A home for EVERYONE!

oh and my dad is already on disability and had been for 5 years, he is only 52 right now. ok his list of problems are: his back, he had prostate cancer that made him loose his whole prostate at the age of 44, he has a pacemaker and I think 4 or 5 stents in his heart. he had type 2 diabetes but after he lost the 200lb this past year he is no longer on any type of insulin and no longer has any signs of being diabetic so that is a good thing. Last year was a very scary year for us bc a year a go my dad actually had a small stroke and was in kindney and liver failure. they think it was because he was loosing weight so fast and his meds were not being adjusted fast enough so his body started to fail. but then all of sudden he was fine. he has no lasting affects from the stroke even! when he saw our family dr she could not believe he made it through it all, he was in the hospital for about a week, she said looking at his labs he should have died that week. but now he is perfectly fine. we have a lot of bad luck in our family but at the same time there are many times we know we have some angels watching over us.

but no my dad wont give up the lawn mowing. he still does everything he can bc he feels like a failure not being able to work anymore....male ego thing lol.
Morning ladies!

Krissy, your dad is my new hero! Anyone with his drive and determination deserves a metal of some sort!! The next time you see your Dad you give him a high five from me and tell him to keep up the good work!!! As for Josh's interview, I hope he gets the job. You need yourself a break!! I don't want to have to worry about you once this baby comes either. Did you enroll Ava in the dance program yet?

Libby, I don't think we have any plans for mother's day. I'm starting to plan to be pregnant until December!! :haha: This baby is taking her sweet time and it's really starting to get on my nerves. I feel so nauseated today. I'm not liking that feeling. I've been waking up a lot at night and not being able to get back to sleep. I wonder if that's a sign? I don't think I've ever gotten a gift on mothers day either??

Nicole, I can't remember the last time Samuel was constipated, but he doesn't "go" everyday if that makes you feel any better. Sometimes he goes a long while without going, but I've learned to just let his body do all the work rather than give him prune juice or something. I don't do well with the after affects of a natural laxative with him. He's never pooped a hard poop though or strained to poop. So, that's why I don't worry.

AFM, my lower legs are really starting to swell. I'm wondering if it has to do with stopping the LD aspirin? I'm sure it has something to do with all the work I've been doing these last few days. Dan rubs them every night help move the fluid along. They aren't as swollen in the mornings as they are in the evenings, but my right leg is more swollen than my left. Which makes sense because Sara is hogging my right side. I'm feeling pretty pukey this morning, along with naughty poopies. WHEN WILL IT END?!?!

Janelle- I know what you mean it does sound cliché to say it but my dad is truly my hero is in constant pain from his back but his grandkids come before anything you would never know how much pain he is in bc he never complains about it! YAYYYYY on Dans last day!!!!! and she will come! nausea and puking were a BIG sign I was in labor with my kids!

af josh he was told they have a few more interviews to do and then they would let him know. sounds like he really does want this job and the hours and what not would work out great!! to FX!!!!!!!!
so based on the fact that he found the heartbeat beneath my belly button the OB thinks baby may have flipped but still having a growth scan in 2 weeks. No progress other than that so far. Go back a week from today. I did gain4.5lbs because of all the sweets these past weeks though so I'm slightly bummed.

Oh, and apparently, even though it is rare these days, I'm one of those rare people who even though I've had all the recommended vaccinations for it, may never be immune to rubella. So I guess I have to have a rubella shot after each baby even though I'll still show up as not immune on prenatal screenings. Ugh...

As far as Jerusha, she pooped this morning! I guess prune juice is the thing that works. Janelle, she usually poops once a day but she does occasionally have hard poops so I do try to keep track of her bowel schedule. I do my best to give her high fiber things at breakfast but I slip up occasionally. I also tknow that half a kiwi will get things moving for her if she gets thrown off by a day or two.
Nicole- hopefully baby has flipped! Did you get to talk to your husband yet?

Krissy- hopefully your husband gets the job.

Janelle- can't believe how busy you still are.

Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers. I didn't sleep last night. So worried about the amnio. It was definitely so much worse in my head. Good new, lungs are mature! Induction tomorrow. First have to get antibiotics again and then they will start pit in afternoon / evening. So baby tomorrow or thurs. Should be able to get epidural. They switched my blood thinner and my last dose was this am, so should be good.

Now, hopefully I can sleep tonight. I'm nervous. I wasn't even nervous with first baby, so why now. Oh well, think i'm just thinking too much about it.
Amber - Yay! I'm praying everything goes well with your delivery and recovery. Can't wait to see pics!

Krissy - Your dad siunds awesome.

