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AF due 2/21 Someone help me to NOT test early!!

Another frickin' flashing smiley this morning..! Third day running!
FF has given me crosshairs today based on my temps, but I'm really not convinced... One of those three temps wasn't even what I'd class as 'risen' - it was the same as most of the 'pre O' ones...
Guess I'll just test again this afternoon, and if it's the same flashing face again, do it all again in the morning, lol!

I had right sided pelvic pain yesterday/lastnight, which I hoped was O pain - but I had an extremely stressful day yesterday, so I'm hoping that didn't scared O off... :-/
It could have just been pain from one of my many cysts.

It's CD18 now so it's getting late, and I took Soy this month so I really thought/hoped things would be better... :-(
:friends: Oh no memma, Hope things sort themselves out. I am still getting close to positive opks only cd 7! yuck! We started smep, so hopefully no matter when my body decides to drop the egg, we can catch it. :thumbup:
when are you all going to start peeing on your dollars?
Memma, I had three "high" days in a row before I got my peak.... that's equivalent to the flashing smiley face since the advanced OPK tests the same thing. Aren't you actually supposed to get four in a row before peak under ideal circumstances?

I haven't had a temp spike yet on my end, but my monitor went back to high today (which it's programmed to do. After you get a peak, you get one more peak and then a high automatically). Still have my fingers crossed that I actually ovulated on the first try this month and it's just being slow to rise.
I've never had a positive ('peak'), followed by negatives, and then back to flashing... The flashing smileys are apparently the hormone surge BEFORE LH, so surely you aren't supposed to get flashing ones ('highs') AFTER a 'peak' and then negatives..?! Or does that mean that one 'peak' reading wasn't right? Especially if FF's apparent temp rise wasn't until 4 days after it...?
So much confuuuuusion, haha!
Ah, I missed that you'd already had a peak. I had two of them last month, but I don't know if that's normal for me or not. I have long, weird, cycles and it's only my second month at this. I'm not sure how common it would be for that to happen on any random month.
Day 4 in the 'flashing smiley' household.... Lol!
FF also changed my apparent 'ovulation' and crosshairs from CD15 to CD13 when I put on today's OPK result and my temp. That ties in with the original 'peak' OPK, but not with my temps...
It's CD20 now so I'm pretty unconvinced I've ovulated at all.
I wonder why it moved your ch. Your chart looks pretty biphasic to me, but I'd have stuck with cd15 and considered the dipping to be a fallback rise. The opks are weird, sure, but an estrogen surge post-o isn't unusual.... I've read that's what the so called "implantation dip" is caused by. Flashing smiley is supposed to be estrogen too, right?

It might still be anything at this point!
Well I guess I'll never know now, as I accidentallu dropped my test holder down the toilet today and killed it, haha!

You're right though, the flashing smiley face is estrogen so it could be a post-O surge, and I may well have seen it just go back to negative if I hadn't drowned the test holder..!

I've no idea why it decided to move my crosshairs today... CD15 is more like my 'usual' O date and that ties in with my temps, but not the OPK's. I'm just gonna go with CD15 to be on the safe side!
Well, that's one way to stop worrying about it!

I am still sans crosshairs over here, and back to low. I think my temps are going up, but not fast enough for ff.
I think we all caught some weird bug that is making our cycles crazy. :wacko: Hope to get things back on track soon.
I had that post ovulation estrogen surge (aka implantation dip) at 6 dpo. Although I'm still not totally sure on which day I ovulated- I guess we'll find out when I get my period, or we'll never know if I end up pregnant this cycle. In that case it's only a couple days off possibly, and that doesn't matter in the larger scheme of things.

Today I'm at ~ 8 dpo, tested with Wondfo and fmu, got a :bfn:

Implantation is most typical at 8-10 dpo so I'm not upset yet.
Yahoo! pos has begun. I'm so excited. GL apple!
Lol it's a thrill. I wish I had all kinds of sticks to pee on for different reasons.

Who else will be testing soon?
That's a great dip on your chart VBA, fingers crossed!

I won't be testing soon, FF says I'm 8dpo since it moved my crosshairs, but since my cycle is all kinds of confusing this month, I'm not taking any notice, lol! I would only be 6dpo based on my original crosshairs. I have zero symptoms so maybe that egg just never released. AF is due between the 23rd and 25th March, so I'll probably test 23rd at the earliest - I have mentally counted myself out already though.
Oh Memma, I'm sorry. I don't think you should count yourself out till AF shows. I've psyched myself out almost every cycle second guessing whether or not I've actually ovulated especially as the days pass by. Then I get AF and it confirms the ovulation, and I actually feel a bit happy and relieved that things are indeed on track. My period is due 22nd-23rd, my luteal phase is 12-13 days long. We're in the same boat!

Also, looking at your chart I believe you have ovulated. Some of my temps have been that way in the past. I'm vaginal charting this month for the first time and I'm amazed at how much easier it is to get a read on things.
I always have a period, every month. But my doctor confirmed that I don't actually ovulate properly/every month because of my cysts :-(
So this could be one of those months. I'm just speculating based on the discrepancy between OPK readings and temps.
What does it look like to you - CD13 or CD15..?

OH has been joking for months that I'll fall pregnant in March because that'll mean a December baby, so it's looking like he may be wrong (and then I can be smug and slightly relieved at the same time..!)
Eh that's a bummer! I've been telling DH I think I'll get pregnant in March since last fall. I'm really nervous because I've been so hopeful that it would happen by now. I have cysts too so I know how you feel :(. Hang in there sweetie.
Got my CH today.... if they stay put, which I think they will, I'll test on the 25th. Or more likely, I'll give in anytime from the 21st. :p

I actually feel pretty good about having gotten in as good a chance as possible.

My cycle has actually been somewhat normal looking - which supports the weird thread trend since it's never normal!

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