A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle - Ok yeah! We have made sure DH got involved when he was around and she kicked me... but we didn't go to great lengths to over dramatize it for effect... which would explain why she didn't act remorseful! DH would eventually get her to apologize but never seemed heartfelt.

Oooo hoping for today or tomorrow for you then! Any more symptom progression?

Nicole - Not sure about dropping or not... but wow yep you have a bigger bump! That baby is growin!

How's everyone doing today?
Hoping that Amber has had her baby by now! I dont expect to see pictures until Sunday or Monday because of her health issues and of course she'll need to get some rest but still excited. Got the trash picked up and did a small amount of dishes already. Have to call a few places and then Jerusha should be awake. I'm so hoping that the weather is nice on Saturday because it would be kinda cramped to fit 20 people in my basement when you have chairs down there too.
Morning ladies!

Still no baby. Starting to lose my mind over here.

Nicole, it's hard to tell if you've dropped, but I agree with Libby, you've definitely filled out. Could be the color that you're wearing or what you're wearing. Can you take a picture with the same outfit from the before picture? I find that helped me with comparing.

Libby, good luck! I hope she catches on quick and it's an easy transition for you guys.

Aspe, I see you stalking. What's going on with you? I've missed reading your updates.

Hope all you other ladies are enjoying your day so far!!!

AFM, same symptoms. different day. nothing's changed. I had dreams all night last night that I went into labor today. So, I've got my fingers crossed, but I'm pretty pessimistic about the whole situation. Samuel is going to be going over the hill this weekend to visit with his great grandma, so I will at least get a REAL relaxing weekend to myself. I really wouldn't mind spending it in labor. LOL
Yeah seems like there were so many more changes earlier in the pregnancy... now sorta a holding pattern until something 'happens'.

Ooooo Siena is going to her grandparents too this wknd! Sat night whenever I decide... there was some sort of parade around lunch or so... may meet up with MIL for that and then hand off Siena.. which would mean I don't have to deal with the stress of trying to get Siena to nap, heh.

Nicole - So waiting to see what weather will be like before decorating etc? What are you doing for food/drink/entertainment? Or just sorta just winging it?
Janelle- Hmmm....my senses tell me you'll go into labor next Thursday. As far as my picture, those clothes are in the washer right now but I will take a picture in them once Jerusha goes to bed tonight.

Libby-We will start decorating at 11 a.m.. The weather will help decide if it'll be an outside party or inside. For food, we are doing 5 large pizzas from Little Ceasars (was about $25 cheaper than sub platters from Subway), cupcakes (25 vanilla and 25 chocolate), chips, salad, and to drink we'll have bottled water, punch, and soda.
Finally got this stupid freakin' fountain done!
Now just have to fill in the remaining patio with rock and maybe a border of mulch. Haven't decided yet.

Ok, sorry for no pictures. Been a busy day and tomorrow will be even busier but I will do my best to put on that same outfit and take a comparison picture sometime in the next 48 hours.

Angel-where are you?

Maria-How are things?

Misty-Miss you!

Krissy-How are you feeling?
Good morning everyone!

Libby - How did your appt go yesterday?

Nicole - Sounds like the party will be lots of fun.

pdx - I see you. How is it going? What cycle day are you on?

Janelle - Your fountain looks great. You should come down to Texas and help me out with my house. Looks like you're an expert on the inside and outside.

Krissy - How was your day off?

AFM - I'm so tired. We had our shower yesterday after work. They pretty much bought everything left on our registry. I feel incredibly blessed. I still can't believe they did all that and still gave us like $150 in gift cards for diapers and stuff. Most of them know about our troubles ttc and two know about the failed pregnancy so they are really happy for us. Dr appt today. I hope I'm dilated some so she can do the sweep but I'm not really expecting much. I'm thinking this baby won't come until around Memorial Day.
Internet was down a long time at work yesterday so I'm behind!

Nicole - Ok sounds like you got the party all planned out! We did pizza too.. and actually waited to order until we saw how many people showed up. So much nicer than buying stuff in advance and then having tons left over like we did the year before.

Janelle - Yay for getting the fountain working!! Not sure about your weather... but I know here the sun causes algae and crap in fountains... my mom had one and ended up needing bleach or something in the water to keep it grom growing. Which was annoying because of course dogs and Siena wanted to DRINK the water... ack!

