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AF due 2/21 Someone help me to NOT test early!!

Yeah, she came full-crazy force last night. Idk if this ever happens to you ladies, but it looks like someone was murdered in my bed! I had in my soft cup and everything. This AF (the 1st one since my MC) is crazy! I had to go out and buy depends as an extra layer. I might bleed to death even while writing this :haha:

On another note, I like you ladies a lot and was hoping that we could keep this thread going for the long haul. :friends: Who's in? Sometimes it is a little hard to find like-minded people on here.
Wowza, tankel! Lots of iron and fluids for you. I faint at the sight of blood, I'll be no good if you need medical assistance. :rofl:
Idk what happened. It was touch and go for a minute there. No really, I'm doing better now. Not bleeding out or anything.
I was also wondering if we should make a new thread or maybe a group? I enjoyed this one a lot!
Can I park my new-founded POAS-crazy butt here too please? :)

CD 11 for me, started using OPK's today purely because of the ClearBlue trial, I wouldn't normally start until at least day 12. Of course I got a blank smiley but that's ok :)
I'm just curious to see what happens this month as as result of the soy Isoflavones. Maybe nothing..!

I'm at work on a night shift right now (sssshh don't tell anyone), so I'm almost CD12 actually but hoping to start seeing some flashing smiley little dudes soon!

Hope you haven't haemmorhaged while reading this Tankel..! ;-)
lol I won't.

GL with the opks. I wish I was on CD 11! <----Jealous
Well I'm confused. Got home from night shift and went straight to bed, didn't take an OPK or do temp or anything as I figured it wouldn't be accurate having been awake all night/no 4 hour hold etc (CBD Trial says it has to be FMU, so it wouldn't have been that).

It's now 4pm, just got up and took my sample, solid smiley on CBD.. It's day 12. What the hell?! I know I should be happy to have a positive OPK, but I'm honestly just so confused and frustrated.
Negative one yesterday morning (33 hours ago now), no flashing one before the solid... I've had that once before, but CD12..?! What?! I've gone from CD15/16, to CD19 last month and now CD12. My body is getting more and more screwed up every month :-(
I'm at CD 7 and have had fertile fluid since CD 5! My cervix had been high soft open, and I used an opk yesterday, it was positive! I usually ovulate CD 17-18. I'm just as confused as you Memma. I've read online that you can have several surges of LH throughout your cycle. I've never had such fertile fluid or my cervix up and soft together like this right after my period ended. So weird. I wonder if I will be ovulating early.

Tankel, sorry AF came and you're enduring such a heavy flow. I used to refer to my nighttime bed leaks as murder scenes also lol. That's how mine were for years, like can't get out of bed pain and bleeding. Mine were from PCOS though. Make sure to rest, drink lots of water and eat plenty of treats. Now's the perfect time to binge watch Netflix.

I'd love to stay with this thread for the long haul. Hope you ladies are enjoying the weekend. It's warming up here in the Midwest.
Do you temp chart VBA? That's the only way I figure I'll know if it's the real deal..!
Yeah I do, I added it to my sig now that you mentioned it :thumbup:

I'm curious to see if you ovulated CD 12

We'll see what happens!
Oh man such screwy cycles ladies! Ovulating a week off? Yikes! Maybe I should start using OPKs and temping. If we don't catch it this cycle (I'm stupidly optimistic this cycle tho) then I will order a thermometer and look up how to do all of that.

Tankel my periods were insanely heavy for a long time. My second day I would wear a super plus tampon and a pad and still bleed through! Never had bad cramps though thankfully.

Afm cycle day 13. O date is somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow. Judging by my cm it's now. Dh and I dtd 3 out of the last four days and will hopefully tomorrow.

And I'd like for us all to stick together :) even though all most of us ended up doing was feed into our addictions :haha:
No temp spike this morning so will see over the next couple of days. It's annoying that I can't do any more OPK's until the stupid solid smiley goes away (think it stays on there for 3 days?!) so I don't know if I'm still 'surging' or not... I don't have any others I can use instead either. Watch and wait (again..!)

I didn't even have a POAS addiction before this thread, it's all your fault, haha!
Hi all,

can i join please? I am cd11 but usually ovulate between 18-21 days but I do have some cm signs that it may be closer this month. I am taking vit b6, so this may be why.

I am hoping to ovulate by Thursday and start testing at 9dpo. i had two chemicals in a row, so I have high hopes that this will be the month! I spent a fortune on tests last month, so i will try to buy some cheap tests before going for the frers so early :dohh:
BBT thermometers are cheap LiteBRIGHT. I'm super optimistic this cycle as well even though it appears I'm ovulating crazy early- at least we dtd yesterday and day before. My temps are rising.

I'm doing vaginal temps this cycle since I breath through my mouth a lot while sleeping.

My oral temps look a lot like a roller coaster, some days slept with my mouth closed and the temp was higher. The days the temp is low I can tell I slept with my mouth open, it being totally dried out.

It does feel weird temping this way but I know I'll get used to it, the same way I got used to checking my cm and cervix. Months ago the thought of checking my cervix creeped me out. Now it's easy peasy.

I bet your ovulation is just around the corner Memma. I feel your frustration!

Welcome Lillian! I look forward to hearing about your progress and hopefully we get some more BFPs soon!
Hi Lillian, I remember you from the other thread :)
Fingers crossed for Third Time Lucky for you :)

I can see on your chart you've had a couple of raised temps VBA. One more of those and I think it's safe to say you have ovulated early, lol!

I put in my 'peak' OPK status into FF yesterday and it hasn't change from my predicted O date or given me crosshairs.. Does it only do that when you have had 3 consecutive raised temps?
Yeah, I'm almost positive you need 3 raised temps for the crosshairs to show up. Then sustained temps for them to stay.
:hi: to the new ladies.
Yikes for crazy bodies. It seems like everyone is off a little this month. afm, Af already is gone and I'm only cd 4! I usually have af around for 7 full days. I hope this is a trend.
Woah, look at your temp spike VBA! That's impressive, haha!

Good news Tankel, when are you now expecting to O then..?

I've not had a temp spike after my solid smiley 2 days ago, so not sure if it was just a weird surge rather than actual O.. But I'm CD14 now and still can't use the OPK again until late tomorrow,!/9 hope I don't miss the real one if that wasn't it...!

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