AF due July 23/24? Looking for a buddy?

Hey ladies - no absolutely nothing happening with me. Induction in 7 days. CTG and internal exam (might do a sweep) in two days.

Been crying randomly for no reason heaps each day - it's kind of annoying hahaha. Just can't help it and it's so unlike me. Thinking a hormone surge must be to blame.

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Cole!!!

Tia - how gorgeous is Lil!!!
I'm well thank you x ovulated yesterday I believe. I know this is a bit of an over share but me and hubby have always bd'd lots and always been the sort of couple that bd's every night but with trying to do it on right day and letting his swimmers multiply it can make things feel a bit mechanical and not as spontaneous as we like it. It's hard to really enjoy it when you have so much banking on it. It's took the fun out of it, anyone ever felt that?

Not feeling much more optimistic really, lost all hope to be honest but lets not dwell xx

So happy all is going well with the little one Tia and so nice that lily is so happy with her little bro :). How's the nights going? X

So excited wilsley not long now x how r u feeling? So sorry u are feeling a bit weepy. You have every right to be luv you must be tired xxx
Sounds like you have a very healthy sex life!! Maybe if every second night doesn't work out for a few months you can just go back to being spontaneous. I'm sure it will happen naturally, and more likely to when you are just enjoying yourselves.

Yeah, feel like I'm coming down with a cold now. Intend to stay indoors in my dressing gown today next to the heater. Just feel like arse.
Just feel like arse lol aww luv you sound fed up. You need to treat yourself with Internet shopping. Get tucked up in bed with some nice munchies as well x how's hubby? He excited for the birth and everything or bit nervous?

Didn't loose anything at weight watchers last night so firmly back on the wagon to shift the last 4 pounds. Need to track everything I eat now because I've been slipping xxx
Well i had my son William Alan today!!!

Will fill you in on the details when i get home. Hate using my phone for this site. Its slow!
Just saw honey! :) Congratulations! He's such a little stunner xx
Well i had my son William Alan today!!!

Will fill you in on the details when i get home. Hate using my phone for this site. Its slow!

YAY WILSEY YOU LUCKY THING!!!!!! all the best me next lol :)
Well done Wilsey darlin!!!!!! Cant wait to hear your birth story :) I hope you are both happy and healthy :)

Mari how you feeling today?
I totally know what you mean btw, what with DTD feeling kind of mechanical as you're TTC. It's cos it seems like a necessity rather than fun....i mean it is necessary lol but it should be fun too....but when you want a baby so bad it can take the latter part away from it.

I hope you're feeling ok today darlin.

Wilsey i hope you and little William are doing well :)

My little man is doing really well. He is a veryyy good sleeper...during the day you wouldnt even know we have him lol....shame its not like that at night tut hehe i cant believe he is 12 days old, seems like yesterday i was in hospital.

Wow 12 days has flown x

He's beautiful Hun :)

Got an appointment with docs in a little over a week to check all is well x
Aw hehe, thank you :)

Oh excellent, what do you think they'll do? Is it like a sperm count and what not?

I hope you're ok darlin :) I'm now having to go out shopping because of this bloody bank holiday!!!

Why do you need to go out shopping cos of bank holiday?? Lol x

I don't know what they are going to do, his count was fine last time but maybe more indepth test and I suppose I'll be tested x
Hi ladies,

Just a quick check in - things are still a bit hectic around here.

Run down of the event. Started getting what felt like period pains around 5.30pm on Thursday night. Progressed so by 9.30pm we rang out midwife because the contractions were about 7 mins apart and we wanted to give her a heads up. She came and saw me at 11pm as they were about 4 mins apart. She said I was 2cm dilated, and also the baby had had his first poop in me (never a good sign) and I think she must have basically given me a sweep because I had my bloody show after she left.

