A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle-Wednesday was my day off silly. this is suppose to be my weekend off but I picked up a first shift for tomorrow morning but then off till Monday afternoon. I am getting ready for work now. Text me when you are done so I know whats going on!!!!

Angel- so glad to see you!!! I am TIRED ALL THE TIME!!! I get up early with the kids so I usually take about an hour nap before work every day! then Wednesday on my day offi was out at 830pm if that tells you anything lol. but other than being tired I feel great. that is why I think it is a boy bc I felt the same way with them. avarie I was sick all the time.

lizzy- I had the implanon in my arm and it was not bad at all. and I am getting my tubes tide bc I will be already cut open and we have talked before that if we ever did break up we wouldn't want to have other children. may sound odd I know.

ok have to get ready for work...I can do this lol
Angel - You're in second trimester already! I'm sure everything will be fine with telling them about your pregnancy. I agree with Libby, they will most likely be happy for you.
So my headache is gone. Havent even touched the kitchen yet but Jerusha isnt wanting to nap. Just put her in her room so I can take the dog outside and then start on dishes. Got to buy the drinks, ice, and chips today for tomorrow. Also need to make 2 other phone calls which is never fun but I'll deal with it.

My babies like to come on Mondays so I'm thinking Memorial Day for this little boy. We will see if that holds true. A FB pregnancy group friend just had her twin boys this morning. They are both good-sized for being twins and doing awesome health-wise.
Oh, Grace- I had a sweep at 38 weeks with my daughter when I was 1 cm dilated. It didn't hurt for me, just kinda annoying really. I had her 3 days later.

Random note: This little boy seems to have the hiccups 3x a day for the past 5 days lol. Wonder if that's a sign he's ready to come out? I hope not! I need him to stay in until next Thursday so I have the bassinet set up and the house cleaner in general.
Well, went to the doctor and I am pissed off at the world. After all the pain and BS I've been dealing with this week I've only dilated 1/2 a centimeter!!! I'm at 3 1/5 right now. Bunch of BS!!! So, after crying to my doctor and dropping a bunch of f bombs. he's agreed to induce me next Friday at 6:00 am. He said if my contractions get REALLY bad, to go to the hospital, if I'm not progressing then to refuse to go home and say I want to wait for him in the morning. He then said he will break my water and that will be that. He said to try to make it until Friday though. I straight told him I wasn't going to the hospital because all the nurses there are evil and they hurt me when they check my cervix. He checked and I guess the on call anesthesiologist for Friday is a really good one so we agreed that Friday would be a good day. Hoping she comes before then, but whatever at least I know she will be coming in 7 days.

Nicole, Sara has hiccups all the time and obviously she isn't coming anytime soon. Just means they get the hiccups.

Grace, I've heard it hurts. I hope it isn't so bad for you. I can't even get my cervix checked with out tensing up and swearing like a sailor though. I'm a big fat wimp I guess.

Libby, once 39 weeks gets here, I'm going to have a party! no way in hell I'm going to volunteer carrying this baby for another week. I'm in too much freakin' pain and I'm done being pregnant. I want her out!
Well, Janelle the countdown is on. I'm just here waiting on my dr. Not expecting any dilation but whatevs. I want a nap.
Sorry that you haven't progressed much Janelle but at least you have a plan. I have to wait at least until Tuesday to know if I'm progressing anymore even though I rarely even have contractions unless I don't feel them. I did half the dishes and picked up the kitchen for the most part. Wondering when SIL will get here. She'll have to stay here while me and my FIL go to Walmart because Jerusha just fell asleep and there is no way I am waking her up.

I want to take a nap but there is so much to be done...

I know that if baby is head down at 38 weeks and they offer a sweep I will fully take them up on it because my back really bothers me at night now.

Grace-Hope to hear that you have progressed a little without knowing it!
Well, she said my cervix was closed but it was effaced some. So she opened me up to 1 cm and did the sweep. It wasn't that bad, but I'm not too optimistic it will actually get things going. Apparently I have a soft uterus so that's why I can feel all these braxton hicks. She told me not to wish them away, we want more. I've had 3 in the past hour. Hopefully, they pick up.

Nicole - Will they only offer you the sweep after 38 weeks?
As far as I know, yes but I could be wrong. I dont think I'll ask for it sooner if they offer it because I still need a few more items for the baby before I'm ready to go into labor.
Just a quick msg and then I may try and catch up....or maybe sleep!

First off, Nicole I give you some serious props for CHOOSING natural child birth...especially if labor is longer. You have some serious strength.

Alright, anyway baby Cambrie Mae is here. She was born 5/8 @ 7:58pm, 5 lbs 14 oz, 18 in. She is doing great and perfect. Besides being small you'd never know she was early. Knock on wood, no complications.

We got to the hospital at 7:30 am and got started on my antibiotics. The plan was to get a dose in and then break my water, start pitocin and another round of antibiotics at noon. Noon rolled around and the person in the room next to me had my same nurse. Well, since she was on pit I couldn't be given it. Each nurse could only have 1 at a time on it. There was talk about switching nurses but it never happened. So I just had to wait and wait and wait.....she was also a first time mom.

oh, I got more bad news before noon....they had switched my blood thinner and I had stopped it more than 24 hrs before planned induction.....but it turned out they had been giving me too much still. So, NO EPIDURAL. What?! Haven't I gotten enough bad news. We planned ahead so I could.

