Absolutely disgusting!!

BTW Tram woman is actually in prison for her own safety; even the Daily Fail said as such


she has received threats of violence and death threats from people, and her address published on twitter and FB. NB: before anyone says anything; presumably had those threats been issued by 'ethnics' the Daily Mail would be all over that like a rash but since they weren't we can safely assume we don't know who issued the threats xx
What is it with people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this Country. It's so funny :rofl: It's a newspaper. Not all of us are mindless drones who listen to everything someone writes. Not to mention the article was actually written by The Sun (the one pertaining to this thread) You can't blame racism, violence, bad parenting, laziness etc. and all the bad in this Country on the blimming Daily Mail. Honestly :coffee:
What is it with people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this Country. It's so funny :rofl: It's a newspaper. Not all of us are mindless drones who listen to everything someone writes. Not to mention the article was actually written by The Sun (the one pertaining to this thread) You can't blame racism, violence, bad parenting, laziness etc. and all the bad in this Country on the blimming Daily Mail. Honestly :coffee:

Of course you can't but do you not realise how much the media has an impact on our country, I mean really?! Its not actually funny at all.
The article mentioned in this thread was from the sun but the article The Sun and Telegraph copied their version of the story from was actually from The Daily Mail and the DM version was the one quoted in the thread in News and Debates; though the Sun is pretty awful anyway and I wasn't disputing that. I posted the link about tram woman from TDM because some people here do seem to think the right-wing tabloids are the ultimate gospel truth xx
Maybe you're not a mindless drone Jem but you wouldn't believe how many people DO base their beliefs and opinions from misleading newspaper articles.
What is it with people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this Country. It's so funny :rofl: It's a newspaper. Not all of us are mindless drones who listen to everything someone writes. Not to mention the article was actually written by The Sun (the one pertaining to this thread) You can't blame racism, violence, bad parenting, laziness etc. and all the bad in this Country on the blimming Daily Mail. Honestly :coffee:

Of course you can't but do you not realise how much the media has an impact on our country, I mean really?! Its not actually funny at all.

Completely agree!

I work with young people, some of who can't read and those that can would think you'd be very sophisicated if you read a paper...regardless of what was in it and would actually believe it!

Not everyone has the intelligence to 'see' the rubbish from the truth unfortunately and I find it amazing that some papers get away with continously spouting the crap they do and not realise the barriers they create!
What is it with people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this Country. It's so funny :rofl: It's a newspaper. Not all of us are mindless drones who listen to everything someone writes. Not to mention the article was actually written by The Sun (the one pertaining to this thread) You can't blame racism, violence, bad parenting, laziness etc. and all the bad in this Country on the blimming Daily Mail. Honestly :coffee:

Of course you can't but do you not realise how much the media has an impact on our country, I mean really?! Its not actually funny at all.

What I said was funny was people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this country. And yes, the media does have an impact but it cannot be blamed for all the shit that happens on a day to day basis. Perhaps it can be blamed on people's opinions but it doesn't specifically make someone a racist bigot. That view was already there. Whether it be fuelled or not by media is a different story.

I just don't get it. No one asked you to read it. Yet you take it upon yourself to read articles then tear them down and cast your own opinion out to everyone who will listen. Daily Mail is shit, media is shit, newspapers are shit. If you dislike it so much, don't read it? I'm not saying you're wrong but no one forces you to read Daily Mail articles, they're also not the only newspaper out there. I read the DM, I find it funny. I formulate my own opinion and thus don't get offended by any of it.

I don't know anyone else who has been massively influenced by newspapers, usually they spout the same old shit their parents have been saying around them then call them their own opinions. Why don't we blame the parents more? Maybe I'm naive but newspapers have and will always be around. Did everyone stop using their brain?

Good old british system strikes again! Seriously fucked up is this country...
Just like to apologise for the swearing on my post yesterday, I was pretty outraged but there wasn't any need for it.

I want to explain why it made me so angry to be grouped as 'racist/prejudiced', I can't stand it. My OH was admittedly VERY ignorant before he met me, since being with me his views have changed entirely (as they damn well should have, I won't put up with it and won't have it around me or the kids). My big sister had an awful time at school. She'd come home with bald patches where her hair had been ripped out in handfuls, bruises all over, mentally abused daily, this was just primary school. All because her name is Zeina Kabbani. This was boys, not the girls, a group of nasty, violent little thugs that beat seven shades of shit out of her every single day for years, all because she has an arabic name (she's half lebanese). I cry when I think about the pain she was put through. To be grouped in the same mindset as those little shits, it breaks my heart and it also makes me seethe with anger. I am not racist, I never have been, I never will be. I can't stand the scum that are.

