AF after miscarriage- Your experiences

I've only recently experienced an miscarriage(not pleasant). So I'm still more in shock than anything( Wee early hours of Friday). I am enternally grateful for all the help and assistance received at both NHS hospitals!

Life goes on I guess!

Tempera, & Olivetree so sorry for your losses. Life is soo cruel.

Sending you both :hugs:.
Big :hugs: to both of you... It is tough. BnB has helped me alot. SO many wonderful kind people on here for sure...
Im having a D&C on Wednesday after this MMC, I used to be 28-30 days with a 3 day light period, so lets see what happens after Wednesday! Im praying its still gonna be similar!!!
This is a great thread! :) I've spent ages trying to find out if I'm normal after my mc, and d&c. I think I may be, well hopefully as I'm desperate to try again! (forgive me if I get any of the abbreviations wrong, I'm a bit new to this)

Sorry for everyone's losses too. :(

I was 10.5 weeks, when started MC around the start of was a missed miscarriage. I kept doing tests thinking if something was wrong they would show as neg, but they didn't so I thought I was ok. My sister convinced me to go to the hospital where I learned the bad news. :( Had my DC next day.

May 4th = DC
May 5th - 9th Light bleeding, got lighter as the week went on.

June 2nd = AF starts and continues normally (for me) first 2 days heavy, followed by 2 lighter days, 1 day spotting. Was very happy with this and thought "Great, can TTC from this month on"

June 28th = AF starts 29 days after last (normal), heavier than normal, with a lot more pain than used to. Very heavy for 4/5 days, then starts light for a couple of days.

July 8th = Start spotting again. This goes on and off for most of July. Varying levels from very very light, to heavy enough that I thought I had full AF again. Varying in colour too, from brown to dark red, to bright red. Sometimes with no cramps other times cramps and swelling. Finally stopped around the end of July.

Aug 6th = AF starts again. Very heavy again with strong Cramps. Lasts 7 days, following normal pattern of heavy for first few days, before lightening up to nothing. I thought great, maybe this month I will be back to normal and can TTC.

Nope, Aug 16th/17th = spotting far varying from light to slightly heavier. No need for a tampon and not much on a pad either, but can look quite heavy on tissue. :( I'm so fed up. I would have thought this week would be my ovulation time.

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just so frustrated and find I'm getting more stressed and upset each month that passes. Kbear x
Kerebear sorry for your loss. :hugs: it is a very frustrating time. Just when you think your body is back to normal it throws you a curve ball & acts all screwy.

I had 2 pretty horrendous af's after m/c, soo heavy it required medication, followed, by 1 much more "normal" af. Cycles were all over the place length wise.
:witch: due any day now.

I hope this is your last cycle b4 the :witch: says goodbye for nine months.
Try & stay positive. It really is your body having a good clear out getting ready for your next lil bean. My GP told me to be patient, & it can take a few months after mc to fall again. Moi, patience, he's having a laugh. Think I was at the back of the queue when that was being handed out.

:hugs:, try not to let ttc get u down.

Easier said than done I know. Every time af arrives I end up in tears.

Take care of u r self, & fx'd for a speedy & sticky :bfp:
Well - i think that things are moving forwards - had some bleeding yesterday 5 weeks on from m/c - although nothing last night or this morning:shrug: - thats not bad though - thought it might be ages, doesn't feel like af though - no cramps (had them a week ago) but it must be as I only bleed for two weeks for the m/c so it can't be a tail end of that
Mrs D I had on & off bleeding for nearly a week b4 AF arrived properly.
Hope she stops messing you around.
Glad she arrived. Hope its not too heavy & painful. Hope she doesn't stay too long.
I had to go back and dig up this thread to see if I was anywhere close to "normal", and in this respect I guess I am :)
AF finally showed her face in the form of spotting yesterday, so far nothing today, but I am sure it's coming. So that was 34 days since my D&C. Looking forward to seeing what the witch has in store for me this week....
Hi I haven't read through every page of this thread so I might have missed someone else posting about it, but I had a miscarriage about a month ago and this month's period came a few days late. This is my first day on and I have just passed a very small piece of tissue, nothing like the larges pieces I passed during the m/c (sorry, tmi). Could that be a little leftover piece, or is it more likely a piece of lining I've just randomly passed? I'm quite confused :S There aren't any other bits, and my cramps aren't as bad as usual.
Thanks xx
On some of the other responses, people have said their first few AF's were clotty, so that is probably it. I hope your AF remains as cramp free as possible :hugs:
Thanks, I don't know if it's because of m/c or whether it's the new medication for my cramps (medication doesn't usually work on them, Dr. has tried looooaaads of things so far, but to no avail lol). Is AF usually better or worse after m/c? xx
Hi girls . I'm cd2 of my first af after natural m/c at 12 wks. It arrived 34 days after I started mc bleeding, so I'm grateful I wasn't kept waiting too long. I temped too and so am sure I ovulated, which again is positive news. But Heavy bleeding and cramps today, didnt have this pre pg. I guess my body is still having a good old clear out, few small clots going on. I just hope it doesn't last too long.
Poshie...sounds like we are on the same page...I am on my CD2 and also waited 34 days post D&C for her to arrive. At least now maybe we can track things now and have a sticky pregnancy next time :hugs:
Hi Amos :hugs: yes so we are cycle buddies then.

How is af treating you? Any different yet?

Are you ttc this cycle?
Poshie- we are NTNP for now. If it goes on too long I guess I will have to break out the thermometer and all the other goodies!
So far AF has just been heavier, but the cramps have been no worse than before. How about you?
We are ttc. I have now got a cbfm which I'm using for the first time. Hope it works. I'm so desparate to be pg again...

My af is giving me grief-very heavy with cramps. Not debilitating, but there. Hope it doesn't drag on for long.
Heavy af after mc is quite normal after mc. I had 3 cycles like that then 1 normal af.

Don't get too disheartened with ttc/ ntnp it can take upto 6 months for things to settle down. It took 2 cycles for my periods to settle then a 3 rd "normalish" period then the next cycle my body felt much more normal loads of ewcm (sorry if tmi).

Fx'd for you both for a very speedy & sticky bfp.

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