A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle, you're getting close! Did you ask your dr about the aspirin?

Nicole, happy to hear you heard from your husband. Has to be a huge relief.

Loren- congrats! Enjoy your little guy!

Krissy, Aspe, libby, Grace- how are you guys feeling?

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Well, as for me- back to not keeping anything down. Even sips of water. And with only 1 arm to find veins, it's been difficult to get fluids. Right now they can't get anything.

I am officially high risk. It's a game right now to keep me alive and try to figure out what to do when I deliver to keep me from crashing.

My video conference with MFM on thurs was aggrivating. He made recommendations to not deliver until 39 wks. Saw my ob on fri and saw my lab work and how i'd gone backwards in how I was doing. He said at this point they are out of their realm and would be using mfm's recommendations. However with new labs my parents had drawn and questions my mom had he would be back in contact with them. Especially since he doesn't think i'd make it to 39 wks. Not exactlly the news I wanted. About an hr later I got a call I neded to be seen first thing today.

Went in today and it was a complete change of plan. Amnio scheduled tomorrow. Pray her lungs are ready. And induced on wed. If her lungs aren't ready then will do another amnio next wk. They've decided my health is just getting worse and first chance to deliver is best before it gets worse.
Morning ladies!

Aspe, my doctor told me to quit taking the low dose aspirin. I read the same things and talked to him about it at my appointment this last Friday. He told me that he's never had a complication with a patient yet who has stopped taking the LD aspirin before having their baby. He said it's other blood thinners that you have to worry about. I trust his judgement. Sara has been pretty active as well, so I'm not worried. I took my LD aspirin and prenatal gummies every night before bed. I found it easier to fit into my routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face before bed than constantly wondering if I took it for the day. If I take pills during the day, I have a tendency of forgetting I took them. So I fret about it.

Libby, I'm still having crazy contractions. I'm hoping it's doing something. I would be really surprised if it wasnt. I got up last night to pee and had the craziest sharpest cervical pain of my life! stopped me right in my tracks and really woke me up. I went to the bathroom and lost even more mucus plug, so I'm confident something is going on down there. My heart burn is really kicking my ass as well. I've read that is a good sign as well as naughty poopies. I've got all the symptoms, just need the baby. LOL. I'm not in a hurry. Dan is done with all of his school work. Just has to go to school tomorrow turn in his work and do a quick something on the computer in class and then we're good too go!! The university is right next to the hospital, so IF I do go into labor, it's not like he will be too far away.

Nicole, I keep some of my maternity clothes out because they are really comfortable. I have these pants that are yoga like, I never packed them up because I love how comfortable they are. I have a couple of shirts as well that I wore early on in my pregnancy that I can still get away with wearing after the baby is born. But for the most part, I donate the clothes rather than hang on to them.

AFM, I've got almost all of the flowers planted. Did I tell you ladies that we tried to build a bubble fountain for the middle of our patio? We TRIED. But we got this crazy windy rainy storm, so it messed up the silicone seal, so we had to redo the whole thing. Then it was super rainy yesterday so we didn't get to putting it back together. I globbed more silicone on it last night, just to make sure the seal is secure, but it's not dry yet, so I have to wait until tomorrow to see if it all works. I'm confident though that it will work. :)

We're suppose to get more thunder and rain storms today and tomorrow. Guess this weekend was the perfect time to plant flowers, because I'm not having to water them. HA.

I've got to do so much laundry today!! I've been really slacking. I want to have it done, because last time Dan used the washer he broke it! My step sister brought over some maternity/nursing tank tops yesterday. I like them.... but I think I might exchange them for something else. I more or less want some that I can sleep in rather than wear out and about. Or some that I can wear under shirts. These ones are those weird stretchy slinky material.. and I'm not sure they would be very flattering after a baby... I'm going to wait until after we have the baby though to truly decide.

Hope you ladies enjoyed your weekend and you're enjoying the start of your week!! I'm off to do laundry!
Amber - I hope her lungs are ready. I'm praying for both of you.
Amber, I'm confident that all will go well and you'll deliver on Wednesday!! Maybe we can both have our girls on Wednesday, considering everyone else on this thread is pregnant with boys!!