Janelle - How are you feeling? Any more contractions?

Libby - How are you? When is your next appt?

Nicole - yay for baby flipping!

Aspe, Angel, Loren, Misty, pdx - :hi:
Ok, try this again......

Thanks Grace! Happy 38 wks! How are you doing? Hunt for peds? Just remember, if you pick one and they end up not being what you thought- you're not stuck. We switched with M bc issues started coming up and it was the best move.
Ladies thanks for all the comments on my dad. I can honestly say I would not trade my parents for the world! they get on my nerves sometimes, mostly when they spoil the kids too much, but in the end they have always been there for me and my family. they even love and care for josh like he is their son. I mean something is to be said when a guy wants to live with his inlaws for a while instead of his own parents.

Amber-OMG!!! cant wait to hear the news on the baby!!!!

Grace-how you feeling????? any signs of baby yet?????

Janelle-how are you? come on baby!!!! your mil is back now so miss sara can make her appereance now!

ok joshs interview...went well...he had to do some maintenance testing and what not. lady said they had a few more interviews to do and then they would contact him. if he don't hear from her by next Thursday to call her. FX he gets it. he actually sounded like he liked it there no a lot of on call, only 2 weeks a quarter and he would have his own office. I hope he gets it!!! ugh I hate waiting!!!!!

ok 9 weeks tomorrow!!!! got my first prenatal today! just worried getting the pap done will make me spot more....went from Tuesday till sunday with none since sunday just a teeny bit so who knows......maybe I will get another scan bc of it. we also have the litte ones end of the school year picnic tonight.....so happy to have a day off!!!!
Krissy - A day off sounds great. Can't believe you're already 9 weeks. Seems like you just got your bfp last week! I hope Josh gets the job.

Amber - Thanks. We found a pediatrician to try out for now. I'm comforted by the fact that it's so easy to switch if I don't like him so I feel okay. What time will they induce? It's today right?

AFM - Lots of BH. Sometimes they hurt a little but for the most part they just make me uncomfortable walking around with a box shaped bump. I have a feeling I will go in Friday having made no progress. Second baby shower tomorrow and apparently they have been having a blast planning this thing. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. They have given me another staffon my current audit so that we can get things done quicker which is a huge relief and also why I have time now to get on bnb and do this long post. LOL. Gotta go act busy now.
Morning ladies.

Well. I've officially given up on having this baby. I'm throwing in the towel. My white flag is up. Dan and I were talking about it last night. I'm in so much freakin' pain. I can barely walk anymore. I changed the sheets on our bed yesterday and got all of Sara's clothes put away and organized and I think doing that I did something to my back. It hurts so bad. I waddle terribly and I'm officially down for the count. Dan, being the bad ass that he is, rubbed my ankles, feet, back, and belly last night for 2 hours! It was so nice. He definitely got some fluid moving because I was up peeing like a race horse and sweating all night long. My legs and ankles don't look nearly as swollen today as yesterday.

I'm still having contractions, but they are becoming more of a thing of the past. They're the new normal I guess. I barely notice them anymore. I have had some super painful ones. So bad that I panic for a brief moment and have the thought, "Oh shit... there is that pain I remember.." Then I panic because I wonder if I have the strength to do this again. I REMEMBER how painful it was to have Samuel. I REMEMBER telling Dan, "we're never doing this again!" Here I am... doing it again... with my foot in my mouth.

ANYWAY, Dan and I were talking about how I only "officially" have a week left of this pregnancy because my doctor told me that he would induce me at 39 weeks. Well, I figure.. If I make it to 39 weeks, what's another week right? Might as well go to 40. Dan got this look of terror on his face like HE can't go another 2 weeks. LMAO.

Dan got his big paper back yesterday in class. He got an A. But the B*tch wrote something about how she loves his reading his writing, only wish he had more of a voice during his presentation. Being pregnant, hormonal, and just straight short, I WAS PISSED!!! It's a writing class!!! I told Dan I would have told her he's going to school to write, not speak. If he wanted a future in speaking, he'd be a politician! It irritates me, because I thought his presentation was REALLY good. It explained a lot, but because he was last in the class to present it, he didn't get enough time to present the whole thing and had to rush through it. So, its my theory that she compared his presentation to his writing. STUPID LADY!! Oh well, hopefully with all the papers that he turned in yesterday he gets A's on them all and he can still get an A in the class.

Sorry for the rant, the selfish post, and the whining. I'm really irritable, emotional, and short these last few days. I need a vacation. I need an epidural.

