Hey ladies! How's it going? So sorry I've been MIA for so long! I have kinda been lurking, just so hard to find time to post. I feel like I'm drowning tbh.
Don't get me wrong, I'm loving every minute with my girls. Just tough balancing work + home + family time + no sleep. My house is what's suffering most for it...it's a wreck! Feeling so so blessed though.
Beautiful pictures of the kiddos!
About potty training, my dd1 was about 3.5 before she was really fully potty trained. She was "almost there" for a loooooooong time before that. She kinda did what she was going to do on her own pretty easily, then kinda stopped caring past a certain point. I had to push for that last little bit because she was going to be starting preschool. I was all for doing it on her schedule, but I'm not sure we ever really would have gotten 100% there had I not pushed her some.
Anyway, DD1 turned 4 a few weeks ago. She's a super loving, super protective, super doting big sister. And also pretty jealous. That's hard because she's very articulate and she can tell us just what she's thinking. It's been affecting her behavior because she'll misbehave, I guess attention seeking, and we're just not used to the blatant disobedience followed by screaming when she doesn't get her way. Not from her. We try to be patient and do the right thing, but man it wears on you after a while. She's so sweet and fun most of the time. But those hard times are so draining.
Little sister is about 4.5 mos. Growing like crazy. Super smiley girl. She doesn't like to sleep at night anymore.
She was doing 6-7 hour stretches, then for the last almost month, she wakes up 3-4 times a night. Makes mornings hard, but I somehow function until evening and then I fall apart. Hence the disastrous house.
Still wouldn't trade anything!