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AF due 2/21 Someone help me to NOT test early!!

Tankel that's a good feeling to have!

Memma sounds like you have a good plan in place. It's good to know people!
Good luck, tankel! I want to see you over in the pregnancy forums with me. :)

Memma, is your coworker going to give you a "good guy deal"?

And yeah, if you find a money tree, send a few seeds my way, will you? Hopefully they'll grow in an arctic climate. :lol:
Well there's been no mention of any discount yet... And I'm too scared/shy to ask, lol!
Tankel, my period is due in 5 days, let's hope we both get our BFP together! Fx!

Memma, I've heard of soy isoflavones helping lots of women conceive. Sounds like I'm the opposite of you in terms of hormones, I have estrogen dominant PCOS, and avoid anything that creates more estrogen.
A few months ago I started eating sugar-free, dairy-free, vegan. It was a process of cutting one thing out at a time. I've lost over 55 lbs (still losing weight), am in the overweight category on the bmi scale instead of the obese (started at bmi 37, now at bmi 29), for the first time in probably 10-11 years. I've been charting my cycles since I started this new lifestyle and ovulated for the first time last cycle, and now ovulated this month. It brings me so much happiness and hope that this is finally going to happen for me (a BFP) sometime in the near future (hopefully sooner than later).

I used natural progesterone cream to jump start my period and get cycles going when I started my healthy lifestyle, and it has worked wonders. It's great for women who don't have PCOS too.
Each period I get I count as a blessing because I went with so few of them for many years. My husband is extremely proud of me, mostly because I'm happy and feel good. We've been TTC since our wedding night May 2006.

I've been ignorant about my body and how things work for a long time. I thought I knew enough, but I really didn't know how to help myself until I started doing research into PCOS from a holistic point of view. Doctors didn't help me at all, they wanted to give me birth control (which only temporarily masks the issues) or told me to lose weight. Easier said than done when you have PCOS and have no idea what you're doing in terms of diet. PCOS takes a special low glycemic lifestyle to maintain health, not just temporarily. And it's harder to lose weight than the average woman. I even asked for metformin at one point and the doctor corrected my pronunciation of the word like I was an idiot. She said I didn't need that, and I'd only experience horrible side effects. Of course now that I have the proper tools and am getting my hormones back under control naturally I don't need metformin. But back then I could've used it to jumpstart my weight loss, even with side effects, that was my choice.

Careless doctors robbed me of the joy of holding my baby sooner, although I blame myself mostly for bad habits and poor lifestyle choices, and being depressed for so long without truly giving myself the chance at happiness.

So when you go in for fertility testing or treatment, regardless of what your specific issues are, expect more from your doctor, it's their job to care about you and help you. If they don't give you what you need, go to another doctor. Doctor, as a title originates from a Latin word meaning 'to teach'. You should leave a clinic feeling educated about your issue and confident in your treatment plan, not confused and hopeless.

Remember to care for your body with proper nourishment, sleep, and exercise. It really goes a long way, even it it feels not worth it at first.

Look into vitamins D3, and C, plus melatonin and their correlation to conceiving.

Memma, I don't know your situation and this isn't necessarily aimed at you, I just hope someone that reads this thread gets some useful info, because I struggled for way too long, and I know there's someone else out there feeling hopeless about getting pregnant. We'll all have our time.
Thanks for the advice, very sensible :)

Any news Tankel...?

AF has pretty much stopped for me. Very weird. One late evening of spotting, one day of medium flow, one day of light flow and now just spotting again. So 2 days..?! Usually I have around 5 days of heavy-into-medium flow, sometimes finished off with a bit of spotting on day 6. Really don't understand my body this month... :-(
yuck...it sucks when you don't know whats going on with your body.
No news for me. I am 7 dpo and really wanted to poas last night but didn't. I just make myself pee and then I'm like, well these goes my chance to poas today! I AM gonna wait until 10 dpo. I am! I don't want to pee on my dollars!
Tankel, I'm going to poas on Sat (12 dpo).

Sorry for the uber long post yesterday. Didn't mean to kill the buzz of this thread, maybe I shouldn't have posted, and kept to myself. Hope everyone has a lovely day, and fx for this weekend for me and tankel that we get our BFPs!
Fingers crossed for you both!!!
um ladies 7dpo is too early to test, right? I shouldn't test tonight when I get home, right?
um ladies 7dpo is too early to test, right? I shouldn't test tonight when I get home, right?

Read this for motivation to wait: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/When-can-I-expect-a-positive-HPT-if-I-am-pregnant.html

Still doesn't stop me half the time but I do get really sad seeing so many negatives. If that rush of excitement as you poas outweighs the disappointment you might feel afterwards then I say do it!
C2P also has great statistics. They've never stopped me from early testing, though.

7dpo IS too early to start testing! Hang in there!!!! You can do it!
Veryblue you don't have to apologize for sharing information that may help someone out! Good luck to you this weekend

Memma I hate when our bodies are out of routine. Is it that hard to just act the same every month???

Tankel don't pee on your dollars yet. Wait until 8-9dpo. Then pee on all of the dollars!

Dill pic with darker lines?
I didn't snap one this morning ... I can take a pic tonight!
Seeing :bfp:s makes me want to poas! I am gonna wait though. I can make it until Sunday.
I can not post any more pee stick pics, if that would help, Tankel! Don't want to cause anyone stress!
Lol no Dill. Post! PoST! POST! I am just crazy:wacko: I want a poas party! :happydance::happydance: There is no way I'm gonna test before Sunday so don't worry. I have the power! The strength! :bodyb:
I've got faith in you, tankel!!! :D

I will snap a pic of that test tonight and upload it, then. I'm not doing ANY MORE, I swear it! Just gonna coast through the next month until my appointment.
SS: sore nipple (only one HA!), still have creamy cm, increased thirst.

AF S: bbs don't really hurt unless you count that nipple, cried for no reason (typical AF s for me), headache (also typical for me)

So its still a toss up! I caught myself doing a hold just now and made my self pee. I am not going to pee on my dollars

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