A home for EVERYONE!

Hi ladies. I should still be lurking but I'm just too tired and sore to do anything else. So I feel justified being on bnb. ;P

Dear Janelle,

You should share.


Bitter member of the itty bitty commitee
LOL I'm high-fiving Grace right now.

Always had small boobs. Slight growth when pg with DD. Enjoyed the nursing boobs (except some mornings when they were rock hard). Thought maybe I'd get to keep some of the boobage for my efforts. Nope. After weaning, I swear I was even smaller than before.

This pregnancy I've seen more growth, more than my first pregnancy, so once again I'm hoping against hope I can keep a little boobage this time LOL. Time will tell I guess. I try to nurse 2 years so it'll be a long wait-and-see.

Grace, if I could, I would. Trust me!!!! I was a late bloomer. Always wanted boobs. Once I got them, wanted to give them back!!!

Zoey, I did it because I wanted "nice" boobs for my friends wedding. I needed a bra that matched my dress too. I got a super cute one too. Its gray and like a mint green color.

but because I have such a small rib cage I can't just go to WalMart and find a bra. :( that's the down fall.
Sounds like a pretty bra. :) A pretty bra can make a girl feel prettier all over, but still I just have boring ones. I have a 32 band size too, so I feel ya to an extent about not being able to just buy a bra anywhere. I think mine are probably easier to find than yours though. :p When I'm pg and my ribcage expands, I can get away with a 34, so that has helped when buying cheapo bras to wear while pg.

I feel like I've missed a lot, but I'm too zonked to do a proper catch-up. Hope you ladies are doing great.

Oh - update on my bleeding (I think I posted about it here?) Saw Dr on Tuesday and I have a cervical ectropion which is no concern when pregnant, not a complication. I can just expect a lil blood and mucus from time to time (yeeyyyyy). Cervix was closed, too. So that's a huge relief.
Glad you got some answers (and some relief) on your bleeding, Erin. Go you on nursing for 2 years! My goal was a year and I made it 12 1/2 months. Loved the nursing.. hated the pumping.
Yeh I pumped three times a day (well, those days when I worked) for a year, then just at lunch break, then I quit after a couple mos or so and I wasn't getting enough to make it worth it. We phased in cow's milk at this time. By this point, nursing was part time enough (twice a day or just once later on) that it didn't matter. But yes ugh. I have a love-hate relationship with Medela. It's so much easier to just whip out a boob, but...gotta work. After AF returned at 4 mos pp, I'd have the hardest time getting a letdown during my LP. Weird eh? And it was only with my pump. But I'd always know I'd ovulated b/c I had to beat myself up to get a letdown. But once I figured out a work-around, that isn't what I hated...I hated washing that stuff over and over and over and over..... AHHH. But I'll do it again.
Yes it was just such a process and so time consuming because of the setup, tear down and washing on top of the pump time. Luckily my last place of work didn't give me a hard time about the pumping but I only pumped twice a day. I quit pumping when I had to change jobs. I'd only wanted to nurse for a year anyway tho. Hate having to be a working (out of the home) mom :(
Yes it stinks. :( Wish I'd had the foresight when I took on a career involving massive student debt. :dohh: But it is what it is!
My grandmother passed away today. :cry: She had alzheimer's disease and hasn't known us for like the past ten years or so. I didn't think I'd be as sad as I am, but I know she wouldn't have wanted to live like she was living. Tomorrow would have been her and my grandpa's anniversary. So now I know they get to spend it together in heaven.
*tear* So sorry Grace. Beautiful to think of that reunion though. :hug:
Sorry Grace :( I bet that's why she went today. He was waiting for her so now they can celebrate their anniversary. She's all well and knows everybody now :) Hugs
Happy Independence Day!