Krissy, I hope Josh gets the job. That would be so great for you both! More or less, once he DOES get the job, I hope he enjoys it. Is he still planning on going back to school?

Grace, good luck on the baby shower. My step sister bought Sara this really cute flower headband thingy. I laughed because I totally forgot about headbands and clips. I remember that being one of the main reasons of wanting a girl. I wanted to do the bows and curls and here I am "wanting" to pop and I didn't have a single one. I have a feeling when you go to your doctors appointment you would have made some progress. I wouldn't doubt it if you go into labor before I do. At this rate everyone is going to be popping out babies before I do! As for pediatricians, I hated the one that I got stuck with when Samuel was born. He was an idiot and made me feel like bad parent. But I was stuck with him because Samuel was on medicaid. We got Samuel on Dan's insurance and I took him to the lady that was my pediatrician. She's the only one I trust and I've already told her she can't retire until my kids graduate from high school. But, point being. DON'T TAKE NO SHIT! If you don't like a pediatrician, switch. Otherwise you'll be stressing. I don't know if you still can, but you used to be able to google the persons name and read reviews about them. Have you tried that with ones that you've been looking into?

Amber, I'm thinking of you! I'm envious! I hope things move quickly and it's an easy labor and delivery for you and everyone is happy and healthy in the end. Please keep us posted.

Nicole, that's great news that your doctor thinks the baby flipped. Even if he didn't you've still got time. I've heard of babies flipping at 38 weeks! Didn't your doctor feel your belly to feel if the baby flipped? My doctor was able to tell right away that Sara was head down. As for rubella vaccinations, they don't last long in your system. But you shouldn't be worried about contacting it right now. I don't think it has an affect on your baby in the third trimester. It's mostly in the beginning. Why is your doctor just now waiting to tell you this??? They should have told you in the beginning.
Janelle - Yeah we looked him up and got recommendations from co-workers. If I don't like him, I'll switch!
Oh yeah and how can you forget the bows?! They are so cute!
Krissy - Wow your dad sure is a trooper! And wow losing weight really made the difference!!!!

Good luck Josh!!!!!

Janelle - You don't get gifts on Mother's Day?? Hmm I am a gift person... so maybe I made it known it was expected, haha. I also made sure DH knew I expected a 'push' gift last time... haven't mentioned it this time... wonder if I will get something. I have learned not to get annoyed or at least not voice my annoyance to DH about that sort of thing unless I made what I wanted clear... he is bad at reading my mind and not always super thoughtful on his own! Oh well!

And yeah more time on your feet means more swelling! I see that even with me... I don't get tons of swelling, but it does start to happen if I forget to put up my feet and I've been more active. You have a lot of crap going on... haha literally... ;) Oh man and now all the back pain etc... good thing Dan was there to help you! And if you make it to 40 weeks, man that may motivate me to wait it out too! Because you are way worse off than me! But not shame in inducing, if you do!!

Nicole - When I go to the dr, I've had a midwife lately bc my dr has been busy... and she just felt my bump etc and was able to say baby position! I thought it odd... like yeah you'd need a scan! But maybe because my bump is pretty compact? She can even say the baby's head is at an angle toward my left hip! But maybe once baby centers out, then can't tell.

Yay Amber! So is today the day???

Grace - Hey! I am good... appt tomorrow. :) Sounds like you've joined me on the BH front... I get them a lot. But I did with Siena too. If I get one while walking, I have to sit down to see if my bump is hard because yea more normal feeling than when I just got them here and there. Bump feels harder while walking whether or not I am having a BH. Do some people have softer bumps?? I guess I am just used to what I have...

Enjoy your shower!!
Oh and no 'afm' section in my last post because nothing going on? Life seems to be routine now.. not in a bad way though. Well, just typical life stuff. Like how do I get my toddler to stop kicking me and DH?? I just read not to do time outs (and they haven't been working for us anyway)... to 'punish' by letting them see what results from their unwanted actions after you've explained why its bad. Like, hitting johnny means now you can't play with him because you can't be hitting him... and then not letting him play with the kids, etc. So how does that work in my case?? Do I explain how she can't be hitting me because that means I can't play with her? And then walk away? Not sure that'll really stop her from doing it again... she mostly does it while we try to change her diaper or dress her for bedtime. But also on the couch when we're just hanging out, so not just when we're doing something TO her. She thinks its funny. Even when we are NOT amused.
Libby, no I don't think I've gotten a mother's day gift. I mean, I'm sure I've gotten a card or something, but Dan and I aren't like that. We've never celebrated valentines day either. I guess we're weird. LOL

As for Siena hitting. Hmmm... I remember Samuel went through that phase, but it literally only lasted a day or two. I was quick to jump on it. When Samuel started hitting, we would make a really big deal about how much it hurt and how it was not funny or nice. It was easiest when both of us were here. For example if Samuel hit me, Dan would comfort me and tell Samuel that he hurt mommy and we don't hit because it hurts. Then Samuel would say sorry and we'd hug it out. I got lucky. He caught on quick. I guess you could try that, but if I've learned anything you can NEVER laugh no matter how funny it is. Because they see you're laughing and then you're screwed. They have it in their mind that whatever they did is funny.