Grace- Wow, very generous co workers!! I got some good stuff at my work one for Siena, but not like a ton. Think the 'big' gift I got was a graco highchair. Good luck with your sweep!!! Warning, it is not pleasant!! And you may end up being sore afterward. It's not something I look back on fondly... but I was desperate and didn't think twice when I said yes to it haha. This time, guessing I will give in again...

Oh and my appt went well! Only gained a pound in 2 weeks, yay! Dr said I've only gained 21 pounds? Well, by my scale at home I've gained 25. So somewhere in there. Belly measuring 35-36 weeks, so that's right on, not big. And we had a scan... was hard to see much but dr did measurements to check size and estimated the due date to be maybe 2 days before my actual due date based on size, so that's not bad! Looks like he's smaller than Siena, yay! 6 pounds, something. Excited because this means I don't have to think about an induction and can wait for things to happen on their own like I've been wishing.
And got some info from dr... he does delay clamping a bit, 30-60 secs, so that's good. And hospital has started doing skin to skin prior to bathing the baby, which is what I wanted. So I won't have an unusual birth plan, which I like... means less to worry about because won't have to push for stuff they aren't used to doing.

Also, brought up anxiety meds... last time I cried a lot and constantly felt like a failure and going back to work was so stressful... really want to enjoy those first 6 months more than I did last time. Dr said by the time the meds get through my system and into my milk and then through baby's digestion system, he barely gets anything? And that he'd start me on the meds at the hospital, since I said last time I was afraid to say anything because I felt like a failure which just made me more down, so better to just start off on them versus waiting until it got bad. So that gives me some hope. I'd like to get more info though... oh and I told him I plan to go on Mirena and he said that was a 'good one'... whatever that means.
Lizzy- sounds like you got some good plans going on there! For me after this baby I am getting my tubes tied! we always said four was our number! With the csection they automatically take the baby check it out then will wrap it up and bring it to me to hold for a little bit while I am getting sewed up. then they get a bath while I finish up and by the time I am in recovery I have the baby back.

Grace-you are truly blessed!!!!! I am not even for sure what I need lol.

Nicole- try and have fun tomorrow!

Amber-hope you are enjoying that baby!

Angel-miss ya and hope you are feeling better!!

aspe-how is that pregnancy going?

afm-my day off was BUSY! I got all the kids off to school then had to go to my first prenatal appt. which went well she said everything looked good and I am surprised I have not had any spotting at all since then! then we had my younger two end of the year picnic for preschool. had a lot of fun but when we got home I passed out at about 830pm lol. busted butt at work yesterday, josh has a dr apt this morning then work tonight and I picked up to work tomorrow morning...so yeah lots to do!!!
Hi girls, sorry, I have been lurking but not posting. I'm feeling so so, exhausted and still having bouts of MS but I'm glad to report that it seems to be lifting a bit :happydance:.

I start my new job on Monday and I'm a bit nervous about telling them that I'm pregnant. I tried to ring HR yesterday but they havent got back to me so fate must be telling me to just talk to my manager on Monday. I have a hospital appointment on Tuesday (which I'm nervous about) so I have no choice:dohh:

Krissy... how are you feeling? I take it the tiredness hasnt kicked int yet, or are you just permanently in overdrive?:winkwink:

Aspe... how are you? I hope things are progressing well :kiss:

Janelle... I've been keeping an eye on your posts and I'm really feeling for you, this last trimester has been very hard on you. I hope things now happen quickly so you can let your body repair itself :hugs::kiss::hugs:

HisGrace... Hi!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to read that all is well.

Nicole.... you have definitely dropped, oh my goodness so many rainbows will be happening at the same time in here:cloud9:

Amber... how are you settling with the new routine?

Libby... the mirena coil is meant to be the better one, it gives off some levels of hormones that help everything in there! I have tried both types but unfortunately with the mirena my body went awry and I put 2 stone on in fluid within 6 weeks and had severe uterine cramps with it, apparently this is very rare. I then tried the normal coil but my body rejected it within 6 months so again I had to have it removed (my body likes being weird :wacko:) I can't take any type of contraceptive pill so it looks like good old annoying condoms for us again after this one :growlmad:

I would definitely look into your suggested medication, I would have thought that there could be alternatives that wouldnt pass into breast milk? Are they anti-depressants or beta-blockers?