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So, I got something pretty funny to share with you ladies. Thought you might get a kick out of it. So, since starting my medication, I haven't had many side effects. I've had some tingling in my hands and feet and a little in my face here and there, nothing too major or annoying. Until last night!!! I set an alarm on my phone to take my medication every night at 10. Well, last night I was on the phone and didn't hear my alarm and didn't take it until 11. I've read if you take it at different times you can have a few side effects. Whatever. So, I took it walked my two miles took a shower and then headed for bed. I was talking with Dan asking him if my boobs felt smaller, well one thing lead to another and we ended up doing the deed (or at least trying) during the process my face went completely numb!!! I felt like I was having a stroke!!! I couldn't stop laughing. It was dark, but I could feel my face like paralyzed in this wonky position. I felt like two face. It was so weird. Dan completely freaked out. He was too worried to even continue. Me laughing didn't help, but it felt so weird I couldn't help but laugh. And with that going on I certainly couldn't concentrate on anything else. But it was pretty funny. For me. I'm still laughing about it. It was like the Elvis lip x10

Gonna have a big party tomorrow!!!
Tyler's first experience seeing fireworks. He liked them! After a bit he turned over and laid his head on my shoulder though... it was way past his bedtime! My youngest daughter photobombed us in the background lol


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awh love the picture mnj
oh no jannelle woopsie :dohh:

ella now weighs 9lb and is fully on hungry milk now :D she is still in newborn clothes though :cloud9:
Janelle-hope the party is going great! I so could use a party right now...or maybe just a few drinks.....LMFAO that is too freaking funny! I had a migraine one time that made the right side of my body go numb freaked me out enough to go to ER just to be told its a migraine coming on....anyways now next time you DTD don't pretend that your face froze again dan might thinks its him...lol

afm-been lurking things have just been crazy with trying to entertain 3 kids and take care of a newborn and a husband. then my dad has been really sick. he got admitted Thursday for really bad pneumonia. all of right lung is infected and half the left. they said it looks like there may also be cancer there to but wont know more till his lungs are clear. he may come home tomorrow but have to wait and see how his lungs have responded to the iv antibiotics and steroids..
My babies in their handmade shirts. The stars are their handprints.


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nice too hear off you krissy :kiss:

yay to pictures!

thinking of dtd feeling normal down there nnowwe tried to attempt it the other day for the first time. it hurt waaay to much so we couldn't :nope:

oh got in a huff then and acted childish for hours :grr: :cry:

you don't have to answer if its tmi but did anyone else have a 2nd degree tear? how long did it take you to dtd? :nope:
Oh no Janelle that would be kinda freaky! And distracting lol. Somehow the part that cracked me up the most though was the "I asked him to feel my boobs and...one thing led to another...." Haha. I'm trying to imagine Elvis x10 lol.

Krissy, hoping for the best for your dad. Hope he's feeling better soon.

MnJ that's an awesome idea for the shirts!

Zoey, I'm not really sure how much I tore. I asked the Dr at the time how bad it was, and all she said was, "not bad." I wanted to know like what degree, but I was too distracted by the newborn baby on my chest (and also too delirious) to press the issue. But I'm gonna guess it was 2nd degree b/c seemed like too many stitches to be first, but not bad enough to be 3rd. It's possible it was just a 1st degree though.

Anyway, DTD was definitely kinda scary at first...I felt really tight, maybe the way she stitched me. It felt like a thick rubber band or something just inside (sorry graphic just not sure how else to explain it!) It was a definitely uncomfortable at first, but I had major pain issues with sex that mostly only got better after birthing my daughter, so my perspective is kind of warped. If it's really painful, maybe wait a little bit before trying again. But in my case it got better after a couple of times, and mostly just kept getting easier after that until it was like normal. Just take it slow and use lube and it might even be better than before ;) :thumbup: Good luck though, I know it's kinda scary at first. Sorry your OH wasn't more understanding about it. :-/
Oh zoey!!! It was pretty painful the first time we tried to have sex after Samuel, that the second time I was so scared we used so much lube I couldn't feel a damn thing. We over did it. It will get better with time I promise!

krissy, the party was a total hit! I'm exhausted I took a 3 hour nap afterwards which sucks I slept straight through my alarm for my migraine medication which means more numb sex face tomorrow... Ugh... Sorry about your Dad. :hugs: I wish I had a million dollars so I could buy him a fancy vacation or something, he needs one.

Erin, it was pretty funny, for me anyway. Dan was pretty worried he didn't know what to think. I think it was because it was kinda serious and I was laughing, but what else could I do? Had it not gone away I might freak out. Happy to report no eye twitching today. :)

alright, off to exercise then to finish cleaning up. Hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend so far!

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