A long term weight loss thread

Thanks, flueky! Those are really great recipes. The enchilada casserole in particular sounds great. I can happily go for 300 calories for lunch and breakfast. I get hungry/hangry in the afternoon/evening :lol: So, if I could stick to that, a light afternoon snack and then 500 cal dinner, that would be great.

I think you're describing what I need/want to do. Basically make changes that I can sustain and do things like sub out for healthier options. Carbs are also not my friend apparently. :-({|= so, getting rid of carbs for veggies is the type of thing that I need to do.
I think y’all have good food plans. I may be joining you in them in the very near future, haha. I am going to do a weigh in tomorrow morning (I haven’t checked in 2 days) and if no substantial progress has been made, i’ll go back to what I was doing. That was basically just making healthier food choices. Annoyingly I never wrote down what I did exactly :/ but I think it was just making healthier choices in general and eating less. And less sugar. I’ll probably keep with the intermittent fasting though.

about the little one I’m hoping hubby sorts him out for me!

and did you find the baby in your king cake?
Thsts basically my plan too, Giggle. Eat less in general, but especially less junk. Also up the activity side. Fingers crossed that works... I have the morning/lunch sorted, just need to break bad habits later in the day.

How'd your weigh in go? I'm still 173 as of this morning.

They didn't put the baby in the cake! He was on a glob of icing off on the side. OH was incensed, but as the kind of Mom who worried LO would get it and choke I was fine with it! ;)
Winter that enchilada one is sooo good! I like putting some jalapeños and a couple tbsp of Greek yogurt. I tried to having a lighter breakfast and/or lunch when I have it.

Gigs, glad you've been able to resist weighing. It's hard sometimes not to

AFM, I weighed Sunday and this morning.... OMG I about died. I know I didn't gain 3lbs from last week. I worked out HARD the past couple nights and my body has been sore. I looked up and saw that the inflammation can cause water retention of 2 to 5lbs! I'd be fine even if I gained 1lb last week cause of that cheesecake, but I know it wasn't 3 lbs. I'm not putting my weight down for logging purposes cause I don't feel it's accurate.

I started up clean week on beachbody on demand. Bahahaha their definition of a beginner to fitness is WAY different than mine. Hardly any modifications to make it easier. I just went at my own pace and focused on proper form. Quality vs Quantity. I feel like I did pretty good though and even was able to do most exercises without modifying myself. I am sore but not so sore that I can barely function.
How annoying, flueky ](*,) I think you have the right attitude about not obsessing over it, and not counting it if it seems wildly OTT. And go you on the work out front! How long is each Beachbody work out?

I'll break out my work out dvd on a rainy morning soon. Tomorrow is meant to be my first decent morning walk in a long time. Gonna pack LO a trail mix type breakfast, and hopefully he will be happy with that. I was a bit disappointed I didn't lose anything from last week to this... But I guess it will take more effort than that! ](*,)
I was back down to 161.6. So to recap, I was 164.6 when I started keto, got down to 161.6, went up to 163.6 at day 8, now back to 161.6. I’m over it. I had success before and didn’t feel deprived. I miss my treats, haha. I am still modifying things, like sugar free sweetener in my coffee, but I’m not sold on strict keto, at least not for me. Hubby’s having great success which is wonderful. He’s harassing me a bit on throwing in the towel “already”, but I an not feeling any benefits from this so f it.

Oh my fluek! I bet that weight drops right back off. NO way those are legit gains. Heck yes on keeping up with the exercise! I’d be half dead I’m sure lol. I feel so out of shape right now. I’ve got big plans to start weight lifting again more consistently.

winter what kind of habits do you need to break? And hmm I’m not impressed by the baby outside the cake lol
up to 161.8 this morning but I don't even care. I had chocolate today, more than a nibble, and it was wonderful. And *gasp* crackers! Don't tell hubby!
about to do some easy weight lifting. I already feel better mentally, I gotta say. Let's hope the scale starts moving in the right direction!
I'd take the 3lb loss from keto as a win and move on. If you were feeling good, then I'd say stick with it. But it isn't worth it if you feel awful. I'm dying of jealousy of your hubby's success, though :rofl:

To your "not genuine weight gain/loss" flueky- I weighed myself today and was 171.8. I definitely didn't lose 1.2lb in a day...! I'd like to keep that number going downwards, though. We had a busy morning: did a long morning walk and then took LO to a soccer class. That is always a big part of how I've lost weight in the past: keep busy (and ideally do that by doing active things instead of hanging around at home).
ugh you're not the only one jealous! lol - but it also occurs to me he started about 60lbs overweight, whereas I am half that, or maybe even less that half...you know, I only have about 16lbs to get down to my ideal weight for my range. That really doesn't sound like much typing it out! I'm just all thrown off now and wondering if I screwed anything up by starting with keto stuff. Anyway, moving on is what I shall try!

yay for being down over a pound! it's so hard to find time to be active, isn't it? I tried to life weights today and the kids yelled at me. Settled for some cosmic kids yoga instead....yeah not the same at all but a bit more effective when the toddler climbs on your back and you do squats instead, haha.