I read this article and was shocked and pretty damn appalled. I saw this article because it had been printed, and posted here. I did not seek out the story, I just happened to read it, and was angry that those girls, muslim or not, had pretty much got away with brutilising another human being. Their religion has nothing to do with it. The only reason it seems to be notable is it ties in with why they "weren't used to alcohol". If it had been anyone using that excuse, or another one as ridiculous, it would have provoked the same reaction.

I'm still shocked that just for finding the story shocking, which it is, it's about a girl being attacked by 4 others, I'm prejudiced. That is SO wrong. How about we concentrate on how bloody horrible it is that people get attacked like this every day and don't get articles written about them, rather than throwing words like 'racist/prejudiced' around? I feel so very sorry for that poor girl, and anyone else who's been attacked like that. Just awful, violence is never the answer :nope:
What is it with people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this Country. It's so funny :rofl: It's a newspaper. Not all of us are mindless drones who listen to everything someone writes. Not to mention the article was actually written by The Sun (the one pertaining to this thread) You can't blame racism, violence, bad parenting, laziness etc. and all the bad in this Country on the blimming Daily Mail. Honestly :coffee:

Of course you can't but do you not realise how much the media has an impact on our country, I mean really?! Its not actually funny at all.

What I said was funny was people blaming the Daily Mail for all the bad in this country. And yes, the media does have an impact but it cannot be blamed for all the shit that happens on a day to day basis. Perhaps it can be blamed on people's opinions but it doesn't specifically make someone a racist bigot. That view was already there. Whether it be fuelled or not by media is a different story.

I just don't get it. No one asked you to read it. Yet you take it upon yourself to read articles then tear them down and cast your own opinion out to everyone who will listen. Daily Mail is shit, media is shit, newspapers are shit. If you dislike it so much, don't read it? I'm not saying you're wrong but no one forces you to read Daily Mail articles, they're also not the only newspaper out there. I read the DM, I find it funny. I formulate my own opinion and thus don't get offended by any of it.

I don't know anyone else who has been massively influenced by newspapers, usually they spout the same old shit their parents have been saying around them then call them their own opinions. Why don't we blame the parents more? Maybe I'm naive but newspapers have and will always be around. Did everyone stop using their brain?


Er I don't specifically make threads about this, I read articles that people post and give my own opinion on the matter. The power of the media and the amount they get away with in terms of misleading front page headlines is something that I am interested in, its an important topic and I don't see what it wrong with that. 'Cast my own opinion to everyone who will listen' - I just reply to threads! How rude.
I haven't called the OP racist or prejudiced because I don't think that she is and I don't believe I've insulted anyone on this thread. I find it weird that you think it is so outrageous that some of us question the motives behind what certain papers choose to print and how they word it, they aren't just innocent companies who REALLY want to tell the news?! Its an interesting subject :shrug:
https://tabloid-watch.blogspot.com/ is a good website for anyone who IS interested.
Yes it IS interesting but the problem is, is that no one on this thread was talking about newspapers or being racist. It was simply a thread for OP to express her outrage at the justice system. You were the one to bring in the whole "why don't the newspapers report all the other examples of this?" :dohh:

I see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion but sometimes why can't a thread just stay a thread about the topic discussed? This is what gets me. I'm sure we're all outraged at this and it's being discussed BECAUSE it's been publicised. If the others were; we'd be outraged and discussing them too. It's like ANYTHING. There are thousands of children going missing everyday. They don't get reported. There are people dying in Africa. That doesn't get reported. There are children being abused. That doesn't get reported. There are hundreds of homeless people dying in the cold. THAT doesn't get reported.

My point is we can't blame newspapers for everything. They report what is going to lure people in and make people read their newspapers. I personally don't think this makes any one newspaper racist/prejudice. It's all for money and competition. It's always been the same. And they can't publicise everything either. They write about what's going to cause controversy and outrage. What's new? :/
Yes it IS interesting but the problem is, is that no one on this thread was talking about newspapers or being racist. It was simply a thread for OP to express her outrage at the justice system. You were the one to bring in the whole "why don't the newspapers report all the other examples of this?" :dohh:

I see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion but sometimes why can't a thread just stay a thread about the topic discussed? This is what gets me. I'm sure we're all outraged at this and it's being discussed BECAUSE it's been publicised. If the others were; we'd be outraged and discussing them too. It's like ANYTHING. There are thousands of children going missing everyday. They don't get reported. There are people dying in Africa. That doesn't get reported. There are children being abused. That doesn't get reported. There are hundreds of homeless people dying in the cold. THAT doesn't get reported.

My point is we can't blame newspapers for everything. They report what is going to lure people in and make people read their newspapers. I personally don't think this makes any one newspaper racist/prejudice. It's all for money and competition. It's always been the same. And they can't publicise everything either. They write about what's going to cause controversy and outrage. What's new? :/

I agree that there are many issues that aren't reported.