Anyway, my dr kept coming in between surgeries to break my water and was getting as irritated, just like me, that we just had to wait. Finally, he came in at 5:30 and broke my water. I was already having my normal contractions, but it kicked it up and they were already painful. Another nurse was going to start the pit, then to be told she had to go help my original nurse with the mom that held me up all day with pushing. 'being a first time mom, i'll prob be a couple hrs'. Come on, really. By 6:30 I was at 6, horrible contractions and lots of pressure. I got them talked into iv meds, but it's my normal migraine med and they used half the dose that I take. Like that is going to work. 7:45 rolled around and I had them check me bc I had so much pressure and they said I was only 8. I'm sure the mom in the rm next to me was happy she finally delivered and before me. I was that crazy person who you heard screaming through the unit since around 7. Anyway, a few min later a misc nurse came in to get something, maybe 5 min since last ck. I told her the baby is coming. She rechecked me and I was complete and crowning. Within 2 min I had 5 nurses in my rm, my dr who was fortunately already gowned, bed broken down and baby delivered with 1 contraction. Not that that was all the pushing I did bc my body was doing it and I couldn't stop it even at 7 cm. oh my the pain. never would I have done that by choice.

So I never got the pit and thank God labor was basically only 2 1/2 hrs. I'm healing well. Didn't need any stitches this round.

Janelle, yes my pelvis hurt like crazy and still does hurt. It does feel better and I don't have pressure of baby on it now. So hopefully it will continue to improve.

Nausea and vomitting are gone. So now just the long rd of getting me healthy again.

I'll see if I can figure out how to post a pic later. Don't know if I can from my phone or tablet.

Hope everyone else is well!
Congratulations Amber! Glad baby Cambrie Mae is here and doing well. I pray you have a speedy recovery.
Amber, just the thought of having to go through all of what you went through makes me nauseated. I don't think I would be able to do what you did. I'm sure I could if I was forced, but I would be complaining the entire time. How the women before us did it is beyond me. I joke with Dan they probably had a donkey kick them in the face or something.

Happy to hear that you and baby are doing well. So your pelvis is feeling better you say? That is definitely silver lining for me!!! Makes me feel a lot better. So your labor moved pretty quick all on it's own after your doctor broke your water? My doctor was saying something that with your second it moves quicker. I would LOVE to have this baby quickly, but I'm really looking forward to this epidural or something. My doctor said he would be stopping by in the morning before he goes to the office, to break my water. He planned it all out to where I would be getting blood drawn, questions asked, and settled in at the end of a shift. So, I would be first up to get an epidural at the new shift. He said the only thing that would delay it is a surgery. So, I hope there isn't a surgery scheduled for that morning. Even then he said it's only a 45 min wait.
Amber, if you're talking about active labor where I was actually dilating then my active labor with Jerusha was 5 hours long but I also had 8 hours of painful and steady contractions before that. I'm glad she is finally here and healthy! Sending prayers for a quick and permanent recovery your way.
Good day ladies,

Amber.. Congratulations! Hope you and baby are doing good. Look forward to seeing a picture. Did I miss it before, but did you know you were having a girl or was it a surprise?

Janelle.. Hope you are feeling well. Very anxious for Sara's arrival. Next Friday irregardless, eh? Exxx-cittt-innggg :)

Nicole.. Hope you and your child has a good birthday today

Angel.. Congratulations on the job. Your boss must be understanding - I know here they can not let you go/fire you if you are pregnant. I am a very emotional and nervous person, so I understand you being nervous about talking to him/her.

Krissy.. Hope you are good today. Are you going to find out what gender you are having?

Loren.. Hope mommy and baby are doing good.

Libby.. Hope you are feeling better today.

Grace.. How you feel today? Not much time left now.
Janelle- Seriously making you wait that long????? do I need to beat some ass??? lol I am sorry sweety!!!!

Aspe- I am feeling great actually. tired is my only complaint here, but also hungry and boobs hurt but that's it. we are so finding out what it is and I want to do it on josh's bday. I will turn 20weeks a few days before. I am thinking boy though, sorry Janelle and misty but this pregnancy is just like my other 2 boys.

amber hope today is going well for ya!

afm-worked this morning then had to deal with stupid people at walmart for over an hour it sucked! but I did pick up stuff to make my mom a grandma's shirt for mothers day tomorrow. we did it before a few years ago and what it is has all 3 kids hand's prints on it with their names and ages and in the middle it says we love our grandma. she loved it and it died lol.

anywho feet killing me and so is my back and I am tired I got like 4hrs of sleep last night. now to get josh to make dinner........
Our nursery is about halfway done (or maybe 1/3 done). The other stuff won't be ready until next week. :( And I still need to wash the bedding and stuff.


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Krissy - Implanon... Maybe that is another option for me. Does it have hormones and it? Considering trying something that doesn't have hormones. But leaving the option open for having another baby at some point.

Grace - Yeah it depends on your pain level tolerance… They did a group B strep test on me which involved sticking something up there and that hurt me too. Awew love the nursery so far!! That part is so fun!!!

Sounds like we are all nearing the point of wanting our babies evicted ha ha. I'm sure I will do the sweep if my doctor offers. Not that I think it will help speed things up… But hey might as well!

Janelle - Ugh! Another week!! Good that you at least have an eviction date but yeah hope you get some relief from contractions in the mean time... Unless I guess they can get real bad so you can go sooner!!!

Amber - wow what a birth story! It was like a movie! Such a horrible experience due to incompetent people yet now you have a baby out of it!!! How is baby and mama now??
I've had a rough day... Bump hurting so been hard toget around... DH has been a lot of help! Got worse while grocery shopping for some items… So it's good that in MIL has Siena tonight. I napped and then camped out on the couch with pillows this evening... I wonder if its bad to squeeze pillows on each side of me while in a chair?? Limits the side kicks etc so he can only bash my front... Day like today I needed to limit him some!

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