all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

Aww thanks ladies. Reading all that this morning has brought a lump to my throat!

That scan was particularly great as it was just from the outside (rather than transvaginal) which meant I got to hear the heart (which I don't think you can on the other).

Next one is just before 12 weeks (so 16 October, day after out first wedding anniversary!) and we're rolling that into the nuchal scan too for Down's. Both consultants told me yesterday that the US has just introduced a 100% blood test for Down's based on the baby's DNA already being in our blood supply (called free fetal DNA). It's about $2,500 in the US (with insurance) and there are some private clinics in London that are already looking to ship UK bloods there for women with high probabilities on the nuchal scan. Shudder to think how much that will cost though... Over the next year or so it will be available privately in the UK too. Pretty incredible test though (and obviously without the risk of miscarriage (1 in 200) for CVS or amniocentisis).

J x

Wow thats really interesting information Jules! Are you going to have all the screenings done? I think we are. It wont change anything for us but we want to be prepared :)

Yes I dont like the risk of the amnio and tbh i think i will avoid those types of tests. But to be able to do it with bloods is amazing!!
Wow thats really interesting information Jules! Are you going to have all the screenings done? I think we are. It wont change anything for us but we want to be prepared :)

Yes I dont like the risk of the amnio and tbh i think i will avoid those types of tests. But to be able to do it with bloods is amazing!!
Yeah, I'm definitely doing to get the Down's screening done via bloods and nuchal. I'll be 37 on delivery so I am being advised to do it. If that came back with a high chance, we may fork out and send bloods to the US. I don't think I could do amnio (but who knows until you get there. If I had a conclusive answer that Down's was present, I would terminate although that a very personal choice, naturally. The other thing that one of the consultants wanted to test for was cystic fibrosis (bloods for me and James to find out if we're both carriers; unlikely though and therefore not a routine test on NHS. Also blo0dy expensive at £300 each!).

I do think it's really easy to start getting obsessive over all of this so I'm definitely going to focus on the stats rather than just testing the hell out of everything (she says....!).

J x
Haha well...theres so much out there these days that I think its hard to keep your eyes on the stats sometimes!

Plus with everyone having so much choice too about what you do want testing and dont want testing...Im not looking forwards to that stage because I think im going to be overwhelmed with information!!

Good job you can keep us all informed chick :D But yes...sounds like one might need to consider black market kidney sales for the costs of private tests these days! xx
I've already sold a lung. My DH is next.

Honestly, the cost of private care is OUTRAGEOUS. For mostly dull medical reasons (although to be fair I would probably do this anyway), I'm having an elective C section. As a result the cost nearly doubles for private. Ouch! [also my due date will move forward to 25 April as they do you a week before your natural due date, so I was told yesterday].

On the upside, I can keep posting anything of note from my private appointments as it's helpful to see what they do versus what care our NHS can offer. That way we can ride them like Seabiscuit.

J x
Hi all

Thought this may be of interest as this is one of their top consultants doing a 1-2 mins video chat about what happens week to week through pregnancy.

J x
Hiya how r u. I've had bad back pain lower and upper under ribs today. Think as very wondy and heartburn and runs, keep fretting incase kindeys infection etc x
I've already sold a lung. My DH is next.

Honestly, the cost of private care is OUTRAGEOUS. For mostly dull medical reasons (although to be fair I would probably do this anyway), I'm having an elective C section. As a result the cost nearly doubles for private. Ouch! [also my due date will move forward to 25 April as they do you a week before your natural due date, so I was told yesterday].

On the upside, I can keep posting anything of note from my private appointments as it's helpful to see what they do versus what care our NHS can offer. That way we can ride them like Seabiscuit.

J x

It is very interesting to see the differenc eI admit. I did have a big giggle on the seabiscuit comment haha.

Ohhh youre gunna have baby the day after my birthday! Cant believe the cost is x2 for private! Well..atleast you know you wont be treated like a conveyor belt chick.

I was so surprised to hear that they only keep you in a matter of a couple of hours now after a vaginal birth if theres been no complications in the actual labour. That feels way quick to me.

Im terrified of any type of surgery so im hoping and praying i can make it through without a section lol. My mate had two though with both her pregnancies and she said it was the best choice she made because she felt she was up and about quicker overall.

Charmed if you think you have an infection then its very important to go get it checked hun and have your urine tested just incase. Dont want to put this stuff off when youre preggo. You dont want it to get deeply rooted.

Hows my ladies today?

I ws so excited this morning when I didnt wake up feeling sick, but hungry instead. Ate a crumpet and was sooo happy. So decided to eat a yoghurt. Now im back in sickville lol. Mistake!

It is very interesting to see the differenc eI admit. I did have a big giggle on the seabiscuit comment haha.

Ohhh youre gunna have baby the day after my birthday! Cant believe the cost is x2 for private! Well..atleast you know you wont be treated like a conveyor belt chick.

I was so surprised to hear that they only keep you in a matter of a couple of hours now after a vaginal birth if theres been no complications in the actual labour. That feels way quick to me.