I'm hoping we all find more time to be outside and active as the weather warms.
Weighed in today and was down! Yay! 160.6! But I definitely indulged today so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. Or maybe I’ll just not look for a couple of days while I redeem myself for today’s choices. Totally worth it though — had ceviche with plantain chips, sushi (no rice), and then a few pieces of chocolate throughout the day. No regrets.

I have a new goal which is to lose 15lbs by April. I think it’s doable…? I have a baby shower to go to then and will be seeing some people I haven’t seen since my Dad’s funeral service so I’d like to look and feel better than I did then.
Good luck meeting your goal, Gigs. It's doable. I feel ya, I don't have much in the way of events but I want to look good, or at least decent, in a swimsuit this summer. I know I look better than last summer but want to lose more by then. I hope to be about 177 by the time I go to my yearly wellness visit with my PCP at the end of next month. So I have anywhere from 6 to 9 lbs to lose in a month.
Good for you on losing, giggle!

We did our long morning walk again. Really hoping to make that a daily thing. Someone told me years ago that exercise in the morning was best as it gets your metabolism going. I do feel like it has a bigger impact for me than doing stuff later in the day. Plan is from tomorrow to try and walk in the morning and do some time on the elliptical in the afternoon that's a bit higher intensity etc.

My OH swears by weighing in once a week, giggle. Seems like a sound tip- it should capture the trend vs constant weigh ins and ups and downs.

6lb in a month seems doable, flueky. I think that 1-2 pounds a week is doable without going crazy, and should be maintainable then, too. You've got that! And I hear you on the bathing suit :shy: I've never had like a six pack or anything like that, but would like to look decent on that front by May.
Ohh I like these swim suit goals! Count me in for that. Flueky your goal sounds very reasonable and doable. Winter your hubby’s advice is good but I don’t know if I could follow it :haha: but I don’t get super deterred by numbers fluctuating, only frustrated when they don’t move al all. My scale isn’t that sensitive and gets stuck on numbers for days. On the plus side it looks like (reading old posts) that happens before a couple pounds fall off.

Also winter how do you like the elliptical?
Im at least going to try to do a weekly weigh in on Monday mornings. We have a fairly set Monday routine, so should be a fair point to compare week on week. That's not to say that I won't weigh in in between :lol:

We both really like the elliptical. Years and years ago, I used to go to a gym, and that was the only thing cardio wise I liked to do. I ran for like 3 months when I was a teenager, but I never got into running etc. I tend to try and find a show that I really like and watch an episode and that makes the time go pretty fast. Its been a few weeks now since I did it, so will have to start from scratch and work up to something that's actually a decent work out. OH really likes it now, too. He thought it was stupid at first- but he has back issues sometimes, and since he started that instead of running, the back issues never came back.

When you talk about lifting weights- what do you actually do? I imagine squats while holding weights, but :shrug: I really don't know what people mean when they talk about doing it!
Winter I do a variety of exercises with weights.

One is a "bird dip" it really works my gluten, core, thigh to maintain my balance. I first started them without weights but have progressed to used a 10 lb weight in one of my hands. I have my hand on q counter for light support, brace my core and kind of dip down while extending my other arm and leg (same sode as extended hand). When adding the weights I just "drop" the weight towards the floor. Then bring it all back in and repeat.

Another is a "modified" deadlift. Holding weights in each hand, I bend at the hips with knees slightly bent keeping my back straight. Then exhale as I bring it all up to my pelvic area and keeping the weights close to my body. At the end I kind of pop my pelvis forward, then take a deep inhale as I lower back down and keep repeating. When rising up, be sure to push yourself up with your force in your heels (not your toes or upper foot).

I also do some overhead lifts and some squats with overhead lifts.