I hope you get to feeling better fast! Keep us posted! :flower:
Oh Amber! I hope the amnio goes well! So much going on for you, its unreal! Hugs hugs hugs! I feel like plenty of people have healthy babies at almost 37 weeks? But what do I know? I am hopeful for you! And that you can recover once the baby is born! Sigh!

Janelle - Yay for more symptoms! And good luck with your fountain! Ha, you guys are over achievers this spring!

And yeah I already know I'll still be wearing mat bottoms post baby. And I don't have a ton of mat tops... kinda make do with what I have mostly. I won't wear them post-baby though... I have other stuff that will hide the flab better! I'll put up the mat stuff eventually. For later. Just in case!

As far as clothes, a friend showed me how you can get cheap spaghetti strap tanks and cut the straps, make a little loop, and then attach to nursing bra. So don't have to pull down tank strap before pulling down bra. So cheap way (2.80 for those tanks at forever 21?) to have a layer under another shirt for when having to nurse and not wanting stomach flab hanging out and not wanting to invest in pricey nursing tops that pull down. I know I preferred to pull up my shirt versus down for modesty. And yeah I'd never just wear a tight tank lol. Too much jiggle for sure for many months post baby!

For home and nighttime... I wear spaghetti strap tanks with straps down like a tube top with pads stuck inside for leaks. And then a tshirt or robe over.

Oh and I just finished this book called Winter GArden by Kristin Hannah... so sad but so good!!
I think maternity clothes are the comfiest of clothes next to pajamas! I would totally wear them all the time, if I could get away with it. Only down fall is sometimes you get a shirt that totally makes you look pregnant when you're not, just because of the way it falls. Those are the ones I get rid of first. HA.

Libby, I've got the itch!!! I don't know what it is, but I just want to garden and play in the dirt. We have a stupid patio. It's stamped concrete. But in the middle of it, there were those flat cinder blocks because the previous owner had a hot tub. We removed the blocks THINKING there would be dirt under them so we could have a fountain with some rocks and plants. Pfft... to our surprise, there is another concrete patio under the stamped patio!!!!! So, now I have no flippin' idea what we're going to do. I'm determined on the fountain though. So, once I get that thing going, I'll worry about filling the GIANT square with something. I think it might look strange to have a giant square of mulch, but I don't have very many options.
could you put mulch and yeah plants there in that square? or just not deep enough?
Nope, it's about an inch maybe inch and a half deep. We were thinking about putting some rocks and then a boarder of mulch around the rocks. Maybe some low potted plants. No idea. This is going to be a wing it as you go project! It's pouring rain right now, so we're just watching it rain....waiting for it to stop. Got my house picked up and laundry going. Going to eat a fake bacon BLT here in a minute.
Yeah you could do rocks around potted plants! Make it a little rock garden thing?? But I can see why they wanted it covered... gives you more space... but why didnt they put stamped concrete there too? Thats annoyin!
LMAO, I HAVE NO IDEA!!! We'll never know. Fixing up this house up, we've come to one conclusion. The previous owner lived with their heads up their butts! We'll figure something out though. I'm confident. It's just annoying because, I want it done NOW.

Wow. It's only 1 here and I got everything done that I wanted to get done. Now what?
Ok girls its really late here so personals tomorrow but I wanted to share this picture of my dad.....I think he is a redneck GENIUS! now I know what he ment a few days ago when I was talking to him on the phone and he told me he was pimping out his lawn mower.....LMAO only my daddy!


  • dads lawn mower.jpg
    dads lawn mower.jpg
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Haha Krissy! Hey whatever works!

Janelle - Ok you're 2 hours behind me. Good thing I didn't reply to your text at 6 am this morning! My cell is always on silent if I'm sleeping or at work... but I know that's not the case for everyone!

afm- Just another day... DH and I are a little distant these days... need him to finish working on our deck so he can be a bit more 'present'... when I see him less, I tend to start getting snippy, especially with him. I'd suck at being a military wife!