Im terrified of any type of surgery so im hoping and praying i can make it through without a section lol. My mate had two though with both her pregnancies and she said it was the best choice she made because she felt she was up and about quicker overall.

Yeah, it's pretty quick for a normal delivery. To be fair though, if you've only had a few stitches (eek) and have everything in place at hone, I'd rather be out as quickly as possible and sleeping in your own bed rather than the narrow brick that is a hospital bed.

I'll be in for 5 days (sigh) which I'm not looking forward to (and its the 5 days in there that is doubling the cost...). Hope I'll be like your mate but have been told to expect 2 weeks of "significant" pain. Hope the drugs are good then!

J x
Is it hurting when you pee? Runs isn't likely to have anything to do with a kidney infection - what makes you think it's that? J x
Charmed if you think you have an infection then its very important to go get it checked hun and have your urine tested just incase. Dont want to put this stuff off when youre preggo. You dont want it to get deeply rooted.

Hows my ladies today?

I ws so excited this morning when I didnt wake up feeling sick, but hungry instead. Ate a crumpet and was sooo happy. So decided to eat a yoghurt. Now im back in sickville lol. Mistake!

Still no sickness and have sunk an egg and bacon panini AND a pain au chocolat. An hour ago. Three guesses who's stomach is rumbling already? Yep, Fatty McFatty over here. Is it time for lunch yet?

Sorry to hear the MS was back. Step away from the yoghurt! xx
hi all, even i woke up with no sickness today.. wow.. my antibiotics are over now.. hope all is well with u buddies.. m having second scan on 28th.. very very
hey ladies they mw did test my wee and all clear only few days ago, i get reaccuring uti so i know the symptoms never had a kidney infection but no pain when wee just back ache, think just from being at a desk. Ive had a quiet day today done nothing, had few groin trwinges and just generally tummy aches but still got runs in morning, and not feeling sick at all now so just preyin everything ok... xxx
Oh my god I have had a rough few days. Start of the week I was resembling something close to normal but since Thursday I have only been able to move off the soda/bed for work and food! I have seriously been a bad mummy to my lo. No bathtime two nights in a row, a McDonald's for tea last night (as the thought of cooking on way home from work at 545 made me want to cry) and I have given him so little attention it's awful!

I just feel so ill! I have zero energy, nausea on and off (more on then off) and achey head. And it's sodding freezing!!

Just put lo to bed (oh working all weekend-bloody shifts!!) and he made up for it all and now don't feel as awful. Here is our conversation- bear in mind he knows nothing about the baby yet and he never talks about babies, although I have been pointing them out to him on the telly last couple of weeks!
We had just finished funny bones and on back cover there are pictures of other books. One had a baby on it so he said "mummy that's a baby on that book" to which I replied "oh yes that looks a nice baby!". "yes mummy I like that baby" me-"would you like that baby to live here with you" him-"yes mummy I would like girl baby here for you" to which he started going on about two boys in house him and daddy and I'm a girl- think he thought it would even up the numbers!! Just hope we can deliver!!!

Sorry for long post including such a rant!!! But so chuffed I am going to phone oh and tell him our little convo!
It is very interesting to see the differenc eI admit. I did have a big giggle on the seabiscuit comment haha.

Ohhh youre gunna have baby the day after my birthday! Cant believe the cost is x2 for private! Well..atleast you know you wont be treated like a conveyor belt chick.

I was so surprised to hear that they only keep you in a matter of a couple of hours now after a vaginal birth if theres been no complications in the actual labour. That feels way quick to me.

Im terrified of any type of surgery so im hoping and praying i can make it through without a section lol. My mate had two though with both her pregnancies and she said it was the best choice she made because she felt she was up and about quicker overall.

Yeah, it's pretty quick for a normal delivery. To be fair though, if you've only had a few stitches (eek) and have everything in place at hone, I'd rather be out as quickly as possible and sleeping in your own bed rather than the narrow brick that is a hospital bed.

I'll be in for 5 days (sigh) which I'm not looking forward to (and its the 5 days in there that is doubling the cost...). Hope I'll be like your mate but have been told to expect 2 weeks of "significant" pain. Hope the drugs are good then!

J x

Atleat youll be in a nice hospital though hun :) I imagine those private rooms will be more like hotels than hospitals! I think if I was having a C-sec id rather have that extra time in hospital anyway to recover. Plus they inject you now with anti-clotting for 5 days dont they? My mate was sent home with the meds and told to self inject :saywhat: I would not like that!!

I agree..first chance I get to get home I think Ill take it....specially since Im going with the NHS. So im guessing they will be happy with that too :haha:

Oh my god I have had a rough few days. Start of the week I was resembling something close to normal but since Thursday I have only been able to move off the soda/bed for work and food! I have seriously been a bad mummy to my lo. No bathtime two nights in a row, a McDonald's for tea last night (as the thought of cooking on way home from work at 545 made me want to cry) and I have given him so little attention it's awful!

I just feel so ill! I have zero energy, nausea on and off (more on then off) and achey head. And it's sodding freezing!!

