Hey ladies!
So..I hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend! As well as can be anyway with all these preggo things we have going on!
Im starting to feel a little bit more human, but thats because it seems my sickness is a lot more hit and miss now. First thing when I wake up in the morning Im vomitting. Then im just starving all the time but eating doesnt take it away and just makes me feel all

again. On a plus side...I did drink my first yearned for cup of tea in weeks today!

Been so turned off it, its unreal!
I was hit with the dreaded af cramps yesterday. Started at lunch time and lasted through till this morning and has swiftly gone away. I was running to the bathroom like a mad woman to make sure I wasnt bleeding but...I think its probably just stretching and probably the placenta forming etc. Its been in the exact same place as every other cramp ive had since bfp
Oh the midwife called me this morning

Im seeing her 2nd Oct so thats good! I should only have a few weeks to wait then for my 12wk! Cant wait!
How do you ladies feel about breast feeding? I really want to do it but I dont think that I will be able too. I know that they try and push you into doing it these days by guilt tripping women so Im already a bit worried about how it will all go