Other than that, took some Tums in the middle of the night for heartburn... but it wasn't bad yet. Perfected a technique for getting out of bed that involves grabbing the headboard with my hand and pulling slightly to get me rolling off the bed, heh. And weight hasn't been going up lately, yay. So don't think the scale at the drs office Thursday will upset me even if I do gain some before then. :)
LOL I'm a bit nervous about my weight but not going to stress because I had 2 big events since my last appointment and will have another on Saturday. Really need to get my butt in gear with cleaning my living room. Last night was the first night in 3-4 nights that I went to bed before 2 a.m. Jerusha got to Skype with daddy last night so she was a happy girl but she kept waking up last night. Poor girl hasnt pooped in almost 3 days despite upping her water and I mixed 2 ounces of prune juice with her juice yesterday so hopefully she will poop today. I kept wondering if she was waking up because she was badly constipated. The worst time I've been constipated was right before Thanksgiving in 2011 after Joshua passed away. I had a low fever for 2 days, could barely eat, and was basically laying on my mom's couch the whole weekend we were there to visit.
So I was hearing a clicking some of the times that I was rolling over to switch sides while sleeping last night. I mainly roll over because inner thighs hurt. Wondered if that clicking was spd related. Guess not because didn't happen every time.

Yeah my weight was easier to maintain this pregnancy because I didn't have a week+ vacation to NYC like last time... right before Thanksgiving! I gained so much that month! And I was aware of how much I gained over the holidays with Siena and during first tri, so I was better then too. But yeah kinda starting to give up now!

Nicole - 2 am?? Wow ha! But I guess you can have later hours since you make your own schedule. If I did that, I'd barely get any sleep before my alarm went off in the mornin! And I up Siena's fiber when she's 'going' less... but she loves fruits n veggies so that's easy to do.
Thanks lizzy!!! my dad actually has a really bad back, he has degenerative disc disease and already had 3 vertbre fused together in his lower back and needs some in his neck done and that is only the tip of all his health problems! so this provides better back support than those itty bitty seats.

oh I know what you mean about lack of sleep!!! like yesterday I got up at 8am got home from work after midnight took a half hour nap before I had to stay up and write my paper then didn't get to go to bed till almost 4am! then back up at 8am but lets not forget getting up to pee like 3 times.....anyways sooooo tired!!!!

BUT....DH has his job interview in 15 min fingers crossed it goes well and he gets the job!!!
well josh is 15 min into interview nervously waiting on a phone call
Aww your poor dad, Krissy! Yeah sounds like almost to the point where he might have to stop mowing! And I have no idea how I'll ever go back to school... I have THREE classes left to finish my masters... AND my work pays for it (just not the books). Yet I can't imagine being able to go... Siena is asleep by 8... but then I go to bed around 930... I'd be totally stressed beyond belief... like YOU are! I guess I need to be more motivated eventually!

Good luck for the job interview!!!!
those of us already mothers... or even those expecting because that counts too... what are your mother's day plans? Anyone know what they're getting from DH already? I actually don't even want gifts... told DH I want a DAY OFF! Siena is going to stay with MIL Sat night so I can sleep in... and I 'reserved' DH so he has to sleep in with me and then he's on my schedule so has to be ready to leave for brunch when I decide I want to go (he tends to always make me wait because gets ready last minute)... and then shopping at the mall (he is NOT a shopper) and a movie of my choice! Figure by then I'll be needing a nap so we'll head home. And then get Siena at some point after that because um I guess I should see my child on Mother's Day? Ha. I see her all the time... its DH who I'm really needing to reconnect with lately because we rarely hang out anymore and its making me all depressed/anxious!
Did I mention I'm excited for Sunday now??? Dh said he's flattered... well after first jokingly asking if he could just get me a gift instead. It means he can't work on handyman stuff outside for at least a big chunk of his day... has to be lazy and then do girly stuff heh. Both not his forte these days!
He should be flattered that you want to spend the whole day with him! I try to get my dh to see it that way butnot so much lol. my brother wants us all to go out for dinner after my mom gets off work so we can meet his new girlfriend....well actually the only girl friend we have ever met and he is 29 so should be interesting I think? this is my weekend off but I picked up to work Saturday morning so I can get 8 more hours of over time....I should have 12 hours on my next check which will help off set the lack of hours on the check I get Friday.

ok it is now over 40 min past his interview start and still no word....that is a good thing right????

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