However some newspapers seem to 'promote' and encourage certain opinions. I agree that you have to have some sort of racist views originally however my mum is very racist, its not a daily occurence but if she was to read the daily mail, her anger and hate would only get worse?

And I understand that the original post wasn't actually about newspapers and you want it to stay to the original post...but how can people get angry over news that isn't always reported like you say?

People are entitled to offer their personal opinion as to why they think some things come about. There have been a few (including myself) that agree with Louandivy opinions in regards to the Daily Mail...in fact a lot more outside this forum than I thought tbh.

I think also that any opportunity that people get to try and make people realise that not all they read in the paper is true is quite good too.

That said, I'm not saying that the article is false etc...just that I believe some newspapers to be very slanted on the views they give :flower:
I agree 100% with everything that's been said about The Mail. It DOES feed on the 'I'm not racist, but...' masses. It's a right wing paper, so we are always going go hear it's slant which is anti immigration, anti benefits, anti travellers etc. I find that offensive. Sometimes it's ridiculously funny (the obsession with La famille Middleton), sometimes it's vile. It provokes, it plays to people's prejudices.

We can argue that The Guardian promotes left wing life style, anti capitalist etc...but I find those arguments much more appealing!

Regarding the story, it's pretty damn appalling that someone can get beaten up like that. And not see any justice. I don't give two hoots who the perpetrator is, it's just wrong. Full stop. And I've got plenty of muslim family and friends. Inevitably, however, The Mail use it to play to their audience and issue an anti-Muslim prod :(
I agree 100% with everything that's been said about The Mail. It DOES feed on the 'I'm not racist, but...' masses. It's a right wing paper, so we are always going go hear it's slant which is anti immigration, anti benefits, anti travellers etc. I find that offensive. Sometimes it's ridiculously funny (the obsession with La famille Middleton), sometimes it's vile. It provokes, it plays to people's prejudices.

We can argue that The Guardian promotes left wing life style, anti capitalist etc...but I find those arguments much more appealing!

Regarding the story, it's pretty damn appalling that someone can get beaten up like that. And not see any justice. I don't give two hoots who the perpetrator is, it's just wrong. Full stop. And I've got plenty of muslim family and friends. Inevitably, however, The Mail use it to play to their audience and issue an anti-Muslim prod :(

Yep completely agree! It is definitely appalling what happened to that poor girl but it is also a shame that it is just another piece of material for the DM's to cyr 'look at all the Muslims ruining our country!'. I like reading the Guardian too as it appeals to my left-wing beliefs but I do try and read the Independent these days as it is definitely the most unbiased!

Also on a slightly related note I found this article very interesting, as the 'i dont care if theyre white, black, purple, yellow etc etc' statement is often used to completely shut down a discussion about race:

I read The Guardian, but I have also started stealing DHs Independent...
yeah, It is a common saying here in the south as well (U.S.) plus a few other things (like racism doesn't exist and such)
I agree 100% with everything that's been said about The Mail. It DOES feed on the 'I'm not racist, but...' masses. It's a right wing paper, so we are always going go hear it's slant which is anti immigration, anti benefits, anti travellers etc. I find that offensive. Sometimes it's ridiculously funny (the obsession with La famille Middleton), sometimes it's vile. It provokes, it plays to people's prejudices.

We can argue that The Guardian promotes left wing life style, anti capitalist etc...but I find those arguments much more appealing!

Regarding the story, it's pretty damn appalling that someone can get beaten up like that. And not see any justice. I don't give two hoots who the perpetrator is, it's just wrong. Full stop. And I've got plenty of muslim family and friends. Inevitably, however, The Mail use it to play to their audience and issue an anti-Muslim prod :(

Yep completely agree! It is definitely appalling what happened to that poor girl but it is also a shame that it is just another piece of material for the DM's to cyr 'look at all the Muslims ruining our country!'. I like reading the Guardian too as it appeals to my left-wing beliefs but I do try and read the Independent these days as it is definitely the most unbiased!

Also on a slightly related note I found this article very interesting, as the 'i dont care if theyre white, black, purple, yellow etc etc' statement is often used to completely shut down a discussion about race:

Ah so now I'm a racist because I said I don't care what colour they are? (black, blue, purple etc.) :rofl: Okay. Nice deduction. Attack me all you like and link all the articles in the World, I really don't care what a silly article on the internet says. I know who I am and I don't have to justify myself to someone attempting to tear apart every sentence I write. I'm not a racist and I never will be :coffee:
I also don't use it to shut down a conversation about race. If that were my intention I wouldn't comment in the first place, or I'd change the subject. What is it with you using internet articles to analyze what people say? Perhaps I just said because I wanted to. Shock horror :rofl:

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