Have a lovely weekend all xoxo
Ok, I'm up early, meaning to finish the dishes but I have a terrible headache so going to eat half a bagel, Take Tylenol and lay down until she is awake. Praying she goes down fora nap today BEFORE myyounger sIL gets here to help me clean so I can get a head start on the kitchen.
Haha Krissy when are your off days NOT busy?? And I plan to have DH get snipped... he's on board... way less invasive, from what I've heard, than getting tubes tied. But yeah will wait until we are sure! And since I know he's the one more wanting to stop at 2... makes sense for him to be the one to get 'fixed'! IF he were to ever leave me or something, I might like the option to have another, who knows! But that rascal is not allowed to leave me, so I guess that is a mute point!

Angel _ I'd be nervous to tell my work I was prego too... I HATE talking about stuff like that with work bosses!! I get all nervous and stressed, not knowing how they'll react. But then its always for no reason because they're still just regular people and they're happy for you. And if they aren't, chances are they will PRETEND to be happy because its just mean to not congratulate someone with good news like that!

Oh man your experience with mirena makes me nervous!!! I am fine on the pills... just hate having to remember to take them and to get refills and such... also I wondered if the hormones were screwing with me at all. I used to like the pill because I had bad skin so the pill helped with that, but not an issue now.

And closer to the due date, I'll ask my dr which med he's thinking of putting me on, so I can look into it more. I felt a bit awkward bringing it up with him, so I was proud of myself for even doing that... next convo will be easier because now its out in the open with him! For some reason I think it'd be easier to talk about that stuff if my OB was female...
Good morning Nicole! Og good that you have SIL coming to help you clean! that is sweet of her!! Headache, ugh... yeah tylenol doesn't help enough for me so I'd have to lie down. Hope that helps you!
Morning ladies.

So, I didn't get crap for sleep last night. Sara was moving so freakin' much. She better not have turned. I will be pissed! I can't help but wonder thought because of how much she was moving. I like to think she was looking for a way out!! Hopefully she figured it out and I will be dilated enough to go to l&d today!! My fingers are crossed, but I wont be surprised if the doctor is a complete jackass and sends me home. Arg!!

I've got everything ready to go just incase he sends me to l&d. I think I've set my hopes TOO high. Although, Samuel is helping the situation a lot. He keeps talking about how he's going to go stay at Amma and Papas tonight and Mommy and Daddy are going to go have Sara. He seems really excited. I hope I don't let him down. :haha:

Libby, that's great news on measuring right where you're suppose to. Kudos to keeping up with your weight as well! That's amazing. I haven't gotten on my scale in awhile, but my clothes are still fitting comfortably, so I'm a-okay with that. HA!

Krissy, I didn't know you had a day off!! Dammit!! I missed it!! Oh well, if you're going back to work that means I can have this baby. ;)

Grace, so happy to read about your shower! I remember getting all that was on our registry with Samuel. I put some off the wall stuff on there too! It felt nice. I hope your appointment goes well and you're able to get the sweep.

Angel, I've missed you!! I hope your job isn't jerks about you being pregnant. I can't see why they would be. Best of luck!!

Hi to all the other ladies I may have missed!! I'm moving slow this morning. Doctor's appointment at 10:10. FINGER'S CROSSED! EVERYONE THINK LABOR FOR JANELLE THOUGHTS!!
I know I read in the coming weeks my baby learns to 'swivel' his butt so will be on right and then left and then back again. Was Sara doing that??

Aww Samuel is ready! Too cute! Yeah good to have bags ready just in case! I will be going to the dr weekly now so I can see having my bags ready and in the car by 38 weeks esp if I was having contractions! Good luck with your appt!!! 10:10... odd time... not 10 or 10:15...
Libby, it felt like she was trying the break her way out! Literally. There were no swivels. There were stretches, kicks, punches, and it kept me up all night. I had terrible heartburn that even zantac wouldn't take care of. AND THAT ALWAYS WORKS FOR ME!!!

10:10 is an odd time, but now that I think about it. 10 was the lucky number last year. I can't remember much of why, but I do remember my appointment was at 10:00 and I was in room 10. There were other 10's but I can't remember. I think if my doctor doesn't agree to induce me today I'm going to cry.
Libby - Thanks for the heads up on the sweep. I had no clue it would be that bad. And I hear they hardly ever work anyway. Wonder if it's worth it now.

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