She suggested a hot bath. So jumped in and the contractions slowed for a while then came on thick and fast. So after 45 mins I got out of the shower. By 1.30pm I couldn't handle the contractions as they were averaging 2 1/2 minutes apart. It was painful and I said I wanted to go to hospital. :growlmad:

We got there just after 2am with midwife a few minutes behind. She examined me and I was 5cm dilated. Then there was this hooha about how they couldn't give me an epi until they checked my bloods for something. Ended up not getting the epi until 4am!!! Hell on wheels. By this stage I was 7-8cm dilated. :dohh:

Felt like the labour was happening quite quickly. By 7am I was fully dilated. Pushed for 1 hour 15 mins before baby's heart rate stayed too high and also due to the fact that he had already pooped they took me to theatre. Said they would try forceps and then if that failed I would have a c-section. :nope:

By the time we got into theatre (9am) they said the foreceps wouldn't work so c-section it was. They sorted the block out and started the op.

Baby William Alan was born 9.23am Friday 4 May. :cloud9:

So that's my birth story.

Because he was a c-section baby they gave me skin to skin and then took him away. We knew something was wrong when we hadn't seen him again for four hours. :nope:

He had to be in the neonatal unit for two days because of small holes in his lungs (most likely from inhaling his first poop). He had all this 'free air' in and around his lungs that may have had to be drained. So he was in an incubator for two days. It was a bit horrifying. :cry:

His second xray on the second day showed the air in and around his lungs was receding so they didn't think they would have to drain it. We got to have William in our room on the third day (Sunday) after they thought he was stable.

He was given the all clear by another xray on Tuesday and so we came home that night (yesterday).

So didn't get much time with the little fella until the third day of his existence but we are just so happy he is ok!! :cloud9: :cloud9:

Sorry for the REALLY long post!!


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Aww Wilsey well done darlin! He is absolutily beautiful :D Congratulations.
I'm sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough ride with the whole labour, but i'm also extatic to hear that he is doing well now and that you are home :) Great stuff on him getting the all clear :D
How do you feel? I bet you're sure as hell glad to be home lol i was begging them to let me home lol

For some reason Mari, i had it in my head that everything would be closed on monday...i forget that it just goes off sunday times. I needed to get beer for Martys rugby match lol How are you doing darlin?

Congratulations again hun :) I'm sorry you had such a rough time, but I'm so glad your little man is doing well :hugs: xx
I'm ok Tia. X

Thank you for putting your birth story up wilsley :) love reading them and I'm so glad u are all ok after what sounded like a bit of a turbulent time of it. So glad u are alright x
Heay Mari
How did the doctors go?? I hope you are well sweety

I have nothing new to report lol just currently putting music on my phone to play in the car tomorrow, we're off to Yorkshire to visit the inlaws :)

Anyone have any plans for the weekend??

Hi ladies,

How is everyone?!?!

Got a free baby photo shoot on Wednesday - quite exciting. A photographer wants to try out some new props she got so doing it for free - neat! :)
Great news about the photoshoot sounds great :)

Tia- which part of Yorkshire u venturing too? Me and hubby was exploring wensleydale last weekend and we love it so much!

I haven't been to the doctors yet, it's booked in for next week so not long now xx

Nothing planned for weekend which I'm so glad about as we've had a fair few busy ones with various stuff or being ill so im having a sofa day today with old sitcoms and might go get some treats hehe xxx

Wilsey thats great about the photo shoot, you'll have a great time i'm sure...very lucky :) How do you feel?

Mari, i went to Ossett that's where Marty comes from. So we go there every week to see his parents. :) Ooo whats in wensleydale?
Good luck at the doctors darlin, you must let us know what they say/do.
Ooo what sitcom did you watch??? I loveeee sofa days with indulgent TV!!! *sigh* It was a sad sad day when the gilmore girls finnished. And friends.

Would you be angry at this?......Yesterday my brother asked to come and see the kids today so i said yeah that's fine come over. so today the time went on and i txt him and said is he still coming, and if he was could he keep in mind that Lilly-Mae goes to bed about 7/7:30. He then phoned me and said he was with his friend Amy and could she come. I said no cos my house was a mess and didnt want strangers thinking i was a tramp lol So he said he'll see them another time then.
NOW, this annoyed me because he already despite making plans with me to come and see them, just because his friend wanted him he decides to completely forget about seeing my them and sod off with his friend instead. I know i might sound OTT but i refuse to have my kids be let down like that, just cos he cant do anything other than put his friends first. Would this annoy you or do you think i'm being a drama queen?

Anyway i hope everyone is well.....sorry for the rant lol


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