowes. SHE ISN'T ALLOWED TO COME YET!!!
Are you heading to the hospital Janelle?

Why am I the only one who doesnt have any of your phone numbers for texting or on my FB as friends? I feel swo out of the loop having to wait on here for updates.

LOL Krissy- If you werent 4+ hours away and my house was clean I might help you but I'm not even close to ready for this baby. Maybe in September I can come and help you!
No, I'm toughing it out. I took a bath and that helped a bit. I'm off to bed now. They are starting to feel pretty intense. Only time will tell I guess. This is so friggin' annoying! Seriously, how the hell are you suppose to be able to tell the difference between prelabor and real labor? I don't understand. (((Deer in headlights))) Luckily, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at 10:30.
all the best Janelle....will say alittle pray for u :hugs:
Morning ladies!!

So sorry its taken so long to write. ..things have been crazy! I currently have my little boy asleep in my arms so am catching a quick few minutes of peace before he wakes :)

Well ladies, Jenson Theo arrived at 5am on 30th April after an 8 hour induced labour weighing 8lb 3oz...and im in love! I got by with no pain relief for the first 5 hours then gas and air and a diamorphine injection to finish...he was out in 20 minutes of pushing!

Hes so happy and content and we were home 8 hours after giving birth...hes taken to breastfeeding perfectly and only wakes once through the night...we consider ourselves very lucky!

Feel free to private message me and ill give you my facebook addy if you want yo see pics :)

Thanks for all the fantastic support ladies ♥
Many congrats LP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janelle, thinking of you today, I'm guessing you have an impatient girl in there who wants to meet you.

Ladies, I hope you are all well. I'm just still mega sick and tired and can't face anything at the moment.

Loren.. Congratulations! So glad all went well and that he is doing perfect now :) I look forward to seeing a picture of him. If you are up to sharing in here or pm me :) congratulations again :)

Janelle.. Maybe Sara did not get the memo. Lol. Will be thinking about you and checking for updates more frequently.
Morning ladies!

Loren, that is AWESOME!!! Your labor sounded quick! I was in labor for 15 something hours and was bitching the entire time! As soon as I was able to get the epidural I got one. That's awesome that you were able to leave so quickly as well. I was in the hospital for I think 2 days after having Samuel. I can't remember though. Congratulations on having such a happy, healthy, and easy baby! I'm truly happy for you and wish you and yours nothing but the best. :flower:

AFM, I didn't go to the hospital last night. Dan came home from school with a wendy's frosty. So, I ate that then took a bubble bath, which I ended up having to share with Samuel. I went to bed uncomfortable, but for the most part I slept pretty well. I do remember waking up with some serious pains, but I was so delirious and tired, that I was able to fall right back asleep. Sara is on the go again this morning. She's been moving all over the place. Every time I get a contraction she pushes her butt out, which makes it that much more uncomfortable. I'm seeing the doctor this morning and I'm REALLY hoping, TRULY hoping that I've made some sort of progress. I'm really sick and tired of being in pain. I would love to go in and the doctor tell me I'm at a 5 or a 4 or even a 3!!! SOMETHING other than a 1. A 2 would not impress me though... I'll keep you ladies posted. Promise.
Hey guys. Haven't been on as much lately. Work been busy and also haven't felt like being chatty I guess.

Janelle - Appraisal... they note the basics of your house, like lot size and amenities on your lot (we have a deck down on our pond)... and then inside not sure... since last time they just did outside. I'm thinking a nicer kitchen and appliances and such matter because I know we had to have a substitute light put up in our dining room when we closed in order to get it to pass... but not sure on details.

Happy 37 weeks!!! What's the dr say????

Krissy - Happy 8 weeks!

Oh my congrats Loren!!! Wow sounds like the perfect labor and delivery!!

Hello Grace, Angel, and Aspe!
I leave work in about an hour and then its off to get Siena and play/eat/etc... think we might hit up the play ground as I'm feeling good today. Noticed I have a lot more 'good' days lately... *knock on wood*!!!

With a lot of ya'll farther along than me, I have a feeling I will start getting anxious for Sprout to hurry up as more and more of you pop out babies! I've been shopping for post-baby tops as I had a 'shelf' stomach for ages last time... also thinking about the bellefit postpartum band, but have to wait a couple weeks to get the correct size. Nursery is done, MIL buying video monitor and rock n play this weekend... house is clean, laundry caught up, backyard picked up, fern on my front porch... grass has turned green and DH weeded our garden... bags are packed... we're ready as it seems there's not tons of crap waiting to get done anymore, yay! I am seeing the advantages of being due a bit later than last time... with Siena, I was due April 1, so hadn't gotten that warm yet so had all the spring crap to do right around her birth so uh yeah mostly didn't get done and I was all stressed about it!

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