As for time out. Samuel gets time out, but he's in control of it. Most of the time if I mention time out Samuel is quick to change his ways. If he doesn't he goes in time out and I tell him he can't come out until he can either be nice, stop having a fit, pick up his toys, whatever the reason may be. About 95% of the time Samuel will agree to change on his way to time out. But if not he's in time out for a few seconds before he comes out of his room and changes his way. We've always said when raising our kids we were going to let them set their own boundaries and so far it's worked. Originally time out was for when he was having a fit. Samuel would come out of his room when he was done having a fit. He sat in there on his bed for an hour one time!!! But once he was done, he came out and told us he was done having a fit. Now, when a fit starts we ask him if he's having a fit and he stops because he doesn't want to go in time out. I find it kind of comical because he's in charge of how long he sits on his bed, but he doesn't realize that.

It's worked for us. People can tell you don't do this, don't do that. But honestly sometimes certain things work for some kids, that don't work for others. I have a friend who spanks her kids. It's the only thing that works. It's not like she does it all the time, but her kids know they really did something wrong to get a spanking. I grew up getting spanked and I always said I would never spank my kids. Samuel got spanked once. I can't even remember why, but whatever he did, he hasn't done it since. I on the other hand locked myself in the bathroom and cried because I felt like a terrible parent. I also grew up standing in the corner and being sent to my room to think about what I did. The whole going in the room and thinking about what I did never made sense to me, because I was never told what I did, so I would just sit there blind and dumbfounded.

You'll find something that works for you, but you just gotta stick with it!
No he didnt touch my belly. I dont know why but just him saying that the place he found the heartbeat is a good indication then I'm fine with that for now. As for the rubella, I read that it wears out over time but that time is usually 3-5 years. Ugh...oh well, DH thought it was hilarious! Of course he doesnt remember how much pain my shoulder was in after my last rubella shot the day Jerusha was born. My muscle and joints in my left arm ached for 3 weeks. I had an on and off again low fever.

Ok, time to pack up the next care package for DH and then make lunch and hope she will actually eat it this time.
Thanks Janelle! It helps to hear what others do... because yeah I read all these different ideas on discipline and some of them are laughable because they'd never work on Siena! When I was a kid, washing my mouth out with soap always worked... but that was because my main issue was talking back, not being physical. I may try to alter time outs... I'd been doing it where its one minute for every year of their age. But yeah not really working. She might calm down, but its not preventing the action next time... hmm well the threat of a timeout works if its something like her getting fussy over wanting something etc... but not for her acting out in other ways. So yeah guess I need do different things for different 'crimes'! And yeah I am hoping she just grows out of some of this soon! The kicking can't go on for forever...

Yay almost time to go home. No plans. May take Siena to see DH's gparents. Haven't been for a couple weeks. But not really 'feelin' it. Hmm. I think the weather may be decent for going to the park... but then that's a commitment because she gets mad if we just stay a little bit! And yea tiring. Oh to have more energy... but yeah mommy guilt because I want to make sure I'm doing stuff with her while there's still some free time!
Nicole, I see no point in getting the vaccine if it's not going to work for you.

Libby, try getting your husband involved. If she kicks you make a REALLY big deal out of it. Be over dramatic. So it gets her attention, then have you husband really comfort you. I guarantee it will get her attention. Just act like her kick to you was like getting shot or something. Like it was super painful. I remember when we used to do this it would make Samuel upset. Like he would cry because he thought he really hurt mommy. They learn really quick, but you gotta stand your ground. That's the hard part.

Well, my MIL just came over and brought me and Samuel lunch. She seems to think I will go into labor on the 9th or the 10th. She said those dates have always stuck out in her mind ever since I first became pregnant. So, I guess we'll see. My doctors appointment is the 10th. It would be my luck to go in and see the doctor and be like 7 cm dilated.

Think I'm going to go lay down for a nap. I'm pooped and my back is killing me.
I definitely think baby has dropped! Here are my 36 week bump pics, will attach a picture from a few weeks ago too so you can compare:

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