I really like strength training, but having the right form is imperative to make gains and protect your back. I have been doing many exercises incorrectly in the past. Squats are still a bit tough because my muscles are still a bit weak so I do them with the couch behind me so if I lose my balance I just end up on the couch instead of the floor lol. Worth it to save my knees.

Gigs lol on your scale. I have had mine for a LONG time. I've considered getting a new one. At first I looked at ones that measure body fat, etc. But after researching they are quite inaccurate. So going to start measuring waist, hips, etc monthly to see my progress in numbers instead. I actually finally did that Tuesday morning.

I do regret not taking pics of my body last year but I felt so ashamed of my body. I need to start now so I can see results. It's always fun to see those changes and help motivate yourself to continue.
That’sa really good reminder about photos. I did take some beginning photos when i started all this. I took some again after i was down 8-10 lbs but didn’t see too much of a difference yet. Then i gained some weight back lol.

winter with weights i lift dumbbells. Right now I’m back down at 8 (per hand). I had gotten up to 15 but building back up to that now. Glad you are having success with the elliptical! I used to watch shows on my stationary bike (that is now broken and gone). It was extremely successful. I got hooked on this anime show and only allowed myself to watch it on the bike.

if either of you like those youtube wirkout videos, i suggest Juice & Toya. It’sa couple that walks you through dumbbell workouts. I was having success with that before i quit everything
Gigs, I might check it out. I splurged a bit before the new year and purchased a beachbody on demand year subscription so I'm checking those out for now. I do sometimes do some family friendly ones on YouTube with the S and V.

Oh I have another recipe suggestion. "Tilapia fish tacos | Recipes | WW USA" Tilapia fish tacos | Recipes | WW USA

I used non-breaded catfish that I sprinkled with old bay seasoning and broiled. I also used Aldi's high fiber whole wheat tortillas. I add a little salsa for extra flavor. So delicious!

I tried a healthy chicken, brocolli Alfredo meal but I wasn't that impressed. It was okay, but not something I'd choose to make again.

I feel I've done mostly well with eating this week. Wednesday was my bad day. DH wanted Mexican food so I got the lunch burrito. We also stopped at our local drive thru coffee place. They had some interesting ice cream flavors so we opted for ice cream. I tried a brookie dough one and he had mint moosetracks. I was envious of his as it tasted better LOL.
Thanks for the recipe suggestion. :) We have some mahi mahi in the freezer to work out what to do with. That would work! I found some nice low calorie wraps- they're Mission brand and labelled as "protein". They're only 70 calories each, which is pretty good going. And I like the flavor/texture etc :) (I also tried their gluten free wraps, and those were awful- so, not those ones!)

I like your attitude, Flueky- I think "treats" here or there make it easy to keep up with long term. Also, if I totally deprive myself of anything "fun", I tend to go off the rails as soon as I have one "bad" thing ](*,) Sorry that your OH made the better ice cream pick!! I had an iced coffee yesterday, too. :-=

Thank you for the YT suggestion, giggle. Will need to check it out. I've never had a YT account, but maybe I should! I was watching a channel named Taylor R the other day and am now very invested... She's like 8m pregnant with an IVF baby ❤️ AFM- nothing too exciting going on. Did the long walk again .. yet to make it onto the elliptical. Maybe tomorrow?! And that's EXACTLY what I do re: watching a show while working out, Giggle! I just started watching the Wheel of Time series on Amazon. I like it, although there's a lot more violence than I expected :shock: it's also more deep fantasy than I usually like, but I'm into it as I want to know what happens.
Winter I was eyeballing that show myself! Thanks for the warning about the violence, good to know before I put it on with the kids around. That definitely did not convey in the previews!

fluek yummm ice cream. I guess next time you’ll know which to pick ;) i have an aversion to white fish but willing to give anything a try. As an aside I recently learned talapia isn’t actually a specific type of fish! I’ve been living a lie!!

discouraged to see after a couple days of not weighing, i’m back up to 163.8 :( I feel kind of lost as I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. This worked so well before. Hopefully I’m just in an adjustment period…I do feel better though, so at least that’s something.
I know, right?! I've heard of the Wheel of Time before, but didn't know anything about the story. So, I was really shocked! 100% not at all a kid friendly show!!

Wait- tilapia isn't a breed of fish?!

I broke my own rule, and weighed myself today. Almost back at 173 :( I have meals and exercise sorted, so i need to cut way back on snacks. And also be honest with myself- I really have to actually make some more sacrifices in order to get this done!! Did my walk this morning, despite awful weather- now off to at least attempt the elliptical!

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