Just put lo to bed (oh working all weekend-bloody shifts!!) and he made up for it all and now don't feel as awful. Here is our conversation- bear in mind he knows nothing about the baby yet and he never talks about babies, although I have been pointing them out to him on the telly last couple of weeks!
We had just finished funny bones and on back cover there are pictures of other books. One had a baby on it so he said "mummy that's a baby on that book" to which I replied "oh yes that looks a nice baby!". "yes mummy I like that baby" me-"would you like that baby to live here with you" him-"yes mummy I would like girl baby here for you" to which he started going on about two boys in house him and daddy and I'm a girl- think he thought it would even up the numbers!! Just hope we can deliver!!!

Sorry for long post including such a rant!!! But so chuffed I am going to phone oh and tell him our little convo!

Awww Claire that is SOOO cute!!! That made my eyes all wet! :cry: Your LO is adorable...and sounds like hes going to be incredibly happy to be a big brother!

Im so sorry to hear about how ill youve been feeling :( Im sure your LO knew that mummy wasnt feeling so good though. Its amazing isnt it just how much being pregnant zaps from us. Im having a hard time without a child so I have to say you are like superwoman dealing with all this early pregnancy illness and exhaustion and taking care of your son and working too!

Im sure he enjoyed the mcdonalds I know what I want to eat nomnom! xx
Hey ladies!

So..I hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend! As well as can be anyway with all these preggo things we have going on!

Im starting to feel a little bit more human, but thats because it seems my sickness is a lot more hit and miss now. First thing when I wake up in the morning Im vomitting. Then im just starving all the time but eating doesnt take it away and just makes me feel all :sick: again. On a plus side...I did drink my first yearned for cup of tea in weeks today! :happydance: Been so turned off it, its unreal!

I was hit with the dreaded af cramps yesterday. Started at lunch time and lasted through till this morning and has swiftly gone away. I was running to the bathroom like a mad woman to make sure I wasnt bleeding but...I think its probably just stretching and probably the placenta forming etc. Its been in the exact same place as every other cramp ive had since bfp :)

Oh the midwife called me this morning :) Im seeing her 2nd Oct so thats good! I should only have a few weeks to wait then for my 12wk! Cant wait!

How do you ladies feel about breast feeding? I really want to do it but I dont think that I will be able too. I know that they try and push you into doing it these days by guilt tripping women so Im already a bit worried about how it will all go :(

Atleat youll be in a nice hospital though hun :) I imagine those private rooms will be more like hotels than hospitals! I think if I was having a C-sec id rather have that extra time in hospital anyway to recover. Plus they inject you now with anti-clotting for 5 days dont they? My mate was sent home with the meds and told to self inject :saywhat: I would not like that!!

I agree..first chance I get to get home I think Ill take it....specially since Im going with the NHS. So im guessing they will be happy with that too :haha:

I've spent the majority of this year injecting myself at home for all the fertility treatment so having to do a few days of anti-clotting will be water off a duck's back! Lol x
Hey ladies!

So..I hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend! As well as can be anyway with all these preggo things we have going on!

Im starting to feel a little bit more human, but thats because it seems my sickness is a lot more hit and miss now. First thing when I wake up in the morning Im vomitting. Then im just starving all the time but eating doesnt take it away and just makes me feel all :sick: again. On a plus side...I did drink my first yearned for cup of tea in weeks today! :happydance: Been so turned off it, its unreal!

I was hit with the dreaded af cramps yesterday. Started at lunch time and lasted through till this morning and has swiftly gone away. I was running to the bathroom like a mad woman to make sure I wasnt bleeding but...I think its probably just stretching and probably the placenta forming etc. Its been in the exact same place as every other cramp ive had since bfp :)

Oh the midwife called me this morning :) Im seeing her 2nd Oct so thats good! I should only have a few weeks to wait then for my 12wk! Cant wait!

How do you ladies feel about breast feeding? I really want to do it but I dont think that I will be able too. I know that they try and push you into doing it these days by guilt tripping women so Im already a bit worried about how it will all go :(

Really pleased you're feeling a bit better! Can't imagine how horrible MS is (and thank god I have still managed to avoid it...).

re breastfeeding, I'm probably going to be really controversial now but the idea grosses me out a bit. I totally get the whole skin-to-skin bonding and can see that that would help but I am planning on pumping out as much as I can and then refrigerating some of it and then bottle feeding with it. That way I won't feel like a cow, baby still gets all the goodness, hopefully I will avoid sore nipples, plus other people can get involved with feeding. I'm also hoping that my DH will cover two nights of feeding/changing so I can sleep, so that would mean that he can also do that if there is a supply of bottled breast milk. That's the plan anyway assuming it's all free-flowing etc. I think the bottom line is that you have to do the best you can and if that doesn't work, have a fall-back plan. Really don't think anyone should feel guilty about their choices especially if it's not working easily.

J x
And just as a random aside....

My DH was talking to the baby last night and was gently stroking his cheek against my lower stomach and giving it little butterfly kisses. At the end, he goes "Daddy loves you and can't wait to meet you". I'm not a super mushy person but that really brought a big lump to my throat!

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